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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I would love to know what the white-specific policies are that Democrats don't talk about in favor of talking about minority issues.

And if you say jobs....


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Americans in general do not like dynasties. Which is what I was getting at with my Chelsea comment. She seems like a nice woman, but individuals like new choices and not the sense of inevitability that a child of a leader running would suggest. Hillary did win the popular vote, but she lost in states that Obama carried. On a class issues, the Democratic Party lost the working class portion of the country. That is going to be a hard battle to gain back their trust. Having the Clinton mold of blending corporate and multinational organizations with Democratic ideals isn't going to cut it anymore. We can't continue to compromise with that philosophy, and we need to excise it.

Bernie supporters shouldn't be apologizing, and I am not surprised that even in spite of a humiliating loss, many of the Hillary-GAF are still smug. I never personally liked Hillary Clinton, and I had a lot of reservations about her dedication to working class principles. I lurked on this community board, and I saw so much condescension, arrogance, mockery, hostility, and demeaning comments made toward those who didn't get behind Clinton. If we complained about Clinton's connection to Wall Street, we were called naive for ignoring Clinton's legislative accomplishments or not understanding how "the process works." If we complained about the Clinton Foundation, we were ridiculed for giving flames to Trump's argument and making a big deal over nothing significant. Same with both Benghazi and the e-mail debacle, even when legitimate questions about character, judgment and forthrightness should have been asked. If we questioned Clinton on the "deplorable" comment, we were again attacked for giving cover to Trump and his supporters. You couldn't win with these people. She was the anointed Queen, and a lot of people got impulsively banned for questioning Democratic orthodoxy.

Of course people are going to be pissed. Seeing the meltdown of the Hillary-GAF and the quick turnaround and continued criticism of Sanders instead of heartfelt reflection is going to continue the antagonism. You can't insult and spit in the face of people in your own movement for not being warm about an incredible flawed candidate, and then get upset when she lost everything and placed minorities like myself in a precarious position. There is no guarantee that Sanders would have won, but Hillary Rodham Clinton had every conceivable advantage and lost the whole fucking thing. In spite of the experts, the echo chamber on NeoGAF, the pollsters, and pundits. The house has to be cleaned, and these so called people no longer have any authority to lecture or criticize other people. We are in a new political frontier now. We now have to reevaluate everything we thought about working class Americans, minorities, women, and millennials in totality.

New record for the most wrong for one post?

The bolded is particularly offensive, Jesus Christ you would think this was an electoral route the way Bernie Bros talk about it.
Clinton is poised to win by over a million votes and you want to blow it all up and start all over again?
Actually, that's basically how every Sanders policy is, so why should I be surprised?
I'm sorry you're all failures and half your country sucks and the rest of the world has to live with your mess.
I would love to know what the white-specific policies are that Democrats don't talk about in favor of talking about minority issues.

And if you say jobs....
: *✧・ ゚:*✧・゚: SOCIALISM*✧・ ゚:*


will gain confidence one day
Sometimes I feel like the worst political mistake in US history was the lack of investment in the South during reconstruction. The North was obviously, obviously right to force the end of slavery but the South had no economy to replace it and we're still seeing the effects of that today.
Especially now that they'll be really hotly contested battlegrounds, I don't think WI, PA, or MI are going to be into that. They're going to want all that sweet, sweet advertising money that comes with being real swing states.

I haven't done a lot of research, but maybe we could get Texas on board for this, if any red state would join? They're huge and would probably get way more spending there during elections if they became raw popular vote based, so it seems like the most likely one we could ply off. Of course, Republicans as a whole have no reason to break a system that benefits them.

Getting this sort of thing passed is entirely reliant on us getting state legislatures and governships back, which means that we can set this thing up such that we don't really HAVE to persuade anybody, they'll be our people. Getting them into office is the trick.

At least I really hope so. That goes out the window if DNC private activities become regular news, and we get headlines like "DNC chair unfairly pressuring state legislatures, DNC so corrupttttttt."

Fuckin' Bernie.
Sometimes I feel like the worst political mistake in US history was the lack of investment in the South during reconstruction. The North was obviously, obviously right to force the end of slavery but the South had no economy to replace it and we're still seeing the effects of that today.
Alternatively, the biggest mistake was Lincoln picking Andrew Johnson to be his VP.


Bernie supporters have a right to be outraged by the results of this election but too many of them, at least on this forum, are ignoring the actual numbers behind Trump's victory. It was not a loss that requires everything the to be burned down. There are clear changes that need to be made and working with the Bernie "coalition" is very important. But people are taking things way too far into dangerous territory for the Democrats.

