Are you a Democrat? Maybe not. American? THIS IS YOUR LOSS TOO. OWN IT. That's like, step 1 to moving on. This isn't a story of pure heroes and evil scapegoats. Let Trump play that game
I am a native-born Haitian American and a New York native from Brooklyn. Living in Florida, where Trump's victory hurt a lot. What are you insinuating from my comment? Of course I am owning up to it. As a Black American, I am going to be actively live with the consequences. The reality is that the Democratic Party is fighting for the future direction, and people are trying to move away from how things were managed for decades. I didn't play the game of heroes and scapegoats. Trump supporters either insulted me through racism and prejudice personally, or Clinton supporters called me an Uncle Tom, a sellout, or a naive, young millennial. Not on this board, but a lot of raw nerves were hit on a personal level.
- Stop with "Hilary-GAF". It's a weird label to apply in absence of a hivemind, just some people who preferred one candidate over another.
- Were you "attacked" or did people just disagree with you? There is a difference. Some (like ErasureAcer) can't recognize the difference? I have no idea if that applies to you.
- Cut it with the victimization complex. It was a primary and there was a debate within the party. Things did get contentious. It was coming from both sides in both directions.
- Just as Clinton isn't now or then above critique, the same applies to Sanders. They both have strengths and weaknesses. They are both human.
- It's fine if you have a preference for a candidate (that's why primaries exist) but if you didn't vote Clinton with what was at stake, you don't get to complain afterwards. I've never seen a single person here who said they voted Clinton in the primary wouldn't vote Sanders in the GE whereas I've actually seen the opposite.
- She 100% made some mistakes and she will be called to task for them. However, let's at least not forget the fuckery of Russia/FBI/EMAILS/etc.
- Cleaning house is fine. Booting people like Podesta or Brazile is fine. People raging at Reid or Dean, successful Democrats who had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign, just because they said nice things about Clinton is not a rational opinion and should be pushed back against.
- There are clear and big or even nuanced changes we can make moving forward for success. The BURN IT ALL DOWN mentality some people have is not productive.
1). The "Hillary-GAF" designation is nothing more than a term to label those on NeoGAF who were strong supporters of Hillary Clinton. It is also hard to ignore the description of "hivemind" when such a large segment of that group responded harshly to individuals who criticized Clinton.
2). Was I "attacked" on NeoGAF? I was criticized, but I was assaulted in person and received a lot of racist text messages, and hate-filled Facebook and in-person comments from Trump supporters. In person, I was mocked and denounced by a lot of Clinton supporters for being young and naive. That is why I am taking this personally, but I felt dismissed by the side that was supposed to represent my interests.
3). Given the fact I was personally threatened by people for my beliefs, I am not taking any lectures on you about a "victimization complex." Also, calling out people for acting pugnacious toward others isn't a complex. People should have acted better toward criticism of Hillary. Don't ever get it twisted and lump me in the embarrassing category of "Bernie Bros" or the suicidal ideology of "Bernie-or-Bust" people.
4). As I have said previously, I am not a "Bernie bros" or a Bernie-or-Bust supporter. He ran an erratic campaign, and I strongly believe that he still would have lost in a personal contest against Trump. I believe his populism and ideas were what was needed, even if Clinton was more practical on policy implementation. She was simply too controversial, with too much baggage, and she couldn't instill enthusiasm or personal trust.
5). I voted for Clinton in the General election, so that portion of your comment is rather irrelevant. I can't tell whether to cynically presume you wanted to dismiss me by assuming I didn't vote. Of course I voted. In Florida, my vote weighed more heavily than if I were back home in Brooklyn. Hell, even Long Island.
6). The fuckery of the Russia/FBI/Emails scandals had a definite effect on her election prospects. Do I think they were the fatal straws? Hell no. Clinton and her staff knew from the beginning that she had cast her die regarding the her shortcomings and issues, and that she was going to be dogged on her integrity. I always believe that people made up their minds on Clinton long before she ever officially declared herself to be a candidate. I am not playing the argument of blaming those outside interference with simply having a divisive candidate in an "anti-establishment" election.
7). I should have rephrased what I mean with getting rid of "neo-liberals." I believe we need a new party organization, but burning the expertise and resources of the DNC would not be productive. I strongly believe that as long as we do not excise the Clintonian wing of the Democratic Party as much as possible, there isn't going to be change. Money and longevity provides a lot of leverage and strength in political parties, and I am afraid a new DNC Chair is simply going to fall into the same old habits that lead us here. That is why I feel so strongly about removing those old links.
8). I agree that simply nuking the whole foundation isn't productive, and I should have further elaborated. We definitely need new individuals being in the power structure of the DNC.