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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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So, today is poligaf freakout day as the polling narrows just before Nov 7th?

Remember folks, polls are just fine tuning their weights to be more in line with how it appears turnout will be. Most of them are hot and loose beforehand to create the narratives the media want, or the campaigns want.

Now they need to get serious so the snapshot right before the results doesn't look so bad.

Hold the door. It's almost over.


Plz stop


That's funny, he thinks he'll still be relevant after he's officially a loser.
So, today is poligaf freakout day as the polling narrows just before Nov 7th?

Remember folks, polls are just fine tuning their weights to be more in line with how it appears turnout will be. Most of them are hot and loose beforehand to create the narratives the media want, or the campaigns want.

Now they need to get serious so the snapshot right before the results doesn't look so bad.

Hold the door. It's almost over.

There haven't been polls tightening today, and we just got a poll saying Friday didn't matter to anyone.

I don't see any freaking out.
So I know that after the bullshit that Comey pulled a few people are saying that Hillary shouldn't give ANY executive branch positions to ANY republicans.

I want to suggest one pseudo-exception: Bill Weld

Weld would probably make a great FBI Director. He has experience, defended Clinton during that CNN Libertarian Town Hall logically, and unlike Johnson he actually is well informed.

Obviously I say "pseudo" because he is running on the libertarian ticket.

Plus it would make him a lot less likely to run for Elizabeth Warren's senate seat.


So I know that after the bullshit that Comey pulled a few people are saying that Hillary shouldn't give ANY executive branch positions to ANY republicans.

I want to suggest one pseudo-exception: Bill Weld

Weld would probably make a great FBI Director. He has experience, defended Clinton during that CNN Libertarian Town Hall logically, and unlike Johnson he actually is well informed.

Obviously I say "pseudo" because he is running on the libertarian ticket.

Plus it would make him a lot less likely to run for Elizabeth Warren's senate seat.
I love Elizabeth Warren. 😍😍

How could anyone vote against her. The shit she does against those big bank fat cats when they testify is priceless.


Haha in a Gravis poll no less

So I know that after the bullshit that Comey pulled a few people are saying that Hillary shouldn't give ANY executive branch positions to ANY republicans.

I want to suggest one pseudo-exception: Bill Weld

Weld would probably make a great FBI Director. He has experience, defended Clinton during that CNN Libertarian Town Hall logically, and unlike Johnson he actually is well informed.

Obviously I say "pseudo" because he is running on the libertarian ticket.

Plus it would make him a lot less likely to run for Elizabeth Warren's senate seat.

This is actually pretty damn good. If the Democrats win the Senate, there's less chance the Republicans can block him from a position like Jesse Helms did.
This is actually pretty damn good. If the Democrats win the Senate, there's less chance the Republicans can block him from a position like Jesse Helms did.

Did Jesse Helms really block Weld from getting a position?

I mean it wouldn't surprise me considering how much of a scumbag Helms is, but still.....
Obama should fire Comey November 9th or something.

At this point I'd prefer Comey kept his mouth shut since he only seems capable of causing a shitstorm every time he opens it. Just hope the damage stays minimal and something else pushes it off the front pages next week.*

*Not something worse, monkey's paw


Agreed. Comey should not be in his job come January. Dude fucked this up big time.

I'm going to take the unpopular opinion here and disagree with this. We don't know what he found, had he waited, the Republicans in Congress would have had a meltdown, had he done it now, the Democrats would have had a meltdown. Given the damned if he does, damned if he doesn't nature of the situation, it makes sense to announce it as the information comes in.

If this were partisan why didn't he recommended indictment earlier? There was enough evidence that no one would have questioned pushing forward with minor charges (even if they'd have been shot down by a judge).


Even if she wins, it's going to be non-stop impeachment attempts. Our Government is broken because one party is completely insane.
I noticed that the orange fascist doesn't think the polls are rigged anymore.
Obama should fire Comey November 9th or something.

