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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Megyn Kelly says her 5-year-old daughter asked what a ‘bimbo’ was — because of Trump
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly said Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that one of her lowest points during the 2016 presidential election was when her 5-year-old daughter asked her what a “bimbo” was, referring to comments President-elect Donald Trump made about Kelly on social media.

In her memoir “Settle for More,” Kelly explains how Trump harassed her on Twitter, calling her “lightweight,” a “bimbo” and “average in so many ways,” The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple wrote this week.

She said Trump’s comments opened the door for others to say much worse.


(((Harry Enten))) ‏@ForecasterEnten 53s54 seconds ago

Clinton's margin in CA is the largest for a prez candidate in that state since 1936.
What the hell is the Nation of Islam?
A Black political and religious group that Malcolm X used to be a leader in


If only swing-state Democrats got off their asses and voted.


Something that only occurred to me a few minutes ago:

Neo-Nazis in the White House, and American Nazi Party chairman endorsing Trump and his administration.

Israelis and the Israel government must be fucking scared. The country has had a close relationship with the US, even with Obama's dislike of settlements. But now? Who/Where do they turn to?


And this is why succumbing to the republican smear machine is a dumb move.
It's actually hilarious that they will continue to do this while the president-elect hires literal Neo-Nazis and they say nothing.

And by hilarious I mean deeply depressing.

Something that only occurred to me a few minutes ago:

Neo-Nazis in the White House, and American Nazi Party chairman endorsing Trump and his administration.

Israelis and the Israel government must be fucking scared. The country has had a close relationship with the US, even with Obama's dislike of settlements. But now? Who/Where do they turn to?

Yep. This GOP is using protection of Israel as an excuse to bulldoze Palestine into the sea. Once that's done, who knows what they focus on?
.@SenWarren on Stephen Bannon: "People didn't vote for Trump so that he could bring a white supremacist into the White House" #WSJCEOCouncil

Hillary had the backbone to say "Deplorable" Forma...


I mean, maybe 6 million people voted for Trump because they're marks and not because they wanted a Nazi in the White House, but that's like 10% of Trump's support.


Something that only occurred to me a few minutes ago:

Neo-Nazis in the White House, and American Nazi Party chairman endorsing Trump and his administration.

Israelis and the Israel government must be fucking scared. The country has had a close relationship with the US, even with Obama's dislike of settlements. But now? Who/Where do they turn to?

I wish I could see into Bibi's brain right now.

Even with Trump's utter hatred of Muslims, this has to be terrifying for him.


Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who has been a confidant to President-elect Donald Trump since the end of the Republican primaries, is unlikely to join the administration but will remain an informal adviser.

Rudy Giuliani's paid consulting for foreign governments would present conflicts of interest as the nation's top diplomat that would make the Clinton Foundation look trifling.


I wish I could see into Bibi's brain right now.

Even with Trump's utter hatred of Muslims, this has to be terrifying for him.

Yeah, and for Jews in America, too... One of the guys on my Facebook is Jewish and lives in LA. I straight-up don't know what to say to him, other than "Ohmygod it's so bad". Which feels a bit of an understatement, y'know?


Anti-Defamation League decries Stephen Bannon, while many other Jewish groups stay silent

The ADL, whose mission is to prevent anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has been joined by some Jewish organizations in calling out anti-Semitic behavior by Donald Trump’s supporters. The ADL’s stance during the campaign was criticized by the executive director of Republican Jewish Coalition, which supports Republican candidates, as being too partisan. Other major Jewish organizations have held back in speaking out against Trump’s choice of Bannon as his chief strategist, preferring to pledge their hope of working with the new president and the administration that he is in the process of assembling.

This... Really feels bad. I mean, just... Are people just too stunned to know what to do?
Hillary was like the first national politician like... ever to be willing to say "lots of Americans have no decency."

Hillary 2016 was the first non-PC national politician America has ever seen and probably the last too.


In the 60 minutes interview Trump said he had to put in lobbyists because that's all that's available in DC and they know how the system works.

He wishes he knew people who actually know how the systems work.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yep. Now the focus will be entirely on them, so shady stuff won't be overlooked or ignored anymore.

Paul Ryan may just be president by the end of these four years. Anything that brings Trump down will bring Pence with him.
I mean, Democrats controlled the House and Senate during Nixon's presidency. I don't have high hopes even for basic oversight.


Hillary was like the first national politician like... ever to be willing to say "lots of Americans have no decency."

Hillary 2016 was the first non-PC national politician America has ever seen and probably the last too.

Hillary herself (ignoring her campaign here) is going to have a shit-ton of revisionism hit her image in the next 4 years. I can see her "deplorables" comment being prescient in so many ways... 60 million+ people voted for someone when they were told over and over how bad he was.

