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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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It's a good thing not many of us are saying he meant it that way.

Most of us are even peppering our posts with "Doubt he meant it that way" "Didn't mean it as a sexist jab".

But... emotional responses are rarely rational. And just because most of us don't see it that way, doesn't mean others won't.

This is part of the reason I don't think Sanders is fit for "primetime".

Guy makes unbelievably amateurish political mistakes weekly.

Hey, I don't disagree that Sanders is unpolished and not really a good general election candidate, but as someone whose primary interest in life is the arts, I have little patience or sympathy for the lowest common denominator that is the bread and butter of politics (which is partially why I do not get very deeply invested in them).
Saying Clinton is not qualified on the basis of specific votes that she has made or positions she has held that Sanders thinks were wrong votes or positions is, ultimately, subjective, not "wrong". Ultimately, he probably should not have used the word if, descriptively, it has such an effect, but at the same time, in a more general sense, it is incumbent on percipients to take phrases in the context they are actually used in by the utterer and/or writer, and I'm free to say that I think such intense and hair-trigger language policing, without regard for context, is one of the aspects of contemporary liberalism I find most distasteful and regressive.

He is free to think she is qualified or not. If he no longer thinks she is, that's a departure from his previous positions on her when she ran in 2008. It's a departure from what he's said about her in this election. He also has set a bar for "qualified," that, interestingly enough, he is the only person who could possibly hope to clear it. Imagine that!

As to your second point about recipients having to understand the context,, that's just not the way public perception works. It's the same way a lot of us know that people won't go along with higher taxes if they're going to get free healthcare. When you have to explain something, you're losing the argument. If you have to qualify each one of your statements, you're losing the argument.

In politics, perception trumps reality. The perception of his words were negative. If he, and his campaign, want to spend the next week doubling down on them and trying to make them palatable, that's a damn waste of time. He couldn't have apologized for it, because it would have made him look completely uninformed, but he (and his team) should have shut the hell up about it.


Saying Clinton is not qualified on the basis of specific votes that she has made or positions she has held that Sanders thinks were wrong votes or positions is, ultimately, subjective, not "wrong". Ultimately, he probably should not have used the word if, descriptively, it has such an effect, but at the same time, in a more general sense, it is incumbent on percipients to take phrases in the context they are actually used in by the utterer and/or writer, and I'm free to say that I think such intense and hair-trigger language policing, without regard for context, is one of the aspects of contemporary liberalism I find most distasteful and regressive.

Everything he said, minus the Iraq War, also applied to Obama, a man he voted for. So why didn't that disqualify him for the presidency? If it's because it wasn't actually about this issues being fundamentally disqualifying and about why he is MORE qualified, sure. But it's wrong, or at least bizarre, to say those issues would disqualify a presidential candidate for Bernie seeing as those weren't disqualifying issues before.


I see Bernie's loss (when he inevitably loses) like the moment
stringer dies or the parallel of Bunny Colvin losing his job
in The Wire. Game was rigged from the beggining buddy :(
Everything he said, minus the Iraq War, also applied to Obama, a man he voted for. So why didn't that disqualify him for the presidency? If it's because it wasn't actually about this issues being fundamentally disqualifying and about why he is MORE qualified, sure. But it's wrong, or at least bizarre, to say those issues would disqualify a presidential candidate for Bernie seeing as those weren't disqualifying issues before.

This is a great point.

He could have avoided this whole thing by saying "Secretary Clinton thinks I'm not qualified? She is wrong. I am more qualified because I refused to vote for the war in Iraq. I refused to support these disastrous trade deals. I am more qualified because I refuse to accept millions of dollars from Wall Street. That is what it means to be qualified to be President of the United States."

Boom. Done. You've proven you're qualified. Got some digs on her. Move on. No one would say shit about that.
Hey, I don't disagree that Sanders is unpolished and not really a good general election candidate, but as someone whose primary interest in life is the arts, I have little patience or sympathy for the lowest common denominator that is the bread and butter of politics (which is partially why I do not get very deeply invested in them).
Hmmm, in hindsight that did come off more confrontational than I intended.

More intended as a general statement about what was being posted, why others would take it the way they seem to be (regardless of context), and why I don't think Bernie is a good candidate, aside from his almost supernatural ability to fund-raise.

