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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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His pick for DNC chair destroyed the party.

Also Obama's general philosophy of always wanting to compromise, appease, work with, and hold hands with Republicans on all issues is a losing strategy.

Interesting you are decrying compromise when the Bernie Sanders wing wants to work with voters to that accepted white nationalism.


8 years of accomplishments.

And for you, that all comes down to...DWS.

His accomplishments rode on the back of his own popularity and charisma. He stood by and idly watched as the DNC destroyed any chance the party had in midterms and then watched presidential years fall apart too when he himself wasn't on the ticket.
8 years of accomplishments.

And for you, that all comes down to...DWS.

What Obama was good at and what he is accomplished will be different than the role that we currently need right now. We suffered devastating loses in congress under him and I'm not confident honestly in his ability to assess how we move forward winning at the grass roots level.


What Obama was good at and what he is accomplished will be different than the role that we currently need right now. We suffered devastating loses in congress under him and I'm not confident honestly in his ability to assess how we move forward winning at the grass roots level.

Isn't working at the grassroots level the President's background?


His accomplishments rode on the back of his own popularity and charisma. He stood by and idly watched as the DNC destroyed any chance the party had in midterms and then watched presidential years fall apart too when he himself wasn't on the ticket.

I don't think he stood by idly.

I think the first years of his presidency he had to deal with turncoat Democrats who ran from him.


Being President is a full time job. I don't hold Obama responsible for being disengaged in the midterms. I blame the DNC and the party for taking him for granted, and for running away from him at every possible chance.
Using the brush does what I need it to do but it isn't perfectly accurate with the pixels. Sigh

thanks for the help though every1

Select the shape you want to highlight (using the magic wand or whatever), use stroke and select the color and pixel width you want.

Edit: nm, I see you've tried that


I don't think he stood by idly.

I think the first years of his presidency he had to deal with turncoat Democrats who ran from him.

That doesn't excuse him leaving Debbie in charge of the DNC his entire 8 years. He should have kicked her to the curb years ago.


Was Debbie in charge for 8 years? I thought she was only in charge post-2010, after Tim Kaine was elected to the Senate.


Reminder that we only barely lost in three states while the campaign the Democrats ran was under attack by Russia and the FBI (in addition to fixable mistakes like "don't take the Rust Belt for granted"). A shift is required but that doesn't mean go all radical. The Sanders wing needs a voice and to be respected but that is different that rolling over for them or letting take charge full stop without input from the rest of the party (Ellison has always seemed pretty reasonable to me and is getting support from different parts of the party so if he takes the job full time I don't have a reason to worry). There record for winning elections has been pretty bad so far and I still haven't heard a peep about that "Our Revolution" project Sanders was running. Is it just taking a break now? Was it helping candidates it supported in the 2016 election?


I decided to look up ages of previous presidents to see how much younger Kander is compared to the norm, but what stuck out to me is how goddamn old both Hillary and Trump are. There have only been 3 presidents who were above 65 at their inauguration date.

And people toss around Bernie and Biden as people who could make a bid in 2020...


Bernie and Biden would be wayyyy too old...

Kander still has plenty of time to get a credible career before the time is ripe for him if he wants to be president.


Reminder that we only barely lost in three states while the campaign the Democrats ran was under attack by Russia and the FBI (in addition to fixable mistakes like "don't take the Rust Belt for granted"). A shift is required but that doesn't mean go all radical. The Sanders wing needs a voice and to be respected but that is different that rolling over for them or letting take charge full stop without input from the rest of the party (Ellison has always seemed pretty reasonable to me and is getting support from different parts of the party so if he takes the job full time I don't have a reason to worry). There record for winning elections has been pretty bad so far and I still haven't heard a peep about that "Our Revolution" project Sanders was running. Is it just taking a break now? Was it helping candidates it supported in the 2016 election?


Bernie Sanders appointed Weaver to run the PAC and got turned on by his own voters who demanded someone more pure.

Bernie Sanders is a loud voice. But he's not an actual change maker.
Isn't working at the grassroots level the President's background?

It is but he isn't as flexible as people on here believe he is. It will skew his perception.

For example I've talked about it a lot recently but he would never support or help out dems who are more lenient on guns than is typical for Dems in the North east and west coast. Like during the dem primary Obama pretty much kept quiet until it was over except for the time when he said "I will not endorse or support any candidate who does not take gun control seriously". I took that as a sign he didn't like what he was hearing about whatever Bernie was saying in defense of his gun voting record at the time.


Bernie and Biden would be wayyyy too old...

Kander still has plenty of time to get a credible career before the time is ripe for him if he wants to be president.

Yeah, I was more checking to see if it would be like 2024 or 2036.

Bill and Barack being ~45 does seem to indicate a trend towards younger leaders, but then the two parties put up two dinosaurs pushing 70.
I decided to look up ages of previous presidents to see how much younger Kander is compared to the norm, but what stuck out to me is how goddamn old both Hillary and Trump are. There have only been 3 presidents who were above 65 at their inauguration date.

