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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I have been thinking lateky but when will be the next time republicans win the popular vote. I don't see them winning the popular vote for another decade or so right now.

We can't see these things until they happen. They might do it in 2020 for all we know. Who could have seen them flipping the rust belt states that have been blue for 30 years? People, especially on here have been laughing at their attempts at winning Pennsylvania, or that some even suggested that it is only a "leans D" state. But whose laughing at that now?

Over assuming what their disadvantages are is what has gotten us into this mess.


We can't see these things until they happen. They might do it in 2020 for all we know. Who could have seen them flipping the rust belt states that have been blue for 30 years? People, especially on here have been laughing at their attempts at winning Pennsylvania, or that some even suggested that it is only a "leans D" state. But whose laughing at that now?

Over assuming what their disadvantages are is what has gotten us into this mess.

I don't see where they find like approxiametly 2 million extra votes from. Whoever is the next democratic presidential candidate is probably going to win CA by 25%+ again.Trump is nearly maxed out in terms of votes in the rust belt. He has to make a play for CA literally in order to win the popular vote now but he's to toxic there. He shrunk the margin hilary won NY by but that got almost got canceled out by CA in this election. The only way they can win the popular vote again is if they diverse the party which wion;t happen as long as trump is president.


Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach took plan for Department of Homeland Security into Trump meeting


A written plan for the Department of Homeland Security brought by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach into his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump spells out a desire to question “high-risk” immigrants over support for Sharia law and the U.S. Constitution.

Kobach, an early Trump supporter, met with the president-elect on Sunday and has been mentioned as a potential pick for a position within the administration. Some speculation has centered on the secretary of Homeland Security, and Kobach’s plan appears to lend credence to that possibility.

An Associated Press photographer shot an image of Kobach going into the meeting and clutching a binder along with a stack of papers. One page is visible and readable, though partly obscured by Kobach’s hand.

You can't make this shit up.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders blasted President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed infrastructure plan on Monday, calling it a “scam” and "corporate welfare."

“Trump's plan to repair our infrastructure is a scam that gives massive tax breaks to large companies & billionaires,” Sanders wrote on Twitter, embedding a link to an article he published on Medium.com.

“Trump would allow corporations that have stashed their profits overseas to pay just a fraction of what the companies owe in federal taxes,” Sanders continued in another tweet, adding, “And then he would allow the companies to “invest” in infrastructure projects in exchange for even more tax breaks.”

I think he has also proposed his own bill. His job is to outreach working class people. I think that will be his sole focus. The rest of the party might still go for other types of voters.
Come on, you don't even need to go that far. Just look at the OT.

"Islamophobia isn't racism"
"Islam isn't a race"
"Saying there are fundamental problems with Islam is a problem now??"
"She is against Saudi Arabia and Iran, two theocracies. Good on her!"

Yeah I didn't see the thread before I made that post.


Dems that got caught sippin on Hopium about the Latino vote have to realize that,

A) Latinos do not vote as uniformly democrat as African Americans do.


B) There is a growing demographic of second and third-gen Latinos that are culturally white, and support Repubicans. This group will be cultivated more and more as the demographics shift.
I thought about that to be honest. It's why Texas is Republican.

However, a lot of Puerto Ricans moved to Florida because of PR's economic difficulties, and due to the nature of their status it meant they could vote without needing the long wait of naturalization. And Puerto Ricans are less Cuban and probably more D than R in their leanings. So it seemed possible that FL could be permablue.

There was also a guy (Manmademan?) who was hyping up the Hispanic wave in FL. He totally forgot about FL after the election and has been spending time harping on Hillary instead. lol

Instead a bunch of racist white people came out of the FL panhandle to support Trump, and smothered the Hispanic wave. Plus Cubans (my Latino friends have been hating on the Cubans after the election...).

I think he has also proposed his own bill. His job is to outreach working class people. I think that will be his sole focus. The rest of the party might still go for other types of voters.

Sanders, whether I like it or not, is going to be important going forward.

It's reassuring that he's quick to call this a scam.

I should clarify, I'm all on board for Sanders having an important role I am just apprehensive of him becoming the word of god leader of the party.
Dems that got caught sippin on Hopium about the Latino vote have to realize that,

A) Latinos do not vote as uniformly democrat as African Americans do.


