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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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EC vote goes as usual tomorrow with little hangups.
There's no stopping this fam, we're in it and I don't believe anyone in the mainstream will feel the reality of the situation till inauguration day.

I would not be surprised if they were between 5 and 10 faithless electors tommorrow.
Heyo PoliGAF, would you make sure I've got these events and their sequence right?

March 5 - Brazile allegedly leaks a debate question about Flint to Podesta and Palmieri according to an email released by WikiLeaks.
March 6 - The Flint question is asked in a town hall debate between Clinton and Sanders
March 12 - Brazile allegedly leaks a debate question about the death penalty to Podesta and Palmieri according to another email released by WikiLeaks.
March 13 - The death penalty question is asked in another town hall debate between Clinton and Sanders
July 24 - Brazile is named interim chairperson of the DNC after Schultz steps down over leaked emails indicating bias in favor of Clinton and against Sanders
October 11 - The email about the death penalty question surfaces
October 31 - The email about the Flint question surfaces

Sorry if this seems like a non-sequitur. It came up in the thread discussing Russia's interference in the election, but I had to go to work and I don't want to drag the conversation away from the topic again.
I just watched the Untold History of the United States. Im convinced now that the EC will go for Trump no matter what people are saying. Im also convinced that the same groups of people that profited off of WW2 are still profiting off of the US and continue steering the US towards empire.
I just watched the Untold History of the United States. Im convinced now that the EC will go for Trump no matter what people are saying. Im also convinced that the same groups of people that profited off of WW2 are still profiting off of the US and continue steering the US towards empire.

Conspiracy much?
Conspiracy much?

Its not really a conspiracy. The same companies that today we complain about holding the wealth of the world, the same companies that push their agenda through lobbyists in Congress, are the same companies that were around during WW2 selling steel and oil to Hitler.


who's excited for the EC-does-what-it-usually-does reaction threads tomorrow?


who's holding out hope for the most 2016 moment possible and we have an actual constitutional crisis if the EC goes against trump?

I wonder if the allure of being part of history will get any electors to defect. Being a rubber stamp is boring, voting for someone other than Trump could make you feel important.
Its not really a conspiracy. The same companies that today we complain about holding the wealth of the world, the same companies that push their agenda through lobbyists in Congress, are the same companies that were around during WW2 selling steel and oil to Hitler.

Not really, especially if you know your business / country history.

It's certainly a conspiracy to believe that these folks are sitting in their boardrooms plotting to keep the U.S. in perpetual war in an effort to make a profit. That they are in essence creating a shadow government just for this purpose. It ranks right up there with Rothschild crap.

The more likely bet is that corporations sell to whomever will buy from them. The other bet is that some money that positions Harry Truman as one of the great villains of history and is from Oliver Stone is probably grossly inaccurate and should be dismissed out of hand.
Electoral vote is pointless anyway, since it will just go to the House and spineless Ryan and the Rs will vote Trump in no question. Ds don't even get press they can use from it since it will just come off as them being sore losers.
I'm not counting on the EC doing the smart thing, but I am hoping that enough electors vote against trump to make him wake the hell up and re-evaluate his attitude.

Oh, and I'm gonna become a trillionaire and pay GAF's server fees for a decade.

Electoral vote is pointless anyway, since it will just go to the House and spineless Ryan and the Rs will vote Trump in no question. Ds don't even get press they can use from it since it will just come off as them being sore losers.

I wouldn't mind that reality because Republicans would at least be forced to own the shitshow that will happen in the next 4-8 years.
You can miss me with this.

I have a life. I work full-time and have a pretty overactive social life. I have bills, and worries, and stresses and demanding family members and boy problems. GAF is my HOBBY. And I'm sure the same can be said for a lot of people here.

I am not political because I'm on GAF. I'm political because I believe that everyone in this country should care about politics to some degree.

So I'm not giving somebody the "I have a life" pass when they're fucking morons about the basics of our political system and how our elections work. Especially when that can result in people being disenfranchised and hurt.

And thats great. If more people were like you, we wouldnt be in this mess. All I am saying is that the poll probably has more to do with apathy than with anti-facts complacency. (mostly coming from white and et al privileged groups, cuz they can give themselves the privilege of being "apolitical").


