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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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How dismal.

The first woman to get to this stage, and she will be disrespected before others would even think of disrespecting Trump.


How dismal.

The first woman to get to this stage, and she will be disrespected before others would even think of disrespecting Trump.

AFAIK, it's just the one guy in Texas who won't vote for him, and that's because the Texas GOP didn't do their job (like they didn't do in 2012). So the state GOP Chair's gone if they don't find a way to toss him.

Ohio's Ballot, for anyone curious:


How dismal.

The first woman to get to this stage, and she will be disrespected before others would even think of disrespecting Trump.
The electoral college was a mistake. After 2000 everyone said it's rare that such an event would occur again. But here we are. It needs to be abolished... she's going to win the popular vote by at least 3 million fucking votes...


Any faithless elector for Hillary should be voting for Kasich or Romney. If Trump falls short of 270 but Sanders comes in 3rd all but ensuring that the House puts in Trump anyway I would be upset.

Yeah, I know this is all extremely unlikely. This is also our last chance.


How dismal.

The first woman to get to this stage, and she will be disrespected before others would even think of disrespecting Trump.

You're right. There's not even a point in Democratic electors going faithless at this point. All it can do is minimize Clinton's showing.


You're right. There's not even a point in Democratic electors going faithless at this point. All it can do is minimize Clinton's showing.

Entering the day, it was:
- 37 faithless to deny Trump 270
- 38 flipping to get Hillary to 270

Now Hillary would need 39 flipping to get to 270

0 Faithless in Mississippi, Tennessee and New Hampshire

EDIT: The schedule, if anyone cares


Buchanan did nothing while the country ripped itself to shreds and caused the bloodiest war in our history, and our darkest time as a country.

Trump will have pretty big shoes to fill if he wants to one up Buchanan.

Trump isn't going to use nukes.
Trump is already starting shit with China and he isn't even in office. And I like how you use the civil war as the bar. As Ezra Klein and Ta-Nehisi Coates discussed, it's easy to look back at it and say we bounced back, but that's on a nation timescale -- experiencing it on a human timescale is quite different. It's dangerous to soften that suffering.


When was the last time republicans had total control and were going to actively destroy health care, social security, and Medicare? The 90s? Were they ever threatening this? Honest question.

Yeah, but all of that only affects poor people. Rich peoe are going to be just fine.
Bernie got a vote from Maine

How dismal.

The first woman to get to this stage, and she will be disrespected before others would even think of disrespecting Trump.

That is some fucking petty shit and overall indicative of how incredibly dumb the democratic party is. I'm not looking forward to the 2020 primaries if it ends up being a proxy war to settle the Neverending Primary of 2016.


That is some fucking petty shit and overall indicative of how incredibly dumb the democratic party is. I'm not looking forward to the 2020 primaries if it ends up being a proxy war to settle the Neverending Primary of 2016.

Well, after today, the narrative will be 'Congress has to overturn the Electoral College results!' followed by 'John Roberts should not swear Trump in!'

This shit will just keep going.


Hey, I'm cross-posting a post I just made in OT about my experience at a party this weekend that I thought PoliGAF might appreciate.

There was a guy who I'm 98% sure voted for Trump. He's a GM at a restaurant. I just graduated with an economics degree, somehow politics was brought up, and I jumped in. Within 45 minutes I had the guy rethinking his entire economic worldview, supporting a higher minimum wage, more progressive taxation, and a stronger social safety net. I also convinced him that fossil fuels were dying, regardless of how much you care about the environment, and that renewables were the future. I managed to illicit that "oh...shit...I fucked up.." face from him a few times when discussing Trump's cabinet and how he's just a con-man kleptocrat only seeking personal enrichment. It was a great discussion, he was bringing up valid, logical points, and I was addressing them. He was open to being challenged on beliefs that he acknowledged he wasn't any sort of expert on, and I could tell he was genuinely reconsidering a lot of his previously held beliefs.

And then later on, he made a really racist joke dropping the n bomb. I gave him a fucking death stare and thought about tearing into him. I didn't want to ruin the mood of the whole party so I walked away, but the look myself and a couple other people gave him made it pretty clear that's not ok. He gave the pathetic "I swear I'm not racist, it's just a stupid joke," platitude and things moved on for a bit. A little after that though, he made another ignorant fucking racist remark that I couldn't let slide again, so I broke into a rant calling out his shit (and I legitimately remained as calm as possible). He tried to argue back with some more bullshit, and I ended up having to explain basic fucking biology and human evolution to dispel his phrenologist garbage.

He did kinda shut up and listen to my rant by the end (maybe because the guy hosting the party jumped in on my side), but I doubt it made an impact, as he seemed pissy the rest of the night and left shortly after that. Afterwards though, I did realize that this was a damn perfect encapsulation of the debate we've been seeing on GAF and elsewhere, about if it's worth reaching out to the "economic anxieties" of some Trump voters, or if the racism is just too much to overcome.