I can get behind the Racist A/B hypothesis, but I think the number of actual Racist A deplorables is going to be 40 million+. There ain't a basket big enough for that many.
CNN Verified account

President-elect Donald Trump is considering getting top security clearance for children and son-in-law, sources say http://cnn.it/2fUadfg

Jason Kander ‏@JasonKander 2m2 minutes ago

Jason Kander Retweeted CNN

This generally requires a vetting of debts and other financial entanglements. Maybe they should release their tax returns.

Oh, that Kander, he's a funny fellow.



Something that only occurred to me a few minutes ago:

Neo-Nazis in the White House, and American Nazi Party chairman endorsing Trump and his administration.

Israelis and the Israel government must be fucking scared. The country has had a close relationship with the US, even with Obama's dislike of settlements. But now? Who/Where do they turn to?

Doubtful. israel has the US government eating out of a dog bowl.

Remember, though, Breitbart was a Jew and now Breitbart's senior whatever is a Jew.
Hillary was like the first national politician like... ever to be willing to say "lots of Americans have no decency."

Hillary 2016 was the first non-PC national politician America has ever seen and probably the last too.
my friend told me that "hillary said black lives matter, talked about implicit bias, and understood that half of this country was basically unsalvageable in their disgusting beliefs." she truly shook the table.
I like many others, are very concerned about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program getting wiped out. I whipped up and sent in this letter today to my Republican congressman and Senator Booker, and I advise (implore) others affected by this issue to do the same. Feel free to use my letter as a base.

Dear Congressman Smith,

I am concerned about the continued existence of the Public Service
Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) and income-based repayment program
(IBR) for college graduates . In 2015, Republicans tried to eliminate
the PSLF. See http://www.rollcall.com/hill-navigator/loan-forgiveness-for-federal-employees/?dcz=.
I am concerned that because Republicans now control all three
branches, the programs will be eliminated.

I graduated from the highest ranked law school in New Jersey -- Seton
Hall -- with high marks and as a Law Review member. I served as a law
clerk to a prestigious Judge after graduating. By all accounts, I
could have obtained employment at a large firm earning the type of
salary for which my $180,000 student loan debt would not have been an
issue. Instead, relying on PSLF and IBR, I chose to follow a public
service career, inspired by my Judge who did the same thing.

IBR and the PSLF are essential to me. I relied upon these programs
when deciding to pursue my public service career. I have been paying
into these programs for three years. If the rug is swept out from
under me now, I will be unable to afford my loan payments and my
family will be ruined. Student loans are not dischargeable in
bankruptcy. I would have no options. My skills as a state attorney
are not transferrable to the private sector, and it is highly doubtful
that even in the private sector I could ever earn anywhere near enough
money to afford student loan payments without IBR or PSLF.

My wife and I are reluctant to have children or move forward with our
lives so long as this sword of Damocles hangs over us. I am sure
there are hundreds other state attorneys, prosecutors, public
defenders, and public interest attorneys in the same exact position as

I understand that IBR and PSLF may be on the chopping block, given
political realities. However, I implore you to fight to preserve these
programs for those of us who have already made some of the biggest
life choices in reliance upon them. At the very least, if these
programs are to be eliminated, they should only be eliminated for new

Please do not punish me for choosing a life in public service -- the
same type of life that you have chosen for yourself.

Thank you for reading this.


Doubtful. israel has the US government eating out of a dog bowl.

Yeahhhh... Right now, but I can't see that staying for long. Because previous administrations understood how shook Jews were by the Holocaust, they've been very wary of pushing anything against the concept of a Jewish state. Now, maybe modern Neo-Nazis (unlike the 80s ones in the UK) love Jews enough to not want their extermination, but that seems... Unlikely.
I like many others, are very concerned about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program getting wiped out. I whipped up and sent in this letter today to my Republican congressman and Senator Booker, and I advise (implore) others affected by this issue to do the same. Feel free to use my letter as a base.

You need to call them.

Letters are really easy to skip over like emails.


Yep. Now the focus will be entirely on them, so shady stuff won't be overlooked or ignored anymore.

Paul Ryan may just be president by the end of these four years. Anything that brings Trump down will bring Pence with him.

There is absolutely no way that will happen. Unless Pence is videod assaulting someone at the same time as Trump, he will be president. Let's not forget that Nixon abused the powers of the office to attack his political opponents, and his VP still took over. It's how the system is set up.
There is absolutely no way that will happen. Unless Pence is videod assaulting someone at the same time as Trump, he will be president. Let's not forget that Nixon abused the powers of the office to attack his political opponents, and his VP still took over. It's how the system is set up.

