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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I think Tulsi Gabbard is a future leader of the Dem party. She's a minority, she's a veteran, she's a woman, she supported Sanders early in the campaign, and she's young (35).
Tulsi can take a hike. I'm not going to vote for her no matter what. This is normalizing the Muslim hate.


(Though with the caveat that while Hillary was a bad candidate I still do not believe she was a bad person.)

Absolutely agree. She would have made a good president, not perfect, but she would have kept Obama's progress and done a lot of good.

As a candidate we were wrong. She didn't excite people, and the bullshit "corruption" propaganda and emails were too much for her to overcome.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Absolutely agree. She would have made a good president, not perfect, but she would have kept Obama's progress and done a lot of good.

As a candidate we were wrong. She didn't excite people, and the bullshit "corruption" propaganda and emails were too much for her to overcome.

The email story was the perfect storm of shit people just did not get and just assumed it was 100% bad. I'll forever be frustrated by it since I have a background in tech and software.
The media, not knowing how shit worked either, just made it worse and more muddy.
I feel like that Senate replacement race might be closer than Texas races usually are.

Yeah, they would never do something that dumb. You don't risk your majority. A lot of red state Dems are feeling excited (even with the overall loss) b some of their margins. Hillary got 40% here in Mississippi. That's something to hold and keep pushing. And no GOP leader will risk a Senator from a state where Hillary kept margins close. Maybe WV or OK, but not TX.


Junior Member
Hillary got blasted from the left for flip-flopping, and Tulsi would get that much worse. She's got some Islamophobic and anti-LGBT stuff as recently as last year. Definitely wouldn't make it.

Kamala Harris fits most of these without the baggage.

I don't think she has near the baggage of Hillary, but yeah that Islamophobe stuff is pretty bad.

That stinks. Oh well, back to the bench.......

What about Gavin Newsome?
The states in red have already approved of this plan, all we need are the states in blue.


It's... doable.
Democratic trifectas in: Oregon, Connecticut, Delaware

Dem legislature, GOP governor: Nevada, New Mexico

Dem governor, GOP/split legislature: Minnesota, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Virginia

GOP governor and legislature: Wisconsin, Michigan

Better hope 2018 is a banner year for downballot Democrats if we seriously wanted to pursue this strategy.

Dark horse candidate could be Alaska, Democrats just took over the State House and an Independent holds the governor's mansion. Say if Democrats managed to gain trifectas in New Hampshire and Maine in 2018, NH+ME+AK would get us over 270 without Minnesota or Wisconsin. Otherwise I'd be looking to state ballot referendums wherever possible.
I don't think she has near the baggage of Hillary, but yeah that Islamophobe stuff is pretty bad.

That stinks. Oh well, back to the bench.......

What about Gavin Newsome?

Bluntly it's too early for 2020 talk. I think there's a chance it will be someonw who makes a name fir themselves in the next 2-3 years ala Obama.
I don't think she has near the baggage of Hillary, but yeah that Islamophobe stuff is pretty bad.

That stinks. Oh well, back to the bench.......

What about Gavin Newsome?

This can't be the same Newsom I'm thinking of because lol not with his history.
I'm sure he'll be back. Everyone needs a break once in a while

I guess he could register again but I didn't think you come back from account deletion.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Bluntly it's too early for 2020 talk. I think there's a chance it will be someonw who makes a name fir themselves in the next 2-3 years ala Obama.
Agreed. Focus is on 2018 now. If we're talking about 2020 it is only in the context of strategic decisions it requires of the 2018 plan


Lmfao at Nina Turner nobody from nowhere as VP in this insane fantasy.

She needed NV, FL, VA, NC, OH, PA to win. And she won them in the primary so obviously she is President now.

