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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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It's a joke
It's when Sanders supporters harass random people on Facebook. Like phonebanking only in the face place.
Here I thought it involved like skyping people, although I suppose I'm not sure how that could feasibly be done.

I'm glad to hear it refers to something more idiotic.
It's just an opinion. If you see a problem within it that needs to be argued it's your problem not mine. I believe Bernie has been more effective organizing/harnessing youth in his primary campaign than Obama - that's been basically it and I was questioned about it.

The only issue people see in it is #1: They believe to the contrary (and that is ok) or #2: Feel bothered by someone spouting the opinion that Bernie is doing something better with youth than Obama (and I won't assume the reasons for that even if I can take wild guesses as to why).

If by worse you mean beating Hillary? Can't do worse other than come close second?

So you're claiming that Bernie is getting more raw youth vote than Obama got in 2008. Pure numbers. This is the hill you want to die on?
and I got into my first facebook spat of the season since things are heating up in New York. I said the revolution is Bullshit because they lost the supreme court race and my bernie friend who is a cool dude got all pissed and was saying I was tearing the party apart and I shouldn't look down on bernie supporters.

I made a post about it on Facebook (which is a pretty rare thing for me). It's gotten positive reception, but I decided to be cautious and not tie the problem explicitly to Sanders (I did reference "political revolution" though). I framed it mostly as a criticism of people who don't vote downballot.

And while I do honestly believe that the blame mostly rests with the voters who can't be bothered to fill out the entire ballot, I can't ignore that the person inspiring them to vote pays only lip service to the importance of these races because he's All About Bernie.
It's a caucus so whatever districtwide percentage he gets will already take into account the precincts that he was nonviable in, just like in the caucuses that Clinton lost over a week ago.

DC is only a caucus for Republicans. It's a closed Primary for Democrats.

User 406

Actually straw poll or whatever. I'm curious on whether and where people would fall on repealing the second amendment. Setting aside the impossibility.

Full repeal here.



Congratulation! You unlocked omake 1 and omake 2!

What's so historic about saying an historic


I don't expect this to be a popular opinion:

I'd rather indirectly tax rich people and have George Clooney pay for a campaign.

Cap donations and regulate influence. The influence difference in a nationwide campaign bought from $2700 and $27 donations is zero.

I'd like to eliminate private donations altogether, move to a complete public financing model, a far shorter election run-up period, and Fairness Doctrine yadda yadda. Make politics boring again.


I'd like to eliminate private donations altogether, move to a complete public financing model, a far shorter election run-up period, and Fairness Doctrine yadda yadda. Make politics boring again.

I'll definitely take that as a first best, but within our current setup?

OH MY GOD Anderson Cooper's mom is dressed like an astronaut.


I really thought the damn text messages would stop when the Wisconsin vote ended, but I got a message today asking for help phone banking for New York. Next motherfucker is going to get a Crazy Craig response. I'm done with this shit after getting texts from 15 different people
not an exaggeration
in the last three weeks.

I almost regret donating to Russ Feingold on the day he announced he was running. ActBlue had to have given his campaign my info.

Bernie Sanders can eat a goddamn super sized bag of dicks.
I had enough fun playing Lords of the Fallen when it was Free with Gold that I thought, hey maybe I would like Dark Souls, so I've started playing Prepare to Die Edition and was having a good time. Then I got to Blighttown....


We at GE were interested to read comments Monday by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who told the New York Daily News editorial board that GE is among the companies that are supposedly “destroying the moral fabric” of America. The senator had been asked to cite examples of corporate greed at its worst. Somehow that got him to talking about us.

GE has been in business for 124 years, and we’ve never been a big hit with socialists. We create wealth and jobs, instead of just calling for them in speeches. We take risks, invest, innovate and produce in ways that today sustain 125,000 U.S. jobs. Our engineers innovate every day to build hardware and software solutions that meet real-world challenges. Our employees are proud of our company. I meet second- and third-generation employees whenever I travel across the country. I am one myself. Our suppliers and partners are proud of our company. Our communities are proud of our company. Our pride, history and hard work are real — the moral fabric of America.

The senator has never bothered to stop by our aviation plant in Rutland, Vt. We’ve been investing heavily (some $100 million in recent years), hiring and turning out some of the world’s finest jet-engine components in Vermont since the 1950s. The plant employs more than 1,000 people who are very good at what they do. It’s a picture of first-rate jobs with high wages, advanced manufacturing in a vital industry — how things look when American workers are competing and winning — and Vermont’s junior senator is always welcome to come by for a tour.

Elsewhere in Vermont, GE Healthcare employs more than 340 men and women in South Burlington. Yearly, GE does about $40 million worth of business with dozens of suppliers of parts and services across Vermont. Nationwide, we have 200 GE plants, including 15 that were built in the past five years — all with the aim of making GE the world’s premier industrial company.

Sanders says that he is upset about GE’s operations abroad — as though a company that has customers in more than 180 countries should have no presence in any of them. He never mentions that we are one of the United States’ prime exporters, annually selling in excess of $20 billion worth of American-made goods to the world. Nor does he mention that our sales around the world support our manufacturing base here at home, along with the thousands of U.S. companies in our supply chain. You want to cause big problems for our suppliers — many of whom are small and medium-size businesses — and their workers? The surest way would be to pull out of those countries and lose those customers.