Reading OT, I really get the feeling that Bernie guys won't be satisfied until the Dems become America's version of the Labour Party.

The Dems got it right in 2008, with Obama sounding like a populist who wanted to shake things up in Washington. This time around they went with someone who is as establishment as it gets. It's been clear since 2010 that the general population wants people who are angry for them in office, not someone who is pleased as punch with the status quo and just wants to tweak things a little.

The people who have been controlling the Dem narrative need to sit their smug asses down and take note of what's going on in "flyover country" (and labor in general) for once. Dismissing them as being racists and/or extras from a Joe Dirt movie might make a late night show audience chuckle, but these people have been suffering for ages. Trump offered them a brick through the window of the establishment that has failed them, and they took it.

Bernie won in the states that Hillary needed on Tuesday. He had a clear path to GE victory, being a candidate that Trump couldn't attack from the left, and who was legitimately angry for all the right reasons. He was a fighter who resonated with the people who are disillusioned with the state of the Democratic Party. He was likely going to choose Nina Turner as his VP, as well.

Next time around, they need to pick a true populist, not just somebody shrieking in horror because Trump did a sexism.


We'll survive this presidency, but we are going to be in shambles after.

Provide I don't cut a bitch for saying "We need to come together. UNITY. LIBERAL MEDIA CAUSING RIOTS! LOOK AT HOW THE LEFT IS ACTING! ACCEPT TRUMP AND LET'S HEAL!"

You mother fuckers didn't accept Obama when he was elected twice.

The Dems got it right in 2008, with Obama sounding like a populist who wanted to shake things up in Washington. This time around they went with someone who is as establishment as it gets. It's been clear since 2010 that the general population wants people who are angry for them in office, not someone who is pleased as punch with the status quo and just wants to tweak things a little.

The people who have been controlling the Dem narrative need to sit their smug asses down and take note of what's going on in "flyover country" (and labor in general) for once. Dismissing them as being racists and/or extras from a Joe Dirt movie might make a late night show audience chuckle, but these people have been suffering for ages. Trump offered them a brick through the window of the establishment that has failed them, and they took it.

Bernie won in the states that Hillary needed on Tuesday. He had a clear path to GE victory, being a candidate that Trump couldn't attack from the left, and who was legitimately angry for all the right reasons. He was a fighter who resonated with the people who are disillusioned with the state of the Democratic Party. He was likely going to choose Nina Turner as his VP, as well.

Next time around, they need to pick a true populist, not just somebody shrieking in horror because Trump did a sexism.

Bernie lost OH and PA. It's amazing to me that Bernies terrible outreach to minorities which has even been written on by members of his staff is being rewritten not 4 days out

Like I like Bernie. He worked his ass off for Clinton. I don't want either of them being the leader of the party.
New record for the most wrong for one post?

The bolded is particularly offensive, Jesus Christ you would think this was an electoral route the way Bernie Bros talk about it.
Clinton is poised to win by over a million votes and you want to blow it all up and start all over again?
Actually, that's basically how every Sanders policy is, so why should I be surprised?

Yeah, I certainly don't think you'd see much enthusiasm from people of color if Sanders got the nom. Then the race would literally be between two candidates that focused on white people. The candidate chosen by minorities wouldn't even be present. Not a great move for Dems.

And yes, tearing things down is silly. You do that when Mondale loses by 500 EVs, not when you win the popular vote but lose the EC.
It's an oversimplification and continued attempt to absolve these people from their choice to abandon decency and to vote affirmatively FOR bigotry and hatred.

I don't want to absolve these people. I'm fucking pissed and disgusted that they have, exactly as you said, "abandoned decency." Unfortunately these people are out for themselves first and we NEED some of them, we have to convince these people not to act this way. Same with the even larger amount that decided not to vote for president rather than choose, we need them. Not the racist, sexists, Nazis and other terrible people. Fuck them, we don't want them in our party. I said to my friends a few days after all of this: not everyone who voted for Trump is a bad person. I refuse to believe that half of America is truly irredeemable. But everyone who voted for Trump supported a bad person. Truly, I think morally, character, and intelligence wise he is the most despicable person to ever win in modern politics. We have to get the reasonable people back on board with the democrats and convince them of why they were wrong and to have some empathy for the people they essentially condemned by doing this. I have to believe they are good people who is desperation and confusion did a bad thing, that I think many of them know was bad.


