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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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This is the week where I went from, "Bernie's okay" to "fuck you, now leave, good riddance." For as long as I've followed politics, I've never felt this way about a primary opponent.

I was kinda neutral (maybe even favoring him a little) when this primary began, but him not being able to clearly lay out a path to the things he wants turned me off big time.

"I'll do this and that and anything else you might want (all within a year), and if you ask me how? REVOLUTION!"
Thanks y'all. I have a history, ya. I hadn't had one in nine months though. They cut down my meds, which my doctor thinks we may have gone too low. I just feel drained and icky. But Bernie needs a time out.


Deep into his 30th decade
My bestie Hillary Clinton just sent me a text:

Bernie Sanders just said he doesn't believe that Hillary is qualified to be president. What!? Donate $1 to tell Hillary you have her back.

Guess we can expect this to be in the news for a while now.
Normally when I'm all twitchy and jerky it's a positive life affirming experience.....

When I woke up, my mom was effing livid oiver Bernie's not qualified to be President thing. She just dropped another $250 to Queen. She also managed to cuss "Socialist Sally" out while doing it....



Wisconsin congressman literally saying the Voter ID laws are working as intended.

During an interview with a local TV station yesterday, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) admitted as much. Asked by a reporter why he thinks Ted Cruz or Donald Trump can become the first Republican to carry Wisconsin in a presidential election since 1984, Grothman said, “Now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is gonna make a little bit of a difference.”

That's a huge oversight on their part if so because the total population number is fundamental to whether your districts are legal or not.

The standard for congressional districts is quite strict, with equal population required "as nearly as is practicable." In practice, this means that states must make a good-faith effort to draw districts with exactly the same number of people in each district within the state. Any district with more or fewer people than the average (also known as the "ideal" population) must be specifically justified by a consistent state policy. And even consistent policies that cause a one percent spread from largest to smallest district will likely be unconstitutional.

That's where the challenge in district drawing is, keeping the total populations equal while balancing all those other factors.
You know that Bernie comment is going to be used in a Rove funded ad, right? Once we get to the General, they'll so make that an ad in every college media market.


I still love his politics.

I just don't want him to fuck up what should be a sure thing with this "us" versus "them" purity bullshit.

We all suck, all of us, but at least those in the Dem party are trying to make a better country for everyone in it.

I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks. Its an insult to real progressives everywhere, when the "shining city on the hill" has a party as progressive as Canada's conservative party. You should really do away with both of your parties really, but the GOP is busy destroying itself, so now is the time to reform the so-called "progressive" part in the glorious US of A.
Handy delivered by Mook?

Also I mean we may as well say it. Because Shrillary won't. I don't think he's particularly qualified. Except in the generic old enough and a natural born citizen way.


That's a huge oversight on their part if so because the total population number is fundamental to whether your districts are legal or not.

I don't have the total population numbers. I'm acting on good faith that if they went out of their way to make said maps, they would use the first guideline in terms of creating congressional districts.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
This group of Republicans are just amazingly stupid.

They don't even act like they're trying to do the right thing anymore. They just out and out state "Voter ID laws are intended to win us elections." or "It doesn't matter who he nominates, we're not going to do anything."

It baffles me that the Democrats there havent been able to capitalize on their constant goofs.
It baffles me that the Democrats there havent been able to capitalize on their constant goofs.
Because a lot of people, even Democrats, believe there really is fraud and well gosh darn IDs are a good way to prevent fraud. Everyone who can vote has one anyway!

It's not knowing your privilege, and playing into ignorance.
I don't have the total population numbers. I'm acting on good faith that if they went out of their way to make said maps, they would use the first guideline in terms of creating congressional districts.

Oh sorry, then I misunderstood you. I thought you meant the tool itself was a "do-it-yourself" program as opposed to a "hey check out the details of these districts we drew". Obviously if you're trying to draw your own you'd want to it to tell you what the total pop numbers are, but if it's their version, you're going to be interested in everything but that so no surprise it's not included.


I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks. Its an insult to real progressives everywhere, when the "shining city on the hill" has a party as progressive as Canada's conservative party. You should really do away with both of your parties really, but the GOP is busy destroying itself, so now is the time to reform the so-called "progressive" part in the glorious US of A.

What is real progressivism?



Handy delivered by Mook?

Also I mean we may as well say it. Because Shrillary won't. I don't think he's particularly qualified. Except in the generic old enough and a natural born citizen way.

Qualified is such a loaded term though. I don't personally think Bernie would be as effective a President as Clinton would, but as a former mayor and Representative and a current Senator, he is certainly qualified.

This is what pissed me off so much about Rubio. He always used to say "Hillary can't be President" as though she legitimately was not elligable to be President. Everyone running on both sides (including Trump) is qualified to be President. Some just have extremely shitty policies or no real policies whatsoever.
I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks.

strong words from a country that just elected the Party of Adscam to a majority after a campaign featuring every party debating over whether people can take citizenship oaths with the niqab on, and the majority taking the brave position of running deficits


What is real progressivism?


