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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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We can say that Hillary doing fundraisers caused her to spend less time with the working families and caused her to lose.

We can also say that Hillary spending time to prepare for debates caused her to spend less time with the working families and caused her to lose.

We can also say that Hillary getting celebrity endorsements caused her to spend less time with the working families and caused her to lose.

This is fucking dumb.

One of those things took days.

Hint: not the endorsements and not the prepping.
All very true things... But I wouldn't put it past the electorate to possibly go along with it. I mean Trump guys. TRUMP!!!

The electorate is 100% not going to allow Medicare to be touched. This is unwritten rule in Washington. Bush was insane for lightly touching Medicare, and it very well may have given Dems bigger gains '06 than they would have gotten without it.


No. We go for no brainers... drop trying to push single payer, stop pushing gun control, community outreach to see what else we might be able to help them out with. But just like some of the Bernie folk here HilGAF also have a scorched my way or the high way approach to this whole strategy.

Agree regarding single payer, but we need to push gun control. Universal background checks is not a polarizing issue, and even if we stopped pushing gun control the NRA would continue its nonsense ads so I don't think that'd help.

Harry Reid can't be bothered to give a fuck.


We need strong voices of dissent like Reid right now. Hope he doesn't give up.

I still can't deal with this. Barely keeping it together.


Hang in there. I'm having trouble too, but talking to my mom's parents last night helped me. They're very liberal and reacting similarly to me. Helped to talk to them
The electorate is 100% not going to allow Medicare to be touched. This is unwritten rule in Washington. Bush was insane for lightly touching Medicare, and it very well may have given Dems bigger gains '06 than they would have gotten without it.

No I agree with you it's not likely to happen and would be poison. I'm just cautious... I feel like a lot of things are up in the air in what the electorate will be cool with for the next few weeks.

Agree regarding single payer, but we need to push gun control. Universal background checks is not a polarizing issue, and even if we stopped pushing gun control the NRA would continue its nonsense ads so I don't think that'd help.

I agree with you on all of that. What I meant with gun control was more of a Kander approach that alot here on PoliGAF like as well. It's for background checks and he's got the message of yeah I know how to assemble a gun... What you got old ass GOP?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yes, Hillary took like four days off to prep for debate two and three, which I guess was just her way of letting everyone know she fucking hates campaigning. Ugh she's so Martha Coakley.


All these articles coming about Trumps meetings with Obama tells me one thing. Obama really fucking cared, he had his ideology but he cared selflessly for the American people and puts them above anything.
Realistically guys, would someone like Kamala Harris have a good shot at taking the White House in 2020? Or even winning the Democratic Primary?

A good chance, yes. I mentioned this in a chat I think, but our coalition skews young and has a hard time liking a candidate that has a record (the country is pretty conservative, so any Dem has to either get booted out of office, flee to a deep blue state and be irrelevant, or work across the aisle). I'm honestly skeptical that any Dem could win over the youth if they've actually been in politics for longer than a Senate term. Bernie has a long history of gov't, but he's in case 2 above where he fucked off to a blue state and never had to actually govern.

Either we run a hardcore blue state candidate and win the youth (bad move, see Mondale-types), we run a fighter who's got a long record of working across the aisle (bad move, see Hillary-types), or we run someone green as hell who can't fall into either case 2 or 3 above (good move, see Obama-types).

It's why I'm now really in favor of Kamala taking a shot at it. Her seat is safe as hell anyway, so she can dip out of the Senate after 4 years just fine.


So did Hillary Clinton not spend enough time with working families only because of fundraising?

Of course, there can be multiple reasons for something. Hillary had 36 fundraisers and 3 visits to the Rust Belt in the same timespan where Obama in 2008 had 5 fundraisers and 16 visits to the Rust Belt. If you look at that, don't you think that fundraising events take time away from campaign events, and vice versa?
All these articles coming about Trumps meetings with Obama tells me one thing. Obama really fucking cared, he had his ideology but he cared selflessly for the American people and puts them above anything.

Yeah. I think he knew. One of the few times his political jujitsu has shown. He got Trump in to meet with him the quickest of all Presidents with President-Elects.


doing an entire month of fundraising perhaps wasn't a good idea. Like someone else said, just leave that to Obama and Bill and get out there to make your case. While fund raising is important for organizing big events and rallies, all that money won't matter if (don't kill me for saying this) the optics just looks bad for it. Remember what the failing New York Times did about Hillary "being more comfortable with rich people"?

