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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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We shouldn't be punishing Russian citizens because their government leaked e-mails that may or may not have hurt Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party with the voters. That's the kind of stupid policy we have used against Cuban citizens for fifty years.

Ethically/morally, you're absolutely right. But that means there's no repercussions for Russia's actions, which just emboldens them. To be fair, I have no idea what repercussions could be affected - Putin's government seems to be doing a great job of screwing over the Russian people, hammering down on dissidents, free speech and social causes, and tanking the currency every couple of years. Also, reading the "Clinton says this is payback for when I criticisized Russia years ago" articles, I'm sure people are very wary of poking Putin (straight-up, Putin and Trump are peas-in-a-pod).


I'm sure U.S. intelligence agencies are doing all sorts of shit to Russia and would have been whether or not they leaked the DNC or John Podesta's e-mails.


I'm sure U.S. intelligence agencies are doing all sorts of shit to Russia and would have been whether or not they leaked the DNC or John Podesta's e-mails.

I'm sure you're right... But I'm also sure that I don't think there's much that can be done covertly which will affect Russia or Russian politics, without harming its innocent citizens. *shrugs*

An an aside, it's interesting watching the divergence of Communism in China and Russia. From memory of past events (so I may be wrong) Russia could've been what China is now, if Yeltsin had stayed in office longer? A communist/nationalist take on capitalism, and a global financial superpower.

Can anyone recommend some good books on recent Russian politics? Say, from late 80s to mid 2000s? :)


Yeltsin is the one who created the oligarchs through private monopolization which Putinism has in part been a reaction to.

Much of Putin's popularity comes from having murdered driven to suicide or arrested the oligarchs of the Yeltsin days.


Yeltsin is the one who created the oligarchs through private monopolization which Putinism has in part been a reaction to.

Much of Putin's popularity comes from having murdered driven to suicide or arrested the oligarchs of the Yeltsin days.

Ahhhh. Could it be argued that if the oligarchs of the Yeltsin days had lived to now, they would have spread wealth and created jobs? Trickle-down economics and financial recovery and all that. Or is that a bit of a stretch?


i quite liked these (i think the last one is the one i'm remembering):


Ahhhh. Could it be argued that if the oligarchs of the Yeltsin days had lived to now, they would have spread wealth and created jobs? Trickle-down economics and financial recovery and all that. Or is that a bit of a stretch?

No. All of the oligarchs were in charge of extractive industries. Their best bet would have been to keep these companies public and made a sovereign wealth fund to support their citizens and infrastructure and grow towards a mixed economy. Shock therapy was completely fucking stupid, and many Russians today believe that it was nothing more than a ploy to destroy Russia.


Ahhhh. Could it be argued that if the oligarchs of the Yeltsin days had lived to now, they would have spread wealth and created jobs? Trickle-down economics and financial recovery and all that. Or is that a bit of a stretch?
hmm, maybe in many many years? Russia has benefited, but there was a tremendous inequality created in that initial policy.

Plutocrats had a decent chapter comparing China/Russia/India and their "privatizations" and how the government responded and Russia's was more or less doomed to fail. It allowed a handful of people to become billionaires very quickly and then use their newfound power in opposition to the state as these new companies were complete monopolies in their industries. Putin's popular power rose because re-established the state's power against them and broke a lot of them up. Sometimes in ways our government might, other times because people decided to hang themselves then shoot themselves both after they were already dead.

China has kept all their rich within the Communist Party. The 50 richest members of the NPC have more wealth than the entire elected U.S. government plus the Supreme Court. (And depending on the time, including the cabinet. This will obviously change with Trump's first cabinet but the NPC at large will still be richer.)


fwiw in my experience hunters are the conservatives thqt care the most about the environment, especially since hunting aside they just enjoy being out in nature. they vote R because they hate amnesty, acid, and abortion but public lands I think are popular with them.

There used to be a distinct split between Republicans that were hunters/sportsmen/more national lands r better and Republicans that deepthroated guns/"tayk bak ur lands". That ended roughly in 1977-1980 in the NRA coup.
Some asshole on Fox News talking about how Obama is setting up a Shadow Government in D.C. to undermine Trump because he and Michele just bought a nice house there. Already going full Conspiracy Theory to set up for when Trump starts fucking up so they can blame Obama. Not to mention mention the insanely racist undertone of telling a successful black couple they can't live in a certain neighborhood any more.


There was also a more widely recognized difference between conservationists/for use and restrictionsists/preservationists.

