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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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It's not just Trump who's never held office in government. It's Bannon, Priebus, and Kushner, too. All the top guys. Ironically they shitcanned Christie, the one who's actually governed.

Cant blame them. Christie shitcanned himself. You can't have him running things when you know bad news is going to come out of NJ investigation into road closures.
Cant blame them. Christie shitcanned himself. You can't have him running things when you know bad news is going to come out of NJ investigation into road closures.

They didn't just get rid of him. They got rid of all his work (not that there seems to have been much) too. He may as well have not even been on the team. Kushner got his revenge though.

Also we going to have cabinet picks shuffling in and out I'd imagine every few months. When a department makes Trump look bad he will just get rid of them.
It will probably have to wait until people cool off a bit before we can have a better conversation but there are somethings I think everyone should understand:

-Even if you lose, that doesn't mean everything you did was a mistake
-Even if you win, that doesn't mean everything you did was correct
-Even if you run a campaign well, you can still lose
-Even if you run a good campaign, that doesn't mean you didn't make mistakes (even fatal ones)

Postmortem analyses shouldn't be black and white

Hillary's negative advertising may not have won her the race, but she may have crippled Trump in some important ways despite the GOP's total control of government. No president in modern times has ever entered office so despised and mistrusted. If he has some high-profile fuck-ups out of the gate, he may not be able to recover in terms of public opinion. Then again, maybe public opinion doesn't matter.
In politics news, Uncharted 4's gameplay mechanics are fucking awful, jesus.

This game is so random about what you can grab, how far you can fall, and how far you can jump.


Hillary's negative advertising may not have won her the race, but she may have crippled Trump in some important ways despite the GOP's total control of government. No president in modern times has ever entered office so despised and mistrusted. If he has some high-profile fuck-ups out of the gate, he may not be able to recover in terms of public opinion. Then again, maybe public opinion doesn't matter.
Sure, the Democrats with the right leadership in place can probably recover and win in 2020. (2018 is...uh...a hard map.) But it's kind of a Pyrrhic victory. This could very well turn out to be a devastating blow to America as a world power; I'd almost err on it being just that.
Rand Paul doing his homework and growing a pair,
I hope that both Bolton and Giuliani get blocked

I'm hoping that other Republicans come to their senses as well.

Paul Ryans seems to be fucking off and doing his own thing, wanting to privatize healthcare and herp derping. Hopefully they block him too.
Professor predicted Trump win, says he will be impeached


The man dubbed "Prediction Professor" for accurately calling every presidential election since 1984, including the 2016 election, now forecasts the impeachment of President-elect Donald Trump.

Lichtman, a political historian who teaches at the American University in Washington, says he uses his own system of 13 true of false statements to judge whether the incumbent party will retain the White House. However, when it came to his bold prediction of a Trump impeachment, he told Burnett it's based on his instinct.


New Keepin' It 1600 literally sounds like the secret radio broadcast from Deathly Hallows :/

Really struggling with a need to totally check out of this for my mental health vs. staying informed :/

I don't get the reference. I know it's from Harry Potter but I've never seen any of the movies.


One thing that annoys me about the "godless liberals in their cities need to understand rural America!" is that... A lot of Muslims in the Middle East have lifestyles or cultures or value systems similar to that in rural America... And rural America wants all of those people dead.

....... Rural America is fucked up.

Did you see Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks as the guest? It's basically exactly what you are saying, except working class whites and black people


Kid Heart

I'm hoping that other Republicans come to their senses as well.

Paul Ryans seems to be fucking off and doing his own thing, wanting to privatize healthcare and herp derping. Hopefully they block him too.

This is why McCain's discussion about Russia earlier gave me some hope. Not because I care about the guy anymore, but because the Democrats will need some help keeping Trump in check and at this point I will take who I can get.
I'm going to be making $24k for the next six years before making a lot of money so I won't even get any benefits from Paul Ryan's tax cuts before they get repealed.


There are no upsides.


This is why McCain's discussion about Russia earlier gave me some hope. Not because I care about the guy anymore, but because the Democrats will need some help keeping Trump in check and at this point I will take who I can get.

McCain got re-elected and knows there's little to no chance of that happening again so he doesn't give a shit. Now if he had some courage during the election it might have mattered (nah, I'm just fooling myself).


