Trump is taking such a handles off approach to all of this leaving the decisions to his stooges.
Mike Pence is pretty much the one deciding many things while others are trying to underhand each other.
A summary of today by @awprokop
What happens if Trump can't fill his administration / cabinet?
Like what happens if somehow Trump couldn't fill Secretary of State for example. Does Kerry just keep doing the job until Trump decides?
But if he fired Kerry and couldn't find a suitable replacement then USA would have no SoS until he did? Wouldn't that be bad?
Obama will be a very necessary counterweight to Bernie in the coming months and years, I suspect. A welcome one, too.
Are there any moderates on the republican side that might be more soft on democratic issues? Maybe they wont be able to do literally everything Mitch McConnell wants like a lot of people thought
Even Trump thinks Bannon is nuts.
Trump's fallback choice for SoS if Rudy is too indebted to too many dictators!
mother of god. makes the clinton defeat even more infuriating.
I can't keep it together. This uncertainty is so damn horrifying.
Like I'll go through periods of feeling ok. Then even slightly better. But then it just comes crashing down and I can barely breathe.
Even without holding office, Obama could bulldoze Sanders if he wanted to.
I'll give Bernie credit, though. He'll be a necessary loud voice moving forward. Democrats need to stay pumped and angry, and voices like Sanders and Warren will be integral for that.
But, moving the party forward, we'll need voices that are every bit as loud as they are focused. People who can channel that activist energy into a real organized movement for change. That is not Sanders. That IS Obama and, hopefully, Ellison. We'll especially need those voices to keep Sanders in check, who is quite openly moving for a power grab at the moment.
They clearly did not anticipate a win at all.mother of god. makes the clinton defeat even more infuriating.
The racist and/or stupid part of the American electorate is so frustrating
Yeah, fuck all the people who chose not to vote or sat it out because 'muh both sides'.
I think there's a rift between him and Kushner. If I'm not mistaken Christie went after some of his people way back. Business partners or something. It's personal.yeah. maybe christie was actually booted for sheer incompetence? like, what the hell had he been doing as trump transition chief? i mean, besides the obvious grifter and tv appearences stuff.
It was a great line. Least of her campaign woes.I think it was a mistake for Hillary and Obama to make the "he can't be trusted with twitter and we are going to trust him with nukes?" into a punch line
They should have treaded this subject more seriously.
I think it was a mistake for Hillary and Obama to make the "he can't be trusted with twitter and we are going to trust him with nukes?" into a punch line
They should have treaded this subject more seriously.
Yeah I can picture the Obama and Hillary photo ops in my head so clearly. Oh well, it's happening in a multiverse somewhere. Hopefully I wake up in it.In hindsight
There really was a whole lot of hubris and assuming they were going to win. The data was damned wrong.
I feel like I'm in some alternate reality. Trump is president. What the fuck.
Christie put Kushner's dad in prison for two years.I think there's a rift between him and Kushner. If I'm not mistaken Christie went after some of his people way back. Business partners or something. It's personal.
I think it was a mistake for Hillary and Obama to make the "he can't be trusted with twitter and we are going to trust him with nukes?" into a punch line
They should have treaded this subject more seriously.
Lol!Christie put Kushner's dad in prison for two years.
I think there's a rift between him and Kushner. If I'm not mistaken Christie went after some of his people way back. Business partners or something. It's personal.
I think it was a mistake for Hillary and Obama to make the "he can't be trusted with twitter and we are going to trust him with nukes?" into a punch line
They should have treaded this subject more seriously.
Their problems likely extend much farther than that. Vox recently ran a series of articles about presidential transitions, and the bottom line is that they're extremely difficult even under the best of circumstances. With very little executive experience, and Trump's inclination to surround himself with yes men and sycophants, this could be a very dysfunctional administration.They clearly did not anticipate a win at all.
Probably a bit of both? Hard to say. I'd think they gave him a trophy position to shut him up thinking it wouldnt matter. Now that it does the bad blood between him and Kushner ended things fast.yeah i know about the personal rift, but even with that kushner could have pushed christie out much sooner and not have to deal with the embarrassing aftermath of shoving him aside after the fact and during a sorta important time. unless of course they thought they weren't going to win (yes) in which case having Christie in some trophy position far away from Trump land made life easier.