And people toss around Bernie and Biden as people who could make a bid in 2020...
The Democratic officials in general are old, pretty much all of our big leaders are old. Obama is kind of relatively youngish but otherwise the Clintons, Biden, Warren, now Sanders, all of them are old people. It's what happens when we lose basically every race except the presidency!


How much control does Trump have over the military leadership?

Like, if he decides to try and become dictator, can he appoint a bunch of generals that will back him or is it more independent than that?

No. The problem isn't that he can't get a bunch of generals to commit treason. The problem is that the military as a whole is more educated that most militaries and fully understand what the line between following orders and treason is.

I can not imagine any scenarios where career officers and NCO's will follow a dictator.
Yeah, I was more checking to see if it would be like 2024 or 2036.

Bill and Barack being ~45 does seem to indicate a trend towards younger leaders, but then the two parties put up two dinosaurs pushing 70.

Bush was 55 in 2001, so he wasn't even that old either.

Donald Trump actually beat Reagan. President Trump will officially be the oldest person to ever be president.
I can't believe the GOP wants to repeal Obamacare even though it covers 21 million people.

This is suicidal.
Do most people who benefit from the ACA vote? It sucks, but it's not nearly as suicidal as trying to repeal or privatize Medicare.

Of course, I hope Ryan tries (and fails, of course) to repeal Medicare. Then we can run on expanding and protecting it in 2020 and save our seats in Congress.
Man the alt-right absolutely detest Soros, the amount of conspiracy crap surrounding him is insane.

He fits the perfect profile to slot into any racist conspiracy. Billionaire, jewish, leftist, globalist..And if you spend any amount of time reading the thoughts of right wing racists they love to pin all the world's ills on the shady globalist jew


Yeah, I was more checking to see if it would be like 2024 or 2036.

Bill and Barack being ~45 does seem to indicate a trend towards younger leaders, but then the two parties put up two dinosaurs pushing 70.
Look at the non-carter successful Dems. They're all young guys.
Man the alt-right absolutely detest Soros, the amount of conspiracy crap surrounding him is insane.

Soros has also done some shady shit with his firms during the Southeast asia crisis and the opening up of Russia's markets.

Not that that's why the alt-right despises him.....



Bernie Sanders appointed Weaver to run the PAC and got turned on by his own voters who demanded someone more pure.

Bernie Sanders is a loud voice. But he's not an actual change maker.

I heard about the turmoil with Weaver because the people working there apparently hated him from the campaign, didn't want to work with him and then quit. I've heard of NOTHING about it since then. It seemed like a big project - I feel like I shouldn't have to look for news on it if it was active or successful. Have I been living under a rock? Is it dead?


No Scrubs
I heard about the turmoil with Weaver because the people working there apparently hated him from the campaign, didn't want to work with him and then quit. I've heard of NOTHING about it since then. It seemed like a big project - I feel like I shouldn't have to look for news on it if it was active or successful. Have I been living under a rock? Is it dead?

I think putting Weaver in charge killed it outright.


I just realized that Game Change 2016 went from "laugh at this completely incompetent campaign" to "cry at this completely incompetent campaign that you supported."


Bernie Sanders is a loud voice. But he's not an actual change maker.

This is true. Turnout during the Dem Primaries was actually down from when Obama fought against Hillary. Even among millennials. Sanders has a concentrated and passionate base, but they deeply overstate his broader appeal.


Krugman and his kin are trying to put the blame on everything but their flawed ideology.
Well we certainly can't have anyone trying to put the blame on everything but their flawed ideology.

In an unrelated question, given that Bernie was The Answer, why do you think he failed to win?


I heard about the turmoil with Weaver because the people working there apparently hated him from the campaign, didn't want to work with him and then quit. I've heard of NOTHING about it since then. It seemed like a big project - I feel like I shouldn't have to look for news on it if it was active or successful. Have I been living under a rock? Is it dead?

Bernie Sanders now has another excuse to spend time yelling at Democrats.

So of course his PAC is dead.
Ahh god damn it.

Y'know, this is one of Obama's fuckups. He should've had the attorney general go after absolutely anyone involved with torture during the Bush years. Then maybe, just maybe, this new crop of fuckers would hesitate to bring it back, knowing that as soon as they lost power, they'd have to face the fucking music.

But no.

And now... god fucking damn it.

Bush was 55 in 2001, so he wasn't even that old either.

Donald Trump actually beat Reagan. President Trump will officially be the oldest person to ever be president.

yall keep mentioning age, but i'd venture a guess that it only plays a role (if significant) during the primaries. In the general, ain't no one gon b switching votes because the dude on your side is too old.


I just realized that Game Change 2016 went from "laugh at this completely incompetent campaign" to "cry at this completely incompetent campaign that you supported."

Not sure if I want to even read that anymore lol. Also, less enthusiastic about it all since I now know what an absolute moron Mark Halperin is.
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