I don't think Bernie is demonizing the entire rich class either though.
Imagine if Obama is like a precocious but wise child and he teaches the naive but violent monster Trump that killing is bad

Trump comes back with a week long retreat with Barry, arm in arm, telling horrified GOP staffers that he learned all about how great healthcare would be with single payer and how he never really knew how bad reproductive rights have gotten for women in this nation


Of course, there can be multiple reasons for something. Hillary had 36 fundraisers and 3 visits to the Rust Belt in the same timespan where Obama in 2008 had 5 fundraisers and 16 visits to the Rust Belt. If you look at that, don't you think that fundraising events take time away from campaign events, and vice versa?

As long we admit that that's fine because the context of this started from Bernie's tweet equating one with another.

I'm not interested in a scheduling + campaign strategy debate but one thing I want to add is you have to build campaigns around your candidate's strength. Maybe that's her mistake, sure, but just saying she should have done exactly what Obama did isn't a fair comparison.


Man, if Obama made Trump's heart grow three times bigger out of his own grace and kindness whereas all the republicans might treat him like a big child, hmmm...
Harris and Cortez-Masto definitely appear like they could run in 2020, but it all depends on what actually happens in these next four years. They've both taken initiative to set themselves up as being stalwarts against Trump instead of the more reconciliatory tone of some others, which I suspect will be a boon for them when the time comes.

Kander missing the Senate this year definitely set him back, but I foresee a future for him regardless. It'll just take him longer to get there.

Joe Kennedy is another person who I fully expect to see further down the line, just not now. I imagine he'll wait in the House until Warren or Markey steps down, then take their seat.
If Hillary can't shatter the glass then maybe...
If this was a republican primary, I guess it'd make sense we would never nominate another woman but I can't see minorities not getting hype over Kamala Harris and not voting for her in droves.

The SC primary is gonna be crazy if Kamala/Booker both run.
I think I've calmed down on thinking "we need a straight white man". If Harris or Cortez Masto can get people excited about them and can be Obama-esque, I'll probably be comfortable with their electability. I think it's possible they'll have to largely avoid sexism the way Obama didn't talk a whole lot about race though.

Watching that Harris speech and she is pretty good. I wonder what it's like to live in a state with Democrats.
We're going to get a bunch of old white men who want in on an "easy" ticket to the presidency off of a weak Trump Administration to clog up the primary with nonsense. Hopefully the good candidates don't get drowned out by the old established guard. Given the choice between new and familiar, people generally caution towards familiar unless the new is like Obama and is just that good.
I'm not entirely sure Ryan realizes he actually has power to do stuff now and doing that stuff means he won't have that power for very long.

It's easy to whine and make up nonsense legislation that would get you destroyed if it was ever implemented. But Ryan doesn't seem able to snap away from his "this is crazy, but Obama is president so we can just say whatever and blame him"

Probably because he's a true believer and doesn't realize what he's suggesting is political suicide that the senate isn't going to touch with a ten foot poll and Trump maybe wouldn't even sign.

Eight years of playing victim, not attempting to govern, and saying "no" to everything. All the while blaming Democrats for everything. And now the Presidency fell into their lap.

Now they have to do their jobs again.
We're going to get a bunch of old white men who want in on an "easy" ticket to the presidency off of a weak Trump Administration to clog up the primary with nonsense. Hopefully the good candidates don't get drowned out by the old established guard. Given the choice between new and familiar, people generally caution towards familiar unless the new is like Obama and is just that good.

I can't think of any old white democratic men who would want to. Sanders is delusional if he thinks he is running/winning.


I'm not entirely sure Ryan realizes he actually has power to do stuff now and doing that stuff means he won't have that power for very long.

It's easy to whine and make up nonsense legislation that would get you destroyed if it was ever implemented. But Ryan doesn't seem able to snap away from his "this is crazy, but Obama is president so we can just say whatever and blame him"

Probably because he's a true believer and doesn't realize what he's suggesting is political suicide that the senate isn't going to touch with a ten foot poll and Trump maybe wouldn't even sign.

I can't think of any old white democratic men who would want to. Sanders is delusional if he thinks he is running/winning.
Cuomo maybe? I don't think there's anyone with the national profile to do it, I doubt we're going to see the Durbin 2020 campaign and it's going to die a short death if he tries. Maybe Sherrod Brown but I don't see that as opportunistic.

The invisible primary will be kind of fascinating to watch, in a "please god don't fuck this up" sort of way. I guess it all depends on 2020.

Also, Kander's twitter feed has become kind of awesome. It's kind of weird to pin my hopes on a guy that's only slightly older than my dead sister.


I don't believe being a woman harmed Hillary in any significant fashion.

I think her being a woman was a large part of what started the Repub. hate machine in the first place. Remember, their vendetta against her began with "I could have stayed home and baked cookies", that's telling.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Keep at it with the identity-only politics thing. That's what got us our first orange president.

It did huh?

So you are saying we cater to racists then? ok

Bernie Bros really want to go back to the Old White man running don't they?
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