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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I've seen this argument made before when it comes to raising money for down-ballot Democrats -- that Sanders can't afford to do so right now, because he's fighting against the powerful Hillary money machine, and needs all his resources to mount a comeback.

Guess what? This is going to be true in the general as well. There will be billions and billions of dollars spent against Sanders, and without SuperPACs to help him, he's going to have to spend every penny on himself. He won't be raising a finger to help elect down-ballot dems because he won't have the luxury.

It doesn't matter. He'll say some nice things about how young people should vote downballot and it'll be all good. Besides, Paul Ryan and all the representatives in R+8 districts will be forced to capitulate on his entire agenda when people who are too lazy to fill out an entire ballot start marching on DC


They both will be studied, but for different reasons

Howard Dean laid the framework, Obama simply put it into action.

His 2008 campaign was absolutely jaw dropping legendary.

The fact that Sandernistas like to compare this primary to his is incredibly disingenuous.

East Lake

The revolution is all about Bernie because, quite frankly, Bernie is all about Bernie.

He won't lift a finger to help any other candidate. I'll actually give him credit for endorsing Kloppenburg but at the end of the day he's still paying lip service to the downballot.

What really gets me is the people who actually treat this as a sign of integrity! As though helping your allies get elected is some form of corruption.
Not many people feeling the bern on wall st
Y'all know this thread is basically worse than r/s4p in terms of "frequency of shitting on the other candidate and his supporters" at this point? Which is strange since it's nominally unaffiliated. Ah well. Reality has a pro-Hillary bias and such.

The same subreddit filled to the brim with racist, misogynistic, delusional rants?


So what you're arguing is that Obama's 2008 platform reached not only the youth but also swaths of people across all demographics so his youth vote, while more prominent than Bernie's, didn't matter as much.


Well yes. Among other things the country wasn't in desperate need of a savior from a complete economic collapse all thanks to the GOP - which pretty much guaranteed a Democratic win in 08, pretty much guaranteed large D turn-out, all coinciding with the fact that the one of the most charismatic, and eloquent political talents in this country was a black Senator named Barack Obama...who had establishment institutional support -(much more so than Bernie) - can't start off better than Harry Reid...plus many other things lost in the context of time.

Context matters. Not sure why we're going for absolutes like "organization can only be measured by numbers and other fallacies". Numbers say this and that...numbers can say anything you want them to. The only thing that numbers prove thus far is a discrepancy in totals, favoring Obama - that discrepancy can be attributed to a number of things.
Now that the primary in Wisconsin is over, I think I'm gonna heel turn and become a Hillary stan.

I kind of feel dirty that I'm leaning the same way now and have been throwing out mildly critical Sanders posts on FB to see what type of shaming I can expect. The fact that I feel that is necessary only serves to make me feel more and more like it is the right decision.
I'm not sure what this weird organisation discussion is about.

In the increasingly improbable hypothetical that Sanders is the nominee, what exactly makes college kids suddenly want to go out and vote for XYZ downballot rando establishment hack? After an entire primary season of being told to vote against the establishment shrillaries that are keeping them down?



It is hardly speculation to note that Bernie Sanders has done very little to help other candidates over his entire career. It is not a contradiction to give praise for endorsing the right candidate while noting that merely doing so is not nearly enough. It is not a strawman to point out things people have actually said (note that I never claimed that said comment applied to all or even most Sanders supporters).


The same subreddit filled to the brim with racist, misogynistic, delusional rants?

I mean you could go to the frontpage and point me to a single example, if you'd like. If it's full to the brim then you should be no more than a couple of clicks away from finding it.
I don't know how anyone cost think we're way better than s4p. We're like 60% gay fabulous, 10% diablosing, 10% drinking GAF, 10% "straight" and 20% poll obsessed neocorporate shrills. And Kev's rich.


how does Bernie's fundraising compare to Obama's?
I think the best arm of Bernie's campaign is probably the fundraising arm. Alternatively maybe the fundraising arm isn't the best, it just looks the best because the supporters are very supportive.


contribute something
You would have thought Clinton has the bigger cult of personality with all of this "YAS QUEEN"-ing, though. Besides, don't Sanders detractors call him an ideologue if anything? Can't have it both ways.

