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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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You said "recent photo". This implies, to me, that you were making a comment on her looks. If you'd just said, "She's a trash person" or "She's a mess," I would have been in agreement.

Simply writing "She's trash" isn't enough, she is the special type of trash that has to be illustrated


Well, between this and the Daily News thing it looks like the media finally started treating him like a real candidate for the nomination.

Article was from November though. It just didn't get any attention, like several other articles (eg. Buzzfeed).


There is actually a strong (empirically backed) rationale for free preschool from memory. It would not remotely extend to tertiary education.

You are correct. The academic literature for participation in three year old and four year preschool is overwhelming. Especially for children from low socio-economic backgrounds.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
To be fair, that was awhile ago.
Republicans would not give a fuck WHEN it was though.

Honestly, that is something a democratic primary should talk about, but Hillary has kept it very mild other than the emotional attacks on guns which people freaked the fuck out on.

The Democrat party does not want someone even casually advocated for a maximum wage, it's proven that it does not work, even in the 70s. It's both bad policy and politics.

I bring it up more in terms of moving forward and what to do in future primaries. Should Democrats attack someone with positions too far left? I know to some people you can't be left enough, but you reach a point where nothing supports your plans, either economically, politically, or with feasibility.

This is a big error Republicans made this election I think. The refused to attack Trump from the left on anything.




Heh, I'd actually agree with a pseudo maximum wage. Like an asymptotically increasing tax curve. An example would be something super high like... annual income past $1 billion could be taxed at 99%

$1 million being the threshold is much too low though, even for the 70s

I'd be down for $25 million.Those taxes should be dismissed if the income goes into investing small businesses or philanthropy, but otherwise it's gone.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Heh, I'd actually agree with a pseudo maximum wage. Like an asymptotically increasing tax curve. An example would be something super high like... annual income past $1 billion could be taxed at 99%

$1 million being the threshold is much too low though, even for the 70s

I'm an advocate for taxing the value of someone's income.

That's why the first 25k or so is not taxed at all (although, we still take out payroll taxes). Taking away income at that level is taking away a something people value very highly because they need it to survive. The value of the next dollar earned continues to decrease, but I believe it does plateau eventually, that's why somewhere around a 60% tax rate should be the maximum.


I'd be down for $25 million.Those taxes should be dismissed if the income goes into investing small businesses or philanthropy, but otherwise it's gone.

That seems like too low of a value to have a maximum tax, but the bracket should be higher than it is now for sure.

I'm an advocate for taxing the value of someone's income.

That's why the first 25k or so is not taxed at all (although, we still take out payroll taxes). Taking away income at that level is taking away a something people value very highly because they need it to survive. The value of the next dollar earned continues to decrease, but I believe it does plateau eventually, that's why somewhere around a 60% tax rate should be the maximum.

Agree. This is something I fundamentally missed for awhile when I was younger and first heard of the "amazing" 'Fair Tax'. I remember a few of us asked a high school AP History teacher what he thought about it and he said he couldn't support regressive taxation, but being an upper middle class kid who had never gone hungry I just thought that was a lame reason. Oh that libertarian phase of mine... lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh, and Thanks Y2Kev, i'm now a farmer.

Although, farming in real life does not have mods.


Here's a comprehensive list of most of the fucked up things that would get him slaughtered in November.

"I don't believe in charities

"It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death."

"I think it's similar to what the Secretary said. When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto. You don't know what it's like to be poor.

“I have my own feelings about what causes cancer and the psychosomatic aspects of cancer. One wonders if the war did not claim another victim of another person who couldn’t deal with her tremendous grief and suffering that’s going on in her own country.”

"The manner in which you bring up your daughter with regard to sexual attitudes may very well determine whether or not she will develope (sic) breast cancer, among other things."

"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused. A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously."

"Everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world. All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society. You know, not to say that Fidel Castro or Cuba are perfect, they are certainly not. But just because Ronald Reagan dislikes these people does not mean to say that the people in their own nations feel the same way.

“I believe that, in the long run, major industries in this state and nation should be publicly owned and controlled by the workers themselves.”

"Banking industry executives must no longer be allowed to serve on the Fed’s boards and to handpick its members and staff. Board positions should instead include representatives from all walks of life — including labor, consumers, homeowners, urban residents, farmers and small businesses."

"The revolution comes when two strangers smile at each other, when a father refuses to send his child to school because schools destroy children, when a commune is started and people begin to trust each other, when a young man refuses to go to war, and when a girl pushes aside all that her mother has 'taught' her and accepts her boyfriend's love."

