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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Go home AZ Berners, you're drunk.

So I guess 25% of Senate Republicans want to meet with Garland now. How about you stand up to your leadership while you're at it? Let's get a damn hearing and a vote.
Bernie supporters are far worse to me than Clinton's supporters in '08. Mainly because the amount of negativity coming from them is shocking. It's ugly & personal. Allegations of corruption over Arizona are absurd.
08 was ugly and personal. To a ridiculous degree.

But there really wasn't that much separating Hillary and Obama fans.

The rhetoric that Bernie has laid out there and the insinuations he's made though I feel are more damaging than personal attacks or the mud Bams and Hill threw out at each other

I'd prefer a Bernie "SHAME ON YOU HILLARY CLINTON. SHAME. ON. YOU!!" Rant than lines that have essentially amounted to "Everyone is corrupt but me, both parties are just as bad and I'm the only hope to fix anything because fuck the DNC and if I don't win well I don't know, stay home or vote third party or something".

Voters call for 're-vote' during hearing into AZ's botched primary

The silence on the issue from the DNC and Hillary - speaks loud and clear
Idaho was a shit show as well with people having similar waiting times and polling locations being crowded, but no one cried suppression because Bernie won it easily

The real issue here is systematic voter suppression by the Republican Party in red states. Defunding elections and doing everything that they can to keep people from voting.

That is the real issue here. It's not a clintonian conspiracy.
HRC plays the long game. Installing a Republican Secretary of State to reduce the number of polling booths in Arizona and ensuring only her voters manage to get into those booths is nothing for the Butcher of Benghazi.
HRC plays the long game. Installing a Republican Secretary of State to reduce the number of polling booths in Arizona and ensuring only her voters manage to get into those booths is nothing for the Butcher of Benghazi.

Remember, she also had to plan
for the Supreme Court to gut the voting rights act before she could do any of this! #shecantkeepgettingawaywithit


Yes, blaming Clinton for the Arizona state primary is absurd.

Normally you'd be on top of red state bs... I mean just watch the hearings, some of the people there are Bernie supporters - others might have wanted to vote Hillary - there was even one guy that wanted to vote Trump.
I've never blamed Clinton for what happened in Arizona btw, I do blame her silence on the issue for contributing to the tension.
In general, Republicans’ views of foreign newcomers are negative, the survey suggests, with 53 percent saying that recent immigration “threatens traditional American customs and values,” while only about a third — 32 percent — say immigrants “strengthen American society.” Among conservative Republicans, 58 percent think immigration is bad for the country.

But 51 percent of young Republicans say immigrants make the country stronger.

Over all, three in 10 Republicans favor deporting illegal immigrants. According to the survey, those voters are older, white and working class, with a high school education or less; they say they are conservative, and many are evangelical Christians. In short, they are the voters who have flocked to support Mr. Trump in the Republican race, and who, in smaller numbers, have also backed Mr. Cruz.

But even after months of the candidates’ scorching comments, a slim majority — 52 percent — of all Republicans say they would offer a path to citizenship for immigrants in the United States illegally, a finding that remained “remarkably stable throughout 2015,” according to the report.
Sort of interesting.


I wish Bern would talk some sense into his base. I think his attitude is doing lots of damage to the party.

Same here.

I think part of it is his continued cowardly "I'm gonna dance around saying she's corrupt without actually saying it" message. It's a poorly-disguised dogwhistle that makes his supporters feel legitimized when they go further down the line with this bracket of attacks. To say that this has taken the shine off of him in my book would be an understatement; I'm at the point where, upon learning of his defeat, I'm going to dance a jig that's normally reserved for losing Republicans.

edit: I don't think I've ever felt this way about a primary opponent. The man carries a great message, but he's found a way to be pesty about it.

She's lucky that she's running against a trainwreck in the fall. If this were a 2000-style close race, my anger on this would be magnified multiple times over.


