I love all the regretted tweets that were hacks. There's a huge criminal cabal making millions off of hacking Twitter accounts to post poll results.<3 my state
I love all the regretted tweets that were hacks. There's a huge criminal cabal making millions off of hacking Twitter accounts to post poll results.<3 my state
She's increased her lead by 1 in Michigan, and since we have decided were no longer using logic in the last 7 days...Guis she is going to win Michigan by 14 cause trendz!
I'm going to be disappointed if Hillary beats Trump by the same margin as Obama beat Romney. Come on America!
At this point you should be happy with any win at all. I have never seen a candidate have to run against Russian intelligence and the FBI at the same time.
She's increased her lead by 1 in Michigan, and since we have decided were no longer using logic in the last 7 days...Guis she is going to win Michigan by 14 cause trendz!
It has since been deleted, but yay forever internet.
I like to imagine a hacker that deletes Tweets right as they're posted and slightly changes the contents when he reposts them.Yeah, the hack is the person remembering their own password.
This gif shows the Democratic win percentagte from August until Nov 1:
That 538 Nov 1 dip
John HarwoodVerified account
in Senate races, hearing increased Democratic pessimism about Bayh in Indiana and increased Republican pessimism about Blunt in Missouri
Lost all respect for Anderson Cooper last night.I think the one effect the e-mails MIGHT have had was bring home some depressed GOPers in red states.
Which is bad for Congress. A really bad time for this to happen. It would be nice if another big thing about Trump came out.
What I've learned about 2016 the most is my understanding at how awful the media has been wasn't even fucking close to the reality of how awful the media is. Specifically TV news media.
Just look at this e-mail story. It's literally a nothing story. It should have been a page 7 story on a newspaper.
"During the ongoing investigation of former Congressman Anthony Wiener, some e-mails have been discovered that may or may not have gone through Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server. The FBI is attempting to obtain a warrant to make sure that none of these e-mails contained classified information."
The media plays into the faux alt-right outrage in order to drum up ratings and equivalence. I fucking HATE what the news media has become.
And to go on further, let's think about what those e-mails must be.
Because, first off, nobody has e-mails stored on a computer than I'm aware of. Maybe I'm wrong here but you access e-mail through a server. I can access it from any computer! Any phone! any tablet!
Here's my best guess as to what's going on.
1. Weiner's computer is still logged into his e-mail accounts...probably through outlook. At least one of these accounts received e-mails from Huma...likely forwarded from the Clinton servers. You know, like Hillary forwards an e-mail to Huma about a NYT article and she forwarded it to Weiner since he was her fucking husband and they both worked in politics!
2. Weiner knows Huma's e-mail and PW and has been logging in to read her shit. He's scum who cheats which means he's insecure so it would be right up his alley. In this case, I'm pretty sure all the e-mails were already accounted for by Huma.
There's going to be nothing in these e-mails if you think about this logically. Anthony Weiner isn't storing classified information on her personal laptop from the Clinton Servers. This is such a fantasy thought...fucking fuck.
Fuck the media. I'm so over them.
posted yet?
If Blunt loses, I want the headline "Blunt Smoked"
I have a moral bent against betting but this has to be the easiest money ever.
If Blunt loses, I want the headline "Blunt Smoked"
Add another two votes to Hillary in Maryland.
This gif shows the Democratic win percentagte from August until Nov 1:
That 538 Nov 1 dip
It's like a pitcher losing all confidence after a humiliating defeat (Nate insisting Trump wouldn't win the primary). Now, Trump's up to bat again and Nate's hands are shaking, and the sweat is pouring off his brow.
Scott Adam's latest argument on why Hills is more dangerous than Don truly is a thing of beauty.
Like, for reals, that's art.
Scott Adam's latest argument on why Hills is more dangerous than Don truly is a thing of beauty.
Like, for reals, that's art.
I'd trust a drunk Hillary over a sober Donald any day.
Yeah, I'm sorry but I find anything less than Clinton winning by at least Obama 08 levels and Dems taking back the Senate to be unacceptable. Especially considering that Trump doesn't even have any GOTV operation.
Trump losing by only 2012 margins would mean that the GOP learns it can literally nominate ANYONE and the deplorables would guarantee not just 30% of the popular vote, but more than 45%.
Trump losing by anything less than a landslide means that every deplorable aspect about Trump and his fanbase gets normalized into mainstream politics.
And Trump losing by anything less than a landslide will mean that the deplorables won't get the message that most of the country is sick of them.
Fuck that. I don't care if there isn't any more oppo. I need a landslide that lets me know that my country isn't in actual danger of electing a deplorable into office in the future.
I expected there to be a big chunk of voters who are nothing but deplorable pieces of shit.
But I assumed, based on 2008, that they wouldn't be literally 45% of the general election voters.
If Trump ends up with more than 45% of the popular vote, I am going to be VERY pissed off at the deplorables that I personally know.
Scott Adam's latest argument on why Hills is more dangerous than Don truly is a thing of beauty.
Like, for reals, that's art.
Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 1m1 minute ago
Trump 44% (+1)
Clinton 43%
Johnson 3
North Carolina:
Clinton 46%
Trump 46%
Johnson 2
@auto_alliance/@ESAGovAffairs 10/27-31
Trump gonna win bruh get ready hope you didn't vote for Clinton or else you'll be arrested for aiding a criminalUmmmm guys? What's with that Pennsylvania number?
Landline-only R partisan pollster. Funny enough they had Clinton up in Ohio and FloridaUmmmm guys? What's with that Pennsylvania number?
"I was hacked!"Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, a Republican statewide office holder, called Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, a c--t in a tweet Tuesday afternoon. His office said the tweet was a result of a hack.
Landline-only R partisan pollster. Funny enough they had Clinton up in Ohio and Florida
Ummmm guys? What's with that Pennsylvania number?
Ummmm guys? What's with that Pennsylvania number?
Watch the Lions play?Trump's absolute lack of GOTV infrastructure of any type is going to ensure this election is studied for years by political scientists. I expect him to under perform on election day..by how much, who knows, but it'll be discussed and debate for quite some time.
Chill out. Go watch tv. Go read. Have sex. Do something outside of watching Morning Joe, CNN, hand wring, etc. This is not a close election.
Where are all these no-name shit pollsters popping up all over the place from. Remington, "auto alliance", etc.Landline-only R partisan pollster. Funny enough they had Clinton up in Ohio and Florida
Has he gone off the deep end or is this nuanced satire?
Men had a good run. We invented almost everything, and that’s cool. But we also started all of the wars and committed most of the crimes. It’s a mixed record to be sure. Now it’s time for something different, apparently.
Trump's absolute lack of GOTV infrastructure of any type is going to ensure this election is studied for years by political scientists. I expect him to under perform on election day..by how much, who knows, but it'll be discussed and debate for quite some time.
Chill out. Go watch tv. Go read. Have sex. Do something outside of watching Morning Joe, CNN, hand wring, etc. This is not a close election.
https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/793560141375438849Former Dep of Justice top official 2 me re: Trump/Clinton doc releases by FBI just now. "Are we witnessing an attempted coup? Its like USSR"