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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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McFuck signs first bill limiting cooper's power.

North Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory has quickly signed into law a GOP-backed bill that would strip the incoming Democratic governor of some of his powers.

Documents from General Assembly staff confirm the outgoing governor signed the measure Friday afternoon, shortly after the legislature's final vote. Democrats argue this and another piece of legislation is a power grab by the GOP after McCrory lost the gubernatorial election to Democrat Roy Cooper, who takes office Jan. 1.

The law merges the State Board of Elections and State Ethics Commission into one board comprised equally of Democrats and Republicans. The previous state elections board law would have allowed Cooper to put a majority of Democrats on the panel.

And this is why Democrats will never control the US again. The GOP will pull shit like this.


McFuck signs first bill limiting cooper's power.

And this is why Democrats will never control the US again. The GOP will pull shit like this.

I wouldn't say that. Pulling moves like this will backfire hard against the GOP and the NC GOP in general eventually like it usually does for parties that do stuff similar to thisThe former government were I lived once tried to get rid of a political party using a legal method by persuading their representatives to cross the floor to their party. As a result of that infamous floor crossing and other internal and external issues that party got destroyed in the last election by a center left party.
It's not like everybody was fine with the Electoral College up until the 2000 election. There were serious attempts to abolish the system in the 1930s, 1960s and 1970s (serious enough for Congress to vote on and to have a large amount of support).

The Electoral College is an undemocratic anachronism which frankly never did a good job of fulfilling its original purpose and certainly doesn't fulfill the purposes which people have made up after the fact for its existence. We shouldn't be afraid to make changes just because people thought something was right back in the 18th century.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
McFuck signs first bill limiting cooper's power.

And this is why Democrats will never control the US again. The GOP will pull shit like this.

Maybe we should do this for the U.S. House of Reps--equal republicans and democrats.


Someone has beaten Trump to the punch:

At the end of last month, reality television show "Komanda" ended with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov picking a new strategic advisor to his government.

In eight episodes, Russian state television showed sixteen finalists embroiled in a Chechen mix of “The Apprentice”-type business challenges and physical endurance tests designed to impress the Chechen warlord, including boxing, firing crossbows and wading through rivers.
McFuck signs first bill limiting cooper's power.

And this is why Democrats will never control the US again. The GOP will pull shit like this.

Man, this should be latest wake up call to anyone on the left. It's not enough to win elections, and there is no playing nice with the GOP. If Dems want to be relavant ever again they need to fight every single day whether we are in power or not. No aisles to reach across and no compromise.
I'm not really sure what people were expecting with Obama's press conference today.

Did they really think Obama was gonna rock the boat when he's got a month left?
Obama has always been more concerned with looking right than actually doing right. Always tried to play nice with the hyper-partisan "we oppose anything Obama supports" Republicans. Always kept looking for that "grand bargain" that would make history not because it was a good idea but because of how monumental it would be to the political class. Scattershot approach to the growing turbulence in the Middle East by trying to be engaged without actually doing anything. Tried to keep the profile of the white house neutral and distinct from the Democratic party, furthering the decay of Democratic strength in local/state races. Didn't force the issue with Garland being blocked forever. Downplayed Russian hacking as much as possible to avoid any appearance of electoral impropriety even if it came at the expense of national security.

And then he has the gall to very mildly complain in a press conference that the hacking "should not be a partisan issue"; god damn it Obama, the hacking became a partisan issue precisely because you refused to take a clear and aggressive public stand on it. If you don't set the narrative then you're implicitly accepting whichever one gets shaped by Trump and Republicans, lord knows the DNC can't message for shit if you're gonna leave them out to dry. Seriously, Obama holds a big press conference on the North Korea hack of Sony to announce new sanctions; for the Russians he had some lower level administration officials put out carefully worded letters and press releases.

Then we got Obama trying to pass off the responsibility of shaping public discourse on national security matters and cyber-warfare to the media? Dawg you're the fucking president, if the public didn't understand what was going on that's on you, not the media. You saw 8 years of bullshit equivalency reporting and the media circus surrounding Trump's primary process and you wanted to trust them to do your job in rallying the public? Christ...