Bernie was a nobody from nowhere starting with no cash who ended up winning 20 states against Hillary Clinton, who isn't exactly an unknown. His numbers against Trump were always higher than Hillary's, sometimes 3 times as much, and his favorability was consistently higher as well. But yeah, I'm living in a fantasy. Stay tuned to MSNBC and keep reading Vox, they'll keep you safe from us mean lefties.
Liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard. Accomplished leader Tina Turner. Add in the super successful Tim Canova. You may as well throw in DR Jill Stein good grief. Maybe she can be the next nominee.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie was a nobody from nowhere starting with no cash who ended up winning 20 states against Hillary Clinton, who isn't exactly an unknown. His numbers against Trump were always higher than Hillary's, sometimes 3 times as much, and his favorability was consistently higher as well. But yeah, I'm living in a fantasy. Stay tuned to MSNBC and keep reading Vox, they'll keep you safe from us mean lefties.

Yeep fucking those polling numbers. We know how good polling was this election. (Aside from the whole litany of issues regarding polling that far out)

Liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard. Accomplished leader Tina Turner. Add in the super successful Tim Canova. You may as well throw in DR Jill Stein good grief. Maybe she can be the next nominee.

Vote for Magic Wifi Crystals in Every Home!
Bernie was a nobody from nowhere starting with no cash who ended up winning 20 states against Hillary Clinton, who isn't exactly an unknown. His numbers against Trump were always higher than Hillary's, sometimes 3 times as much, and his favorability was consistently higher as well. But yeah, I'm living in a fantasy. Stay tuned to MSNBC and keep reading Vox, they'll keep you safe from us mean lefties.

Are you comparing a guy with 25 years of experience in Washington to someone who has never held office above state senator?
Great, a islamophobe with the personality of a potted plant, that's what we need

Doesn't she have a dash of homophobia too? Yeah, that's our ticket.

I don't know why I am on facebook again. Must be a masochist. Someone who voted for Trump is saying we all need to unite and stop the hate. Stop the hate? ...Hate won, lady. Hate won.


Hillary was up by 4 or 5 before the Comey letter. She should have been up more, but she bet on suburban Rs to be disgusted by Trump abandoning dog whistling and that was a bad move. Her campaign made the wrong bet, but they still were comfortably ahead.

Even after the letter, she still won by 1.5 or 2 which should have been enough.
yup yup

Democrats faced a third term challenge, russian espionage, domestic espionage, ran against absolutely insanely effective race-baiting, and had to recover from a well-poisoning primary. And still "won" by 2 points. That is not a basis to tear the party down.

Bernie had the right message and was an unstoppable noble hero of amazingness but somehow couldn't be bothered to realize that southerns can vote. Maybe he would have won! But he didn't, and if he really was "the answer" he failed to convince people in the primary this was true.

Bernie fans. Seriously. We want to work with you. We know Hillary fucked up. We know how important candidate authenticity is. We want more populist economic appeals. Bernie is an important part of the team now. We need to work together.

If you need to be angry for a few weeks then be angry. That is fair and appropriate. But at some point y'all need to realize who your friends are.


Are you a Democrat? Maybe not. American? THIS IS YOUR LOSS TOO. OWN IT. That's like, step 1 to moving on. This isn't a story of pure heroes and evil scapegoats. Let Trump play that game

I am a native-born Haitian American and a New York native from Brooklyn. Living in Florida, where Trump's victory hurt a lot. What are you insinuating from my comment? Of course I am owning up to it. As a Black American, I am going to be actively live with the consequences. The reality is that the Democratic Party is fighting for the future direction, and people are trying to move away from how things were managed for decades. I didn't play the game of heroes and scapegoats. Trump supporters either insulted me through racism and prejudice personally, or Clinton supporters called me an Uncle Tom, a sellout, or a naive, young millennial. Not on this board, but a lot of raw nerves were hit on a personal level.

