Of course.Rumor is the GOP is going to give Trump a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that mimics what Obama had been asking for.
Of course.Rumor is the GOP is going to give Trump a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that mimics what Obama had been asking for.
She was ahead of her time. She had to live through gender battles that younger women just didn't have to do. Because of the crap Hillary went through in the 90s, nobody bats an eye when Heidi Cruz makes more than her husband. But because of the crap Hillary went through in the 90s, lots of people just had an ingrained dislike of her.
It's the same reason Jesse Jackson didn't get to be the first black president. If there was any justice in the world, Obama would have been the second black president. But somebody earlier had to fight the hard battles and take the tarnished reputation for doing so. We'll get there, with hopefully way less lag time than between Jackson and Obama.
Are we gonna get high speed trains?Rumor is the GOP is going to give Trump a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that mimics what Obama had been asking for.
During his time as an independent in Congress, Sanders caucused with the Democrats. That means for his elections in Vermont, they would be willing to give him some money to retain his seat (though how he got his Senate seat, he screwed with the Dems for sure).He's an Independent how would he get access to DNC money?
The battle over the influence of special interests began in earnest in New Hampshire. Mr. Sanders has been suggesting that Mrs. Clinton is influenced by Wall Street campaign donations. On Monday, she replied by drawing attention to Mr. Sanders’s 2006 race for the Senate, when he benefited from $200,000 in contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, known as the DSCC, which is charged with electing Democrats—and accepts significant contributions from Wall Street interests.
“Sen. Sanders took $200,000 from Wall Street firms, not directly but through the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee,” she told a rally in Manchester. “You know, there was nothing wrong with that. It hasn’t changed his view. Well, it didn’t change my view or my vote, either.”
What's quite sad about this is that the Hasidic Jew neighborhoods in NYC seems to have voted for Trump.http://www.timesofisrael.com/gingri...rump-aide-worked-in-finance-not-anti-semitic/
We've brought Antisemitism back baby.
Here's what I think about MN, and it's partially formulated from another guy I know from MN. Right before the election, This American Life ran a podcast about Somali refugees in MN and how they were straining relations and white Minnesotans were getting agitated by 'too much change too fast'. I turned to my friend from MN, and said to him, your state might be in a bit of danger. He said to me, "Nah, Minnesota will never be red."I'm really angry that Jason Lewis won in Minnesota. Like, I'm not going to hold all of this against Clinton, but she fucked up and got arrogant, and I'm mad that what was being gambled was my state (among others).
Yes, the vast majority of the population believes Marx is trash.
That is because Marx is trash. Not because they're bowing down to corporate overlords.
What universe do you live in?
He won 5 or 6 out 17
which is about 29% of them
Washington for example: he won the binding caucus but lost the non binding primary which had a larger voting pool...
"Neoliberal" is not an actual term. It is a term that far-lefties tar anyone who's outside of their purity bubbles that they don't like with.I don't really get what that has to do with what I said but ok. I'm saying there can be wide variety within an ideological framework.
Am I recalling incorrectly that Trump spent most of August chewing on his own feet?Taking the entire month of August off to raise money was a terrible idea. It gave Trump an entire month to freely recover from the terrible RNC and the aftermath of the DNC. And then Hillary came back, called a bunch of people deplorable and died on camera. She was only bailed out by an excellent debate performance by her and a trash can performance by Trump.
And yet "liberals" are saying we need to drop guns as an issue.Agree regarding single payer, but we need to push gun control. Universal background checks is not a polarizing issue, and even if we stopped pushing gun control the NRA would continue its nonsense ads so I don't think that'd help.
And people are also delusional if they think Obama is going to criticize Trump. He's going to adhere to tradition and let Trump go his own way.if any of you are seriously thinking that obama may charm trump into being merciful you are delusional
Yeah, Washington was about to switch Republican.
I never said that...
That's not a response to me.
Again how is Harris/Kander a identity politics only ticket?
Kamala/Kander. I could dig it
No more old white tickets anymore.
There are significant advantages to running a PoC for President. This is because not having to make explicit overtures to minority groups that scare off a certain segment of white people is sadly an actual benefit.I know you didn't. This person did:
"Neoliberal" somehow describes both Pinochet and Barack Obama and thus probably isn't a real term unless "Not a Communist and to the left of Paul Ryan on economics" is a group you need to define (you don't, it's 98% of people).
It describes how the Democratic Party has abandoned labor for 40 years. It requires an interest in the history of the party to understand. If the term "union" gives you shivers, then look into that.
would obama be mr satan and trump majin buu?Imagine if Obama is like a precocious but wise child and he teaches the naive but violent monster Trump that killing is bad
Trump comes back with a week long retreat with Barry, arm in arm, telling horrified GOP staffers that he learned all about how great healthcare would be with single payer and how he never really knew how bad reproductive rights have gotten for women in this nation
Rumor is the GOP is going to give Trump a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that mimics what Obama had been asking for.
"Neoliberal" is not an actual term. It is a term that far-lefties tar anyone who's outside of their purity bubbles that they don't like with.