B) There is a growing demographic of second and third-gen Latinos that are culturally white, and support Repubicans. This group will be cultivated more and more as the demographics shift.
Latinos vary allot on political stances.

Anti-Castro Cubans and Anti-Chavez Venezuelans lean Right.
While Pro-Chavez Venezuelans lean Left.
Anti-Pinochet Chileans lean Left.
Anti-Ortega Nicaraguans lean Right.

some of the baggage and political beliefs from the homeland get passed onto the next generation.


President-elect Donald Trump exploded at media bigs in an off-the-record Trump Tower powow on Monday, sources told The Post.

“It was like a f—ing firing squad,” said one source.

“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed….

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

A second source confirmed the encounter.

“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks…,” the source said.

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was network of liars.

“Trump didn’t say Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.

“Gayle did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked how are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting”
I'm glad Sanders won't work with him on a scam infrastructure bill.

Edit: Holy shit at that article. The media is going to bow down to him.



Not worth a thread or anything but funny.
Trump seemingly comes from a long, illustrious line of draft dodgers.

A handwritten letter has been found in a German archive in which President-elect Donald Trump’s grandfather unsuccessfully fought his expulsion from the country for failing to perform mandatory military service.

“As I retraced the route taken by his immigrant grandfather, an epic journey that started in Kallstadt and went all the way to the Yukon gold fields, I saw that he was carving a path not just for himself but for generations of Trumps to come. A century later, Donald would use basically the same MO as Friedrich—nabbing the best locations and offering customers an almost cartoon-like version of their heart’s desire—to become a billionaire.”


On Romney I don't believe he actually wants him in his administration, he probably invited him to humiliate him further. They'll make him think he has the job, then give it to someone else, and Trump will publicly humiliate Romney, something like:

"I thought I would give him a chance, some people told me he was very very interested to have a job in my administration, so I thought I'd meet him and give a chance, I'm a pragmatic, but I tell you he was not prepared. If this was the apprentice he would have been the first one out. I would have fired him right away, on the first episode, on the first season. He was really really bad, totally unprepared, he had no idea what to do about Isis or anything. And I don't like saying this but, I say it but I don't like to... he smelled, I don't know if he's been drinking since I won, but he smelled like a bum."

I think he has also proposed his own bill. His job is to outreach working class people. I think that will be his sole focus. The rest of the party might still go for other types of voters.

Well, that's reassuring. Maybe Bernie's not quite as politically braindead as I was worried he'd be.

I talked to one of my professors the Thursday after the election, and he thought I was being ridiculous freaking out about the alt-right in Trump's White House.

For fuck's sake.

Also, somebody talking about context in the comments? What the fuck context could justify this? "... is something a crazy person would say!"



It's not surprising that Trump did this. I mean, what did these idiots expect walking into to that meeting? A fair negotiation? Access??? Have they not paid attention to their OWN coverage of this man? Fucking morons.

What's frightening here isn't Trump. This is who Trump is. What's terrifying is that our media can't be trust to not bow down to him. Their coverage of him has already been embarrassingly awful, I now expect it to get worse.
LOL the network that most accommodated to him gets trashed. Serves them fucking right

CNN's report on the meeting

Top network executives, anchors meet with Donald Trump

Executives and anchors from the country's five biggest television networks met with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower on Monday afternoon.
The meeting was organized by Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, who is now a senior adviser to Trump.
The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.

But a source in the room said there was "real progress" made with regards to media access to Trump and his administration.
A second participant affirmed this and said the journalists spoke with Trump about the importance of the "press pool," a small group of journalists that traditionally travels with the president.
Conway said the meeting was "very cordial, candid and honest."

While there was "no need to mend fences," she said, "from my own perspective, it is great to hit the reset button, it was a long, hard-fought campaign."
She declined to say when the president-elect would hold a news conference. "Soon" was the only answer.