And that's just what we KNOW. Who knows what dirt the DNC and RNC have that they're keeping close to their chests.
No one will care about the shit he said 30 years ago.

Will the Obama coalition hear this and suddenly decide to not vote for him? Who will ditch him for Cruz/Trump, liberals? white workers? minorities? Pls.

If the GOP nominee was Rubio or Ryan I would agree, Sanders would get slaughtered, but not with the two current front runners. They are ideologically toxic to a big portion of the electorate (even when I do think Trump can win against Hillary but for totally different reasons)
No one will care about the shit he said 30 years ago.

Will the Obama coalition hear this and suddenly decide to not vote for him? Who will ditch him for Cruz/Trump, liberals? white workers? minorities? Pls.

If the GOP nominee was Rubio or Ryan I would agree, Sanders would get slaughtered, but not with the two current front runners. They are ideologically toxic to a big portion of the electorate (even when I do think Trump can win against Hillary but for totally different reasons)

This seems like a very obvious 'no shit' to me, but I guess people want to guarantee, with the highest degree of certainty possible, that a democrat is in office.
No one will care about the shit he said 30 years ago.

Will the Obama coalition hear this and suddenly decide to not vote for him? Who will ditch him for Cruz/Trump, liberals? white workers? minorities? Pls.

If the GOP nominee was Rubio or Ryan I would agree, Sanders would get slaughtered, but not with the two current front runners. They are ideologically toxic to a big portion of the electorate (even when I do think Trump can win against Hillary but for totally different reasons)

Suburban voters who voted for Dubya/Dubya/Obama/Obama, but were thinking about voting for Romney after the 1st debate last time around.

It's cute you think the GOP SuperPAC's will mention it was 30 years ago. The thing is, this leaves an opening for even somebody as odious as Ted Cruz to be all Reagan-y and say something like, "unlike the socialist Senator from Vermont, I don't believe in there being a cap on the American Dream. I believe that every American should strive to be as successful as they can be, not as successful as the IRS tells them they can be!"
No one will care about the shit he said 30 years ago.

Will the Obama coalition hear this and suddenly decide to not vote for him? Who will ditch him for Cruz/Trump, liberals? white workers? minorities? Pls.

If the GOP nominee was Rubio or Ryan I would agree, Sanders would get slaughtered, but not with the two current front runners. They are ideologically toxic to a big portion of the electorate (even when I do think Trump can win against Hillary but for totally different reasons)
Fundamentally disagree. Firstly, no one will mention they were 30 years ago. Secondly, he's doubled down on some of this shit, especially to Castro stuff. These points would be used to reinforce a commie pinko narrative. There is a reason Republicans want to run against him.


Unconfirmed Member

It is really fun to see Cruz's "New York Values" quote bite him in the ass. Especially with New York being so incredibly important, with a ton riding on how many New York congressional districts trump can reach 50% in.

I'm still not sure whether to root for a Trump candidacy or a Cruz Convention Coup. I think I'm starting to lean toward Trump just for the down ballot boost.
Fundamentally disagree. Firstly, no one will mention they were 30 years ago. Secondly, he's doubled down on some of this shit, especially to Castro stuff. These points would be used to reinforce a commie pinko narrative. There is a reason Republicans want to run against him.

Oh, they'll totally go hardcore on the commie thing. He calls himself a socialist. He's asking for that line of attack. It goes without saying. Some of the other stuff is a stretch though.

If the repub nominee is Donald J Trump, a questionable article on rape fantasy Sanders wrote in the 70s will hardly be of significance. Trump may very well not be the nominee though.


It is really fun to see Cruz's "New York Values" quote bite him in the ass. Especially with New York being so incredibly important, with a ton riding on how many New York congressional districts trump can reach 50% in.

I'm still not sure whether to root for a Trump candidacy or a Cruz Convention Coup. I think I'm starting to lean toward Trump just for the down ballot boost.

I kept questioning 'wtf is he thinking' when he said this given that he's going to be going against Trump in New York at some point. Glad that shit is hitting him hard.


Oh, they'll totally go hardcore on the commie thing. He calls himself a socialist. He's asking for that line of attack. It goes without saying. Some of the other stuff is a stretch though.

If the repub nominee is Donald J Trump, a questionable article on rape fantasy Sanders wrote in the 70s will hardly be of significance. Trump may very well not be the nominee though.

Dude. These are things about Sanders that are TRUE!