  1. Stop with "Hilary-GAF". It's a weird label to apply in absence of a hivemind, just some people who preferred one candidate over another.
  2. Were you "attacked" or did people just disagree with you? There is a difference. Some (like ErasureAcer) can't recognize the difference? I have no idea if that applies to you.
  3. Cut it with the victimization complex. It was a primary and there was a debate within the party. Things did get contentious. It was coming from both sides in both directions.
  4. Just as Clinton isn't now or then above critique, the same applies to Sanders. They both have strengths and weaknesses. They are both human.
  5. It's fine if you have a preference for a candidate (that's why primaries exist) but if you didn't vote Clinton with what was at stake, you don't get to complain afterwards. I've never seen a single person here who said they voted Clinton in the primary wouldn't vote Sanders in the GE whereas I've actually seen the opposite.
  6. She 100% made some mistakes and she will be called to task for them. However, let's at least not forget the fuckery of Russia/FBI/EMAILS/etc.
  7. Cleaning house is fine. Booting people like Podesta or Brazile is fine. People raging at Reid or Dean, successful Democrats who had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign, just because they said nice things about Clinton is not a rational opinion and should be pushed back against.
  8. There are clear and big or even nuanced changes we can make moving forward for success. The BURN IT ALL DOWN mentality some people have is not productive.

1). The "Hillary-GAF" designation is nothing more than a term to label those on NeoGAF who were strong supporters of Hillary Clinton. It is also hard to ignore the description of "hivemind" when such a large segment of that group responded harshly to individuals who criticized Clinton.
2). Was I "attacked" on NeoGAF? I was criticized, but I was assaulted in person and received a lot of racist text messages, and hate-filled Facebook and in-person comments from Trump supporters. In person, I was mocked and denounced by a lot of Clinton supporters for being young and naive. That is why I am taking this personally, but I felt dismissed by the side that was supposed to represent my interests.
3). Given the fact I was personally threatened by people for my beliefs, I am not taking any lectures on you about a "victimization complex." Also, calling out people for acting pugnacious toward others isn't a complex. People should have acted better toward criticism of Hillary. Don't ever get it twisted and lump me in the embarrassing category of "Bernie Bros" or the suicidal ideology of "Bernie-or-Bust" people.
4). As I have said previously, I am not a "Bernie bros" or a Bernie-or-Bust supporter. He ran an erratic campaign, and I strongly believe that he still would have lost in a personal contest against Trump. I believe his populism and ideas were what was needed, even if Clinton was more practical on policy implementation. She was simply too controversial, with too much baggage, and she couldn't instill enthusiasm or personal trust.
5). I voted for Clinton in the General election, so that portion of your comment is rather irrelevant. I can't tell whether to cynically presume you wanted to dismiss me by assuming I didn't vote. Of course I voted. In Florida, my vote weighed more heavily than if I were back home in Brooklyn. Hell, even Long Island.
6). The fuckery of the Russia/FBI/Emails scandals had a definite effect on her election prospects. Do I think they were the fatal straws? Hell no. Clinton and her staff knew from the beginning that she had cast her die regarding the her shortcomings and issues, and that she was going to be dogged on her integrity. I always believe that people made up their minds on Clinton long before she ever officially declared herself to be a candidate. I am not playing the argument of blaming those outside interference with simply having a divisive candidate in an "anti-establishment" election.
7). I should have rephrased what I mean with getting rid of "neo-liberals." I believe we need a new party organization, but burning the expertise and resources of the DNC would not be productive. I strongly believe that as long as we do not excise the Clintonian wing of the Democratic Party as much as possible, there isn't going to be change. Money and longevity provides a lot of leverage and strength in political parties, and I am afraid a new DNC Chair is simply going to fall into the same old habits that lead us here. That is why I feel so strongly about removing those old links.
8). I agree that simply nuking the whole foundation isn't productive, and I should have further elaborated. We definitely need new individuals being in the power structure of the DNC.


Bernie was a nobody from nowhere starting with no cash who ended up winning 20 states against Hillary Clinton, who isn't exactly an unknown. His numbers against Trump were always higher than Hillary's, sometimes 3 times as much, and his favorability was consistently higher as well. But yeah, I'm living in a fantasy. Stay tuned to MSNBC and keep reading Vox, they'll keep you safe from us mean lefties.