Teddy Roosevelt was personally split on this, being a conservationist at heart who also wanted the resources and materials and things like dams and so on while being upset by overlogging or overhunting. His solution was public lands, national parks, etc. Especially since most of the land being discussed at the time was already owned by the Federal Government. It was seen as being good stewardship of the land while also allowing for use of the resources carefully.

The preservationists/ENVIRONAZIS of the era strictly opposed any of all of these, including land/water/etc. management. The resurgence of the latter group decades hence led to the blocking of clearing out deadwood on federal land. Thus, stuff like the Yellowstone fires.


It's still weird to me how conservation used to be a Republican pillar, with Nixon letting the EPA come into existence and ending the free settlement act.. then like in the span of Reagan-Bush Sr-Clinton it became "LIBR'L PROPOGANDA"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
igorvolsky Verified account

"I think everything [Trump] has done has been factual and supported by 80% of the American people" -- @Reince on @FoxNewsSunday

Math, how does it work?

By the way, I guarantee this is a preview of republican talking points for the next 2 years. Fake numbers that make supporters believe only a small minority are against their own views, further igniting hatred and divisive behavior. That's how authoritarian rule gets its support.


Math, how does it work?

By the way, I guarantee this is a preview of republican talking points for the next 2 years. Fake numbers that make supporters believe only a small minority are against their own views, further igniting hatred and divisive behavior. That's how authoritarian rule gets its support.
Wait, when was this not the case?


It's still weird to me how conservation used to be a Republican pillar, with Nixon letting the EPA come into existence and ending the free settlement act.. then like in the span of Reagan-Bush Sr-Clinton it became "LIBR'L PROPOGANDA"
The Clean Air Act amendments. It drastically expanded EPA and other agency powers compared to what they had when first introduced, which business was not pleased with. Those happened in 1990 and what do you know, look at this chart:

I want to say there were a lot of court cases in the late 1980s that engendered similar backlash. But I may have the timeline off.


Math, how does it work?

By the way, I guarantee this is a preview of republican talking points for the next 2 years. Fake numbers that make supporters believe only a small minority are against their own views, further igniting hatred and divisive behavior. That's how authoritarian rule gets its support.

This is why education should be a must. Target the kids who will be old enough to vote in the midterms and the 2020 elections now and make sure they aren't caught in the GOP propaganda machine. You'll not only have Dem voters, but also Dem activists willing to pound the streets for the party, not just a specific candidate.

Honestly, if the Dems can't set the world on fire with an increased new voter turnout in the next 4 years, we and they are truly fucked.

Oh, cheers for the book recommendations, Benji. :)
Some asshole on Fox News talking about how Obama is setting up a Shadow Government in D.C. to undermine Trump because he and Michele just bought a nice house there. Already going full Conspiracy Theory to set up for when Trump starts fucking up so they can blame Obama. Not to mention mention the insanely racist undertone of telling a successful black couple they can't live in a certain neighborhood any more.

Deliberately trying to undermine an incoming president? Why, that's unheard of!


An an aside, it's interesting watching the divergence of Communism in China and Russia. From memory of past events (so I may be wrong) Russia could've been what China is now, if Yeltsin had stayed in office longer? A communist/nationalist take on capitalism, and a global financial superpower.

Did you mean Gorbachev here? The world would certainly be a better place if he hadn't been undermined, though to what extent he could have held power anyway after what his policies unleashed is questionable.


Kills Photobucket
Everything he does is awful. Why in the hell would you give away valuable taxpayer dollars just as a "fuck you" to another country? I need to start avoiding Trump news, my panic disorder is going to kill me at this rate.

It was probably a drone for scientific observation. Totally unnecessary in his anti-science administration.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.


52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.

I see you didn't consider the millions of illegal votes.


52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.

We're a nation of idiots. It's how we got President Trump.
It's really sad when I jump between "these people need to be saved from themselves" and "but they aren't worth saving."

We'll be fucked for a decade, again. JUST as it's starting to come back to relative normalcy.
It's really sad when I jump between "these people need to be saved from themselves" and "but they aren't worth saving."

We'll be fucked for a decade, again. JUST as it's starting to come back to relative normalcy.

I'd start by looking at the 47%(?) of the country that didn't vote.

Trump supporters are a lost cause, but if we can get at least 20% of non-voters back in the booths, well...that'd probably solve a lot of problems.