We cool?

*types with bated breath*


I definitely don't think Bernie should drop out. It's at least possible for him to win the nomination. Here's a fun thought - who is more likely to win their party nomination?

Bernie or Kasich?

Bernie or Cruz?
They debuted the Emerson NY poll numbers early on a radio show. They forgot to give Bernie's number though

Trump 53
Cruz 25
Kasich 16

Hillary 54


No Scrubs
I see Bernie's loss (when he inevitably loses) like the moment
stringer dies or the parallel of Bunny Colvin losing his job
in The Wire. Game was rigged from the beggining buddy :(

If he loses it won't be because the game was rigged. It will be because he refused to put the work in and make inroads with african-americans and the party itself. It will be because of all the mistakes he's made along the way and the utter morons running his campaign. It'll be because he's just not that great of a candidate, everyone's kept the kid gloves on until now and at the first sign of real pressure he folds. That's why he's losing.



Yeah, that pissed me off when I saw it, but I doubt they'll go through with it after June 7th. Once Hillary gets enough pledged/super delegates to clinch the nomination, all of the Democrats will call this over and tell Bernie to GTFO in no uncertain terms. I guarantee Obama will endorse her once she has the overall delegates regardless of how much Jeff Weaver screams that supers don't count until the convention.


Lolwut. How does "not qualified" sound sexist? If he said "Clinton's gender has made her inadequate for office" I would agree, but he used a statement that could be used in a hundred different contexts, and the first thing that pops into most people's minds with that statement is a a person having an inadequate resume.

Hillary praises the Reagans for their actions on AIDS and no one bats an eye... Bernie says something misinterpreted to be sexist, and everyone loses theirs minds.

A bunch of others have already responded. I hope you can see now how Bernie's "unqualified" statement can be seen as sexist and hurtful to women and at very least is tone-deaf, especially for a democratic presidential candidate. Words matter, he should use his more carefully. I'm not saying he's sexist, I'm saying he could have made essentially the same argument without reaching for "unqualified" which has a long and sexist history when applied to women in the workplace.
Everything he said, minus the Iraq War, also applied to Obama, a man he voted for. So why didn't that disqualify him for the presidency? If it's because it wasn't actually about this issues being fundamentally disqualifying and about why he is MORE qualified, sure. But it's wrong, or at least bizarre, to say those issues would disqualify a presidential candidate for Bernie seeing as those weren't disqualifying issues before.

It's a campaign stump speech, likely written not long before it was delivered. He called for Obama to be primaried in 2012 because he thought he needed to have some progressivism scared into him. These are all things that are negatives for Bernie, as a presidential candidate, which is why I did not support him in my state's primary, but it's not inconsistent with the general spirit of his campaign.

Also, there's an "if-then" quality to his statement that is being missed, here. I don't think Bernie actually thinks Hillary is unqualified, so much as he's saying that if he's unqualified, then she's REALLY unqualified because of all the BS on her own record. Again, from the point of view that Sanders really does believe he is a way better candidate and would be a way better president, this is a perfectly reasonable statement to make, notable only because she didn't actually call him unqualified.
They debuted the Emerson NY poll numbers early on a radio show. They forgot to give Bernie's number though

Trump 53
Cruz 25
Kasich 16

Hillary 54

Why has NY tightened up so much? Hillary was supposed to win by a good margin just two weeks ago, but now many polls are making it look like a single digit affair.


No Scrubs
Why has NY tightened up so much? Hillary was supposed to win by a good margin just two weeks ago, but now many polls are making it look like a single digit affair.

Well, the last poll we saw that had it close stupidly polled independents. When you dug into it and polled registered Dems only it was a blowout again.


Also, there's an "if-then" quality to his statement that is being missed, here. I don't think Bernie actually thinks Hillary is unqualified, so much as he's saying that if he's unqualified, then she's REALLY unqualified because of all the BS on her own record.

He's repeated that she's unqualified several times now and has not couched it in an if-then relationship.

Again, from the point of view that Sanders really does believe he is a way better candidate and would be a way better president, this is a perfectly reasonable statement to make, notable only because she didn't actually call him unqualified.

Oh, just that technicality, that it's untrue.