At this point I'm almost excited to see how much of a trainwreck this administration becomes. And it's already started, and we're not even close to his inauguration yet.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I posted something similar in another thread, but while I normally think accelerationism is complete bullshit this....actually seems like it might work

For a given, horrifying, destructive definition of "work"

The normal argument is that if you just let the opposition get into power and execute their plans, and the effects of their plans will be so horrible people will go "what were we thinking" and swing hard the other way, which doesn't tent to happen. Winning parties just drag national politics their direction

But this? This is different. This is possibly a full blown cascading series of catastrophes that no-one can ignore. This might not convince people to abandon republicans en masse, but it might convince a lot of people that elections fucking matter and maybe maybe maybe the fact that some of Trump's supporters are seeing Bannon now and going "whoah wait hold on what?" means that we can drag people back from the brink of the disinformation void

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'm sure someone has done this, but I wonder at what margin do retaining future victories becomes almost guaranteed. There has to be some sort of diminishing returns. Would winning by 5% less between elections in D.C really make the probability of future victories significantly less likely when Democrats are winning by 80 points?

This election proved more than ever that where votes are matters more than how many in total. In that sense there were a lot of wasted votes in California.
I need another Hair Mouse story to cheer me up.


Trump had done. He won the White House. His pearl-laden prize stood before him. It's ancient, ugly doors in front of him.

"What's wrong? said a familiar voice. "This doesn't feel right, these doors are ugly. My tower is encrusted in gold and I must move here!?" squealed Donald. He wanted to be in comfort. He knew that there would be too much pain at this place. That he would age to a crisp, his life done if he entered. "They have the best crackers, however. You will do this, and you will do it for me. I own you." replied Hair Mouse, rubbing it's tiny hands together. "When we enter within, I shall feast upon this country."

"Will you still help me?" replied Donald, shaking. His wife was to his side, saying hello to some low life gardeners. "I will still need you. That Pence...he's mean to me. He tells me I have to be more conservative." It's true, Pence was never Trumps first pick, and they always got into cat fights. Pence wanted to torture poor people who simply wanted to love, but Donald never cared about what the poor did in their own houses. "Don't you worry about Pence, he'll be mouse food by the end of the year. I've got my brethren working their way to him." Trump felt solace at this. Hair Mouse was always right.

"Melania, it's time we enter this place.". His wife looked at him with her dead eyes. "Yes" she replied. The door opened, and they went inside...
Jason Kander relates a story about him owning Kris Kobach.


This guy is fucking savage, jesus.

I posted something similar in another thread, but while I normally think accelerationism is complete bullshit this....actually seems like it might work

For a given, horrifying, destructive definition of "work"

The normal argument is that if you just let the opposition get into power and execute their plans, and the effects of their plans will be so horrible people will go "what were we thinking" and swing hard the other way, which doesn't tent to happen. Winning parties just drag national politics their direction

But this? This is different. This is possibly a full blown cascading series of catastrophes that no-one can ignore. This might not convince people to abandon republicans en masse, but it might convince a lot of people that elections fucking matter and maybe maybe maybe the fact that some of Trump's supporters are seeing Bannon now and going "whoah wait hold on what?" means that we can drag people back from the brink of the disinformation void

The Republicans will be massively discredited for these potential disasters, so their descent was ensured no matter the outcome, and downballot gains seem more likely in this case compared to a D administration. However, I'm not certain one way or another if voters can be brought back to reality from the antiliberal media sphere, and the far/troll-right may still flood disinformation regarding any important seats. The difference between this scenario and other unpopular Rs is that Trump is unable to shut his ears and mouth from the constant attacks, so the resulting meltdowns will be quicker than the Nixons and Ws of the world.


Neo Member
Was out canvassing today for environmental stuff and I had multiple people ask me if I knew that Trump had Bannon as a senior advisor. They were all horrified with most calling him outright a white supremacist. I have some small hope that people will start to reject Trump's bullshit, but not too much.
iirc exit polling had Obama at 53%, so it's about right.
An exit poll is just a poll really. So it doesn't prove or disprove Obama's approval.

I am curious about how Obama's approval is in different parts of the US. Like if they're calling California vs Arkansas. Even in the Rust Belt, which he won, I wonder how much his standing has declined if any.


Nigel Farage is on Hannity explaining how great it is that Trump is here to prevent immigrants from coming here and treating women like second class citizens.
After Kander & McCaskill, what's with dems in Missourah running awesome senate campaigns?

An exit poll is just a poll really. So it doesn't prove or disprove Obama's approval.

I am curious about how Obama's approval is in different parts of the US. Like if they're calling California vs Arkansas. Even in the Rust Belt, which he won, I wonder how much his standing has declined if any.
I believe his Iowa approval rating tanked. partially shun ernst got in.


The Autumn Wind
I think I've officially reached the depression stage of grief. At the same time, I feel like I'm having mini panic attacks fairly regularly, like I just need to scream. I've had this incredibly uncomfortable pit in my stomach and reading all the news lately, I really don't see it getting any better.
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