When did crap-tier pollsters proliferate in this country?
When did crap-tier pollsters proliferate in this country?
I'm sticking by that RAND poll
Mode:9Jeff Gauvin ‏@JeffersonObama 3h3 hours ago
#POLLS 11/1 3PM
■REU C+6
■ABC T+1
■SVM C+7
■CNBC C+10
■AP C+14
■PEW C+6
■SU C+9
■DC C+12
■FOX C+5
■QUI C+7
■BLO C+9
■CBS C+9
Get out and vote!
Adjusted Leader: Trump +2Mode:9
haha god that is just so good
The assumption is like 70% or so of undecideds this year are actually Republicans mad at their party.
ABC poll lol
In many ways, I don't get the 538 dip. I'm not seeing any numbers that is really affected their data in the way it actually is.
Fuckit, I'm still a double digit truther. 10 POINT WIN YASSSS.
Fuckit, I'm still a double digit truther. 10 POINT WIN YASSSS.
They were on the dot in 2012 when every other national pollster crapped their pants.I don't know much about that one. Good reputation?
Jeff Gauvin ‏@JeffersonObama 3h3 hours ago
#POLLS 11/1 3PM
■REU C+6
■ABC T+1
■SVM C+7
■CNBC C+10
■AP C+14
■PEW C+6
■SU C+9
■DC C+12
■FOX C+5
■QUI C+7
■BLO C+9
■CBS C+9
Get out and vote!
Mom's spaghetti
i want 50% for the world to see we fully rejected Trumpism.A 10+ win would mean massive Blue State GOTV efforts and Trump getting like 27%. That's possible, but as far as maximizing EV and Senate outcomes, it don't mean much. It's sad, but true.
California, a weary Nation turns its eyes to you
Scott Adam's latest argument on why Hills is more dangerous than Don truly is a thing of beauty.
Like, for reals, that's art.
Hmm. Hillary headed to Detroit on Friday for GOTV event.
Is Scott Adams an idiot?
Hmm. Hillary headed to Detroit on Friday for GOTV event.
Why would that mean he loses the primaries? Kander would make a stellar VP.My favorite part about that Kander/Blunt poll is that Kander actually gained a point on Blunt from the last Monmouth poll they ran like a month ago. In that NYT article on him from a week or so ago they reported that he's actually getting Trump supporters at his rallies and it's causing tension with the Hillary supporters there lol.
Dude would be scary as shit to the GOP if he decided to run for president in 2024 or beyond. So he probably would never get past the Dem primaries.
You do realize she and others will most like do many events each day until election right?She's also not going to Wisconsin though, and Wisconsin seems more at risk than Michigan.
Teddy Schleifer ‏@teddyschleifer 45m45 minutes ago
Donald Trump has given another $8,896.68 to his campaign, per new filing.
Fuckit, I'm still a double digit truther. 10 POINT WIN YASSSS.
Because, first off, nobody has e-mails stored on a computer than I'm aware of. Maybe I'm wrong here but you access e-mail through a server. I can access it from any computer! Any phone! any tablet!
Am I missing something with those poll numbers above? It looks like Clinton's number are up except for one or two?
Bloody Baron quest was the highlight. If you liked it, get Hearts of Stone DLC. Its a very unnerving, haunting story.
But thats not to say the rest of the game was a disappointment. The Ladies of the Woods subplot was creepy af. Characters were well rounded. Even the Witcher quests, like Tower Outta Nowhere and that quest about that guy in Skellige that kept mutilating himself, those were almost as good as Baron quest. It kind flatlined the last 1/4th of the game as the main enemies turn out to be generic evil dudes. The Crones were much better antagonists.
i want 50% for the world to see we fully rejected Trumpism.
Oh man so many hats and shirts!Shit. Trump is going all-in with his hard earned cash, now!
Shit. Trump is going all-in with his hard earned cash, now!
You do realize she and others will most like do many events each day until election right?
This was just today
Shit. Trump is going all-in with his hard earned cash, now!
Who's gay?!SO...
We may have our First Women President, our first First Gentleman and our first POTUS FGOTUS.
What would we name the first openly gay campaign manager who elected the first WPOTUS? Mook doin' work.
You hush. We Diablosing
I mean wouldn't that mean they just get smarter with it? I'm not sure if i want a smarter Trump-type fascist in office who speaks well (this probably doesn't exist in the current GOP roster).The form of ethno-Nationalism that pervades Trumpism isn't going anywhere. I'd argue it's better out in the open where GOP policy can be tarred with it. I mean, Trump's voters didn't appear outta nowhere, this year; they've always been there, leveraged, with dog-whistles and *wink, wink, nod, nod*
Now that two Obama terms and a Clinton administration is a reality, the "saner" Conservatives have to decide whether they're gonna go-along to get-along, or fight back. The boil had been lanced, the question now is whether the GOP drains it, or rubs ebola-adulterated glass in it.