It's a campaign stump speech, likely written not long before it was delivered. He called for Obama to be primaried in 2012 because he thought he needed to have some progressivism scared into him. These are all things that are negatives for Bernie, as a presidential candidate, which is why I did not support him in my state's primary, but it's not inconsistent with the general spirit of his campaign.

Also, there's an "if-then" quality to his statement that is being missed, here. I don't think Bernie actually thinks Hillary is unqualified, so much as he's saying that if he's unqualified, then she's REALLY unqualified because of all the BS on her own record. Again, from the point of view that Sanders really does believe he is a way better candidate and would be a way better president, this is a perfectly reasonable statement to make, notable only because she didn't actually call him unqualified.

Except he didn't say he's MORE qualified, even if he meant that.

Also, even though he wanted to primary Obama, he never did and admitted (I believe) to voting for me. So these things can't wholly render someone unqualified to be president.

I get it if he means more qualified, which he didn't say. Actually if he thinks she's unqualified? That feels a bit dicier given that he voted for Obama.
Except he didn't say he's MORE qualified, even if he meant that.

Also, even though he wanted to primary Obama, he never did and admitted (I believe) to voting for me. So these things can't wholly render someone unqualified to be president.

I get it if he means more qualified, which he didn't say. Actually if he thinks she's unqualified? That feels a bit dicier given that he voted for Obama.



Slay, king. Slay.


Except he didn't say he's MORE qualified, even if he meant that.

Also, even though he wanted to primary Obama, he never did and admitted (I believe) to voting for me. So these things can't wholly render someone unqualified to be president.

I get it if he means more qualified, which he didn't say. Actually if he thinks she's unqualified? That feels a bit dicier given that he voted for Obama.

Um, what?


No Scrubs
Siena Polls have been saying thereabouts this margin for a month now

Siena has it at 55-34, a 21-point gap with 10% up for grabs.

Take a look at page 2. She's beating him in all but 2 demos, but even then it's not too big a win.

Personally, I'm thinking those 10-points break for her. Given her history in the state I'm assuming that they're just checking their options.


Did you just finish watching The Wire or something?
Rewatched the HD version recently actually, so it's been on my mind a lot again like it was back when I watched it for the first time. With this presidential election, I feel like it's themes are relevant more then ever.
He's repeated that she's unqualified several times now and has not couched it in an if-then relationship.

Oh, just that technicality, that it's untrue.

What he's said subsequently doesn't really matter to me, because what he's said subsequently isn't what set people off. Bernie's originally statement was made in response to a (slightly) misleading report that she had questioned his qualifications, and he turned what he thought was her original statement back on her by hammering the idea of "qualifications" from a different angle than that it's usually approached from. Again, this is classic rhetoric, and not something Bernie should be summarily closed off from because his opponent is a woman and the word in question is one that can have a loaded meaning in some contexts. He should have backpedaled a bit, or dropped it, once it was revealed that her original statement was milder than what he thought, but it's an awkward position to be in, and I appreciate that he's way behind and basically flying by the seat of his pants. Again, as someone who understood what he was saying, I don't really give much of a shit what he said, or that others gave a shit that he said it.


remember me
Everybody stop panicking

During an interview with CBS on Thursday evening, Sanders assured anchor Charlie Rose that he "thinks the idea of a Donald Trump or a Ted Cruz presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for this country." He went on, "I will do everything in my power and work as hard as I can to make sure that that does not happen. And if Secretary Clinton is the nominee, I will certainly support her."


Sorry, but his word doesn't mean shit to me. I'll believe it when I see it. Until he proves otherwise, he's an annoying liability that needs to go the fuck away.

Because fuck democracy and all the people who are voting and supporting him! Those fools need to get in line or get their voting ability taken away!
There last poll was pure shit. They had insane numbers on the GOP and Dem side. This is inline with every other bit of polling from the state.
20-point margin would definitely end a lot of delusions of grandeur I think. Lot of Bernie supporters on my fb pinning everything on NY and CA.

Saw a picture of Bernie's head photoshopped on Goku's body holding up the Spirit Bomb with NY in one hand and CA in the other. Like yeah, good luck with that...

But don't worry, Cali has like 500 delegates so if Bernie wins all of them he'll close the gap. That seems like a reasonable expectation.
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