I think for starters it would be not voting to declare a war on another country but as reasons as thin as paper, but hey what do I know. I also like to think supporting free health care is pretty progressive in this day and age, but then again even conservative governments support that these days, so America seems to be more behind the times than I thought.

More on the war though, does anyone actually realize how big of a deal it is? A lot of people, myself included have been affected on a personal level by the war, and I don't even live in America! I don't like how its shrugged off so easily, like "oh woopsies, no big deal. thousands died, but its all right!":
I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks. Its an insult to real progressives everywhere, when the "shining city on the hill" has a party as progressive as Canada's conservative party. You should really do away with both of your parties really, but the GOP is busy destroying itself, so now is the time to reform the so-called "progressive" part in the glorious US of A.


This country has never actually had a "progressive" party. It generally has only had two parties looking for their own slice of "the middle". Partly because we only have two parties. Meaning broad coalitions of people have to come together. People of different religions, ethnic backgrounds, and classes.

And those coalitions sway back and forth. We've had times where both parties were arguing just how high taxation should be, and other times arguing how low. We've generally been on a progressive tick since the Bush era.

The problem currently is that large swathes of the Democratic voting base don't seem to realize that off year elections are just as important to achieving progressive agendas as any presidential year.

They're also the first in the coalition to feel betrayed when things don't run as smoothly as they can.

It's always changing.


I think for starters it would be not voting to declare a war on another country but as reasons as thin as paper, but hey what do I know. I also like to think supporting free health care is pretty progressive in this day and age, but then again even conservative governments support that these days, so America seems to be more behind the times than I thought.

Well officially, we haven't declared war on anyone since World War 2, but hey, who cares about that.
I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks. Its an insult to real progressives everywhere, when the "shining city on the hill" has a party as progressive as Canada's conservative party. You should really do away with both of your parties really, but the GOP is busy destroying itself, so now is the time to reform the so-called "progressive" part in the glorious US of A.

No, now is the time to actually pass left-leaning legislation (or at least reclaim center and left-leaning seats and states) while the Republicans are in utter disarray, not spend our time infighting.

That is a terrible idea.


I think for starters it would be not voting to declare a war on another country but as reasons as thin as paper, but hey what do I know. I also like to think supporting free health care is pretty progressive in this day and age, but then again even conservative governments support that these days, so America seems to be more behind the times than I thought.

You can always become a US citizen and vote if you care so much, otherwise your opinion doesn't matter.
I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks. Its an insult to real progressives everywhere, when the "shining city on the hill" has a party as progressive as Canada's conservative party. You should really do away with both of your parties really, but the GOP is busy destroying itself, so now is the time to reform the so-called "progressive" part in the glorious US of A.


I don't know if Americans realize it, but your Democratic party sucks. Its an insult to real progressives everywhere, when the "shining city on the hill" has a party as progressive as Canada's conservative party. You should really do away with both of your parties really, but the GOP is busy destroying itself, so now is the time to reform the so-called "progressive" part in the glorious US of A.

Legit thought this was a parody of GAF classic "I'm an expert" for a moment.


I think for starters it would be not voting to declare a war on another country but as reasons as thin as paper, but hey what do I know. I also like to think supporting free health care is pretty progressive in this day and age, but then again even conservative governments support that these days, so America seems to be more behind the times than I thought.

Our country has 320 million people. We're the third largest country in the world and the second largest democracy. We're one of the most diverse western nations with some extreme levels of economic, racial, and regional divergence with wildly different competing interests that makes getting anything done more than complicated, especially in a presidential versus parliamentary system.

Forgive us if we're a bit slower on a few things.

And hey, I'm still proud of us for electing a racial minority to our highest office before almost any other comparable western nation.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
In 2008, Bernie accepted $10,000 from HillPAC, Hillary's leadership PAC. Is he still qualified?

That's the problem with purity tests, eventually you will exclude yourself.


You can always become a US citizen and vote if you care so much, otherwise your opinion doesn't matter.

True I could. Though I like to stand in solidarity with fellow Americans, the same ones being denied health care and left to die on the street while their leaders play international police and pander to the 1%. What can I say, maybe l should just turn a blind eye to suffering and become a stone-cold person who cares naught for the plight of the poor...

...just like Hillary.


The Democratic party is actually a coalition of blacks, latinos, blue collar workers/the working class, labor, progressives, moderates, and yes, conservatives. And they all try to work together to create left of center reforms, but it's a big tent, and so not everyone always gets their way. That's fine. It pisses some people off though, but you got to understand that the Democratic party is not a close knit coalition like the Republican party is...or rather, was after this year's primary.
True I could. Though I like to stand in solidarity with fellow Americans, the same ones being denied health care and left to die on the street while their leaders play international police. What can I say, maybe l should just turn a blind eye to suffering and become a stone-cold person who cares naught for the plight of the poor...

...just like Hillary.

what can i say, maybe after obtaining citizenship to "stand in solidarity" you can jerk off to an idealized version of both candidates' platforms and voting histories that paints the guy whose legislative claims to fame are all piggybacking on someone else's bills as a coalition-leading savior who will singlehandedly turn america into a socialist utopia within two terms

just like you are now
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