I deeply appreciate the response. It is hard not to infer someone based on their writings online, and I admit I came off hard hitting. The election has been taken personally for a lot of people, and living in Florida has revealed a lot of naked and casual racism. Let's be serious about Sanders. He's an amazing dude, but he's a 70-plus year old Senator from a state with no minorities, a profile no one cared for before this election, could be called a wacky socialist, and looks like Doc Brown. I had no illusions with his many struggles in a general election, but his message resonated with me. Seeing how harshly I got treated by the Clinton people, Sanders was really the only place I could head to. The Democratic Party needs to raise and foster a new generation of leaders that can foster a more economically inclusive party.
There absolutely needs to be reflection on both sides, no doubt. Cleaning house to me means having a leadership that better reflects the middle and working class, and not the upper middle class to business elites that have dominated the party. Their resources and experience are still needed in the party, but the interests have to shift from a top-bottom to a bottom-top viewpoint. Bernie failed fro numerous reasons, including ignoring the South (which pissed me off to no end). We ultimately had a weak primary contest, and I think a better pool of candidates would have left us in a better position. We also need to stop destroying one another, something I fucked up as well. Republicans, for all their faults, will fall in line and campaign in a singular theme.