May contain jokes =>
Electoral vote is pointless anyway, since it will just go to the House and spineless Ryan and the Rs will vote Trump in no question. Ds don't even get press they can use from it since it will just come off as them being sore losers.

Not really. The part where 30-something electors change their minds tomorrow, that's the part that is not going to happen.

If it did for some reason (it won't), it's not at all hard to believe that the Republican House would prefer to go with a more easily-controlled and predictable Republican candidate other than Trump.


Unconfirmed Member
Everything he does is awful. Why in the hell would you give away valuable taxpayer dollars just as a "fuck you" to another country? I need to start avoiding Trump news, my panic disorder is going to kill me at this rate.

The bigger issue is that it sort of concedes the point that it was China's waters instead of international water.

My guess is he's embarrassed by "unpresidented" and wants to move on.

Alternatively, the advisors told him that it's not like you want to go to the negotiating table over it, so the strategy would be to let them have it while acting super upset about it so it doesn't happen again, but trump doesn't like the idea of leaving things open ended like that.


It's certainly a conspiracy to believe that these folks are sitting in their boardrooms plotting to keep the U.S. in perpetual war in an effort to make a profit. That they are in essence creating a shadow government just for this purpose. It ranks right up there with Rothschild crap.

The more likely bet is that corporations sell to whomever will buy from them. The other bet is that some money that positions Harry Truman as one of the great villains of history and is from Oliver Stone is probably grossly inaccurate and should be dismissed out of hand.

I mean, this 'shadow government' concept you're describing isn't what Untold History suggests happened back then anyway. Continuing steering the country toward empire in the context of Untold History just means corporations continue to have influence over government in a way that protects their interests abroad. If you haven't noticed, the incoming cabinet has Goldman Sachs and Exxon people -- hell, there's even a steel and coal magnate. And how does Trump describe our position in the middle east? He thinks we should be there to take the oil. Nobody's talking about a shadow government.
I just watched the Untold History of the United States. Im convinced now that the EC will go for Trump no matter what people are saying. Im also convinced that the same groups of people that profited off of WW2 are still profiting off of the US and continue steering the US towards empire.

You didn't get the memo from Gore Vidal and Fareed Zakaria. US is in the sunset of its empire and will quietly fade into irrelevance, starting with Trump.
I mean, this 'shadow government' concept you're describing isn't what Untold History suggests happened back then anyway. Continuing steering the country toward empire in the context of Untold History just means corporations continue to have influence over government in a way that protects their interests abroad. If you haven't noticed, the incoming cabinet has Goldman Sachs and Exxon people -- hell, there's even a steel and coal magnate. And how does Trump describe our position in the middle east? He thinks we should be there to take the oil. Nobody's talking about a shadow government.

A. The Iraq War wasn't fought for oil. It was fought for a multitude of reasons. There was some benefit to U.S. oil companies, but China has reaped more benefits than the U.S. The primary reasons for the Iraq War were poor intelligence & a DoD that was beholden to neocon political theory. It wasn't fought because we wanted to get their oil. If that was the case, the easiest way to do that would have been to work with Saddam and lift sanctions.

As for the bolded...

I just watched the Untold History of the United States. Im convinced now that the EC will go for Trump no matter what people are saying. Im also convinced that the same groups of people that profited off of WW2 are still profiting off of the US and continue steering the US towards empire.

I think the bolded is a pretty clear indication of "shadow government." Steering indicates you have a hand on the wheel. That indicates control. That's a big difference than influencing. Influencing is not necessarily control.

Regardless, isn't this the same series that suggested that Harry Truman was a worse villain than Josef Stalin?

Isn't Oliver Stone the same person who suggested on multiple occasions that the military industrial complex was responsible for killing John F. Kennedy?


That's not a constitutional crisis, since the constitution is what establishes that there are electors in the first place.
Not in and by itself, but you have state laws bounding electors to abide by the state's vote, and it's unclear if and how they can be enforced.
I don't think any of that is likely by the way.


The plans to go into Iraq had been developed before Bush entered office by the neocons. Even if 9/11 doesn't happen, it would have likely happened anyway. CIA/DoD were stuck trying to provide a plausible cover for what their bosses wanted to do.
I would hope we'd be ready now, but apparently we weren't ready to elect our first female president. We gave her the most votes though!