Normally you'd be on top of red state bs... I mean just watch the hearings, some of the people there are Bernie supporters - others might have wanted to vote Hillary - there was even one guy that wanted to vote Trump.
I've never blamed Clinton for what happened in Arizona btw, I do blame her silence on the issue for contributing to the tension.

I heard it's on the docket for her next appearance right after Roswell and chemtrails.


What else is "The silence on the issue from the DNC and Hillary - speaks loud and clear" supposed to imply?

That they don't care that voters were unable to vote in this primary, had to wait in line for hours for something that should have taken minutes, the districts with highest level of poverty in Phoenix had no polling stations close to them, voter information was changed, not enough ballots were available, people who waited hours were given provisional ballots which were never counted, some were turned away, there was no handicap parking, it was made illegal to drive or assist someone else to a polling place, there was no information on how to submit an early vote, polling places being 70% less than in 2012(when the democratic Primary was barely a formality).

The what does Bernie's silence on the issue mean?

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Arizona Voting Process


No Scrubs
That they don't care that voters were unable to vote in this primary, had to wait in line for hours for something that should have taken minutes, the districts with highest level of poverty in Phoenix had no polling stations close to them, voter information was changed, not enough ballots were available

The what does Bernie's silence on the issue mean?


Yes, the DNC fixed a primary run by the state, in a Republican run state. Yes, this is definitely a thing that happened.
Seriously. Why should AZ GOP do anything that would favor Clinton, who is the frontrunner and a person the Republicans despise?

Grasping for straws...


That they don't care that voters were unable to vote in this primary, had to wait in line for hours for something that should have taken minutes, the districts with highest level of poverty in Phoenix had no polling stations close to them, voter information was changed, not enough ballots were available, people who waited hours were given provisional ballots which were never counted, some were turned away, there was no handicap parking, it was made illegal to drive or assist someone else to a polling place, there was no information on how to submit an early vote, polling places being 70% less than in 2012(when the democratic Primary was barely a formality).

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Arizona Voting Process

Alternatively, they do care but unlike the Sanders campaign don't want to use this as a partisan attack line on the other Democrat candidate.


Normally you'd be on top of red state bs... I mean just watch the hearings, some of the people there are Bernie supporters - others might have wanted to vote Hillary - there was even one guy that wanted to vote Trump.
I've never blamed Clinton for what happened in Arizona btw, I do blame her silence on the issue for contributing to the tension.
Tension? What tension? No one cares about this is. It's non-story. Little to no national attention at all.


Maybe I'm just too frustrated at the moment but it is becoming increasingly clear that Bernie is the dumbest "smart" guy to ever run for Pres. So much empty rhetoric and unjust accusations that do nothing to help Democrats or any platform that is left of center. Calm the fuck down already Bernie.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hillary Clinton must respond to every little thing said about or regarding or perhaps tangentially related to her even if she has nothing to do with it. Still waiting for her feedback on #oscarssowhite honestly. It is disgusting.


I'm assuming the people here who think 08 wasn't as bad as this were either Hillary voters, or very young (or a combination of both).

Perspective/maturiry changes a lot in 8 years and childish bullshit that you may have participated in a long time ago now grate on your nerves more. That combined with Twitter and Reddit allowing easy access to loud morons makes it easier to find, but it was pretty ugly in 08.

Let's not forget this from Hillary in '08


User 406

I have a Flintstone chess set. /random

I believed you when you said you lived in Florida, but now I know it in my bones.

It's not all of them by any means, but it's creepy how much a subset of his supporters really really really hate Hillary.

I'm certain that a big chunk of the crazed hillaryis44 people from back in the day are now Bernie supporters. It's pretty eye opening how they went from loving her to hating her almost as much as they hated Obama. Another big chunk went to Trump, I'm sure. I say "big chunk" in a relative sense, since this is all edge case noise that won't have any significant effect on anything, just like it didn't in '08.
I really hope they fix the AZ voting system before November. Of course they won't, tho. In 2012, only about 200k voters separated Obama and Romney. In a year with Trump on the ticket, we could have turned AZ blue if it weren't for shitty polling locations/amounts.


