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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Carly Fiorina reportedly being considered for director of national intelligence.

Of course there's a fun connection between Fiorina, who was Hewlett-Packard's CEO from 1999 to 2005, and Putin.

The Leipzig State Court will soon make a ruling on a large corruption case. The prosecution accuses the US computer company Hewlett-Packard of paying at least 7.6 million Euros in bribes to Russian officials to secure a dominant position in the Russian market. But in reality, the documents reveal a much greater scandal. It was Vladimir Putin who enabled this corruption scandal. The bribe money from HP ensured Putin the loyalty of a clique of state attorneys. And helped him take control of the Russian judiciary.
What did Carly Fiorina know of the bribery payments in Russia under her leadership? She declined comment when approached by CORRECT!V.
More here: https://correctiv.org/en/investigations/system-putin/



Clinton campaign backs call for intelligence briefing before Electoral College vote
Hillary Clinton’s top political adviser John Podesta said the campaign is supporting an effort by members of the Electoral College to request an intelligence briefing on foreign intervention in the presidential election.

“The bipartisan electors' letter raises very grave issues involving our national security,” Podesta said in a statement Monday. “Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed.”

“Each day that month, our campaign decried the interference of Russia in our campaign and its evident goal of hurting our campaign to aid Donald Trump,” he said. “Despite our protestations, this matter did not receive the attention it deserved by the media in the campaign. We now know that the CIA has determined Russia's interference in our elections was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.”
considering she made an entire documentary about pay to play and nepotism in politics, its pretty funny watch her fill out everything she's "against"

Maybe if the electoral college were anything more than a symbolic body you'd have a point.

(Also, you're thinking of Alexandra Pelosi, not Christine, which makes your point even less relevant because there's no "Gotcha!" here at all.)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The growing hate for Clinton over Trump's winning hurts to read. I can understand why Adam nuked himself from GAF.

I haven't seen any "hate" for Hillary. Just that her campaign wasn't great.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
John Harwood Verified account

House GOP Whip Scalise on Russian election hack: "other countries have been hacking US for years. Obama sat on the sidelines, did nothing"

Yeah, because this is totally related to the situation at hand.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He must have guek blocked as well. I know Plinko has me on ignore after I called him out on being a hypocrite.

You're not on ignore, and I explained everything you accused me of. I admitted I was wrong about some things. You still have yet to admit that I was actually right about rural white voters being a problem for the Clinton campaign.


Why would they care if Hillary was as equally unfavorable candidate as it's opponent.

I think Democrats have an issue here. The electoral system doesn't align with their strengths. The only way to change it and shutdown the GOP is by winning local level elections. Keep pretending potential voters are at fault, that will surely help you once you need them to vote for you.

Your first paragraph indicates that voters think that Hillary was as bad as Trump. Unequivocally untrue, since you couldn't find a half dead mollusc who is as bad as Trump. Either voters were too dumb to think that Trump was worse, they bought the narrative that she was as bad, or they didn't care.

Your second paragraph presumes that voters can do no wrong - that it was entirely the DNC/Hillary's fault that voters didn't get out to vote Dem. Yet that doesn't mesh with your first paragraph, because at some level, you have to blame the voters in some way - either they're stupid, gullible, or indifferent.

You can't have it both ways.

Also, as has been pointed out, blaming the voters doesn't mean you scream at them for being fucking morons. If it did, you can bet dollars to donuts that Hillary would've gone fucking mental at her concession speech. Politicians (and people generally) can think other people are stupid racists dicks whilst trying to gain their trust/respect.

Also, fyi, this sentence

Why would they care if Hillary was as equally unfavorable candidate as it's opponent.

Should have "her" rather than "it's". I know it's probably an honest mistake, but it's an incredibly dehumanising one.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The OT is full of it.

Yeah, I was referring to in here. I tend to try and stay out of political OT threads for that reason. The discussion in here tends to be more civil.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
What exactly are you defining as "hate" for Hillary?