Thing is, he really isn't an ideologue. His success among moderates and independents show that many voters care more about his perceived authenticity and outsider status than his relatively radical views. And in addition, a lot of people have both fair and unfounded biases against the Clinton name.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Could someone please fix NYCMetsFan's avatar:


Please :(

East Lake

It is hardly speculation to note that Bernie Sanders has done very little to help other candidates over his entire career. It is not a contradiction to give praise for endorsing the right candidate while noting that merely doing so is not nearly enough. It is not a strawman to point out things people have actually said (note that I never claimed that said comment applied to all or even most Sanders supporters).
You're already shifting your opinion bro, it's too late!

So we've shifted from "it's all about Bernie" to he allegedly doesn't do enough. If you want to take your insight further I'd suggest speculating that he's probably pro-life, since his campaign called planned parenthood the establishment.


I'm not sure what this weird organisation discussion is about.

In the increasingly improbable hypothetical that Sanders is the nominee, what exactly makes college kids suddenly want to go out and vote for XYZ downballot rando establishment hack? After an entire primary season of being told to vote against the establishment shrillaries that are keeping them down?

The short answer is logic and reason + a push by the candidate himself and the organization around him to elect him into office. The insinuation here is a betrayal of principles....lest we forget this is politics and a political campaign aka they'll come around - not all but overwhelming majority I wager. General comment: Poligaf bestows so much power to Bernie the candidate ("It's all about Bernie"), yet bestows so little in Bernie's ability to potentially get them to accomplish a goal...umm..

The moment his political campaign switches gears as to say his political revolution involves electing a D-Senate to get his agenda passed, the moment the mood around voting down-ballot for "establishment crooks" changes to a denial stage of acceptance and eventual embrace.
You're already shifting your opinion bro, it's too late!

So we've shifted from "it's all about Bernie" to he allegedly doesn't do enough. If you want to take your insight further I'd suggest speculating that he's probably pro-life, since his campaign called planned parenthood the establishment.

Now that's a strawman!
Wisconsin is not the general and frankly, we all know it's bullshit to generalize from it. Bernie's youth vote is much better organized than Obama's youth coalition. When the time comes, if he were to be the nominee, the gears and objectives of the campaign change. The objective currently is to mount an impressive upset coming from behind - not elect down ballot dems.

So we should ignore an actual data point for your anecdote. Gotcha.
The dark theme is the correct theme.

The short answer is logic and reason + a push by the candidate himself and the organization around him to elect him into office. The insinuation here is a betrayal of principles....lets we forget this is politics and a political campaign.

The logical corollary of a candidacy built on railing the Democrats as the evil establishment is that people will go out to vote for the evil establishment's candidates. Like in Wisconsin.

The outcome of whatever semblance of organisation exists despite the Weaver Devine braintrust that has done essentially nothing to support downballot tickets is that it will go out and raise money and push downballot tickets.

This makes sense.


Y'all know this thread is basically worse than r/s4p in terms of "frequency of shitting on the other candidate and his supporters" at this point? Which is strange since it's nominally unaffiliated. Ah well. Reality has a pro-Hillary bias and such.

You mean that subreddit that has "black people don't have internet and that is why Bernie lost the south" /S4P?
Well yes. Among other things the country wasn't in desperate need of a savior from a complete economic collapse all thanks to the GOP - which pretty much guaranteed a Democratic win in 08, pretty much guaranteed large D turn-out, all coinciding with the fact that the one of the most charismatic, and eloquent political talents in this country was a black Senator named Barack Obama...who had establishment institutional support -(much more so than Bernie) - can't start off better than Harry Reid...plus many other things lost in the context of time.

Context matters. Not sure why we're going for absolutes like "organization can only be measured by numbers and other fallacies". Numbers say this and that...numbers can say anything you want them to. The only thing that numbers prove thus far is a discrepancy in totals, favoring Obama - that discrepancy can be attributed to a number of things.

your entire argument is "I feel like it's better organized cuz I got them feels."

I'm sorry if we're not going to take you seriously. Your argumentt sounds like a GOP tax plan.


Dark on mobile, light on PC.
Anything else is simply unamerican.

Ted Cruz visit to Bronx high school canceled after students threaten a walkout: ‘His views are against ours’

Those damn NY values!
“The presence of Ted Cruz and the ideas he stands for are offensive,” the letter said. “His views are against ours and are actively working to harm us, our community, and the people we love. “ The letter called Cruz “misogynistic, homophobic, and racist.”
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