Banking on AZ would be a huge mistake.
Things Democrats said to Republicans about PA this year.
Banking on AZ would be a huge mistake.
AZ will probably still be a long stretch in 2020.
NC has way too much GOP fuckery going on to make that a required state.
I don't know why people are acting like MI, WI and PA are irredeemable. All 3 of those states were won with slim margins.
Things Democrats said to Republicans about PA this year.
Frankly if we win the next election we very likely get WI/MI/PA back. I'll hold off a final verdict until the midterms though.So this is our winning map for 2020?
I can dig it.
They aren't irredeemable. Still, population transition and brain drain should worry democrats. Michigan is super red in their rural areas and the cities are losing people.
Turkey says it detained at least 3,710 people over social media posts and launched investigations into 10,000 people over their posts.
But neither of the three are Loooost Foreverrrrrr.
They aren't irredeemable. Still, population transition and brain drain should worry democrats. Michigan is super red in their rural areas and the cities are losing people.
A fake news article led to gunfire at a Washington pizzeria three weeks ago. Now it seems that another fake news story has prompted the defense minister of Pakistan to threaten to go nuclear.
The defense minister, Khawaja Muhammad Asif, wrote a saber-rattling Twitter post directed at Israel on Friday after a false report which the minister apparently believed that Israel had threatened Pakistan with nuclear weapons. Both countries have nuclear arsenals.
Israeli def min threatens nuclear retaliation presuming pak role in Syria against Daesh, the minister wrote on his official Twitter account, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. Israel forgets Pakistan is a Nuclear state too.
Mr. Asif appeared to be reacting to a fake news article published on awdnews.com.
That story, with the typo-laden headline Israeli Defense Minister: If Pakistan send ground troops to Syria on any pretext, we will destroy this country with a nuclear attack, appeared on the website on Dec. 20, alongside articles with headlines like Clinton is staging a military coup against Trump.
The fake story about Israel even misidentified the countrys defense minister, attributing quotations to a former minister, Moshe Yaalon. Israels current minister of defense is Avigdor Lieberman.
The Israeli Defense Ministry responded on Twitter to say the report was fictitious.
The statement attributed to fmr Def Min Yaalon re Pakistan was never said, the ministry wrote in Twitter post directed at Mr. Asif. The Israeli ministry added in a second post: "Reports referred to by the Pakistani Def Min are entirely false.
Pakistan's defense minister threatened to nuke Israel after the minister read a fake news story written by some rando Russian troll that doesn't even understand grammar.
I'm glad that Donald Trump and Michael Flynn are now in command of nuclear weapons so misunderstandings like this couldn't happen in America.
Propaganda 2.0: Bigger, Bolder, and Less Attribution Than Ever!
The bullshit story is so badly written that I can't call it propaganda though. Propaganda has higher standards than this.
Does it though? When even poorly-written gets a reaction...
I'm just sad for a world in which world class propagandists can have their jobs taken by a rando 14 year old who doesn't even know the language they're writing in. More job loss from globalization, smh.
Being super red in its rural areas is not a Michigan specific phenomena, though. The loss of population in the Detroit metro is more important to watch.
But neither of the three are Loooost Foreverrrrrr.
Let's see how things are going in Turkey, I'm sure that it can't be getting worse or any--
Okay, it's still getting worse.
Why do you think Maine and New Hampshire will swing to Trump? If Hillary was able to take them (except ME-2) than I don't think the next Democrat will have any problem there.
Maine and Michigan are at risk for going complete red. No one has been able to fix Detroit. Obama saved a few thousand union jobs in Dearborn area. But everyone is fleeing Michigan because it's a shitty place with no work, especially the young people. Maine is Maine. You either in the Lobster business or you aint. Hillary wont Maine by less than 3%. Places with little to no population growth and population decline are going to be hard-fought battles for democrats. It's high time we started allocating resources in new battlegrounds: AZ, GA. Continue focusing on NC and FL. If we capture NC and FL as lean blue in the future and show a strong showing in AZ and GA, we can say fuck off to Rust Belt. And Maine.