Imagine the shit that the GOP will lie about?
GOP is going to use the same line of attacks for either candidate. They will be dusting off the S word this fall.
Right... But in one case it's actually true, it's been repeated in the candidates own words. He's said he's not a capitalist this year, in fact. Rove won't even have to lie this time.
Dude. These are things about Sanders that are TRUE!

Imagine the shit that the GOP will lie about?

As if the same can't be said about Clinton.

She's a very divisive figure herself. Do you somehow think she's immune to GOP attack ads because she's been the butt of them before? The attack ads worked. Very many Americans outside of the core democratic base dislike Clinton. Once they're done shitting down Trump's throat to save their party, you can be damn well sure they'll turn up the attack 100% on her and there's no core reason to believe she'll be any more immune to it now than she was in the past.

Both potential democratic candidates will be the victim of a relentless onslaught of low-blow GOP attacks. The idea that Sanders will somehow fold under that weight isn't actually grounded on anything empirical. I firmly believe both Candidates would do fine.
Right... But in one case it's actually true, it's been repeated in the candidates own words. He's said he's not a capitalist this year, in fact. Rove won't even have to lie this time.

I tend to go on what is right vs wrong, and obviously the Rove of the world, and the GOP, are wrong in their policies.

If yall want to demean Sanders, have at it, not like it is going to change the outcome in the primaries. Its just a little disconcerting that y'all would go at it like this, especially when you expect his followers to support Hillary this fall.

But as I've always said, once the GE starts and Obama starts doing rallies for her, everyone will get into gear and go for the right person. A trump or a Cruz in the whitehouse is too much for me to handle.
Bernie went and saw Hamilton

:-( jealous

Kasich attacking Cruz in New York.


I like how Kasich doesn't appear to give a fuck about delegate math or strategy and just keeps taking whatever low hanging fruit he can find.

I mean, it'll surely be a contested convention. I'm sure in Kasich's mind the delegates don't particularly matter. Cruz has fewer Delegates than trump. Why would it be any less democratic to give it to Kasich over Cruz provided Trump has more votes than both of them?
The wacky things wacky Bernie has said aren't going to matter anyway. He's not going to be the nominee.

Although, a 100% marginal tax rate is dumb. If you're going to jack up tax rates at least make it revenue maximising.
No one will care about the shit he said 30 years ago.

Will the Obama coalition hear this and suddenly decide to not vote for him? Who will ditch him for Cruz/Trump, liberals? white workers? minorities? Pls.

If the GOP nominee was Rubio or Ryan I would agree, Sanders would get slaughtered, but not with the two current front runners. They are ideologically toxic to a big portion of the electorate (even when I do think Trump can win against Hillary but for totally different reasons)
It will hurt him with moderate voters for sure...lets not deny reality. Hillary is unquestionably the safer general election candidate
If Bernie does somehow win this primary it won't be with the help of his staff:

"Bernie promised to meet with us face to face," she said about Sanders, who has been campaigning in New York. "We did have a telephone conversation, he was 15 minutes late to that telephone conversation. The first thing he had the nerve to say to my husband was 'I'm very busy,’” she said. “Well Senator Sanders, we had been busy too. We had been busy burying our daughter."

Because when you're going to meet with the Sandy Hook victims and you're already late HEH HEH

I've been a Bernie fan for a long time.

He's exactly the wrong person to be out there trying to change the public stance on Democratic Socialism. Because of his personal belief baggage.

The man has said some truly crazy shit, and that's aside from the politically toxic raising taxes stuff.

I'll always love the man for fighting a fight I'd never put myself out there to do. But he's really just a slightly crazy old man, with college kid assisted delusions of grandeur.


I mean...

Everyone knows you promise the world, and don't act like you expect anyone to pay for it, until you get into the office. Then you release your budget, calling for insanely high tax increases, and get as much shit done until you lose re-election. Hopefully before then, you've laid the groundwork for single-payer, and maybe (if the tax increases are high enough) a guaranteed poverty wage for anyone falling under.

Sometimes, it really is the little things (like apologizing for being late, moderating tone, or thanking local politicians or figures) that make the difference for politicians.

Context is important. If he said "I really want to sit down with you guys, but I'm very busy, and we'll do our best to organize something" it's very different than "I don't know if we'll be able to have a sit down, I'm very busy." Not defending his remarks, he has a propensity for coming off very gruff.



Sometimes, it really is the little things (like apologizing for being late, moderating tone, or thanking local politicians or figures) that make the difference for politicians.

Y'know, you'd think of his his campaign staff would tell him that saying "I'm very busy" first thing to grieving parents isn't the best idea.
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