The Dems got it right in 2008, with Obama sounding like a populist who wanted to shake things up in Washington. This time around they went with someone who is as establishment as it gets. It's been clear since 2010 that the general population wants people who are angry for them in office, not someone who is pleased as punch with the status quo and just wants to tweak things a little.

The people who have been controlling the Dem narrative need to sit their smug asses down and take note of what's going on in "flyover country" (and labor in general) for once. Dismissing them as being racists and/or extras from a Joe Dirt movie might make a late night show audience chuckle, but these people have been suffering for ages. Trump offered them a brick through the window of the establishment that has failed them, and they took it.

Bernie won in the states that Hillary needed on Tuesday. He had a clear path to GE victory, being a candidate that Trump couldn't attack from the left, and who was legitimately angry for all the right reasons. He was a fighter who resonated with the people who are disillusioned with the state of the Democratic Party. He was likely going to choose Nina Turner as his VP, as well.

Next time around, they need to pick a true populist, not just somebody shrieking in horror because Trump did a sexism.

Choosing Nina Turner would have been a good thing? What makes her prepared to be VP? Bernie couldn't even turn out a portion of the Obama coalition in the primaries. He may have done better with millennials but would would not have gotten even Hillary's overall numbers. Trump voters would not vote for a socialist. Bernie had very little GE appeal and would have lost the outsider status to Trump. Bernie spends all his time complaining about Billionaires but one of the reasons people voted for Trump was because they respected his wealth and "success" as a business man.


Bernie supporters shouldn't be apologizing, and I am not surprised that even in spite of a humiliating loss, many of the Hillary-GAF are still smug.

Are you a Democrat? Maybe not. American? THIS IS YOUR LOSS TOO. OWN IT. That's like, step 1 to moving on. This isn't a story of pure heroes and evil scapegoats. Let Trump play that game

Bernie won in the states that Hillary needed on Tuesday.
Funny, I could have sworn he lost decisively in OH and PA, and humiliatingly in VA, FL and NC.


Bernie supporters shouldn't be apologizing, and I am not surprised that even in spite of a humiliating loss, many of the Hillary-GAF are still smug. I never personally liked Hillary Clinton, and I had a lot of reservations about her dedication to working class principles. I lurked on this community board, and I saw so much condescension, arrogance, mockery, hostility, and demeaning comments made toward those who didn't get behind Clinton. If we complained about Clinton's connection to Wall Street, we were called naive for ignoring Clinton's legislative accomplishments or not understanding how "the process works." If we complained about the Clinton Foundation, we were ridiculed for giving flames to Trump's argument and making a big deal over nothing significant. Same with both Benghazi and the e-mail debacle, even when legitimate questions about character, judgment and forthrightness should have been asked. If we questioned Clinton on the "deplorable" comment, we were again attacked for giving cover to Trump and his supporters. You couldn't win with these people. She was the anointed Queen, and a lot of people got impulsively banned for questioning Democratic orthodoxy.

Of course people are going to be pissed. Seeing the meltdown of the Hillary-GAF and the quick turnaround and continued criticism of Sanders instead of heartfelt reflection is going to continue the antagonism. You can't insult and spit in the face of people in your own movement for not being warm about an incredible flawed candidate, and then get upset when she lost everything and placed minorities like myself in a precarious position. There is no guarantee that Sanders would have won, but Hillary Rodham Clinton had every conceivable advantage and lost the whole fucking thing. In spite of the experts, the echo chamber on NeoGAF, the pollsters, and pundits. The house has to be cleaned, and these so called people no longer have any authority to lecture or criticize other people. We are in a new political frontier now. We now have to reevaluate everything we thought about working class Americans, minorities, women, and millennials in totality.
  1. Stop with "Hilary-GAF". It's a weird label to apply in absence of a hivemind, just some people who preferred one candidate over another.
  2. Were you "attacked" or did people just disagree with you? There is a difference. Some (like ErasureAcer) can't recognize the difference? I have no idea if that applies to you.
  3. Cut it with the victimization complex. It was a primary and there was a debate within the party. Things did get contentious. It was coming from both sides in both directions.
  4. Just as Clinton isn't now or then above critique, the same applies to Sanders. They both have strengths and weaknesses. They are both human.
  5. It's fine if you have a preference for a candidate (that's why primaries exist) but if you didn't vote Clinton with what was at stake, you don't get to complain afterwards. I've never seen a single person here who said they voted Clinton in the primary wouldn't vote Sanders in the GE whereas I've actually seen the opposite.
  6. She 100% made some mistakes and she will be called to task for them. However, let's at least not forget the fuckery of Russia/FBI/EMAILS/etc.
  7. Cleaning house is fine. Booting people like Podesta or Brazile is fine. People raging at Reid or Dean, successful Democrats who had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign, just because they said nice things about Clinton is not a rational opinion and should be pushed back against.
  8. There are clear and big or even nuanced changes we can make moving forward for success. The BURN IT ALL DOWN mentality some people have is not productive.
I feel like a lot of people are down on Booker. But I think he could be a truly stellar candidate. Have you ever heard him speak passionately . . . About anything? The dude has the stuff.
I feel like a lot of people are down on Booker. But I think he could be a truly stellar candidate. Have you ever heard him speak passionately . . . About anything? The dude has the stuff.

