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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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How did Kander lose two in a row locally?

Obama also lost a Congressional election but basically ran unopposed for his Senate seat because Jack Ryan withdrew after winning the primary.
He hasn't yet. He's lost one. The second will be 2018. If he loses, he's basically done. Warner in VA lost his first too - it's not a dealbreaker, but you can't start racking up Ls.


He hasn't yet. He's lost one. The second will be 2018.

Which election is he losing? I don't think these election purity tests actually work when you apply them to what we have seen in recent nominations. They attacked Obama for never winning a contested election against a Republican, Romney and Clinton were well known past primary losers, and there's Trump.
Is McCaskill actually liked in Missouri? I know she won twice but once was in 2006 and the other was against a garbo candidate who sank himself.

If not then she should step away and Kander should run for her seat in two years.

Shes virulently hated by some people, but well liked for a Democrat in Missouri. She will run a competitive race in 2018, probably against Ann Wagner.

Don't think giving up the incumbent advantage would be worth any minor gain switching to Kander would provide. He will run for Governor in 2020 against Eric Greitens, who I expect to be wildly unpopular by then.


Are people actually holding Donald Trump up now as a model of what should be aspired to in terms of governance and electoral experience in candidates.

I believe Obama and Trump show that primary voters really don't care that election experience matters. Many Californians running in the future are going to be faced with the so-called stigma of getting their positions uncontested, as the open primary system means that Republicans don't reach the general election ballot--Harris won her Senate seat by beating a fellow Democrat in the general election.

Kid Heart

Are people actually holding Donald Trump up now as a model of what should be aspired to in terms of governance and electoral experience in candidates.

If my comment is what you're referencing, personally no.

I'm just saying that if the election is anything to go by, lack of experience isn't a dealbreaker for a lot of people for some stupid reason.

Personally I would want him to at least have some house or senate experience before running, but if he does end up making a bid in 2020 he will at least have had some governmental experience, which to me is better then nothing.

Edit: Oh and I should just point out this is only if he makes it past the primary. I wouldn't vote for him in a primary contest at this point due to his lack of experience, but if the rest of the dem's base wants him, and he wins the nomination, he would at least pass my experience test with his state job level experience, and I could then in good conscience vote him for president.


I watched two Tim Ryan interviews. The biggest reason IMO he failed to oust Pelosi was that neither he nor others could make a strong, affirmative case as to why he should have the leadership role. As far as I could tell, his pitch (and the pitch of others for him) was "we need 'change'" and "we lost the WWC in the Rust Belt and since my district is within there I can get them back". It wasn't even a "she is bad at her job" argument like Schultz and the DNC. This puzzled me as I never saw the role or the function of the House Minority Leader as someone to garner votes from constituents but rather as someone to fundraise and garner votes from other congressmen. Basically background politics. Am I wrong on this? I can't imagine anyone who would vote for or against a party just because of the identity of the House Minority Leader. The prevailing arguments basically boiled down to, as far as I can see, change for change's sake and a tiny bit of "we need a white man!" in reaction to the election.


Which election is he losing? I don't think these election purity tests actually work when you apply them to what we have seen in recent nominations. They attacked Obama for never winning a contested election against a Republican, Romney and Clinton were well known past primary losers, and there's Trump.
I'm not saying he will lose it.

I'm saying he has to win it to even run in 2020.
Barack Obama had a national profile before he ran. If Kander had won maybe he'd have given the Democratic response to Trump's SotU or something. And start building a background. And party support.

Thus far, he's a one time SoS for Missouri and failed Senate candidate who made a cool gun ad. If YouTube likes were the electoral metric he'd make sense.

Donald Trump is Donald Trump. For good and for bad. Pretending you can be Donald Trump is about as much folly as pretending you can be Barack Obama.


I'm not saying he will lose it.

I'm saying he has to win it to even run in 2020.

Barack Obama had a national profile before he ran. If Kander had won maybe he'd have given the Democratic response to Trump's SotU or something. And start building a background. And party support.

Thus far, he's a one time SoS for Missouri and failed Senate candidate who made a cool gun ad. If YouTube likes were the electoral metric he'd make sense.

Donald Trump is Donald Trump. For good and for bad. Pretending you can be Donald Trump is about as much folly as pretending you can be Barack Obama.

I see no folly in saying that the electorate has proven that they do not care about electoral experience. The next nominee will be whoever can win a hard-fought and likely crowded primary battle, which has many factors besides a candidate's CV in play, including appealing to whatever voters the primary calendar puts up in front, a crowded field resulting in candidates cannibalizing votes.