Nobody should be surprised that the public discourse has become one where the Russians didn't attack the United States, they just attacked the Democratic Party. They just exposed the truth about corrupt Hillary, who cares if Putin was personally directing an act of warfare against us? Congratulations Obama, you've succeeded in making yourself so removed from the stain of politics that nobody cares what the President has to say anymore because the President never does have anything important to say. Hope moderate and short lived healthcare reform was worth it because I'm not sure what else will be positively remembered as opposed to being seen as a huge mistake playing into the hands of Republicans.
Fixed. That's the whole point. Let's not pretend that the people who have to build campaign strategies around the electoral college, or the people who have always reported election-night results state-by-state, or the people who paid attention to those broadcasts, or the people who paid attention in school, were blindsided by its existence or significance. It's pure politics.

Not really. Your fix is more indicative of the way you look at the situation, rather than the way anyone else is looking at the situation.

And yes, people were blindsided by the fact that two totals that matched up for century didn't match for an election. I don't see how you couldn't be blindsided by that?


By the people who document and read history. A lot of you who want Obama to fly off the handle are get plenty of that with Trump and y'all gonna be clamoring for Obama's shrewd, methodical approach.
I just want a hammer dropped on Russia publicly that will backfire on Trump if he picks it up.

California certifies its results: Clinton 8,753,788 (61.7%), Trump 4,483,810 (31.6%), Others 943,997 (6.7%). Largest Dem margin since 1936.

Obama got 7,854,285 votes in 2012 and 60.24% vote the vote. Romney got 4,839,958 votes in 2012 and 37.12%. Absolutely demolished.
By the people who document and read history. A lot of you who want Obama to fly off the handle are get plenty of that with Trump and y'all gonna be clamoring for Obama's shrewd, methodical approach.

Obama's approach to politics is defined by being polite and respectable because he knows he's not going to be able to do anything else, there's nothing shrewd or methodical about it. You have to actually achieve something if you want to claim that your strategy worked. The few times he brought out a plan it fails miserably because there's no follow through (Garland nomination, Syrian red line, etc).

Obama's best appraisal by historians will be one of neutrality. He got fucked by Republicans and put on a nice face while everything burned to the ground.


How do you know it hasn't been? We didn't know about the operation to get Bin Laden until it happened.

A covert show of force is an oxymoron. Russia wanted the hacks to be public because it makes them look powerful and the US look weak. They wanted to destabilize our political system and make our electoral process appear illegitimate and untrustworthy. We play right into that by being subdued and mute in our response, even more so by taking action after the election when it doesn't matter anymore and the lasting damage has already been done.

The NYT times article on the hacking had plenty of officials complaining about Obama's response to the Russians being ineffectual and weak. Looking presidential isn't the same thing as being presidential. This was cyber-warfare and Obama treated it like politics.


Obama has always been more concerned with looking right than actually doing right. Always tried to play nice with the hyper-partisan "we oppose anything Obama supports" Republicans. Always kept looking for that "grand bargain" that would make history not because it was a good idea but because of how monumental it would be to the political class. Scattershot approach to the growing turbulence in the Middle East by trying to be engaged without actually doing anything. Tried to keep the profile of the white house neutral and distinct from the Democratic party, furthering the decay of Democratic strength in local/state races. Didn't force the issue with Garland being blocked forever. Downplayed Russian hacking as much as possible to avoid any appearance of electoral impropriety even if it came at the expense of national security.

And then he has the gall to very mildly complain in a press conference that the hacking "should not be a partisan issue"; god damn it Obama, the hacking became a partisan issue precisely because you refused to take a clear and aggressive public stand on it. If you don't set the narrative then you're implicitly accepting whichever one gets shaped by Trump and Republicans, lord knows the DNC can't message for shit if you're gonna leave then out to dry. Seriously, Obama holds a big press conference on the North Korea hack of Sony to announce new sanctions; for the Russians he had some lower level administration officials put out carefully worded letters and press releases.

Then we got Obama trying to pass off the responsibility of shaping public discourse on national security matters and cyber-warfare to the media? Dawg you're the fucking president, if the public didn't understand what was going on that's on you, not the media. You saw 8 years of bullshit equivalency reporting and the media circus surrounding Trump's primary process and you wanted to trust them to do your job in rallying the public? Christ...