People saying she was a bad candidate for the democrats to pick isn't "hate." At least, I don't see it that way. I don't see hate for her as a person, which is what I thought you were referring to.


What exactly are you defining as "hate" for Hillary?

People saying she was a bad candidate for the democrats to pick isn't "hate." At least, I don't see it that way. I don't see hate for her as a person, which is what I thought you were referring to.

I guess it's more people saying her losing is all her fault and ignoring the overall picture.


Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 1m1 minute ago

I count 10 GOP senators who recently endorsed an investigation into Russian hacking + 3 more who did so before election. Anyone I'm missing


13 out of... 52? Fully one quarter of the GOP now supports an investigation.

Dissension in the ranks, both between Republican Senators, the Senators and the PEOTUS.

This is how the end begins? :p



13 out of... 52? Fully one quarter of the GOP now supports an investigation.

Dissension in the ranks, both between Republican Senators, the Senators and the PEOTUS.

This is how the end begins? :p

No wonder Corker was rejected as part of the SoS search. He is suspicious of President-Elect Putin.
You're not on ignore, and I explained everything you accused me of. I admitted I was wrong about some things. You still have yet to admit that I was actually right about rural white voters being a problem for the Clinton campaign.

I never saw a response. I scrolled that through this thread again to see if there was a response, and I did not see one. If I'm wrong, feel free to direct me to the response.

As for rural white voters being a problem, I'm not sure what you want me to say here. Everyone knows that Democrats won't win rural white voters. That's like saying water is wet.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

13 out of... 52? Fully one quarter of the GOP now supports an investigation.

Dissension in the ranks, both between Republican Senators, the Senators and the PEOTUS.

This is how the end begins? :p

Saying it like it is:

Party power over national security. If democrats were smart, this would be their mantra for the next two years.
Your first paragraph indicates that voters think that Hillary was as bad as Trump. Unequivocally untrue, since you couldn't find a half dead mollusc who is as bad as Trump. Either voters were too dumb to think that Trump was worse, they bought the narrative that she was as bad, or they didn't care.

Your second paragraph presumes that voters can do no wrong - that it was entirely the DNC/Hillary's fault that voters didn't get out to vote Dem. Yet that doesn't mesh with your first paragraph, because at some level, you have to blame the voters in some way - either they're stupid, gullible, or indifferent.

You can't have it both ways.

Also, as has been pointed out, blaming the voters doesn't mean you scream at them for being fucking morons. If it did, you can bet dollars to donuts that Hillary would've gone fucking mental at her concession speech. Politicians (and people generally) can think other people are stupid racists dicks whilst trying to gain their trust/respect.

Also, fyi, this sentence

Should have "her" rather than "it's". I know it's probably an honest mistake, but it's an incredibly dehumanising one.
I honestly think in most states not overruled by liberal elite cities they definitely saw them in comparable unfavorable light. Yes, they were influenced by over 30 years of negativity in regards to her, and it was cemented by unforced errors and random chance and out of her control events. (Calling them deplorables, falling sick, Comrade Commey Letter).

Yes, the whole purpose of parties is to get people to vote for them in sufficient number to win elections. Everything they do must be conducive to that if they can accomplish that it's their responsibility to own their failure. Look how the GOP got people to vote for Orange Hitler. Voters are human, flawed but I don't see them at fault for the result.

I'm sorry about that. It was an honest mistake.


I'm sure Trump will handle all these Republicans supporting the investigation into Russian interference well. Look for some calm and reasoned tweets from him on the subject :)
There are still more reliably red states than blue states, though. Dems have way more to lose than to gain/
Looking at the map, the most obvious places to try and pick up a seat would be AZ, NV, and TX. If we can do those three and hold onto every other seat, it would be a Dem majority. Looking at the last two Republican midterm waves, it looks like there were no Democratic pickups, just holds and losses, so if we get a backlash wave in 2018 Heitkamp, Tester, and friends are probably safe. TX is the long shot there, but IL and WI would have been in 2010 too and the GOP didn't give up because of that.


