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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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CBS evening news went over Trump's campaign promises shifts, the conflict of interest of his children running his business and him owing money to forieng banks that are under DOJ investigation and Banning running a white nationalist website.

Maybe, just maybe, now the media can start doing their job.


I am a DNC Member from [REDACTED] and I will be voting on the next DNC Chair. I am responding to your recent post suggesting that Keith Ellison is a "done deal" as the next DNC Chair. I believe that this is a much more difficult choice than what you suggest.
While I supported Hillary Clinton in the primary, I was unhappy with the contemporaneous leadership of the DNC and agreed with some of the complaints many Democrats had about how Bernie Sanders was treated. I also believed that neither Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Tim Kaine (who preceded DWS as DNC Chair) had enough time to dedicate to the DNC -- they were Members of Congress, which is more than a full-time job.
In fact, when I ran for DNC, I earned the support of many Bernie supporters because I vowed to do what I can to ensure that our next DNC Chair did not have another full-time job. The DNC is too important to leave up to a part-timer, especially a sitting elected official who may have dozens of potential conflicts of interest.

I have spoken with a few other Clinton-supporting DNC Members around the country, and the general feeling is that the next Chair should not be a sitting elected official. Period. Full stop.

As background, some entire state DNC delegations, especially in the midwest, lost to Bernie supporters in the last DNC election. Virtually all of these new DNC Members were elected to support Bernie and other progressives at the DNC and, among other priorities, ensure that we had a new DNC Chair that was full-time.

Interestingly enough, it is the new Bernie-supporting DNC Members that may find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They are caught between supporting the Bernie-endorsed Keith Ellison and violating one of their major campaign pledges, or snubbing Bernie and voting for someone else for DNC Chair.

This puts my Bernie-supporting brothers and sisters in a very uncomfortable position, one that can only be resolved if Keith Ellison were to resign from Congress. I do not envy their situation.

What's more important, principle or loyalty? About to find out.


With 93-95% of the ballots counted in AZ, the margin continues to thin. Hillary now down 3.83%, down from 3.9% a few days ago.
On election night the gigantic difference in margins was apparent compared to 2012. State's going purple and probably blue after that.
With 93-95% of the ballots counted in AZ, the margin continues to thin. Hillary now down 3.83%, down from 3.9% a few days ago.

This is certainly a state to watch in 2020.

2022 McCain's seat will probably be vacant as well (unless he just absolutely refuses to retire). There's a senate seat we could potentially grab
Kristi Noem is running for SD governor in 2018.


I always wonder if she thought this was a date.


While I'm not freaking out over this infighting just yet - I remember 2004, and the whole "we got to throw the gays under the bus if we want to win" was way worse than what I'm seeing now.
And you know what, after a devastating lose it's okay to lash out a bit even if it's not the most productive thing to do.
But FFS people (and I'm not talking specifically to you of course; this is for everyone) - get that shit out of your system because there will be tough fights ahead, fights were almost all liberals are going to be on the same side.

And don't worry, in time we should and will have a good discussion about what kind of leader the Democratic party needs.

For emphasis.

Everyone can do better. We are in this together.

There are many lessons. Everyone has some guilt. The election was close. No one needs to be thrown under a bus.

Get it out the system and get ready to move on y'all.

We got protests, we have activist groups needing funds, we got boycotts in progress, we got clueless moderates who need to have a better understanding of the rage, we have a party to rebuild, and we have people who need allies that are willing to stand up to hate in everyday life.

A white supremacist will soon be in the white house and Paul Ryan is already itching to off Medicare.

Get it out the system. Shake off the hangover. And step up. This is not a drill. A week is long enough for a circular firing squad.
Pouring a ton of resources into the Sun Belt should be a definite 2018 priority. We'll also need to gauge the temperature in the Rust Belt now that Clinton and Trump aren't at the top of the ticket.
I do like Ellison because it signals that the DNC isn't going to soften their stance on divwrsity even if we need to gain some WWCs back

I just want him on full time
Just going to say that not everything that the Clinton campaign did was stupid. Arizona was tight, tighter than other "swing" states like IA and OH.
I do like Ellison because it signals that the DNC isn't going to soften their stance on divwrsity even if we need to gain some WWCs back

I just want him on full time

In cases like this people double down. I say they will still be progressive on social issues and economic ones, but try to appeal to a section of working class people.


Is it REALLY necessary for Ellison to resign from Congress if he's DNC chair? I mean, he won't even be in the majority anymore and I'm guessing the DNC will beef up it's vice-chairs and staff in order to help Ellison.

What is worrying, is that suddenly Bernie supporters are all for a coronation in the DNC...
Is it REALLY necessary for Ellison to resign from Congress if he's DNC chair? I mean, he won't even be in the majority anymore and I'm guessing the DNC will beef up it's vice-chairs and staff in order to help Ellison.

What is worrying, is that suddenly Bernie supporters are all for a coronation in the DNC...

Why is it worrying?


Is it REALLY necessary for Ellison to resign from Congress if he's DNC chair? I mean, he won't even be in the majority anymore and I'm guessing the DNC will beef up it's vice-chairs and staff in order to help Ellison.

What is worrying, is that suddenly Bernie supporters are all for a coronation in the DNC...

DWS didn't.
Is it REALLY necessary for Ellison to resign from Congress if he's DNC chair? I mean, he won't even be in the majority anymore and I'm guessing the DNC will beef up it's vice-chairs and staff in order to help Ellison.

What is worrying, is that suddenly Bernie supporters are all for a coronation in the DNC...

Worrying? Try par for the course. The process arguments were always a smokescreen. Their issue with Superdelegates wasn't that they were undemocratic, it's that they weren't breaking for their guy.

As to Ellison, I would very very very very very strongly prefer a full-time chair, unlike DWS. I guess appointing vice chairs and whatnot to handle the day-to-day would help, but honestly, the guy at the top should have his focus 100% on the ball.
I dont like Ellison.

I dont like the establisment is practically coronating him.

I feel Dems will continue to lose ground until 2024 at the latest.


Why is it worrying?

Worrying, in that I was hoping that they were more self-aware... I don't give a shit either, but seeing as they are now crowing about "how right they were", my hope was that they truly were less blind to the mistakes of Democrats than a lot of us were.

But, alas.

And yeah, DWS shouldn't be held up as a model for anything.

Maybe only organizing a good convention, and that's all.

Maybe Obama should be DNC chair, lol. He certainly would be a full-time chair.
The establishment?!!!

Do words have meaning anymore?

Cause Sanders started that roll.

It's just #puritythings. When he was just endorsed by Sanders, well, that's all good, but now that he's got Reid and others he's automatically suspect.

What we should do is pick a DNC chair that literally nobody in the party establishment would accept... does anybody have Steve Bannon's number?


Looking at those AZ numbers,Catherine Cortez Masto is FOR SURE going to be the Dem VP nominee, isn't she?

Do we have any other prominent Latino politicians? We need to get Tom Perez elected into something so he can eventually run for President, I really liked him. Can he run for Governor of Maryland? I mean, they've got a republican governor, it's ripe for the taking in 2018.
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