He's apparently got some sketchy stuff on his record. Jersey politics is hard to get through without getting a bit dirty.


I feel like a lot of people are down on Booker. But I think he could be a truly stellar candidate. Have you ever heard him speak passionately . . . About anything? The dude has the stuff.

But for all we know he could have a stupid fucking scream down the stretch. We are a fickle bunch.
Are you a Democrat? Maybe not. American? THIS IS YOUR LOSS TOO. OWN IT. That's like, step 1 to moving on. This isn't a story of pure heroes and evil scapegoats. Let Trump play that game

Funny, I could have sworn he lost decisively in OH and PA, and humiliatingly in VA, FL and NC.

Its amazing by the same logic Bernie would have lost the election because of all the issues he faced in all the swing states he lost.
Lmfao at Nina Turner nobody from nowhere as VP in this insane fantasy.

She needed NV, FL, VA, NC, OH, PA to win. And she won them in the primary so obviously she is President now.


Alternatively, the biggest mistake was Lincoln picking Andrew Johnson to be his VP.

Alternatively, Sherman didn't burn enough of it


I feel like a lot of people are down on Booker. But I think he could be a truly stellar candidate. Have you ever heard him speak passionately . . . About anything? The dude has the stuff.

Don't know how he would ever get through a primary without being dragged across the Warren/Sanders coals 10x worse than Hillary ever did.


Why the hell does anyone have to apologize to anyone here. You want discussion, then discuss. Not rhetoric.

When people are mocked and insulted for not supporting a viewpoint, it isn't surprising to see people angered. A little bit of humility all around would have helped. Also, this is NeoGAF. People argue rhetoric as much as they argue ideas and policy.

New record for the most wrong for one post?

The bolded is particularly offensive, Jesus Christ you would think this was an electoral route the way Bernie Bros talk about it.
Clinton is poised to win by over a million votes and you want to blow it all up and start all over again?
Actually, that's basically how every Sanders policy is, so why should I be surprised?

What a useless post that doesn't argue much of anything. I would actually take the suggestion of "New record for the most wrong for one post" if it wasn't so heated and ridiculous. The idea that my post is more wrong than people actively insensitive to the shootings of minorities, or people defending Trump's sexist and fucking absurd. I can't even take your proclamations seriously know that.

I already argued that Sanders was not guaranteed to win. Clinton was poised to win and she lost in states that Obama won in 2012. On top of that, voter turnout decreased significantly for both candidates. So you want to keep much of the same philosophy in a renewed Democratic Party, and I'm the wrong being criticized? Give me a break. Working class Americans by and large either didn't vote for Clinton in as large numbers or went for Trump. The suggestion that Clinton didn't contribute to that is plain ignorance at this point. Many of those people either didn't feel motivated by the message given by Democrats, or were alienated by their rhetoric. The harsh reality is that people are going to vote with their wallets, and the economic arguments from Clinton didn't appeal to them. Her not campaigning in the "blue wall" states outside Pennsylvania after the nomination didn't help either. A lot of mistakes were made. People rejected the Clintonian philosophy and you candidate lost. So yeah, I fully expect people to want to demand something new in a Democratic Party. You can call your bullshit "Bernie bros" all you want, but people aren't going to settle with "third way" politics anymore.
Hillary was up by 4 or 5 before the Comey letter. She should have been up more, but she bet on suburban Rs to be disgusted by Trump abandoning dog whistling and that was a bad move. Her campaign made the wrong bet, but they still were comfortably ahead.

Even after the letter, she still won by 1.5 or 2 which should have been enough.
Oh my god voter turnout was not down.

No one gives a fuck about policy so if Booker can make it to the general he would probably win. The media doesn't give a damn about charter schools.


Junior Member
I think Tulsi Gabbard is a future leader of the Dem party. She's a minority, she's a veteran, she's a woman, she supported Sanders early in the campaign, and she's young (35).