You cannot get anyone to give you a real definition because there is none. No one outside of the far left actually uses the term.
I know you didn't. This person did:
It's not a useful term. It's a slur.I don't really care if liberals don't like to use the term themelves. It's very handy for describing the resurgence of a focus on market solutions and economic liberalization following the turn towards social democratic/government solutions to issues in the 20th century. Some people throw it around wily nilly and that's dumb.
Stalinists also don't call themselves Stalinists, but it doesn't mean I wont.
Honestly, I doubt he has much interest or passion for policy in general. He'll say things to rile up his base and (occasionally) to mollify critics, but someone who has the attention span and lack of intellectual curiosity he has probably isn't someone too bothered by the details of actual policy discussion.
That's what has me worried - I actually think Trump will be more amenable to policy concessions than the people that will make up his administration and many/most of the Republicans in Congress (not because he's a "good guy", but rather because he's not a fanatic about abortion or gay rights or whatever).
Trump, 70, a Manhattan real-estate developer, had long been a patron of Schumers political operation, donating thousands to his previous campaigns and to Senate Democrats in years past, before he embarked on his presidential bid.
It's not a useful term. It's a slur.
It's not a useful term. It's a slur.
Not bourgeoisie liberal scum?I can only speak for myself but I have ever never once used "neoliberal" as a slur.
I just use "capitalist pig" for that.
Prediction: trump will bully pulpit the hell out of congress until he gets his wayWhere did you get this? Mitch McConnell said it wasn't a top priority; they spend much of the year doing other things.
This pape ris a critical exploration of the of the term neoliberalism. Drawing on a wide range of literature across the critical social sciencesand with particular emphasis on the political economy of development, it evaluates the consequences of its proliferation and expanded usage since the 1980s It advances a case that neoliberalism has become a deeply problematic and incoherent term that has multiple and contradictory meanings, and thus has diminished analytical value. In addition, the paper also explores the one-‐sided, morally laden usage of the term by non-‐economists to describe economic phenomena, and the way that this serves to signify and reproduce the divide etween economics and the rest of the social sciences.
They wanted to win without having to vote. Now they're claiming Clinton is the problem because they sat out the election.
No, they are not. There's an actual academic study on the term that corroborates this.
Prediction: trump will bully pulpit the hell out of congress until he gets his way
If he follows through with high speed rail and such I think we can all agree that that would be great for the country
I imagine that Republican leadership recognizes that this is a unique opportunity to get as much of their shit done as they've wanted to for eight years and that it's their time to deliver before they lose control of one of the branches of government. Maybe they'll pass an infrastructure bill if it means getting Trump to repeal Medicare or something. He does love deals.
FOUND THE PAPER http://personal.lse.ac.uk/venugopr/venugopal2014augneoliberalism.pdf
It's a slur. It's the left-wing equivalent of something like "Liberal Media"
I am conflicted on whether "neoliberal" or "bourgeoisie" is better.
One sounds a lot more classic, but I can't fucking spell bourgeoisie![]()
Well, infra spending is one of his campaign promises. And I still do want what's best for the country.Haha man you guys are optimistic. Everyone is projecting what they want onto Trump when he has surrounded himself with the worst scum imaginable.
You have no answer to anything I'm saying...
lolllllOf course.
If you think "The DNC" is the reason the deck was cleared for Clinton, you have absolutely no idea what the DNC is.You haven't proven the exit polls wrong that Independents would've voted for Sanders.
People. Didn't. Like. Hillary. Clinton.
Not even white women. The approval ratings have said this for ages. The problem was, the DNC was planning on running her since 2008 and never had anything else in mind. They had no plan B, and when one presented itself with Sanders, they rejected it because it didn't align with their donors' wishes.
So it's either most working class people are racists, like the media figures insinuate (in order to cover their asses), or there's was something wrong with her and the platform she reluctantly settled with. People are fed up with the political elite - they're suffering and half-measures like Obamacare and the bailouts haven't helped them. This should have been clear to the experts since 2010.
You scoff at newcomers like Nina Turner but she got crowds of tens of thousands energized every time. Trump did too. This idea that people need loads of experience to have a chance was completely disproven in 2008, and you all forgot the lesson. They want charismatic figures who don't come off as being typical, fake politicians - people who are angry for them and put forward a plan that addresses their everyday lives.
Prediction: trump will bully pulpit the hell out of congress until he gets his way
If he follows through with high speed rail and such I think we can all agree that that would be great for the country
Why he can't shelter it in a shell company. He'll probably try to see if he can donate it all to his foundation without paying taxes (then spend it on himself and his friends)Who wants to bet that Trump won't actually forfeit his Presidential salary like says, and just find a way to still get it?
It really is. Thinking it over, they may not even truly support it. But Trump dragged them into office and has a hold on their base so they may be forced to.lolllll
So they knew all along it would work and just opposed it because it wasn't their guy?
shits infuriating.
Who wants to bet that Trump won't actually forfeit his Presidential salary like says, and just find a way to still get it?
I actually wouldn't be surprised if he sticks with this one...only because I'm sure he's found some way to monetize his presidency in a way that will make him more money than the salary would.