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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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We are counting on Diablos and the other two PA Gaffers who names escape me but start with a Q and M that post in here to deliver Bernie the knockout blow in PA

b-dubs and Cerium will do it in NY. If that don't work we got pigeon and Ivysaur to do it in CA and Y2kev in NJ

I've got like eight people on the Bernie train that I'm taking with me to vote in CA. Sorry ivy :p

East Lake

Let's start with the basics before unpacking the rest -- Why should they not get their economic analysis from mainstream economists?
I can do that if you like but generally most of your posts in here don't actually demonstrate the benefits or drawbacks of free trade, but are dismissive appeals to authority. If you're going to convince people in here free trade is an unqualified good, which seems to be your opinion you're not doing a good job of it.


No Scrubs
I've got like eight people on the Bernie train that I'm taking with me to vote in CA. Sorry ivy :p

Ivy's gonna disenfranchise all of your voters with his handsomeness.

I can do that if you like but generally most of your posts in here don't actually demonstrate the benefits or drawbacks of free trade, but are dismissive appeals to authority. If you're going to convince people in here free trade is an unqualified good, which seems to be your opinion you're not doing a good job of it.

You're not exactly doing a good job arguing your position either...



Edit: Added Birdie Sanders

Wow, did you make this?


I can do that if you like but generally most of your posts in here don't actually demonstrate the benefits or drawbacks of free trade, but are dismissive appeals to authority. If you're going to convince people in here free trade is an unqualified good, which seems to be your opinion you're not doing a good job of it.

I never said it's an unqualified good, and I highlighted exactly why my approach to the discussion is this way here on GAF at page 8 when someone asked:

The Sanders and Trump campaign have brought the Trade discussion from the specifics to the generality. I never once said it's an unqualified good, only a net good, and I pointed out directly that the impact on lost industries needs to be addressed and cushioned.

My arguments are at the level of the generality because unfortunately the division in the campaigns is at the level of the generality. I'm not in the business of teaching a Trade class at GAF, I'm discussing divergences in the campaigns of different candidates. Not my fault that the campaigns' position are crass generalities. Part of the work of a (mainstream!) economist is knowing how to discuss issues at all levels and for all audiences -- and within different forums and timelines. I can't be expected to produced a nuanced treaty on a whole literature on every single post, especially when the point of contention is at a completely different level.

East Lake

You're not exactly doing a good job arguing your position either...
Like right now or in general? I've posted a decent amount of links that cast doubt on the alleged positives of free trade in here. If people aren't reading them or they disagree that's fine, but I can't say I remember people actually making counter arguments.
What if I want to see one of the candidates and I live in Cali though? :(

I don't want to be bombarded with ads, but it'd be nice not to be taken for granted and not be ignored by pretty much all candidates.

I don't disagree with you. I've always lived in a swing state, so I'm used to be courted like a virgin at the prom.

I didn't go to prom.

I wasn't a virgin anyway.

I'll get more. I'll get more.

Oh, guuuuurl, I don't doubt it.
680m of those billion are from China, which is very fond of protecting its domestic industries.
It's market access to and integration with the global economy has been key to its growth and economic development. This is generally coupled with the relative strength of its governance and institutions. It's why the same benefits have not accrued to such a degree in India. And why raising the next billion out of poverty in sub-Saharan Africa will be more difficult.

Policies like requirements for joint ventures etc are generally seen as impediments to doing business in China.

There are arguments for limited protectionism for nascent industry sectors from memory. But on the whole I don't think you'll find much argument against the concept of comparative advantage.

The outcomes for reducing trade barriers can be negative, yes. For specific industries and types of employment. That isn't necessarily an argument against reducing trade barriers as to how the process is executed.
I actually registered 3 new Hillary voters just today in my friend group. Gotta get more.

I would ask what you had to do, but I think we all know.

Tank pics, amirite? I'm right.

I only had the privilege of bringing old women to the poll.

Edit: That old woman thing sounded a lot more gross than it was intended.


Well, why don't you support Sanders? Or rather, why do you support Hillary over Sanders? Not trying to be hostile or inflammatory. As I become more involved in politics(thanks to Bernie Sanders) I'm trying to move away from the constant support I see on FB and seeing peoples support of Hillary Clinton(Since I'll probably have to vote for her anyways). Curious what policies of hers people here prefer.
Well, back in 2008 I supported Obama over Clinton. My boyfriend (now husband) was all in for Obama and I sort of ended up supporting Obama by association, and he was so charismatic and a great speaker that my support for him was easily cemented. I didn't know much about Clinton at all aside from the Iraq War vote. So it was an easy choice. Obama won the primary, then the general, and picked Clinton as his Secretary of State. I decided I might as well learn more about her if she's gonna be Secretary of State, so I read up about her. I was impressed of what she accomplished as First Lady and all the shit and smears she'd endured and how she kept fighting. I was pleased with Obama picking her. Then she actually did her job as Secretary of State and she was amazing at it, and I was really impressed. She showed herself to be very competent and up to the job.

The Obama administration has also been very good to me. I'm Canadian and my husband is American. The Obama's DoJ's decision not to defend DOMA and to argue against it at the Supreme Court helped strike it down, and then his Department of Homeland Security's willingness to issue green cards to binational same-sex married couples gave me the opportunity to move to America, marry him, and apply and receive a green card. So I owe the Obama administration a lot in that regard. We also receive health insurance through the federal marketplace, and that's affordable insurance that we wouldn't be able to have otherwise. Because of all this, I really don't like seeing criticism against Obama. Obviously if it's valid criticism, that's fine. But calling him a disappointment, or calling for him to be primiaried, I'm not down with that.