I'd start by looking at the 47%(?) of the country that didn't vote.

Trump supporters are a lost cause, but if we can get at least 20% of non-voters back in the booths, well...that'd probably solve a lot of problems.

By the numbers, 1/5th of the country is a lost cause. Unfortunately, 1/5th of the country populate most red house districts and deep red states and are able to elect dangerous people to Congress.

We need a gay crusade to move into middle America. The big joke with gays is that they move in, build the coffee shops and little stores and small towns, and then you have a migration towards those places.

Kid Heart

52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.

That is an insanely scary number. Literally more then half of the GOP's voting base no longer believe in facts. Just, wow.


That is an insanely scary number. Literally more then half of the GOP's voting base no longer believe in facts. Just, wow.

Looking at the numbers, they are lower for college educated Republicans at 30-something percent. Still way too high.

As expected, lower education individuals are a lost cause.

It is amazing what a contrast there is between low education Democrats and low education Republicans.
It's really sad when I jump between "these people need to be saved from themselves" and "but they aren't worth saving."

We'll be fucked for a decade, again. JUST as it's starting to come back to relative normalcy.
I can't look at it like that. There are a lot of horrible people that don't deserve redemption for their stupidity and viciousness, but it has to happen if we want to improve humanity as a whole. There's no easy solution of course, but we need to do something besides waiting for the older bigots to die off from old age.

Kid Heart

Looking at the numbers, they are lower for college educated Republicans at 30-something percent. Still way too high.

As expected, lower education individuals are a lost cause.

It is amazing what a contrast there is between low education Democrats and low education Republicans.

Yeah, that number surprised me too. I thought for sure college educated would be under at least 10% for both sides.

Have they ever? Seems like there was a huge shift in the 90's with the explosion of talk radio. It's been down hill since.

I used to think it was only a third of republicans at most who believed that talk show drivel, but this election has opened my eyes to a lot of things I once thought were true. :/
52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.

I think this is a combination of two things

- Fake news and people believing everything Trump says. So when he said he won the popular vote by a huge margin when we remove illegal voters, they believe him
- Some just legitimately don't understand how our election process works, and assume that whoever is president must have gotten the most votes.


Yeah, that number surprised me too. I thought for sure college educated would be under at least 10% for both sides.

I used to think it was only a third of republicans at most who believed that talk show drivel, but this election has opened my eyes to a lot of things I once thought were true. :/

It beggars belief how something that's on 24/7, on large, established radio networks, with a FCC license, can be considered outside the purview of established politics and the mainstream media, whatever that means anymore.

The only way to cut through this is to belittle it. Oh, what a original notion you have there, dude. You can't tell me the reasons Russian interference is bad? Okay, you tell me.


Rex Tillerson, the ExxonMobil chieftain nominated by Donald Trump to be Secretary of State, was a director of an offshore company in the Bahamas that is at the heart of Exxon’s close business dealings with Russia.

Tillerson was appointed in 1998 as a director of Exxon Neftegas, an ExxonMobil subsidiary involved in oil and gas operations in Russia, according to leaked documents from the Bahamas corporate registry received by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared with ICIJ.
The records also show Tillerson’s direct involvement in Exxon’s extensive network of companies based in the Bahamas. ExxonMobil created at least 67 companies based in the island tax haven, which were involved in operations spanning from Russia to Venezuela to Azerbaijan, according to ICIJ’s documents from the Bahamas corporate registry.
These far-flung corporate holdings raise questions about the scope of Tillerson’s financial interests. Federal ethics laws require cabinet officials to avoid conflicts of interest, traditionally by divesting their assets and resigning their positions in companies whose value could be affected by their actions in government.

“If he’s a director of corporate entities outside the U.S. including in jurisdictions that are more secretive, it could make it more difficult to ensure that he did divest fully,” said Alexandra Gillies, a specialist on the oil and gas sector governance at the Natural Resource Governance Institute. “It shows that there’s going to have to be a lot of scrutiny on that divestment process.”

At this rate, you know Russia and/or China is gonna test POTUS Manchild in his first week of office.

Because why not.
Well there's no testing with Russia because Trump has already made it clear appeasement is his policy with Putin

Putin will do whatever he can to prop up trump so as long as he allows him to continue his push on Eastern Europe.

China however yeah I can see shit getting real with them if their comments already are any indication


I wonder if China feels threatened by a friendlier relationship between Russia and the US. I don't want them to feel pressured to be aggressive, to be honest.
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