It's strange. She was sure qualified to be SoS when Bernie voted to confirm her.
Somebody call the police, I think I just witnessed a murder!
It's strange. She was sure qualified to be SoS when Bernie voted to confirm her.
True I could. Though I like to stand in solidarity with fellow Americans, the same ones being denied health care and left to die on the street while their leaders play international police and pander to the 1%. What can I say, maybe l should just turn a blind eye to suffering and become a stone-cold person who cares naught for the plight of the poor...
...just like Hillary.
True I could. Though I like to stand in solidarity with fellow Americans, the same ones being denied health care and left to die on the street while their leaders play international police. What can I say, maybe l should just turn a blind eye to suffering and become a stone-cold person who cares naught for the plight of the poor...
...just like Hillary.
True I could. Though I like to stand in solidarity with fellow Americans, the same ones being denied health care and left to die on the street while their leaders play international police and pander to the 1%. What can I say, maybe l should just turn a blind eye to suffering and become a stone-cold person who cares naught for the plight of the poor...
...just like Hillary.
Do you think the winner of the election gets to ask a djinn for three wishes or some shit?
Do you think the winner of the election gets to ask a djinn for three wishes or some shit?
Ah yes, the Hillary that was instrumental in one of the most important pieces of healthcare legislation our country saw between Medicare and the ACA.
She's only providing low-income children with healthcare because she wants their vote.
Ah yes, the Hillary that was instrumental in one of the most important pieces of healthcare legislation our country saw between Medicare and the ACA.
She's only providing low-income children with healthcare because she wants their vote.
Oh, we don't talk about CHIP. No one talks about CHIP because then you have to admit she did something big while in the Senate.
I think for starters it would be not voting to declare a war on another country but as reasons as thin as paper, but hey what do I know. I also like to think supporting free health care is pretty progressive in this day and age, but then again even conservative governments support that these days, so America seems to be more behind the times than I thought.
More on the war though, does anyone actually realize how big of a deal it is? A lot of people, myself included have been affected on a personal level by the war, and I don't even live in America! I don't like how its shrugged off so easily, like "oh woopsies, no big deal. thousands died, but its all right!":
Do you think the winner of the election gets to ask a djinn for three wishes or some shit?
True I could. Though I like to stand in solidarity with fellow Americans, the same ones being denied health care and left to die on the street while their leaders play international police and pander to the 1%. What can I say, maybe l should just turn a blind eye to suffering and become a stone-cold person who cares naught for the plight of the poor...
...just like Hillary.
I have no idea what this means.
I have no idea what this means.
You do understand healthcare isn't free, right? even where ever you live it isn't free. It isn't free anywhere in the world. Hillary has fought all her life for the federal government to fund medicare for all. Even Bernie's plan has everyone pitch in with extra taxes to pay for it. It's not free.
Bush invaded Iraq and he misled congress and the american people in order to do so. Hillary made the mistake of believing the president at the time, and that's on her, but she never had the initiative of just starting wars left and right like it's nothing.
the "Hillary is unqualified" not a thread in OT? I'm shocked
In other words, she trusted Bush, like everyone else, and got burned.Hillary Clinton said:Even though the resolution before the Senate is not as strong as I would like in requiring the diplomatic route first I take the president at his word that he will try hard to pass a United Nations resolution and seek to avoid war, if possible. Because bipartisan support for this resolution makes success in the United Nations more likely and war less likelyand because a good faith effort by the United States, even if it fails, will bring more allies and legitimacy to our causeI have concluded, after careful and serious consideration, that a vote for the resolution best serves the security of our nation. If we were to defeat this resolution or pass it with only a few Democrats, I am concerned that those who want to pretend this problem will go away with delay will oppose any United Nations resolution calling for unrestricted inspections.
the "Hillary is unqualified" not a thread in OT? I'm shocked
the "Hillary is unqualified" not a thread in OT? I'm shocked
Yes, people can be wrong sometimes and right others.The point is, Bernie didn't vote for it. Wouldn't you want you next president to have the foresight to actually see what a mess it would be rather than making such big mistakes like this?
the "Hillary is unqualified" not a thread in OT? I'm shocked
the "Hillary is unqualified" not a thread in OT? I'm shocked
on the same note, the poster you're responding to doesn't know what "playing international police" means if they think sanders isn't gonna do that
Also if people want to blame her for the shitty things of Bill Clinton's presidency (welfare reform, DOMA, repealing Glass-Stegall) I think it's only fair we give her credit for helping pass good things.CHIP was still while she as First Lady, but she took point on it from the administration's side.
It was basically her, Kennedy, and Orrin Hatch of all people.
The point is, Bernie didn't vote for it. Wouldn't you want you next president to have the foresight to actually see what a mess it would be rather than making such big mistakes like this?
Also if people want to blame her for the shitty things of Bill Clinton's presidency (welfare reform, DOMA, repealing Glass-Stegall) I think it's only fair we give her credit for helping pass good things.
Thanks y'all. I have a history, ya. I hadn't had one in nine months though. They cut down my meds, which my doctor thinks we may have gone too low. I just feel drained and icky. But Bernie needs a time out.
Do you think the winner of the election gets to ask a djinn for three wishes or some shit?
Fucking Wisconsin.
So disappointing.
What happened? I thought it was one of those light blue states.
First time I've seen an angry post from Tom on Bernie. You know you done wrong when Tom is angry at you.
So, umm. Afghanistan is still something of a mess too. I mean the pretense of that war... righteous vengeance... was better than Iraq... petty vengeance and oil.
The point is, Bernie didn't vote for it. Wouldn't you want you next president to have the foresight to actually see what a mess it would be rather than making such big mistakes like this?
This is the week where I went from, "Bernie's okay" to "fuck you, now leave, good riddance." For as long as I've followed politics, I've never felt this way about a primary opponent.
So, umm. Afghanistan is still something of a mess too. I mean the pretense of that war... righteous vengeance... was better than Iraq... petty vengeance and oil.
Expected Baseline: 69% Sanders - 31% Clinton
Benchmark's Wyoming Writeup
Looks about right to me, though I'd expect Sanders to overperform here. Maybe 75/25.
It's not in the Great Lakes area of confusion, so I would not be so sure about him overperforming, then again: fucking caucuses.
It's not in the Great Lakes area of confusion, so I would not be so sure about him overperforming, then again: fucking caucuses.
Yeah, it's the Last Caucus
incidentally, i'd bet money on clinton winning the guam and VI caucuses by enough to mitigate the delegate shift from this
in the name of the territories, i will punish you
And the problem isn't the threads, necessarily, it's the behavior in the threads, and sometimes in here. We aren't going to allow you to treat each other with constant disrespect and insults, if that means we have to ban everyone political until the elections are over, I guess we could do that.out of all the ones posted today, this one probably should be. But let's be real, it'd be even more of a battlefield than all of those locked ones.
You can't punish me, #ImWithGuam