I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I don't know why you have to be condescending towards me, as I will not be towards you. My point was that we knew that the DNC had been hacked and were getting hints that they had found things showing the DNC had leanings towards Clinton.
I know when the Comey letter happened, what I was saying is, we knew the email situation was going to be used against her regardless.
Why is time so hard for you to understand.
All the DNC leak stuff happened AFTER the primary. Why won't you accept this fact?
Secondly, did we honestly expect the FBI to release a political letter the week before the election. If you did, you need to find a job in politics as you are a fucking genius.
If Bernie Sanders was under an active criminal investigation by the FBI, he shouldn't have been running for president and should have bowed out of the race. And the DNC should have pressured him to do so as much as it's in their power. No one can win a race with the FBI as their running mate. Case and point: this election.
So, it's ok for the DNC to actively influence the election as long as it favors your canidate. Good to know.