I can't see how the Dems win back the WH until 2024 at least. The population shifts are bad enough. On top of that the party is in horrible shape.
I can't see how the Dems win back the WH until 2024 at least. The population shifts are bad enough. On top of that the party is in horrible shape.
What did the GOP do to MI to make gas and electricity so costly?
I can't see how the Dems win back the WH until 2024 at least. The population shifts are bad enough. On top of that the party is in horrible shape.
What did the GOP do to MI to make gas and electricity so costly?
Trump camp in meltdown. Miller resigns after AJ Delgado posts cryptic tweets re Miller being dad to her child.
Maine and Michigan are at risk for going complete red. No one has been able to fix Detroit. Obama saved a few thousand union jobs in Dearborn area. But everyone is fleeing Michigan because it's a shitty place with no work, especially the young people. Maine is Maine. You either in the Lobster business or you aint. Hillary wont Maine by less than 3%. Places with little to no population growth and population decline are going to be hard-fought battles for democrats. It's high time we started allocating resources in new battlegrounds: AZ, GA. Continue focusing on NC and FL. If we capture NC and FL as lean blue in the future and show a strong showing in AZ and GA, we can say fuck off to Rust Belt. And Maine.
would it be illegal if dems somehow managed to fund a 'move to red swing state' movement in California as long as they vote Dem
just spitballing here. California is assuredly blue for the long haul, and we have millions of people here. Like what if we moved 1 million people to PA, WI, etc. etc. so they would turn blue for the near future.
would it be illegal if dems somehow managed to fund a 'move to red swing state' movement in California as long as they vote Dem
just spitballing here. California is assuredly blue for the long haul, and we have millions of people here. Like what if we moved 1 million people to PA, WI, etc. etc. so they would turn blue for the near future.
I'm leery of any idea that resembles the Free State Project.
Yes, that is actually illegal, unfortunately![]()
BUT, if we had a group of people that went to the homes of rich environmentalists and encouraged them to move to Alaska, that might work if you didn't say you were doing just for election purposes.
If Cubans feel like they're no longer white under Trump, it will swing to D+4. We need to convince Cubans that they may suffer from discrimination.
The WH is probably the biggest wildcard. Really depends on what the hell Trump actually ends up doing for the next four years. I could easily see him pissing off his base royally once its clear that he wont make due on his promises; or he could fuck up so colossally that he gets impeached, leaving a split between the diehard Trumpeteers and the rest of the Republicans. I suppose one of the biggest questions this election is whether those rural voters that turned out in droves for Trump this election are reliable, or just came along for Trump's wild ride.
Agreed with RustyNails' assessment. I think the population shifts could work out well enough - it's not like WI, PA, and MI are totally unrecoverable, but I think Dems really need to try to make strides in GA & AZ to make up for inevitable losses going down the road. Not sure if Maine is really gonna be permanently lost in the near future or if that hard shift is just part of a temporary Trump wave. FL and NC... Ugh.
Isn't she the troll that was a Trump surrogate?Merry Christmas, it might be the first sex scandal of the Trump administration! Jason Miller was announced for communications director two days ago and then stepped down today possibly because:
Delgado may just be referring to Miller's wife expecting, but Delgado also deleted her account just now so!
Merry Christmas, it might be the first sex scandal of the Trump administration! Jason Miller was announced for communications director two days ago and then stepped down today possibly because:
Delgado may just be referring to Miller's wife expecting, but Delgado also deleted her account just now so!
What we really need to do is convince hipsters that the next community that needs gentrifying is small-town America. You've seen urban farming, now see extraurban farming!
Well that didn't take long.
If his wife is expecting, why the sudden resignation? Wouldn't he want to cement his job further if his family is expecting a kid.Merry Christmas, it might be the first sex scandal of the Trump administration! Jason Miller was announced for communications director two days ago and then stepped down today possibly because:
Delgado may just be referring to Miller's wife expecting, but Delgado also deleted her account just now so!
If his wife is expecting, why the sudden resignation? Wouldn't he want to cement his job further if his family is expecting a kid.