Hilldawg won by 2,7 million votes. The election system is a joke thats the problem. Also the demoscopes created a wrong image of the situation which let hilldawg supporters assume that its okay to stay at home. And than there is the FBI thing which was nothing but really hit her hard when she was gaining a lot of steam
There will be more Faithless electors against Hillary than Trump.
Yeah I bet those two electors from Washington are feeling particularly emboldened.

Also wondering if the Hamilton electors will follow through - it'll be for naught if no one on the GOP joins them, but really it's for naught anyway. You're not going to get 38 Republican electors to vote for Clinton.


Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who lost the election are doing, they would be scorned & called terrible names!
4:54 PM · Dec 18, 2016

News flash you toad... Your supporters are.

Rebel Leader

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who lost the election are doing, they would be scorned & called terrible names!
4:54 PM · Dec 18, 2016

News flash you toad... Your supporters are.

And we are calling the people who are threatening the electors with violence names
It's not going to reset, though, just get worse for everyone else.
And then bounce back eventually

This isn't the first time we've had dark times as a country. It won't be the last. We end up "fixed" for a decade or so before people get dumb and want to "try again" with the stuff that has failed 100% of the time and then the cycle starts over again.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
And then bounce back eventually

This isn't the first time we've had dark times as a country. It won't be the last. We end up "fixed" for a decade or so before people get dumb and want to "try again" with the stuff that has failed 100% of the time and then the cycle starts over again.

When was the last time republicans had total control and were going to actively destroy health care, social security, and Medicare? The 90s? Were they ever threatening this? Honest question.

Rebel Leader

"That was all before Jackson"
"That was all before Buchanan"
"That was all before Hoover"
"That was all before Nixon"
"That was all before Reagan"
"That was all before W"

Plus all the other crappy presidents I can't be bothered to remember.
None of them had a black president before them.

None of them said if we had nukes why not use them.
I just watched the Untold History of the United States. Im convinced now that the EC will go for Trump no matter what people are saying. Im also convinced that the same groups of people that profited off of WW2 are still profiting off of the US and continue steering the US towards empire.

They'll vote for him because he won the election fair/square, the end. There is no conspiracy required to explain why 270+ electors will do their job, which is to confirm Trump's victory.


"That was all before Jackson"
"That was all before Buchanan"
"That was all before Hoover"
"That was all before Nixon"
"That was all before Reagan"
"That was all before W"

Plus all the other crappy presidents I can't be bothered to remember.

I don't think this equivalency works, because it shows just how unprecedented a guy like Trump is. Jackson was a Senator, Hoover was Secretary of Commerce, Nixon was also a Senator, and both Reagan and Dubya were Governors. For better or worse this is uncharted territory (and needs to be noted as such).

Rebel Leader

Buchanan did nothing while the country ripped itself to shreds and caused the bloodiest war in our history, and our darkest time as a country.

Trump will have pretty big shoes to fill if he wants to one up Buchanan.

Trump isn't going to use nukes.
Trump thinks that using hairspray in a "sealed room" did not affect the ozone

So excuse me for not believing in someone who thinks anything like this


Trump isn't cut from the same cloth as his predecessors, it's not valid to compare him to them.

Trump basically made news (as in real news), facts, debate, experience, campaigning, and human decency not matter when running for President. He legitimized (er, delegitimized) all of this as well as made it ok for foreign entities be able to sway the election. This is political 9/11 and threatens our country's well being.
Trump isn't cut from the same cloth as his predecessors, it's not valid to compare him to them.

Trump basically made news (as in real news), facts, debate, experience, campaigning, and human decency not matter when running for President. He legitimized all of this as well as foreign entities being able to sway the election. This is political 9/11.
Can you somehow explain this to my friends who have returned to their non-minority privileged lives of burying their heads in the sand? It feels like privileged Americans have no idea what is coming and when I tried to explain I was either shunned or told it wasnt a big deal, leading to me giving up completely with them. Then, when the first sign of insanity drops from the Donald presidency, I guarantee you everyone will be shocked into thinking they "never thought" it could happen even though there are plenty of people, mostly minorities and political scientists, actual scientists, along with historians, all of whom know what is coming.
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