However, he has been interviewed on the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes," and he answered a few shouted questions from reporters over the weekend. He will also be speaking with reporters from The New York Times on Tuesday.
Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. "and others are meeting with the President Elect tomorrow at the request of his team," the Times said in a statement Monday afternoon. "There will be a small, off the record meeting first, followed by an on the record session with Times reporters and editorial columnists."
President Obama and other government officials occasionally hold off the record sessions with reporters, anchors and other media bigwigs. Obama, for example, talked off the record with the reporters traveling with him on the way home from Peru on Sunday night.
By going off the record and giving up the right to quote the public official, the reporters gain candid insights. Both the journalists and the politicians can speak more bluntly.
Some top network anchors are traveling or on vacation this week, and thus were unable to attend Monday's meeting. But many others were present.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
The dynamics of Trump's inner circle is something: Bannon convinced Trump to bring Bill Clinton's accusers to the second debate while his family was against it. Bannon also wanted Trump to make peace with Paul Ryan while his family wanted to attack.
Come on, you don't even need to go that far. Just look at the OT.

"Islamophobia isn't racism"
"Islam isn't a race"
"Saying there are fundamental problems with Islam is a problem now??"
"She is against Saudi Arabia and Iran, two theocracies. Good on her!"

Yep. I got shit on for claiming so. Even though Tulsi has given every fucking indication that she's an islamophobe short of coming out and saying "I hate Muslims and I want them to die or suffer greatly". Her warhawkish-ness, her views on Syria, the fact that she's cool with Bannon, the fact that her claim to fame is railing against Obama about how he's not emphasizing "Islamic" enough when referring to terrorism and her transparent attempts to smear the whole religion and therefore all its adherent for the actions of a tiny percentage of nuts makes it clear where she stands. Also, she seems like she tries to fuck over the democratic party any chance she gets, and the cynic in me thinks that she only endorsed Sanders because she assumed that Clinton would eventually get the nomination, and her hatred of her. Does not seem like she shares any fundamental principles with Sanders at all.


The media collectively going oops

They created him. Now they can deal with him.

And they will wash his balls the entire fucking time because he's the president, and apparently the only news organization allowed to openly criticize the president is Fox News because Obama.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
What a weird fucking reality this is. We went from Obama to this, We went from three weeks ago proclaiming the end the GOP to this.. Holy fucking shit ?!!?
Trump just posted a video about his first 100 days.

No mentions of his most controversial plans.

Pull out of TPP but will "renegotiate" trade deals (looooool good job NAFTA haters)

Cancel regulations on fracking and coal

Something stupid about every time there's one new regulation, he has to get rid of two others, for some reason that makes no sense and unnecessarily arbitrary.

Going to stop cyber attacks (LOL)

Going to look at businesses that abuse Visa programs (like your wife)

Lobbying bans that will never pass.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think it;s fascinating that no one can really point to why she's relevant at all beyond endorsing Sanders...
Cult of personality.

I should clarify, I'm all on board for Sanders having an important role I am just apprehensive of him becoming the word of god leader of the party.
This has always been my stance ever since he started his presidential campaign. He's a good voice to have out there, but he doesn't have the skills to be a big leader. He's simply refused to hone those talents after decades of refusing to deal with downballot candidates and having one foot in and one foot out of the Democratic party. Also, his obvious distaste for the nitty gritty of policymaking and considering the consequences of major cool populist-sounding ideas. He's a good cheerleader, but he needs to acknowledge his weaknesses and actively allow others to take point in those areas.

ahh Ivanka was on the phone call with the Argentinian president



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Despite the gross conflicts his children being so involved creates. I don't really care. Ivanka seems like a sane person. He needs as many borderline sane people around him as possible.
Have we ever seen evidence of her being some concretely moderating force? Near as I can tell she's just always been out there pushing her business interests and giving Trump cover under a pretty face.


Trump just posted a video about his first 100 days.

No mentions of his most controversial plans.

Pull out of TPP but will "renegotiate" trade deals (looooool good job NAFTA haters)

Cancel regulations on fracking and coal

Something stupid about every time there's one new regulation, he has to get rid of two others, for some reason that makes no sense and unnecessarily arbitrary.

Going to stop cyber attacks (LOL)

Going to look at businesses that abuse Visa programs (like your wife)

Lobbying bans that will never pass.

Edit: never mind, found it. Ugh he still talks like he did while running (not sure why I was expecting anything else).
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