We are competing globally with foreign companies whose governments care whether they win and support them in innumerable ways. U.S. companies continue to wrestle with an outdated and complex tax code that puts them at a distinct competitive disadvantage. Sanders has stated many times that GE pays no taxes. Repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. We pay billions in taxes, including federal, state and local taxes. The U.S. tax system has not been updated in 30 years and isn’t designed for today’s economy, which is why we support comprehensive tax reform — even if it raises our tax rate.

It’s easy to make hollow campaign promises and take cheap shots in speeches and during editorial board sessions, but U.S. companies have to deliver for their employees, customers and shareholders every day. GE operates in the real world. We’re in the business of building real things and generating real growth for a nation that needs it now more than ever. I’m proud of all that we do, and how it all figures into “the moral fabric” of America is so plain to me. It seems Sen. Sanders is missing the point.

Lawd, GE's CEO has zero fucks to give.


When do you let me know. Seriously the tickets are super easy.

I'll let you and B-dubs know about the the watch party for the returns.

Are you voting up here? Cause if so I can put you in touch with some Bernie or Hillary people
I'm still registered in NC. Holding onto my valuable swing state vote for now.

User 406

Oh wow I just into a fight with a crazy person on Twitter who tried to Ohio wasn't gerrymandered.

Explain to that motherfucker that I lost Dennis Kucinich because part of what used to be my district now extends between Cleveland and fucking Toledo. >:|

But if you take away private donations how am I supposed to have fun on ActBlue

There will be a system of websites based off GameFAQs character battles that you'll be able to spend your money on.


PR predictions?
I haven't seen any polls but he's got a lot of supporters here. Our Bernie supporters are as obnoxious as their mainland counterparts~

Here's an article about a recent campaign event that was held here.

Some notable excerpts:

Franceschini, who had previously worked at a Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration office in Orlando, Florida, said that although she had previously supported Hillary Clinton, "Once I saw the values that Bernie Sanders espouses, I understood that he presents a plan for development and justice that would be good for Puerto Rico".


[Franceschini] says that "Bernie supports Puerto Ricans in their fight against predatory financiers who threaten the future of our island. Bernie proposes a solid investment in infrastructure that would create more than 130,000 jobs on the island. It was just yesterday, in the South Bronx, that we came out in protest against the Republican proposal for a Financial Control Committee for Puerto Rico."

Among the personalities that attended the event held in the Photojournalism Workshop in San Juan were Christian Alvelo Fortaleza, of the General Counsel of Students of the University of Puerto Rico, the actress Cristina Soler, filmmaker Kacho López Mari, lawyer Manny Suárez, as well as representatives from the Union of Communication Workers of America, an entity which has endorsed Sanders in the United States

And I know it's not representative of anything, but you can take a look at the official Facebook page of the Democratic Party in Puerto Rico and also this unofficial Bernie Sanders for Puerto Rico Facebook page. Get some idea of what people are saying.

Also, Residente from Calle 13 endorses him, and that matters to some people.
His argument was that it's really hard to cut up districts into equal population sizes.

I mean.

It actually is difficult if you're trying to do it in a non-biased and non-partisan way. Obviously it's trivial to make them equal in terms of population, but it is far from trivial to ensure that both parties are competitive in each district or that minorities have a certain threshold in each, or other similar conditions.


It actually is difficult if you're trying to do it in a non-biased and non-partisan way. Obviously it's trivial to make them equal in terms of population, but it is far from trivial to ensure that both parties are competitive in each district or that minorities have a certain threshold in each, or other similar conditions.

Not every party will be competitive in every district. can't make a Western Kansas or Brooklyn district competitive. But I can make them compact and VRA compliant. And when making maps, it's easier than you'd expect to create districts that roughly satisfy the partisan breakdown of every state.

DailyKos is TRASH! but DailyKos Elections did a really fantastic deep dive into this.

User 406

Manky, if I wanted to get into the Souls series, what would you recommend? I haven't played any of them

This would be my recommended order:

King's Field (J)
King's Field II
King's Field III
Shadow Tower
Eternal Ring
Forever Kingdom
King's Field IV (The Ancient City)
Shadow Tower Abyss
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin

It's really the same game since 1995, just with additions and tweaks, some of the sound effects in current souls games date back to the damn Playstation. :X

Just get Dark Souls PC to start with, with all the DLC included. It's probably From's best interlinked world design, with King's Field 4 as a runner up.


Bernie just said to a crowd in PA that Hillary isn't qualified to be President.

So this is a factual lie. I don't understand. Regardless if you like Hillary, she is the most qualified, on paper, to be President. I'm guessing everyone in the crowd boo'd?
This would be my recommended order:

King's Field (J)
King's Field II
King's Field III
Shadow Tower
Eternal Ring
Forever Kingdom
King's Field IV (The Ancient City)
Shadow Tower Abyss
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin

It's really the same game since 1995, just with additions and tweaks, some of the sound effects in current souls games date back to the damn Playstation. :X

Just get Dark Souls PC to start with, with all the DLC included. It's probably From's best interlinked world design, with King's Field 4 as a runner up.

Wait, Dark Souls is what the KF games became?

I've been out of mainstream gaming a long time but playing more lately, and I loved the KF games. Gonna have to try these.
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