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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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The establishment?!!!

Do words have meaning anymore?

Cause Sanders started that roll.

It's just #puritythings. When he was just endorsed by Sanders, well, that's all good, but now that he's got Reid and others he's automatically suspect.

What we should do is pick a DNC chair that literally nobody in the party establishment would accept... does anybody have Steve Bannon's number?

Nah, I mentioned before but I never liked Sanders. So I automatically never liked this pick of Ellison.

And now that everyone is rallying around Ellison, i ask myself, is it because he can do this part time, or is it because Sanders gave his blessing?

Like...if he's gonna do it part time, it's gonna be DWS all over again. And Sanders only worked(And I only argued on his behalf via devils advocate previously) because him and Trump had that demagogue feel to them. Two sides of the same coin, two means to an end..


Giuliani says Trump will live in DC when he's president (knocking down reports that he might split time between DC and NY). #WSJCEOCouncil

Protestors in LA, NY and other cities are "goons and thugs," says former NY Mayor Giuliani.

Giuliani says he won't be attorney general and keeps grinning when the Secretary of State issue comes up. #WSJCEOCouncil

Giuliani just said Bolton would be a good choice for Sec of State. Asked if anyone would be better, he said "Maybe me, I don't know."

edit: Well...

BREAKING: AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state.


Sounds like Rudy will be SoS... my god I can't believe that's relieving.

Edit: Also keep calling the protesters goons and thugs you shithead. You're just fueling their fire.
Do we have any other prominent Latino politicians? We need to get Tom Perez elected into something so he can eventually run for President, I really liked him. Can he run for Governor of Maryland? I mean, they've got a republican governor, it's ripe for the taking in 2018.

This is actually kind of genius, tbh.

Nah, I mentioned before but I never liked Sanders. So I automatically never liked this pick of Ellison.

And now that everyone is rallying around Ellison, i ask myself, is it because he can do this part time, or is it because Sanders gave his blessing?

Like...if he's gonna do it part time, it's gonna be DWS all over again. And Sanders only worked(And I only argued on his behalf via devils advocate previously) because him and Trump had that demagogue feel to them. Two sides of the same coin, two means to an end..

I definitely get the reluctance to use another part-timer.

Giuliani says Trump will live in DC when he's president (knocking down reports that he might split time between DC and NY). #WSJCEOCouncil

Protestors in LA, NY and other cities are "goons and thugs," says former NY Mayor Giuliani.

Giuliani says he won't be attorney general and keeps grinning when the Secretary of State issue comes up. #WSJCEOCouncil

Giuliani just said Bolton would be a good choice for Sec of State. Asked if anyone would be better, he said "Maybe me, I don't know."

edit: Well...

BREAKING: AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state.

On the one hand, Rudy Fucking Giuliani is no way qualified to be SoS and is definitely a terrible pick for the job.

On the other hand, Bolton might be the one person in the world who is both in the running and actually worse. So idk.


Giuliani says Trump will live in DC when he's president (knocking down reports that he might split time between DC and NY). #WSJCEOCouncil

Protestors in LA, NY and other cities are "goons and thugs," says former NY Mayor Giuliani.

Giuliani says he won't be attorney general and keeps grinning when the Secretary of State issue comes up. #WSJCEOCouncil

Giuliani just said Bolton would be a good choice for Sec of State. Asked if anyone would be better, he said "Maybe me, I don't know."

edit: Well...

BREAKING: AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state.

I can't even imagine the discussions that are taking place. How does Guliani talk to Trump in person.
So long as Giuliani stays the hell away from the Justice Department I'm good. We're going to embarrass ourselves on the international stage no matter who Trump picks.


Giuliani says Trump will live in DC when he's president (knocking down reports that he might split time between DC and NY). #WSJCEOCouncil

Protestors in LA, NY and other cities are "goons and thugs," says former NY Mayor Giuliani.

Giuliani says he won't be attorney general and keeps grinning when the Secretary of State issue comes up. #WSJCEOCouncil

Giuliani just said Bolton would be a good choice for Sec of State. Asked if anyone would be better, he said "Maybe me, I don't know."

edit: Well...

BREAKING: AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state.

It's really fucking sad that Giuliani is the better choice of the two options we've heard so far.
@mtracey: A prime reason why Hillary is now a national disgrace: her campaign was one of the most viciously xenophobic in US history (Russophobic)

wow makes you think

(He gets hired by The Intercept in like 5 minutes, right?)


will gain confidence one day
Feels like we're witnessing the end of American hegemony.

But then again you guys still have the military and economic clout.



@mtracey: A prime reason why Hillary is now a national disgrace: her campaign was one of the most viciously xenophobic in US history (Russophobic)

wow makes you think

(He gets hired by The Intercept in like 5 minutes, right?)

And according to Conway Clinton ran the nastiest, most negative campaign in recent memory.

These people know how to spin better than a record.
When you Google "Rudy Giuliani foreign policy" you only get articles clowning on Rudy for knowing nothing about foreign policy during his presidential campaign.



Kristi Noem is running for SD governor in 2018.


I always wonder if she thought this was a date.
I still fucking hate her for knocking out my girl Herseth.

I also got to meet Paula Hawks Election morning, but it was brief.
Nah, I mentioned before but I never liked Sanders. So I automatically never liked this pick of Ellison.

And now that everyone is rallying around Ellison, i ask myself, is it because he can do this part time, or is it because Sanders gave his blessing?

Like...if he's gonna do it part time, it's gonna be DWS all over again. And Sanders only worked(And I only argued on his behalf via devils advocate previously) because him and Trump had that demagogue feel to them. Two sides of the same coin, two means to an end..

