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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I'm going to make a thread for the exits pray for me establishment gay fam


Well, while we're all in emotional support group mode, It's annoying to repeatedly hearing the Sander supporters go "you have to be nice to us because you need us!", please tell me that Clinton doesn't actually have to pamper to them to win?

User 406

There just isn't as much satisfaction to be had in yelling at Congress' window if the people inside are the ones you put there.
So Bernie supporters are not engaged enough to figure out Supreme Court candidates but they're going to drop everything they're doing and travel to DC to protest on the National Mall in front of Congress in the millions. I've got this legislative strategy understood correctly, right?


This is almost worse than that week after Sanders won New Hampshire because people are acting the same but there's literally no path to the nomination now with the way delegates have been distributed since then.


It was a 12-point race in the last poll, but they stupidly included independents who can't vote in the primary so it reality it's closer to 20-points.
I imagine a win of that size would come close to or completely erase Sanders' gains over the last 8 states.


So Bernie supporters are not engaged enough to figure out Supreme Court candidates but they're going to drop everything they're doing and travel to DC to protest on the National Mall in front of Congress in the millions. I've got this legislative strategy understood correctly, right?

Why you gotta be such a Hillary stan? Why you guys picking on Bernie!!?!
VERY much so. He's a once-in-a-generation politician.
Indeed. He got dealt the shittiest of hands and played it pretty much perfectly.

His first term saw some great gains towards more progressive priorities despite his party being gun-shy on leveraging their mandate. His second term to me is even more impressive as an illustration of political tactics. The GOP fell for his trap over and over again and regardless of this elections result will be fractured in a way that is going to take many cycles to recover from.


No Scrubs
I imagine a win of that size would come close to or completely erase Sanders' gains over the last 8 states.

It would literally kill him since NY is one of the two most delegate rich states left. If he lost NY by any margin he'd literally have to run the table in California and win close to 80% of the vote to even stand a chance. That's not even counting the rest of the states surrounding NY, which also have a decent sized number of delegates between them.


Worst is the whole "She represents the status quo!'

And no one can give me a concrete definition of what the "status quo" is, and considering that the GOP is about to implode and the Democrats are steadily moving toward progressive policy through pragmatic step by step, is the exact OPPOSITE of status quo.


Well, while we're all in emotional support group mode, It's annoying to repeatedly hearing the Sander supporters go "you have to be nice to us because you need us!", please tell me that Clinton doesn't actually have to pamper to them to win?

A large barrage of those posts on Facebook is precisely what ~triggered~ me.
So Bernie supporters are not engaged enough to figure out Supreme Court candidates but they're going to drop everything they're doing and travel to DC to protest on the National Mall in front of Congress in the millions. I've got this legislative strategy understood correctly, right?

You forgot the part where Bernie would FORCE Paul Ryan to schedule a vote on Bernie's agenda on a specific day, so the young people would know when to show up.


So young Bernie supports really don't care about politics and are just throwing their support behind someone just so they can say they were a part of a "revolution?" I am not surprised in the least.
You can do anything with Numbers!

I just...lawd.

You forgot the part where Bernie would FORCE Paul Ryan to schedule a vote on Bernie's agenda on a specific day, so the young people would know when to show up.

But, just, it has to be scheduled the night before the hackysack tournament but before the artisan beer tasting. K thnx.

I am here, for the OT is dark and full of wannabe poorly thought out thinkpiece writers.
I get this reference.


New York will break the cammels back....just a matter of whom..

Hillary going negative is something I am looking forward too. See how Bernie reacts and see how well she and her team are on the negative. Good stuff.
Should I make a thread for those exit polls? I can make it delicious.

lol. yes. I really think what happened in Wisconsin needs to be talked about. Not just as a negative on Sanders, but also just the overall youth dems, who just don't care about anything down ticket.


On the other hand, we'll now get meltdowns after Sanders loses New York to the tune of the post-Nevada or post-South Carolina meltdowns that we haven't seen in a while.


No Scrubs
On the other hand, we'll now get meltdowns after Sanders loses New York to the tune of the post-Nevada or post-South Carolina meltdowns that we haven't seen in a while.

God, please let it be a 30-point gap. I don't ask for much, but I ask for this.
On the one hand, Sanders being done in the eyes of his fervent supporters would be nice.

But on the other hand, are there any more critical down ballot races that matter in which higher turnout could make a difference?.

Yes, it didn't work in the Wisconsin race, but imagine if Bernie was already known to be done. 52/48 would have been 60/40. So there could be an upside to the false hope among Bernie stans.


No Scrubs
On the one hand, Sanders being done in the eyes of his fervent supporters would be nice.

But on the other hand, are there any more critical down ballot races that matter in which higher turnout could make a difference?.

Yes, it didn't work in the Wisconsin race, but imagine if Bernie was already known to be done. 52/48 would have been 60/40. So there could be an upside to the false hope among Bernie stans.

So long as they actually vote in those downballot elections, sure.
So long as they actually vote in those downballot elections, sure.

Of course. But even though 21% of Bernie Supporters didn't yesterday, 79% still did. And how many of those 79% stay home if not motivated by him?

I'm as annoyed as anyone else by him and his supporters, but there can still be a benefit here even if 1/5 of his voters are moronic and ignore down ballot races.

But only if more of those races exist.

In other news, Trump is totally winning the GE:
The thing that scares me the most about some Bernie people is how there can be no bad news in Bernieland. He can do no wrong, because the act of him doing it makes it glorious and perfect. Amen. It's scary. (Again, this doesn't apply to all Bernie supporters everywhere in the herstory of the world.)
I don't have a problem with Bernie staying in the race until the end
I don't have a problem with Bernie attacking Hillary to try and win
I DO have a problem with him doing nothing for down ballot Dems

This is a "revolution" only concerned with getting one person elected, Bernie Sanders.
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