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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Looking over the New England results, there seems to be a STRIKING schism in white Catholics on Irish and Italian ethnicities.

Italian Americans seemed to have swung significantly to Trump (see: Rhode Island, parts of the map in Connecticut) while Irish American might have gone more for Clinton (see: Massachusetts, parts of the map in Connecticut).

REALLY fascinating.

I can see why the Italian Catholics got behind Trump. He's like a political version of Joe Pesci characters.
I can see why the Italian Catholics got behind Trump. He's like a political version of Joe Pesci characters.

Maybe he reminded some of them fondly of a certain departed leader from the old country....

I say Newt, invading Iraq is boring as fuck at this point. Been there, done that.
Time to invade Congo, just beware of those killer gorillas!

Newt is for military intervention in Africa? Was unaware.
Again, Unemployment is below 5% and wages are up, aswell as the stock market and 401ks. What other metric are you using to say the economy is not doing better, especially vs the rest of the world.

Let me clarify -- I thought the above post regarding the stock market was referring to the fact that the market went up significantly after the Trump win.

I initially expected a 1000-2000 point DOW drop. The reason it didn't happen...which is what I was dumbly arguing because it doesn't appear to be a part of the conversation...is that my long term view on the market is that companies and trading scheme will so trash market stability that there will be a massive correction after the tentacles of Trump's cronies have interacted with it. As such, my initial post was attempting to explain that short term the market is going to do well and long term it will do poorly, and both of these are explained by the Trump win -- the first because traders know they are about to get away with murder, the 2nd will happen because they will get away with murder and destabilize the entire fucking thing again.

I 100% believe that the economy is doing significantly better than 8 years ago, and agree that every metric pretty much shows that. Not for Trump supporter jobs though.


Florida basically comes down to whether those rural whites actually show up again or not next time.

If Democrats can consistently get minority turnout in those numbers, they should win any normal election. A turnout like 2012 would have led to Hillary winning FL ridiculously easily.
So on the spectrum of


And whoever else I forgot, where is the best place to land?


This election has served as a nice confirmation that evangelicals are the worst people in the country

As a gay person, I've known this for a long time. I've dealt with a lot of religious communities, but evangelicals have certainly been the most hateful people I've known.


This election has served as a nice confirmation that white evangelicals (as a group) are the worst people in the country

Fixed that for you. Black and Hispanic evangelicals are numerous and they never (as a group) bought into what Trump was selling.

They didn't do anything more or less than vote the way they always vote.

If anything we should mourn the lack of education in the normally saner branches of the WWC.

It's just now the evangelicals that voted for Trump can't pretend they care about "morals" or "ethics"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Starting a non-provoked war with Iran will instantly tank public support for the Trump administration. I don't see it happening. People in this country are still sick of war because of Afghanistan.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I really hate the term Alt-Right, such a failure of the media to call it what it is...Racism, white supremacist bullshit.
Starting a non-provoked war with Iran will instantly tank public support for the Trump administration. I don't see it happening. People in this country are still sick of war because of Afghanistan.

Yup, just look at how much flak Hillary got for her anti-Russian sentiments with her Syria policy. People don't want more wars. Trump's been pretty clear in saying he doesn't want to start any stupid wars so he should make good on that front.
I really hate the term Alt-Right, such a failure of the media to call it what it is...Racism, white supremacist bullshit.

Tbh, the problem isn't that Alt-right is somehow a step up from white supremacy, it's that it's a bigger group. They also include misogynists, for instance. I agree that they need a better, more menacing name, but hey, that could just be the relative newness talking. Maybe someday "alt-right" will sound the same as "white nationalist" in terms of severity.

Though I kind of hope not since that means that we'll be looking at a history with at least a few alt-right led mass hatecrimes.
like the lesson that we need to learn is that you can't count on "you better vote for this candidate that doesn't reach out to you or else" because as it turns out either people will choose else or at best become a depressed vote
For Democrats. The GOP comes home.

Also, something I've noticed is that people are looking at Trump winning and making it a model of success. Experience as a liability. Make the wwc the central feature.
Why not go full hog and full racist. That worked for him too.
Mary Jo White stepping down, jesus christ, what a failure.

NEW YORK – Mary Jo White, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, announced Monday that she will step down nearly three years before the end of her term, clearing the way for President-elect Donald Trump to reshape the way Wall Street is regulated.