Nobody should be surprised that the public discourse has become one where the Russians didn't attack the United States, they just attacked the Democratic Party. They just exposed the truth about corrupt Hillary, who cares if Putin was personally directing an act of warfare against us? Congratulations Obama, you've succeeded in making yourself so removed from the stain of politics that nobody cares what the President has to say anymore because the President never does have anything important to say. Hope moderate and short lived healthcare reform was worth it because I'm not sure what else will be positively remembered as opposed to being seen as a huge mistake playing into the hands of Republicans.



It's going to be Ellison

It's just some political theater for drama. So Perez can back down and say he wants to unite the party blah blah.

If the public could vote, Ellison would win. But they don't determine who wins; the 447 DNC members do, and I don't think they necessarily agree.

Perez seems to be more well-liked by less progressive dems and Obama basically endorsed him today (he didn't use the word "endorse" but praised his work while saying nothing about Ellison)

It sounds like a lot of committee members are not particularly happy with Ellison and I think he only has something like 67 endorsements out of 447 right now.

For reference. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/keith-ellison-democratic-dnc-232613
Obama just sounded resigned and felt like he wanted to get the fuck out of dodge without turning the applecart upside down. Let Trump or whoever the fuck swamp monster in his cabinet deal with the global China Syria Iraq shit.

I'm disappointed. He really sounded like he didnt want to be a politician anymore but rather go back to being a community organizer, which he loved doing. I'm sure that if there is someone who can transform the party its Obama's activism, not Bernie, Warren or Keith or other populist actors. But yeah the presidency leaves a lot to be desired.


Trump Picks Mick Mulvaney, South Carolina Congressman, as Budget Director

Mr. Mulvaney, 49, helped found the House Freedom Caucus, the group of conservative lawmakers who pushed for Speaker John A. Boehner to resign. As budget director, Mr. Mulvaney would help guide the president-elect’s promise of a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a tax overhaul and a huge investment in the nation’s infrastructure.

An early backer of Mr. Trump’s during the campaign, Mr. Mulvaney has taken a hard line on spending during President Obama’s term, vowing not to raise the nation’s debt limit and embracing the term “Shutdown Caucus” because of his willingness to shut the government down instead.

Once on Capitol Hill, Mr. Mulvaney joined a conservative bloc that pressed for slashing federal spending more deeply than House Republican leaders preferred, and became a prominent face of the anti-Washington movement on Capitol Hill. He was one of several dozen House Republicans who refused to back the deal to raise the statutory debt limit.

Meet the man who is going to sculpt the massive spiked cock that's going to fuck us all for a generation.



I wonder how many fuckers wrote in Bernie Sanders in PA, FL, WI, and MI?

Trump Picks Mick Mulvaney, South Carolina Congressman, as Budget Director

Meet the man who is going to sculpt the massive spiked cock that's going to fuck us all for a generation.

On one hand, Mulvaney is an upstate Republican who is terrible. On teh other hand, it gets this useless fuck out of our state.

Also, he endorsed Rand Paul in 2016 and not Trump. I wonder if he knows this?
Obama has always been more concerned with looking right than actually doing right. Always tried to play nice with the hyper-partisan "we oppose anything Obama supports" Republicans. Always kept looking for that "grand bargain" that would make history not because it was a good idea but because of how monumental it would be to the political class. Scattershot approach to the growing turbulence in the Middle East by trying to be engaged without actually doing anything. Tried to keep the profile of the white house neutral and distinct from the Democratic party, furthering the decay of Democratic strength in local/state races. Didn't force the issue with Garland being blocked forever. Downplayed Russian hacking as much as possible to avoid any appearance of electoral impropriety even if it came at the expense of national security.

And then he has the gall to very mildly complain in a press conference that the hacking "should not be a partisan issue"; god damn it Obama, the hacking became a partisan issue precisely because you refused to take a clear and aggressive public stand on it. If you don't set the narrative then you're implicitly accepting whichever one gets shaped by Trump and Republicans, lord knows the DNC can't message for shit if you're gonna leave them out to dry. Seriously, Obama holds a big press conference on the North Korea hack of Sony to announce new sanctions; for the Russians he had some lower level administration officials put out carefully worded letters and press releases.

Then we got Obama trying to pass off the responsibility of shaping public discourse on national security matters and cyber-warfare to the media? Dawg you're the fucking president, if the public didn't understand what was going on that's on you, not the media. You saw 8 years of bullshit equivalency reporting and the media circus surrounding Trump's primary process and you wanted to trust them to do your job in rallying the public? Christ...