Richard Nixon's VP resigned. Ford took over after the Nixon Administration was on its way out. So if we go by Nixon, Pence is screwed.

If they find the Trump administration was committing fraud, there's very little chance Pence gets out. There's no way Pence wouldn't have known about it going on.

It's unlikely that just one aspect of the administration remains untainted. Corruption spreads quickly.


Yeahhhh... Right now, but I can't see that staying for long. Because previous administrations understood how shook Jews were by the Holocaust, they've been very wary of pushing anything against the concept of a Jewish state. Now, maybe modern Neo-Nazis (unlike the 80s ones in the UK) love Jews enough to not want their extermination, but that seems... Unlikely.

What do you think Trump supporters want more: The extermination of Israel or the extermination of Palestine and Iran?

Even the NeoNazis would got for palestine.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
As B-Dubs said before, I think Democrats need someone shiny and charismatic to run in 2020. Who, though? If Trump acts the way we expect him to and with the Senate as the last line of defense, I think someone who shows strength there standing up to Trump and Republicans would set up a 2020 run. I don't think it should be Warren or Sanders.

I don't know much about Harris, Duckworth, and Cortez Masto, but they would be shiny new to the national American public. Hassan would too but there's nothing charismatic about her.
I like many others, are very concerned about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program getting wiped out. I whipped up and sent in this letter today to my Republican congressman and Senator Booker, and I advise (implore) others affected by this issue to do the same. Feel free to use my letter as a base.

Thank you for posting this - I will definitely be writing and calling my representatives about PSLF.


What do you think Trump supporters want more: The extermination of Israel or the extermination of Palestine and Iran?

Even the NeoNazis would got for palestine.

"Why not both?" would be the easy answer to that. I'm not sure if Steve "I don't want my children going to school with Jews" Bannon could suppress his anti-semitism long enough.
Typical racist fucks.

The Nation of Islam provided solace and support for many black people, but if it's Islam, SCARY!!!!

Well yes and no.

NoI is a racist, black supremacist organization. It was founded in a reaction to white racism. The civil rights and black youth movement in the 60's fueled the rise of black power groups like NoI and black panthers party. Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali joined NoI because they were fierce in their opposition to white supremacy and NoI provided the outlet. However, read up on Warith Deen Muhammad. He recognized the inequality taught by NoI and sought to slowly remove the racist elements from within. He's responsible for tuning out hundreds of thousands of prospective NoI members from the cult toward traditional Sunni Islam. Even turning NoI temples into traditional Islamic mosques. Louis Farrakhan was the disciple of early NoI rulers (Wallace Fard Muhammad, Hon. Elijah Muhammad) and sought to instill the black supremacy back into NoI. He ousted Warith Deen from the church, and NoI became the racist black movement again (which it still is today). However, it's numbers are so miniscule they can be easily ignored (thanks to Warith's work).

But blaming early black leaders for joining BPP or NoI and holding them to it is shortsighted (as Fox News is doing right now). Yes, it should be mentioned if someone was part of NoI. But it should also be just as important to learn at which points (Elijah Muhammad's time, Warith Deen's time or Farrakhan?) and whether they renounced their NoI views. Both Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali saw the inequality of NoI's message. Malcolm X's thoughts on NoI and race relations are so eye opening and relevant even to this day. His journey to Mecca is something out of a fairy tale, as the curtain from his eyes slowly gets pulled away. His autobiography is a must read for everyone on poligaf.
Not for nothing but there's clearly no obvious candidate now and there isn't much to discuss about it. It's okay. Obama was only talked about in 2004 as a maybe 2012/2016 future star. Nobody was talking about Bill Clinton in 1988 except for his spectacularly terrible DNC speech. In fact no one was really talking about Bill Clinton until, like, 1992.
An unprovoked war with a middle eastern country would be the end of the Trump administration.

I don't think our country is ready for war again. The Iraq war dragged on forever, and still isn't even fully cleaned up.

Not for nothing but there's clearly no obvious candidate now and there isn't much to discuss about it. It's okay. Obama was only talked about in 2004 as a maybe 2012/2016 future star. Nobody was talking about Bill Clinton in 1988 except for his spectacularly terrible DNC speech. In fact no one was really talking about Bill Clinton until, like, 1992.

And I believe John Edwards was looking bright for 2008, right? Haha, we dodged a bullet there.

It would have been an embarrassment of the Kerry administration.


Richard Nixon's VP resigned. Ford took over after the Nixon Administration was on its way out.

Nixons VP resigned before Nixon, for a totally unrelated matter (bribery and tax evasion). Ford was selected as VP by Nixon and confirmed before watergate destroyed him.

(Ford was only house minority leader at the time, not majority).
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