Yes, the whole purpose of parties is to get people to vote for them in sufficient number to win elections. Everything they do must be conducive to that if they can accomplish that it's their responsibility to own their failure. Look how the GOP got people to vote for Orange Hitler. Voters are human, flawed but I don't see them at fault for the result.

But they didn't. The RNC/Trump polling was bad - at one point, 70-odd % of registered Republicans said they'd vote for Trump. RNC/Trump didn't do anything to make these people vote for Trump, and in some cases, Republicans were even doing everything they could to stop people voting Trump. Evangelical leaders came out in unprecedented numbers to say "Don't vote Trump". The voter pushback against Republican Senators who spoke against Trump should be indicative that party and voting base were more split than the DNC and Bernie Bros. The RNC did very little to push for Trump - the bare minimum, mostly.

All of which is to say that voters didn't care what the party said. Republicans a) come home, and b) vote on two policies - anti-abortion and gun rights (with an implied third policy of racism). Again, you could have had a half dead mollusc at the top of the R ticket, but if it was pro gun rights and anti-women, it would've got votes.

I'm sorry about that. It was an honest mistake.

No probs, I figured it was. :)
I don't know why anyone is surprised. They have no replacement for Obamacare, at least nothing that actually provides healthcare to same number of people. Republicans just don't care about healthcare, they see it as a free market issue just like everything else, and if government just gets out of the way it will take care of itself. Hell, some of them are probably delusional enough to think that will happen after they repeal it. The key is for Democrats to just stay out of the way, let them own the aftermath full stop and then bludgeon them with it.

As for feeling sorry for the victims of repeal? Fuck 'em. Remember most of the federal money for Obamacare is going to red states. They voted for this outcome, let them drown in it and maybe they'll finally wake the fuck up (or die from heart disease and diabetes).

I'm fully with you on this. Those fools have to suffer the consequences of their ignorant actions. Repeal Obamacare and don't replace it with anything. Watch healthcare costs skyrocket. Then, and only then, if Democrats stop being spineless and stupid, will they have ammo to use against all Republicans and hopefully get a bit of power back.

But then again, this all relies on people, and my faith in them has dropped precipitously lately...
I think one thing we should be adamant about is that the "Mike Pence is worse than Trump", line is completely false and no one should be saying it.

Mike Pence wouldn't lead a state funded propaganda machine just because he feels the media is unfair to him. Mike Pence is at least aware of the basic constructs of our government and is educated about our institutions and respects them to a reasonable degree. Mike Pence would not likely be baited into a trade war with whatever countries leaders made fun of his hair. And he actually released his tax returns and we know his financial information and that he isn't bought out by or involved with Russian nationalists.

Pence would be beyond terrible but not dissimilar to things we have seen before in recent history. He would not be a potentially union shattering President. He can be fought against. He passed a bunch of bullshit in Indiana but the state is still there and he was hounded for his religious freedom nonsense to the point where he had to over turn it.

People see Pence for who he is. He doesn't have some magical quality that makes people turn into morons who apparently can't seemingly put two and two together about his questionable aspects. I would feel significantly more comfortable with a Pence administration than Trump.

Exactly, I said this in some comments on another site. At least Pence is a known quantity, while Trump is a wild card. A daily wild card, like spinning a slot machine each and every day with our reality.

Pence could try to instill his religious bullshit into action, but in doing so, he'd energize a very willing force in the LGBTQ community. McCrory was voted out because of that very same fuckery. I'll take a known quantity over a wildcard any day.


Professional Schmuck
The growing hate for Clinton over Trump's winning hurts to read. I can understand why Adam nuked himself from GAF.

Can someone catch me up here? I took a few days off from reading poligaf because crippling depression and paralyzing anxiety. noticed he was gone but never heard why. i just always assumed his job was to run interference on GAF for her, which is fine. so what happened?
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