I think they'll also do some high risk pools shit, not sure exactly how it works but I'm fairly certain that once again, a rather small group of people are going to screwed by that in a big way. That's politically smart since they're rather small in number and tend to be focus on you know, not fucking dying.
They'll also remove the state line restrictions which would mean that all companies will get incorporated in whatever shit state decide to give them most tax benefits and least regulation.
So as a whole I think it will be a step in the wrong direction, but if you work for a company that currently get you health insurance you won't notice too much of a difference. If you're not, like usually with Republicans if you're rich and/or healthy, you'll save some money, if you're poor and sick, you might be fucked.
Edit: also, re:medicare, not that medicare needs saving, it's doing fine, but the easiest way to make its finance works better is to allow for younger people to buy into it (effectively using it as a public option) as it would insert healthier (on average) people into the system. But of course, socialism.