The SEC, which polices Wall Street and the financial markets, has been a key part of the Obama administration’s effort to rein in big banks following the 2008 financial crisis and prevent future taxpayer bailouts of the industry. The agency has pushed for more oversight of hedge funds and other asset managers, and established rules that make it more difficult for big banks to make risky bets on the markets.

White, a former federal prosecutor, is known for a no-nonsense style and attempted to beef up the agency’s enforcement efforts over the last three years, pushing for more companies to admit guilt and taking more cases to trial. But progressive Democrats were often critical of her efforts, complaining they did not go far enough.

Trump has already indicated he would usher in a period of deregulation, including dismantling 2010’s financial reform legislation, known as the Dodd Frank Act. He appointed Paul Atkins, an industry veteran, who has called Dodd Frank a “calamity,” to lead the agency’s transition.

Fuck off.

Starting a non-provoked war with Iran will instantly tank public support for the Trump administration. I don't see it happening. People in this country are still sick of war because of Afghanistan.

What if it happens after a large terrorist attack and a Trump admin blames Iran with faulty evidence?
For Democrats. The GOP comes home.

Also, something I've noticed is that people are looking at Trump winning and making it a model of success. Experience as a liability. Make the wwc the central feature.
Why not go full hog and full racist. That worked for him too.

That first one is just the end product of decades of cultural shifts post Nixon. The longer you've been in public service the more shit they've got to hang on you.

The second is looking at the reality of the demographics. The Sun Belt isn't there, not yet. We need the WWC. The trick is figuring out how to get them without shoving minorities under the bus, which is, I should note, unacceptable. I'd legit rather lose.
Looking over the New England results, there seems to be a STRIKING schism in white Catholics on Irish and Italian ethnicities.

Italian Americans seemed to have swung significantly to Trump (see: Rhode Island, parts of the map in Connecticut) while Irish American might have gone more for Clinton (see: Massachusetts, parts of the map in Connecticut).

REALLY fascinating.
Isn't there a historical split between Irish Democrats and Italian Republicans in the northeast? I am pretty sure I've read about how since the Irish got here first, when the Italians arrived, all the patronage jobs like fireman, etc were taken by the Irish, so the Italians were forced into the Republicans by default. This is folk history, I'm no expert. But that is why I've heard the Kennedys were democrats and Fiorello La Guardia and Rudy Giuliani were Republicans.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
One thing I wish Democrats would learn from the GOP, act like you have a mandate even though you don't have one.

This fucker lost the popular election and he has the balls to hire Steve Bannon.

You had Obama pointing Republicans to key positions just to make republicans feel better.
Is Cooper (NC dem gov) any charismatic? How are his speeches? Any Bill Cli ton/John Edwards southern charm?

He's folksy but don't read his relative success vs. Clinton/Ross' performance in the state too much. McRory pissed off a lot of people here. I thought he ran a less-than-competent campaign vs. an incumbent in a change election operating from a very weak position, and even then he barely squeaked by.

He's not presidential material, sorry.
He's folksy but don't read his relative success vs. Clinton/Ross' performance in the state too much. McRory pissed off a lot of people here. I thought he ran a less-than-competent campaign vs. an incumbent in a change election operating from a very weak position, and even then he barely squeaked by.

He's not presidential material, sorry.
What about John Bel Edwards?


One thing I wish Democrats would learn from the GOP, act like you have a mandate even though you don't have one.

This fucker lost the popular election and he has the balls to hire Steve Bannon.

You had Obama pointing Republicans to key positions just to make republicans feel better.



People have bounced around the weird theory that liberals went too far this election cycle calling Trump supporters deplorable and the like and that's why Trump won. What if that's sort of true, but not in the way the theory suggests. I don't think that pushed anyone to vote for him, but I do think that running a campaign suggesting how fucking terrible and embarrassing he was would push supporters into not really disclosing that they would be voting for him. Enough that it possibly skewed polls to a degree we haven't seen before. So Hillary, thinking the polls were right started expanding the map. She was getting bad data because the deplorable just weren't telling pollsters or answering pollsters.

I'll have to find it, but I did see a pollster talking about how Trump supporters were less willing to talk after bad news came out about Trump at a larger rate than Clinton supporters were unwilling to talk after her bad news.
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