No Scrubs
I really hope they fix the AZ voting system before November. Of course they won't, tho. In 2012, only about 200k voters separated Obama and Romney. In a year with Trump on the ticket, we could have turned AZ blue if it weren't for shitty polling locations/amounts.

That's the point.
I'm certain that a big chunk of the crazed hillaryis44 people from back in the day are now Bernie supporters. It's pretty eye opening how they went from loving her to hating her almost as much as they hated Obama. Another big chunk went to Trump, I'm sure. I say "big chunk" in a relative sense, since this is all edge case noise that won't have any significant effect on anything, just like it didn't in '08.

Actually I think they all went Trump.


@daveweigel: Clinton has won around 9 m votes. Trump has won around 7.8 m.

The stories: How Hillary’s blowing it, how Trump changed everything.

I just wanna to say that more or less, she's running a pretty damn good campaign and has the most votes of anyone running.

Yet somehow she's screwed.
Yet somehow having 2.5m more votes than Bernie means she or the DNC is rigging the election to shut Bernie out.

I'm tired of hearing about revolution. Democratic turnout is down in this primary. Bernie is not getting voters more engaged. The higher the turnout in Primaries the better it is for Hillary as talked about previously.

The only person that can beat Hillary Clinton is Barack Obama, a once in a lifetime figure. And even then she won the popular vote. (which didn't matter since she failed to play the delegate game correctly)

I think people's anathema to Hillary's 'enevitability' or 'coronation' blind them to the fact that she's an extremely formidably candidate, and that is after factoring in all the b.s. like benghazi and emails. It's all baked in and she's still one boss ass bitch.



Wait, their target scenario is giving up almost 50 delegates in New York, when they're looking at losing 100 more a week later, and they still think they can win? What a bunch of rocket scientists.

I just wanna to say that more or less, she's running a pretty damn good campaign and has the most votes of anyone running.

Yet somehow she's screwed.
Yet somehow having 2.5m more votes than Bernie means she or the DNC is rigging the election to shut Bernie out.

I'm tired of hearing about revolution. Democratic turnout is down in this primary. Bernie is not getting voters more engaged. The higher the turnout in Primaries the better it is for Hillary as talked about previously.

The only person that can beat Hillary Clinton is Barack Obama, a once in a lifetime figure. And even then she won the popular vote. (which didn't matter since she failed to play the delegate game correctly)

I think people's anathema to Hillary's 'enevitability' or 'coronation' blind them to the fact that she's an extremely formidably candidate, and that is after factoring in all the b.s. like benghazi and emails. It's all baked in and she's still one boss ass bitch.

Preach it, preach it. People are just so desperate for her to fail they're letting it cloud what's actually happening.


Same here.

I think part of it is his continued cowardly "I'm gonna dance around saying she's corrupt without actually saying it" message. It's a poorly-disguised dogwhistle that makes his supporters feel legitimized when they go further down the line with this bracket of attacks. To say that this has taken the shine off of him in my book would be an understatement; I'm at the point where, upon learning of his defeat, I'm going to dance a jig that's normally reserved for losing Republicans.

This is where I am.

Bernie may not be pushing his supporters off the cliff, but he's damn sure leading them to it. That Hillary Clinton is herself corrupt has been the implication behind his rhetoric this entire time, and it's only gotten worse as he's started getting his ass whooped. It's to the point that a lot of his supporters don't just not support Hillary because they believe Bernie's more qualified, but because they believe that Hillary is fundamentally a bad person. I don't recall Hillary ever going this far in '08 against Obama, and it makes me question if Bernie will even be able to bring his supporters into the fold when she wins if he doesn't start walking this shit back now. And a lot of pundits seem to be wondering the same thing.


Next - Bernie's camp trying to lose CA by only 10. We are going to the convention!

How many delegates does retroactive momentum give him? It probably evens out


Having fought against the DNC, Wall Street, the Establishment and the Main Stream Media, Sanders faces his greatest enemy yet:

The Laws of Arithmetic.
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