When people are mocked and insulted for not supporting a viewpoint, it isn't surprising to see people angered. A little bit of humility all around would have helped. Also, this is NeoGAF. People argue rhetoric as much as they argue ideas and policy.

What are you talking about. You're the one being angry. People are discussing how to move forward and you come in and act like everyone wronged you. So you're saying you want to shitpost, just don't cry when no one takes you seriously.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh my god voter turnout was not down.

Just more wrong stuff, dude has either not watched the election, getting his info from weird places, or who knows what.

You can't argue with people who don't even have the facts straight.

I think Tulsi Gabbard is a future leader of the Dem party. She's a minority, she's a veteran, she's a woman, she supported Sanders early in the campaign, and she's young (35).

True, her Anti-Muslim tilt will help attract those WWC!
Kander needs a political life first. Senate was perfect. Fucking Blunt.
Too bad Missouri is so heavily gerrymandered, the weakest Republican seat is ranked at R+8.

Man it's really shit that he can't run for another state office until 2020.

Edit: or maybe it isn't quite so heavily gerrymandered and Missouri is more Republican-heavy than I thought. Either way, it sucks that he doesn't have a higher office than his current one to go after until 2020.
Hillary supporters with their head up Hillary's ass need to take their Anti-Bernie rhetoric down to 0. In fact you should all be apoligizing profusely and not tweaking they were both bad candidates. Not fucking true. Bernie was willing to pound the pavement and fight. Hillary was willing to sleep in her home every night.

Bernie supporters shouldn't be apologizing, and I am not surprised that even in spite of a humiliating loss, many of the Hillary-GAF are still smug. I never personally liked Hillary Clinton, and I had a lot of reservations about her dedication to working class principles. I lurked on this community board, and I saw so much condescension, arrogance, mockery, hostility, and demeaning comments made toward those who didn't get behind Clinton. If we complained about Clinton's connection to Wall Street, we were called naive for ignoring Clinton's legislative accomplishments or not understanding how "the process works." If we complained about the Clinton Foundation, we were ridiculed for giving flames to Trump's argument and making a big deal over nothing significant. Same with both Benghazi and the e-mail debacle, even when legitimate questions about character, judgment and forthrightness should have been asked. If we questioned Clinton on the "deplorable" comment, we were again attacked for giving cover to Trump and his supporters. You couldn't win with these people. She was the anointed Queen, and a lot of people got impulsively banned for questioning Democratic orthodoxy.

Of course people are going to be pissed. Seeing the meltdown of the Hillary-GAF and the quick turnaround and continued criticism of Sanders instead of heartfelt reflection is going to continue the antagonism. You can't insult and spit in the face of people in your own movement for not being warm about an incredible flawed candidate, and then get upset when she lost everything and placed minorities like myself in a precarious position. There is no guarantee that Sanders would have won, but Hillary Rodham Clinton had every conceivable advantage and lost the whole fucking thing. In spite of the experts, the echo chamber on NeoGAF, the pollsters, and pundits. The house has to be cleaned, and these so called people no longer have any authority to lecture or criticize other people. We are in a new political frontier now. We now have to reevaluate everything we thought about working class Americans, minorities, women, and millennials in totality.

One cannot talk about condescension and then respond thusly. It merely makes you the same in reverse.

There is no guarantee Sanders would have won. He lost the primary due to the vote of registered Democrats. Clinton lost the general election. Those are the facts.

The collective response to that can go in many directions and many are trending towards the similar argument offered by Sanders. How you choose to handle that is up to you. If your argument is Clinton supporters should've been nicer to Sanders supporters, by all means. To turn around and do the same? Understandable, but perplexing from a moral point of view.
I think Tulsi Gabbard is the next leader of the Dem party. She's a minority, she's a veteran, she's a woman, she supported Sanders early in the campaign, and she's young (35).

Uhh, considering that we just elected someone who wants to persecute Muslims, I think we need someone who can push back stronger there.


No excuses charter schools are actually very good.

But that may just be because they offer more tutoring to their students, need more research.

I ended up going against it here ultimately. It was the single piece on the ballot which I probably spent the most time debating though and I thought it would be closer.

Puritans had to make sure they put up a fight to block 420 though.
I think Tulsi Gabbard is a future leader of the Dem party. She's a minority, she's a veteran, she's a woman, she supported Sanders early in the campaign, and she's young (35).

Hillary got blasted from the left for flip-flopping, and Tulsi would get that much worse. She's got some Islamophobic and anti-LGBT stuff as recently as last year. Definitely wouldn't make it.

Kamala Harris fits most of these without the baggage.
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