He could easily do this. Just say - "Based on his actions over the last several months, I have relieved Director Comey of his position. And further, the Assistant Director will take over temporarily until the next President takes office. Let me be clear, the interim Director will still have full authority over this and all investigations, but it has become apparent that Mr. Comey cannot be impartial in the execution of his job." or something like that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm going to take the unpopular opinion here and disagree with this. We don't know what he found, had he waited, the Republicans in Congress would have had a meltdown, had he done it now, the Democrats would have had a meltdown. Given the damned if he does, damned if he doesn't nature of the situation, it makes sense to announce it as the information comes in.

Announce it? Yes. With an incredibly vague statement that is blatantly partisan in nature and a direct attempt to try and influence an election? No.


Announce it? Yes. With an incredibly vague statement that is blatantly partisan in nature and a direct attempt to try and influence an election? No.

It's a criminal investigation, he's not allowed to share intimate details which would influence the case.

What would be worse, Comey staying or the optics of him being ousted when Hillary is elected?

Easily being ousted, as it'd look like petty revenge.
I'm going to take the unpopular opinion here and disagree with this. We don't know what he found, had he waited, the Republicans in Congress would have had a meltdown, had he done it now, the Democrats would have had a meltdown. Given the damned if he does, damned if he doesn't nature of the situation, it makes sense to announce it as the information comes in.

Arguably his choice was between fucking with the election or having Republicans yell at him after it.


I'm going to take the unpopular opinion here and disagree with this. We don't know what he found, had he waited, the Republicans in Congress would have had a meltdown, had he done it now, the Democrats would have had a meltdown. Given the damned if he does, damned if he doesn't nature of the situation, it makes sense to announce it as the information comes in.

The thing is. He didn't find anything. The FBI doesn't even have the proper authority to search it yet. He even said in his letter to the FBI that they don't normally notify congress of this stuff.

If anything he should have been way more clear. Instead he was vague enough to let the GOP play politics with this. He fucked up and it seems they won't even get authority to search this stuff before the election. He either should have stayed quiet or provided a more detailed letter.


So I know that after the bullshit that Comey pulled a few people are saying that Hillary shouldn't give ANY executive branch positions to ANY republicans.

I want to suggest one pseudo-exception: Bill Weld

Weld would probably make a great FBI Director. He has experience, defended Clinton during that CNN Libertarian Town Hall logically, and unlike Johnson he actually is well informed.

Obviously I say "pseudo" because he is running on the libertarian ticket.

Plus it would make him a lot less likely to run for Elizabeth Warren's senate seat.


There are plenty of talented people with experience in the Democratic party. I'd rather Hillary enrich Democrats with appointments and not have to worry as much.


It's a criminal investigation, he's not allowed to share intimate details which would influence the case.

Easily being ousted, as it'd look like petty revenge.

He also wasn't obligated to send a letter either knowing how it would be taken. He did it solely on his "feelings"

Sorry he fucked up. When members of both the GOP and Dem party question timing and the vagueness of this you screwed the pooch. HARD. Again I have no issue with him notifying congress. But you damn well better be crystal clear this close to an election.


Why do pundits think the solution for the Clinton campaign is for Huma to release all of her emails?
Can you imagine if multiple members of the trump campaign had to release all of their emails?

It's a double standard. Hillary is corrupt unless every single person in her campaign releases all their emails. Plus they need microphones so we can listen in at all times

Even then they still broke the law because they are master ninjas
It will be better for Obama to take the hit and ask comey to step down. His favorables are bulletproof. However Comey is fucked regardless. Hillary will be looking to shitcan his ass from day 0.


Did Jesse Helms really block Weld from getting a position?

I mean it wouldn't surprise me considering how much of a scumbag Helms is, but still.....

Yeah, shitbag Helms was instrumental in blocking Weld from even receiving a hearing after Clinton nominated him to be the ambassador to Mexico, probably as vengeance for Weld resigning from Edwin Meese's Justice Department, although Helms ostensibly opposed him because he was "soft on drugs."

Which was pretty fucking rich coming from the defacto representative of the tobacco lobby...


On July 15, he called a press conference to declare: "Sen. Helms' opposition has nothing whatsoever to do with drug policy. It has everything to do with the future of the Republican Party. In plain language, I am not Sen. Helms' kind of Republican. I do not pass his litmus test on social policy. Nor do I want to."
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