Their problems likely extend much farther than that. Vox recently ran a series of articles about presidential transitions, and the bottom line is that they're extremely difficult even under the best of circumstances. With very little executive experience, and Trump's inclination to surround himself with yes men and sycophants, this could be a very dysfunctional administration.
Best case scenario is that white house is a mess for 4 years and most departments just continue with the status quo.
The temperament line worked. Like 60% of people thought Trump did not have the proper temperament to be president. The problem is that it was not a dealbreaker. Hillary's untrustworthiness was. My issue is that they kept repeating his stupid words, that he called women pigs and slobs, etc. From Obama to the lowest commentator. It sort of diluted it's effect. We know Trump is a shit person. I think they should have treated Trump like Romney. Stick to the facts as they pertained to his businesses. Any other fallout (Khan, Curiel, Machado) is just gravy, and let your media commentators slug it out instead of riding it. In the end Romney lost because voters saw him as the guy who fired them and shipped their jobs overseas. Trump is 100 times that and the material on him could fill up buildings. The easy fallback for Trump voters was that he's a businessman when faced with his incendiary comments, they say they were voting for the businessman. The media did not push back on any of his business history because Hillary campaign didn't.I think it was a mistake for Hillary and Obama to make the "he can't be trusted with twitter and we are going to trust him with nukes?" into a punch line
They should have treaded this subject more seriously.
The temperament line worked. Like 60% of people thought Trump did not have the proper temperament to be president. The problem is that it was not a dealbreaker. Hillary's untrustworthiness was. My issue is that they kept repeating his stupid words, that he called women pigs and slobs, etc. From Obama to the lowest commentator. It sort of diluted it's effect. We know Trump is a shit person. I think they should have treated Trump like Romney. Stick to the facts as they pertained to his businesses. Any other fallout (Khan, Curiel, Machado) is just gravy, and let your media commentators slug it out instead of riding it. In the end Romney lost because voters saw him as the guy who fired them and shipped their jobs overseas. Trump is 100 times that and the material on him could fill up buildings. The easy fallback for Trump voters was that he's a businessman when faced with his incendiary comments, they say they were voting for the businessman. The media did not push back on any of his business history because Hillary campaign didn't.
Christie put Kushner's dad in prison for two years.
On Ryan Medicare Phaseout plan, Dems are basically ignoring, still shellshocked or not paying attn. no plan to do anything about it.
See I can get not liking the dude. I can get not wanting to work with him. But waiting until Christie is at the doorstep of his highest achievement only to fuck him over......That's some goddamn vindictive shit.
So, how accurate should we take this tweet from Josh Marshall?
I think it was a mistake for Hillary and Obama to make the "he can't be trusted with twitter and we are going to trust him with nukes?" into a punch line
They should have treated this subject more seriously.
I'm pretty sure everything she did was wrong and everything he did was right. And another man would have done it better. And I knew this all along.It will probably have to wait until people cool off a bit before we can have a better conversation but there are somethings I think everyone should understand:
-Even if you lose, that doesn't mean everything you did was a mistake
-Even if you win, that doesn't mean everything you did was correct
-Even if you run a campaign well, you can still lose
-Even if you run a good campaign, that doesn't mean you didn't make mistakes (even fatal ones)
Postmortem analyses shouldn't be black and white
Trump had no State Department briefing materials for his first calls with world leaders. He was just talking.
This deserves reiteration.It will probably have to wait until people cool off a bit before we can have a better conversation but there are somethings I think everyone should understand:
-Even if you lose, that doesn't mean everything you did was a mistake
-Even if you win, that doesn't mean everything you did was correct
-Even if you run a campaign well, you can still lose
-Even if you run a good campaign, that doesn't mean you didn't make mistakes (even fatal ones)
Postmortem analyses shouldn't be black and white
It's not just Trump who's never held office in government. It's Bannon, Priebus, and Kushner, too. All the top guys. Ironically they shitcanned Christie, the one who's actually governed.Best case scenario is that white house is a mess for 4 years and most departments just continue with the status quo.
Also Ive never really considered just how monumental a task the transition itself is with the complete clearing out of all the people who've learned how to run small daily activities with completely new people. You combine with someone who literally has no idea how to run government and you get this mess.