Box of Kittens
I've seen this argument made before when it comes to raising money for down-ballot Democrats -- that Sanders can't afford to do so right now, because he's fighting against the powerful Hillary money machine, and needs all his resources to mount a comeback.
Guess what? This is going to be true in the general as well. There will be billions and billions of dollars spent against Sanders, and without SuperPACs to help him, he's going to have to spend every penny on himself. He won't be raising a finger to help elect down-ballot dems because he won't have the luxury.
It doesn't matter. He'll say some nice things about how young people should vote downballot and it'll be all good. Besides, Paul Ryan and all the representatives in R+8 districts will be forced to capitulate on his entire agenda when people who are too lazy to fill out an entire ballot start marching on DC