Bernie supporters don't own "lefty"

Or "progressive"
Bernie was a nobody from nowhere starting with no cash who ended up winning 20 states against Hillary Clinton, who isn't exactly an unknown. His numbers against Trump were always higher than Hillary's, sometimes 3 times as much, and his favorability was consistently higher as well. But yeah, I'm living in a fantasy. Stay tuned to MSNBC and keep reading Vox, they'll keep you safe from us mean lefties.
Bernie Sanders did surprisingly well in the primaries. As a non candidate under non candidate scrutiny he had and will continue having higher favourables and polling numbers. They are not comparable. So yes it's a fantasy. He may have run better. He may not have.

And none of that means Nina Turner being the only other politician people can name because she backed him should be anywhere near anything. Good fucking grief.
This country just elected Donald Trump.

Now that's a much better argument than bringing up Bernie, who the likes of Turner don't compare to. Trumps argument was that he's been a businessman who has built things and created jobs for decades, where as Nina Turner supported Bernie...
He's actually probably corrupt and shouldn't be in the conversation. I'd love to actually find out if he's for real gay though. the first gay black man in congress would be fantastic.

Probably corrupt? I don't know the details but I'm just gonna say he probably is since he's a Jersey politician lol. Scratch him off I guess.
Oh my god voter turnout was not down.

No one gives a fuck about policy so if Booker can make it to the general he would probably win. The media doesn't give a damn about charter schools.

No one cares about policy or experience...yet. It depends how disastrous the next four years are.
One thing that also has to be taken into account with Kander is that he's insanely fuckable.

Just noticing that after looking through his Twitter feed.

And that can matter when we're analyzing how he did so well. May not be a huge part of it, but could matter.


I still can't believe what Comey did.

Trump lost the popular vote but won the EC. The election was close, close enough that Comey's actions (and the media's BOMBSHELL response) absolutely could have affected the outcome.

The leader of the FBI literally insinuated rumors off of nothing, and likely changed the result of the election.

I hope his actions aren't forgotten.
yup yup

Democrats faced a third term challenge, russian espionage, domestic espionage, ran against absolutely insanely effective race-baiting, and had to recover from a well-poisoning primary. And still "won" by 2 points. That is not a basis to tear the party down.

Bernie had the right message and was an unstoppable noble hero of amazingness but somehow couldn't be bothered to realize that southerns can vote. Maybe he would have won! But he didn't, and if he really was "the answer" he failed to convince people in the primary this was true.

Bernie fans. Seriously. We want to work with you. We know Hillary fucked up. We know how important candidate authenticity is. We want more populist economic appeals. Bernie is an important part of the team now. We need to work together.

If you need to be angry for a few weeks then be angry. That is fair and appropriate. But at some point y'all need to realize who your friends are.

Bernie had some of the right message....

It still needs work and expansion.
I think people are taking the "experience doesn't matter" thing too far. You obviously don't need political experience anymore, but you better be able to sell being successful at what you have been doing in life, even if it's not true. Somebody please try selling me on the successes of Nina Turner, I'll be waiting


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I think people are taking the "experience doesn't matter" thing too far. You obviously don't need political experience anymore, but you better be able to sell being successful at what you have been doing in life, even if it's not true. Somebody please try selling me on the successes of Nina Turner, I'll be waiting

*Pulls Up Chair*

Kander's hot, a veteran and connects to people. He's essentially the Hollywood American hero.

But with heart!
I'm glad to continue to hear his name mentioned, we need to seriously examine how his campaign went.
Tulsi Gabbard is not somebody who I want to hear about- her only claim to fame is supporting Sanders in the primary. Otherwise, nobody would even talk about her. She has been anti-LGBT and anti-Muslim in the past.

Most likely, the 2020 presidential candidate that we'll be excited about hasn't burst onto the scene just yet.

Jason Kander is a guy who's name we need to keep in the dialogue- he gets it. With a competent DNC, I'm optimistic about the future.
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