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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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So uh, I'm not sure how plausible this hypothetical scenario is, but if Russia invades Estonia or another NATO country and Trump doesn't want to respond but Congress declares war, what happens from there?


Have you guys seen this about Tillerson ?

Rex Tillerson, the businessman nominated by Donald Trump to be the next US secretary of state, is the long-time director of a US-Russian oil firm based in the tax haven of the Bahamas, leaked documents show.

Tillerson – the chief executive of ExxonMobil – has been a director of the oil company’s Russian subsidiary, Exxon Neftegas, since 1998. His name – RW Tillerson – appears next to other officers who are based at Houston, Texas; Moscow; and Sakhalin, in Russia’s far east.


That is an insanely scary number. Literally more then half of the GOP's voting base no longer believe in facts. Just, wow.

Haven't a majority of Republicans believed Obama wasn't born in the USA and/or is a Muslim? None of this is surprising, the GOP waved bye bye to reality a long time ago. As long someone promised to let them keep their guns and go after abortions, they'll believe anything they say.
of course xbox one is not backwards compatible with mgs hd collection, why would it be, but it has compatibility with like ten different sonic games


52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.

Hmm, little over half...maybe there's a basket we could place them in ...

I'm not even that mad at the people who actually love Trump. I mean I am, but that other 48% of republicans who are sorta able to form thoughts but still almost unanimously ~came home~....whew. What a mistake we made, and Hillary made, having the faith that there was still a meaningful number of voters who identify as Republican and have a drop of decency in them. I remember 2 and a half months ago when we were discussing whether Trump could surpass Goldwater to snag 40% of the vote...I was really believing this shit. Turns out, no, they really will vote for the downfall of America and a dice roll on apocalypse for muh tax cuts.... muh I'm-not-racist-but...

I will never waste another second of my life "reaching out" to a conservative. Anyone who wants to can go ahead and fight the good fight. "I voted for Trump" will be the end of my personal relationship beyond barest acquaintance with anyone from now on. There's nothing more for us to discuss, ever.


Trump Calls Obama To Talk Inauguration Guests


I can't get enough of this. The voices are so perfect. It's the only thing that cheers me about Trump being president. If only this was ACTUALLY what was happening, I think I'd feel more hopeful.
Everything he does is awful. Why in the hell would you give away valuable taxpayer dollars just as a "fuck you" to another country? I need to start avoiding Trump news, my panic disorder is going to kill me at this rate.

Trump is having a good time and still in campaign mode. He's in for a rude awakening when he has to actually govern. He's going to eat a slice of humble pie real soon. Obama got a taste of it. Just look at how different Obama is when he's campaigning and when he's governing; it's night and day. I seriously don't know how this thin skinned idiot is going to hold up to the intense pressure of being president. His wife and kid aren't even going to be in DC. I totally expect the people around to manipulate him with their obsequiousness.
This story is so...... http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/14/polit...er-reconcile0916AMVODtopVideo&linkId=32508611

Basically a guy who elbowed a protester in the face in court apologized to the victim. But right after he had done the deed he spoke right into a camera saying that if he came back they would have to kill the guy. Just seems so fake that he wants to "heal" the country now.

I think this is a combination of two things

- Fake news and people believing everything Trump says. So when he said he won the popular vote by a huge margin when we remove illegal voters, they believe him
- Some just legitimately don't understand how our election process works, and assume that whoever is president must have gotten the most votes.

Whats the popular vote? You mean people vote? Yeah Trump won the people. He is our President right now.

:hangs up:

Damn pollsters need to open a newspaper
This story is so...... http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/14/polit...er-reconcile0916AMVODtopVideo&linkId=32508611

Basically a guy who elbowed a protester in the face in court apologized to the victim. But right after he had done the deed he spoke right into a camera saying that if he came back they would have to kill the guy. Just seems so fake that he wants to "heal" the country now.

Whats the popular vote? You mean people vote? Yeah Trump won the people. He is our President right now.

:hangs up:

Damn pollsters need to open a newspaper

It's probably more like "he won that means he must be popular so yeah he won the popular vote, of course."
52% of republicans believe Trump won the popular vote? 52%????

I mean, all it takes is a 3 second Google search. Mathematical fact is "fake news" in our country now. Unreal. There's no turning back from this.
Most Americans know little about anything, including elected officials.

The vast, overwhelming majority of everyday Americans do not obsess themselves over politics in the same hypochondriacal way that NeoGAF does. I see no more reason for normal people to have committed to memory the popular-vote/electoral-vote discrepancy and its nuances than I expect he or she to have learned calculus or how to manage their own plumbing.

There's no turning back from this.

Eppur si muove.
Most Americans know little about anything, including elected officials.

The vast, overwhelming majority of everyday Americans do not obsess themselves over politics in the same hypochondriacal way that NeoGAF does. I see no more reason for normal people to have committed to memory the popular-vote/electoral-vote discrepancy and its nuances than I expect he or she to have learned calculus or how to manage their own plumbing.