My biggest issues this election are gun violence (as someone who didn't have to live under that in Canada), immigration (as an immigrant myself), and health care/prescription drug costs. So it's easy for me to pick Clinton on those issues alone. I don't like how cozy Sanders is to the gun lobby, how he's voted for immigration reform in the past (and his reasoning for it turned me off even more), and as someone who benefits from the Affordable Care Act, I'd much prefer to see costs reduced, rather than starting over from the beginning for a proposal that'll never pass. Especially because I remember how health care seriously screwed over Democrats in 2010 and I definitely don't want to re-open that debate when there's no outlook for success in the first place. And on that note, I really dislike Sanders' "holier than thou" rhetoric when it comes to this. He and Clinton agree on a lot, the differences are in how to go about doing it but I don't like how he acts like he's the One True Progressive and Clinton can't be trusted because her proposals aren't the most left-wing ones.

And finally, I do think it's time for a woman president, especially one who's competent and experienced as Clinton is. She has a vast knowledge of how to do the job, and of foreign and domestic policy. It sucks that it takes someone so prepared for the job for a woman to even have a chance, but there we have it. So when I see male pundits or talking heads criticise her with subtle sexism (smile more, shrill voice, her "cackle" laugh), it makes me want to support her more for the shit she gets. Often it's things that men get praised for, like crying for example, or being loud during their stump speech.

So that's why I support Clinton for President. That said, obviously I don't agree with her on everything. I couldn't give two shits about a speech she made one time. But I don't support the death penalty like she does, and I would rather marijuana become legalized, not because I care about it or the people who use it, but I think it would be safer to have it legal.


I stuck around to watch more of The Rachel Maddow Show after the Tad Devine segment. I was rewarded by Rachel treating me to three straight minutes of the governor of Alabama having phonesex.

Maybe I should rethink my thread policies on hets, because I almost became one.
I stuck around to watch more of The Rachel Maddow Show after the Tad Devine segment. I was rewarded by Rachel treating me to three straight minutes of the governor of Alabama having phonesex.

Maybe I should rethink my thread policies on hets, because I almost became one.

I'm not even offended that he did, just at how vanilla it is.


I'm not even offended that he did, just at how vanilla it is.

That made it worse! It sounded like an elderly, decrepit, hetero version of me cybering. "Yes, that is a good thing to be doing. I like your penis, too. There would be hands, if I were there. There would be hands."


I've got like eight people on the Bernie train that I'm taking with me to vote in CA. Sorry ivy :p
That's ok, my latino grandparents-in-law, their older relatives and old latino, black and Filipino church friends are all voting for Clinton here in California!

Also I'm not telling my sister-in-law to vote so -1 Bernie.
That's ok, my latino grandparents-in-law, their older relatives and old latino, black and Filipino church friends are all voting for Clinton here in California!

Also I'm not telling my sister-in-law to vote so -1 Bernie.

Oh yeah well there's been a Bernie booth outside the north hollywood metro station every Saturday and Sunday since last September and they've probably registered a couple thousand people so far.


I don't actually find this indicative of anything.
Trade liberalisation has brought like a billion people out of abject poverty over the last 20 years.


Paul Krugman said:
It’s also true that much of the elite defense of globalization is basically dishonest: false claims of inevitability, scare tactics (protectionism causes depressions!), vastly exaggerated claims for the benefits of trade liberalization and the costs of protection, hand-waving away the large distributional effects that are what standard models actually predict.


That sounds like one of those vastly exaggerated claims of benefit, but maybe Krugman agrees with you about the figure. He's been off his rocker this year waffling a tad on some of the stuff that made his career as an academic.


Oh yeah well there's been a Bernie booth outside the north hollywood metro station every Saturday and Sunday since last September and they've probably registered a couple thousand people so far.


I don't actually find this indicative of anything.
Well Jesus Christ early voted for Clinton in Florida (where he retired to).
"From the beginning of this campaign Sen. Sanders has called for more debates. Secretary Clinton has not. Now she is asking to change the rules to schedule a debate next week that is not sanctioned by the DNC. Why is that? The answer is obvious. The dynamics of the race have changed and Sen. Sanders has significant momentum," said Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver

"Sen. Sanders is happy to have more debates but we are not going to schedule them on an ad hoc basis at the whim of the Clinton campaign."


Trump has probably made South Korea and Japan a bigger part of his campaign than anyone else recently.

Not sure why he's so interested in fucking with two of our closest allies, but maybe he just hates Asians.
Trump has probably made South Korea and Japan a bigger part of his campaign than anyone else recently.

Not sure why he's so interested in fucking with two of our closest allies, but maybe he just hates Asians.

I doubt it's premeditated. I know that I struggle to find any coherency in his foreign policy ramblings.


China will hack our voting machines to prevent a Trump presidency
Oh yeah, China wants those 35% tariffs so badly.
I doubt it's premeditated. I know that I struggle to find any coherency in his foreign policy ramblings.

Oh yeah, China wants those 35% tariffs so badly.

Probably has something to do with his talk about everyone ripping off the military. I guarantee that he will go far Europe for the same reason.
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