It is not about trying to be Trump or Obama, but recognizing that a candidate's electoral CV is low on the list of voters' priorities.
I'd say Kander needs more experience, but fuck man, we just elected Trump.

I'd wait until the field takes stronger form before deciding on a candidate but if he wants to run, more power to him.
Is this real?

Nelo Ice

So are we about to join the UK in Oceania too?
A last-ditch effort in the Senate to block or delay rule changes that would expand the U.S. government's hacking powers failed Wednesday, despite concerns the changes would jeopardize the privacy rights of innocent Americans and risk possible abuse by the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump.

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden attempted three times to delay the changes, which will take effect on Thursday and allow U.S. judges will be able to issue search warrants that give the FBI the authority to remotely access computers in any jurisdiction, potentially even overseas. His efforts were blocked by Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the Senate's second-ranking Republican.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I see no folly in saying that the electorate has proven that they do not care about electoral experience. The next nominee will be whoever can win a hard-fought and likely crowded primary battle, which has many factors besides a candidate's CV in play, including appealing to whatever voters the primary calendar puts up in front, a crowded field resulting in candidates cannibalizing votes.

It is not about trying to be Trump or Obama, but recognizing that a candidate's electoral CV is low on the list of voters' priorities.
But see, Republicans have been primed for decades into believing running a business is equivalent, if not better than, government experience. I don't think Democratic voters are so blinded as to believe some, if not extensive, real political experience is valuable and preferable.
I have no problems with Kander running.
I just don't think there should be illusions around how little actual basis there is to him running right now.

Yeah. He got invited to a dinner in Iowa (a neighboring state) and as someone who has political ambitions naturally accepted. That's all there is to it. No harm in starting to get known early.
Newt acting like a dick himself:


“You have never, ever in your career seen a wealthy adult who is independent, has been a presidential candidate, suck up at the rate that Mitt Romney is sucking up,” Gingrich told conservative radio host Laura Ingram on Wednesday.

“I am confident that he thinks now that he and Donald Trump are the best of friends, they have so many things in common. That they're both such wise, brilliant people,” Gingrich continued. “And I'm sure last night at an elegant three-star restaurant, he was happy to share his version of populism, which involve a little fois gras, a certain amount of superb cooking, but put that in a populist happy manner.”


F'n hell, isn't this whole thing because Romney is Trump's pick? Romney is playing nice for the good of the country.

His Defense and State picks are two rational adults outside of the circus, and the circus hates it.

Nelo Ice

F'n hell, isn't this whole thing because Romney is Trump's pick? Romney is playing nice for the good of the country.

His Defense and State picks are two rational adults outside of the circus, and the circus hates it.

At this point I really hope the rational people that are vying for jobs are jumping on grenades in an attempt to help the country. Can't imagine why they would bother otherwise since they have to be better than whatever monster Trump comes up with.


How does one start a fund raiser/non-profit to raise money for Voter Id education/ pay for voter id's? It would be wise to start getting poor folks registered and ready to vote in states requiring these bull shit ID's. Kick starter?
Trump's EC advantage feels just like our talk of the Blue Wall.
I think it might even be worse. Trump's wall relies on winning every traditional swing state while holding down the WI/MI/PA trifecta even though nothing indicates those are permanently lost. Maybe Ohio and Iowa are gone, but if they're replaced with Arizona while North Carolina and Florida remain swing states then there we still have alternate paths to the presidency without winning all three of the holes in the blue wall. Which are still the closest parts of the election.
I don't see the Pan Handle coming out in the insane force they came out in this year. That was downright ridiculous. I never knew one region of the country was so full of hate and anger. The Rust Belt, sure you can joke about economic anxiety and factory jobs or whatever, but... the Pan Handle has always been dirt poor and hasn't had anything. That's just good old fashioned racism at work.
For the record, I don't think 2020 is an easy win considering we haven't even seen 2018 or even a day of President Trump yet, but giving up at this stage is just silly.


For the record, I don't think 2020 is an easy win considering we haven't even seen 2018 or even a day of President Trump yet, but giving up at this stage is just silly.

Yeah, any talk about 2020 and 2018 is stupid.

The guy hasn't even been inaugurated in yet, and some people are acting like this Carrier plant farce just got him reelected.
Well I mean people like to pretend like there's no reason Hilary didn't have many challengers. Up until the email shit came out in full force and the primary really got started she was beloved by democrats even if Republicans despised her and independents were meh on her.

She never really had the charisma to shake off the attacks like someone like Obama might have been able to do.


Decided to check out CA's vote total again and it looks like hilary clinton victory margin is like 900k higher then obama's victory margin in 08 right now which is insane.
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