Eppur si muove.

This. People have a life and worries of their own beyond political happenings. It would be much better if most people had a healthy investment in politics, but most don't.

That doesn't imply they are willfully pretending to ignore ~facts~ or they are dumbos believing every ~fake news~ they come across.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Most Americans know little about anything, including elected officials.

The vast, overwhelming majority of everyday Americans do not obsess themselves over politics in the same hypochondriacal way that NeoGAF does. I see no more reason for normal people to have committed to memory the popular-vote/electoral-vote discrepancy and its nuances than I expect he or she to have learned calculus or how to manage their own plumbing.

Eppur si muove.

I would have no problem with this if there was not evidence of massive swaths of both people and politicians on one side willfully and blatantly denying mathematical fact. They do it on purpose.
America definitely needs to emphasize civics education after this election but I bet Republicans would strongly oppose this since they like their electorate to be especially dumb.
I would have no problem with this if there was not evidence of massive swaths of both people and politicians on one side willfully and blatantly denying mathematical fact. They do it on purpose.
If you're talking about the people who mistakenly thought Trump won the popular vote, then no, I don't think that's willful. Certainly no politicians have said as much.

Perhaps you have some feelings about modern conservatism and are conflating them with coordinated deception. I don't know what to tell you if that's the case. Hopefully you never find out that your party lies to you, too.
America definitely needs to emphasize civics education after this election but I bet Republicans would strongly oppose this since they like their electorate to be especially dumb.
Nice bet. Would be a shame if someone tested it.
- Individuals who identify as Republican have slightly higher verbal intelligence (2–5 IQ points)
- Individuals who vote Republican have slightly higher verbal intelligence (2 IQ points)

Although we all know this is pseudoscience, anyway. And in any case it is extremely arrogant to think you and everyone who thinks like you politically is far more intelligent than the opposition.
They think the same thing about you.


This. People have a life and worries of their own beyond political happenings. It would be much better if most people had a healthy investment in politics, but most don't.

That doesn't imply they are willfully pretending to ignore ~facts~ or they are dumbos believing every ~fake news~ they come across.

You can miss me with this.

I have a life. I work full-time and have a pretty overactive social life. I have bills, and worries, and stresses and demanding family members and boy problems. GAF is my HOBBY. And I'm sure the same can be said for a lot of people here.

I am not political because I'm on GAF. I'm political because I believe that everyone in this country should care about politics to some degree.

So I'm not giving somebody the "I have a life" pass when they're fucking morons about the basics of our political system and how our elections work. Especially when that can result in people being disenfranchised and hurt.


From FB feed.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If you're talking about the people who mistakenly thought Trump won the popular vote, then no, I don't think that's willful. Certainly no politicians have said as much.

Perhaps you have some feelings about modern conservatism and are conflating them with coordinated deception. I don't know what to tell you if that's the case. Hopefully you never find out that your party lies to you, too.

I have no issue with "conservatism." I have an issue with republicans who live in the safe space bubble of Fox News/Limbaugh et al., and now disregard anything or piece of news they disagree with that comes from news sources/government organizations/math.

And, yes, I've been vocal on here about liberals living in a bubble, too.


Unconfirmed Member
Right wing media is going all out trying to discredit Snopes as a liberal outlit now. Really easy to see how fake news became a thing given the right's war against liberal media.
Right wing media is going all out trying to discredit Snopes as a liberal outlit now. Really easy to see how fake news became a thing given the right's war against liberal media.

I showed a Snopes page trying to reason with someone who believed in the spirit cooking and pizza crap and their response was, "Snopes is very liberal-leaning, you can't trust them."
Well, he's not the only one.

Some republicans keep saying "most Americans voted for donald trump"

Yeah I saw that in a couple shows lately on CNN. They get called out on that claim and they just smirk or try to brush it off as a non-factor. Or they go "BUT HE WON".... no shit.

Reminds me of one thing I said on twitter about the election and some random person "BUT SHE LOST"... no shit... it had nothing to do with what I was saying.


Professional Schmuck
who's excited for the EC-does-what-it-usually-does reaction threads tomorrow?


who's holding out hope for the most 2016 moment possible and we have an actual constitutional crisis if the EC goes against trump?
who's excited for the EC-does-what-it-usually-does reaction threads tomorrow?


who's holding out hope for the most 2016 moment possible and we have an actual constitutional crisis if the EC goes against trump?

That's not a constitutional crisis, since the constitution is what establishes that there are electors in the first place.


EC vote goes as usual tomorrow with little hangups.
There's no stopping this fam, we're in it and I don't believe anyone in the mainstream will feel the reality of the situation till inauguration day.
who's excited for the EC-does-what-it-usually-does reaction threads tomorrow?


who's holding out hope for the most 2016 moment possible and we have an actual constitutional crisis if the EC goes against trump?

I still have a little hope that at least a decent number will jump ship, making for another talking point about how much America doesn't want Trump, but I really doubt enough will swing to do anything super surprising.
I'd love to be wrong though.
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