I've already made my piece that Trump will be president for two terms. My faith is dropping by the day that the democrats won't get there shit together and be bickering among themselves about why we lost and who was right for 4 years.
new topic on gaming side today - "Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed"

I came

oh boy this is a lot worse than I thought jfc


Professional Schmuck
BREAKING CNN Türk Ankara reporter says Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov to Ankara shot in #Ankara, condition unknown.

The Russian Ambassador to Turkey was just shot, possibly assassinated. Maybe something to watch today because WWIII.
I've already made my piece that Trump will be president for two terms. My faith is dropping by the day that the democrats won't get there shit together and be bickering among themselves about why we lost and who was right for 4 years.

If Trump screws everything up and the country falls apart, no amount of Democrat nonsense will help him.


"That was all before Jackson"
"That was all before Buchanan"
"That was all before Hoover"
"That was all before Nixon"
"That was all before Reagan"
"That was all before W"

Plus all the other crappy presidents I can't be bothered to remember.

I mean, we still haven't fully recovered from the massive damage caused by those last 3. Nixon irreparably fucked up healthcare, Reagan ruined the middle class, and we're still dealing with W's stupid wars and recession. Not sure what your point here was.


He did kinda shut up and listen to my rant by the end (maybe because the guy hosting the party jumped in on my side), but I doubt it made an impact, as he seemed pissy the rest of the night and left shortly after that. Afterwards though, I did realize that this was a damn perfect encapsulation of the debate we've been seeing on GAF and elsewhere, about if it's worth reaching out to the "economic anxieties" of some Trump voters, or if the racism is just too much to overcome.
I don't know if it's possible to talk to racists without them doubling down instead. I know ranting at sexists is apparently a failure, because they dig in rather than empathize.


The American people paying millions to keep billionaires employed.
This part:
“Viola’s business experience makes him well positioned to help guide a Fortune 10-sized company, the U.S. Army,” a statement from Trump’s transition team announcing Viola’s nomination reads.
I don't know what to say.

The Russian Ambassador to Turkey was just shot, possibly assassinated. Maybe something to watch today because WWIII.
Can we not end 2016 like this
I mean, we still haven't fully recovered from the massive damage caused by those last 3. Nixon irreparably fucked up healthcare, Reagan ruined the middle class, and we're still dealing with W's stupid wars and recession. Not sure what your point here was.

I never said recovery was instant upon a Democrat getting back in office.


All 11 Arizona electors voted for Trump. There was a possibility of 1 faithless elector, but the GOP's whip operation made it not happen.
I've already made my piece that Trump will be president for two terms. My faith is dropping by the day that the democrats won't get there shit together and be bickering among themselves about why we lost and who was right for 4 years.

I don't think it'll be democrat screwing themselves over so much as attack and war will create leverage for people to fall for the demagogue siren song again. Basically a repeat of '04.


I've already made my piece that Trump will be president for two terms. My faith is dropping by the day that the democrats won't get there shit together and be bickering among themselves about why we lost and who was right for 4 years.

This is the absolute opposite of what we should be doing. "Making peace" with 8 years of a racist ignorant dumb-ass who raped his first wife and doubled-down on fat-shaming a woman on Twitter? Nope. It's fine if you think fighting it won't do anything, but fight it anyway - the Dems need to push-back against this neo-Nazi piece of shit administration, and people can help by publicly supporting them, and pushing grass-roots activism on the local level. Anyone who has any morals or empathy with their fellow man needs to rally behind the Dems, and push to correct this horror.

(No offense meant, btw. :) It's an understandable viewpoint to have, but it's also one that must not be given in to.)


I don't know if it's possible to talk to racists without them doubling down instead. I know ranting at sexists is apparently a failure, because they dig in rather than empathize.

It's not impossible, but it's incredibly difficult and incredibly rare. There has been one time in my life where I actually reached a person. He was my dorm mate sophomore year of college, and he came from a super religious/conservative Missouri family. So he had all these beliefs, but was one of those Christians that actually, you know, tries to follow the good stuff and is clearly a moral, empathetic, and open person who's been indoctrinated with the right-wing stuff. It didn't happen overnight, but I would talk with him about stuff in the news every now and then, and he was always open/never doubled down, and by the end of the semester was a straight ticket D liberal voter. I feel like that was one of those cases where he had just legitimately never encountered an articulated, coherent alternative to the worldview he was raised with.

But yeah, literally every other time I try, I feel like I'll make some progress until race comes up and the discussion completely breaks down. I still try whenever I get the chance, but damn does it feel useless sometimes. I definitely can't blame any minority for not being willing to put up with it, considering how frustrating and annoying it is for me as a white male to try to reach these people.
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