How is Ellison being part-time automatically equal a corrupt situation like DWS? Im all for a full timer but being a part timer doesn't automatically mean a repeat. It depends all on how he wants to work with others in the DNC on how much of a role he wants them to take on in his absence.
Giuliani as SoS is pretty much our Boris Johnson in this case. He's not qualified at all but I feel like his worst aspects won't be brought out by the job he's given. Rudy as AG would have been far FAR worse.

I just hope the Dems spend a billion on whatever he fucks up and blames it on him and the party forever.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Giuliani as SoS is pretty much our Boris Johnson in this case. He's not qualified at all but I feel like his worst aspects won't be brought out by the job he's given. Rudy as AG would have been far FAR worse.

I just hope the Dems spend a billion on whatever he fucks up and blames it on him and the party forever.

Agreed on all points. Giuliani is by far the better choice.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Curious to know people's thoughts: Would Booker as VP have mobilized enough minority voters to win? I never understood the Kaine pick.


This is a fucking nightmare. Since last week I can't help but feel that a dark shadow has taken over this world and we are powerless to do anything about it. When will our liberal golden age ever come?
Curious to know people's thoughts: Would Booker as VP have mobilized enough minority voters to win? I never understood the Kaine pick.
Kaine did his job as VP because I don't think Hillary wins Virginia without him. Because I mean, she lost pen... Kaine clearly helped carry her there

Booker could have helped minority turnout somewhat but I don't think it helps flip any of the states she lost.

Nelo Ice

Guys, I'm legitimately depressed.

I'm seriously thinking about seeing a therapist. I can't snap out of this.

I'm in a similar boat. I think I may seriously need to look into seeing a therapist too. I can't focus or get anything done. Even if I detached myself it still doesn't feel like it would help. And just about every day a new nightmare shows up.


Job might send me to Norway

Away from trump but closer to Putin. Feels like being between a rock and a hair piece

How is this a question? Norway is a phenomenal country, lightyears ahead of the US in terms of social policy. The only issue is that Norwegian is a pain to learn.
Do you still need 60 votes to approve the appointees ?

It may look like some of Trump's appointees might not be confirmed considering how very few lack any sort of experience and might get roasted during the hearings.
How is this a question? Norway is a phenomenal country, lightyears ahead of the US in terms of social policy. The only issue is that Norwegian is a pain to learn.
Just hoping Trump doesn't abandon NATO and Putin comes knocking

But just kidding though. I would totally take it up if they send me there. I think I need to get away for a bit. I've never even been outside of the US. So I would have no idea what I would be getting into; but this election has given me a lot of time to think .. Really believe I need to expand my world view because I clearly don't know as much as I thought I did. I'm normally risk averse but I'm willing to take the risk now.
60 is a filibuster proof majority from memory. What were the approval vote numbers for past high level cabinet?

Clinton got confirmed 94-2

Kerry was 94-3

I don't think democrats are going to put up much of a fight against to what we have heard so far.

I hope they grill Rudy on exactly what his foreign policy experience is
If the Scotus is qualified or not a blatant nazi then they'll get confirmed easily.

If we so much as had the senate this would all be so much easier

Fuck DWS.
Clinton got confirmed 94-2

Kerry was 94-3

I don't think democrats are going to put up much of a fight against to what we have heard so far.

I hope they grill Rudy on exactly what his foreign policy experience is

Doesn't matter if they put up a fight for nominees... the Republicans will get em.

They SHOULD put up a fight for each and every Supreme Court nominee.


EDIT: Unless it's Garland.
Evil shrillary made decisions at State to make it more inclusive and part of her goal was helping women. Wonder what Rudy's goal will be.

Kerry has picked up on initial progress as a closer getting a bunch of things done. Wonder what Rudy's hallmark achievements will look like. Making Fallout 4 into a nonfiction genre?
This is a fucking nightmare. Since last week I can't help but feel that a dark shadow has taken over this world and we are powerless to do anything about it. When will our liberal golden age ever come?

I have been in a black mood, too. Hard time sleeping, apocalyptic worries about the entire New Deal being undone and watching the country revert to the 20s, only with alt-right brownshirts and Fox/social networking and defunded schools keeping people under Pepe's boot forever. But lately I feel it'll be harder to undo the New Deal as much as they would like to.

But I think my real problem is that I no longer have certainty. Back when I thought Hillary would win, I felt the US was on a pretty set path, and that gave me a feeling of control. Now my anxiety comes from not having any idea of what's going to happen, and spinning elaborate scenarios, and just having to sit around and wait for months before Trump even does anything. Just under a constant feeling of wanting to escape my feelings. So, for the time being, I've found it helps to take control of the things in my life that are under my power, and try to at ignore politics a bit (relatively speaking) for a few weeks to cool off. Trying to be closer to my family, be less distracted at work. Just started a big novel that has nothing to do with modern America. And then next year, we throw ourselves back into it.


Rudy is a billion times better than Bolton, simply because he's far less likely to try to get Trump to nuke Iran, and this keeps him from AG.

God, I hate saying I'm fine with this.
What the heck will Ruby will try to do? He has zero experience to do this stuff and considering how unhinged he can be I won't be surprised that he says something stupid and is incompetent with handling information. I guess he would be Shadow President Pence will use him as a puppet.

He might be more calm, because he doesn't know what is going on and will do what he is told.


Has there been any Democratic Party reach out to the protesters? I could be wrong but this seems like a great opportunity to register potential voters for 2018 does it not?


I'm wondering now how likely it is that someone like David Duke could gain a lot of support if Donald kind of stumbles or doesn't go "anti-establishment" enough. I predict that if Trump ends up being criticized by his own supporters down the line, many will gravitate to a further extreme, enough so to not be ignored, something like a third party that would get maybe 5-10% of the popular vote nationwide.
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