Nobody should be surprised that the public discourse has become one where the Russians didn't attack the United States, they just attacked the Democratic Party. They just exposed the truth about corrupt Hillary, who cares if Putin was personally directing an act of warfare against us? Congratulations Obama, you've succeeded in making yourself so removed from the stain of politics that nobody cares what the President has to say anymore because the President never does have anything important to say. Hope moderate and short lived healthcare reform was worth it because I'm not sure what else will be positively remembered as opposed to being seen as a huge mistake playing into the hands of Republicans.
Obama has refused to take a stand on anything foreign policy. It's really frustrating when he could do it. HE COULD DO IT.



Obama got 7,854,285 votes in 2012 and 60.24% vote the vote. Romney got 4,839,958 votes in 2012 and 37.12%. Absolutely demolished.

Her margin was like 1.4 million higher then obama's in 2012 which is insane. I never thought she would beat trump by over 4 million votes in CA before Nov 8th. I think CA will stay as blue as it was in this election in the next election.


2010 continues to be even more consequential than originally anticipated. I think that's why in a political context it doesn't even feel like that long ago.

I really hope they're wrong about 2030

They may end up being wrong because I can't see the GOP holding the house for like another 14 years. Something is going to break their hold on the house eventually like demographic changes for example.


Surely not enough that had every one of their votes been switched to hillary this all could have been avoided
I was one of those fuckers, but in new york

You're in a blue state, you're good with doing it.

Being in a swing state makes you a jerk for doing it. If you did that, of course.


They may end up being wrong because I can't see the GOP holding the house for like another 14 years. Something is going to break their hold on the house eventually like demographic changes for example.
They're only what, 20-ish seats down right now?


will gain confidence one day
Obama respects institutional norms. It's not what the world needs right now, but generally that's good approach.
Heh, just noticed this little commonality from news today:

"In early September when I saw President Putin in China, I felt that the most effective way to ensure that that didn't happen was to talk to him directly and tell him to cut it out and there were going to be serious consequences if he didn't," he said.

"I represented Wall Street, as a Senator from New York, and I went to Wall Street in December of 2007, before the big crash that we had. And I basically said, "Cut it out! Quit foreclosing on homes! Quit engaging in these kinds of speculative behaviors."
Malloy went on a tangent against legalizing weed today, saying Massachusetts and Colorado made a mistake and wouldn't pass it again if they could do it over again. And that raising tax money off of it is unethical

Hey idiot maybe if we did that here you wouldn't have had to slash the budgets of hospitals and healthcare.

Fucking idiot. If we don't get someone to primary challenge him in 2018 GOP picks up another mansion.
Malloy went on a tangent against legalizing weed today, saying Massachusetts and Colorado made a mistake and wouldn't pass it again if they could do it over again. And that raising tax money off of it is unethical

Hey idiot maybe if we did that here you wouldn't have had to slash the budgets of hospitals and healthcare.

Fucking idiot. If we don't get someone to primary challenge him in 2018 GOP picks up another mansion.

When asked by a veteran television reporter if he was ever exposed to marijuana during his college years at Boston College, Malloy said, "Sure, sure, sure.''

If the CT GOP offers up a Mittens or Charlie Baker I can't guarantee I won't ticket split. It's how much I hate this man. He's destroying the image of the Democratic Party here. If this keeps up I can honestly see CT being a Michigan/Wisconsin in 2020

But we'll get Shane McMahon and I'll stab myself in the neck with the pen in the voting both


Unconfirmed Member
Malloy went on a tangent against legalizing weed today, saying Massachusetts and Colorado made a mistake and wouldn't pass it again if they could do it over again. And that raising tax money off of it is unethical

Hey idiot maybe if we did that here you wouldn't have had to slash the budgets of hospitals and healthcare.

Fucking idiot. If we don't get someone to primary challenge him in 2018 GOP picks up another mansion.

PPP had a colorado poll a few months ago that showed 51% wanted to keep recreational marijuana legal with 36% wanting to make recreational use illegal again.

There's all this focus on anti-science/anti-facts after 2016, but maybe some of that focus should be put on the anti-science/anti-facts of democrat politicans when they talk about marijuana.
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