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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I was wondering why the link wanted to open Dropbox on my phone...

I'd like to see
how ineffectual it would be to try and turn
Sanders fundraising machinery towards
Establishment hack
downballot candidates.
Representing my interests...

Me anytime I google him:



hey dont blame me. Thats where this math bro decided to host his analysis. Maybe cuz dropbox isnt bought by MSM.

Should be on mega for ultimate snub.

I love reading these stories about Bernie fans harassing super delegates to vote with the American people. You can't fake that kind of stupid


I disagree with your basic premise that this strategy is good for the Democrats.

The democrats are voluntarily accepting their role in a game that is rigged against them the start. They accept money from the same people who fund the republicans, the only difference is that those people give alot more money to the republicans than they do the democrats.

They are corrupting themselves for leftovers.

This makes no sense. For one thing, you think George Soros is funding republicans now? Or the LGBT advocacy community? George Clooney?

But that wasn't my point. My point was, Bernie has tapped a hugely enthusiastic base that generates huge amounts of cash from small donors. That's amazing - no sarcasm. What his campaign has done and unlocked is phenomenal. But he refuses to use even a single penny of it to help out fellow democrats. He literally doesn't care about down ticket races, which is where governance in the USA is won and lost. He could do amazing things to help democrats get more people elected and spread the message of liberalism, but he isn't. At all. He didn't even get his damn base to vote against a judge who thinks AIDS was a punishment against gay people FFS.

If Bernie Sanders wanted to actually lead the party and push the country further to the left he would be behaving in a completely different way to what he is doing. The fact he continues to refuse to help out fellow liberals take back the house and senate, despite all the small enthusiastic donors he has tapped into, is obscene. It's all about him, and nothing about actual change or making America a better place.
Trump and Hillary are 99.9% likely to win NY. Its just the matter of the margins.

It's not even a matter of them on the Dem side. Bernie needs to win NY and win with a significant margin. Loosing these big states by smaller margins stopped being a viable thing for Bernie to do a long time ago.
That headline is terrible because everyone knew that 71/28 Emerson poll was pure bullshit. I knew they'd push "He's turning it around." Gotta have that horse race narrative brah.
This makes no sense. For one thing, you think George Soros is funding republicans now? Or the LGBT advocacy community? George Clooney?

The democrats take money from the banks, the pharmaceutical companies, all the people that you dont want influencing liberal candidates. The only difference is that they give 80% of their lobbyist money to republicans and only 20% to democrats, and George Clooney isnt enough to make up the difference.

That's one of the major reasons why the republicans control most of the government, the democrats are voluntarily playing a game that is rigged in favor of the republicans.

You said it yourself, Sanders strategy of refusing money from the wealthy to appeal to the rest of america is working well for him and there's nothing stopping the democrats from doing that, they simply have no interest in doing it.


The democrats take money from the banks, the pharmaceutical companies, all the people that you dont want influencing liberal candidates. The only difference is that they give 80% of their lobbyist money to republicans and only 20% to democrats, and George Clooney isnt enough to make up the difference.

That's one of the major reasons why the republicans control most of the government, the democrats are voluntarily playing a game that is rigged in favor of the republicans.

You said it yourself, Sanders strategy of refusing money from the wealthy to appeal to the rest of america is working well for him and there's nothing stopping the democrats from doing that, they simply have no interest in doing it.

Because normal Democrats cant promise free college and healthcare without anyway to pay for it.

They actually have to govern. They also dont get a free platform to speak from because its a presidential primary, where the press give you free coverage because you are running, I bet you never heard of Bernie when he was a no-name Senator from Vermont.

And he isn't close to winning.
The democrats take money from the banks, the pharmaceutical companies, all the people that you dont want influencing liberal candidates. The only difference is that they give 80% of their lobbyist money to republicans and only 20% to democrats, and George Clooney isnt enough to make up the difference.

That's one of the major reasons why the republicans control most of the government, the democrats are voluntarily playing a game that is rigged in favor of the republicans.

You said it yourself, Sanders strategy of refusing money from the wealthy to appeal to the rest of america is working well for him and there's nothing stopping the democrats from doing that, they simply have no interest in doing it.

Working so well for sanders he can't even win his own parties nomination? When you have hundreds of races going on across the country you aren't going to get small individual contributions to make up the difference. The individual small elections are just too boring to people.
You said it yourself, Sanders strategy of refusing money from the wealthy to appeal to the rest of america is working well for him and there's nothing stopping the democrats from doing that, they simply have no interest in doing it.
I'd sure hope not! It would ruin them in elections at any level beyond local school board. An unfortunate fact but one you cannot escape from.

You cannot project the quirks of the Sanders donor base and assume it would work for the entire party and every candidate. Because it wouldn't. Actually, since Sanders has raised $0 for downticket races, I'd say this fundraising model is, in actuality, already a failure. It's good for him and his personal bank account, but for no one else.
I'd sure hope not! It would ruin them in elections at any level

Democrats are already getting demolished in most elections. The republicans control congress and the senate, the democrats strategy of corrupting themselves and taking leftover crumbs from Conservative donors is not working.

If you arent a big fan of Bernie Sanders thats fine, but the democrats current strategy for raising money is a failure.
Democrats are already getting demolished in most elections. The republicans control congress and the senate, the democrats strategy of corrupting themselves and taking leftover crumbs from Conservative donors is not working.

If you arent a big fan of Bernie Sanders thats fine, but the democrats current strategy for raising money is a failure.

Our problem is not one of fund raising. Not even close.

Our problem is decreased interest in mid term elections coupled with gerrymandered districts.


Democrats are already getting demolished in most elections. The republicans control congress and the senate, the democrats strategy of corrupting themselves and taking leftover crumbs from Conservative donors is not working.

If you arent a big fan of Bernie Sanders thats fine, but the democrats current strategy for raising money is a failure.

How convenient that the reason is passed onto other people and not the Democratic voters that don't show up to vote in non-presidential elections.
Democrats are already getting demolished in most elections. The republicans control congress and the senate, the democrats strategy of corrupting themselves and taking leftover crumbs from Conservative donors is not working.

If you arent a big fan of Bernie Sanders thats fine, but the democrats current strategy for raising money is a failure.
How is it a failure overall? Yeah, they've been hammered under Obama in some states. It's turnout that kills (or makes) Democrats far more than money. The fix to that is not to abandon your fundraising structure for an unproved longer-term model.

Even if you want to call it a failure, Sanders has still raised $0 for downticket. You cannot escape this. There's no evidence that his donor base would automatically donate to others. Not saying that they automatically wouldn't, either, of course. But we just don't know. The only data we have to go off of is extremely terrible (the $0).
Our problem is not one of fund raising. Not even close.

Our problem is decreased interest in mid term elections coupled with gerrymandered districts.

I agree, but taking money from the people that you are suppose to be protecting us from is an effective way to lower voter turnout.



In campaign emails the situation is always dire.

What we are proving on this campaign is that you can get elected without hustling millionaires and billionaires for money. This campaign is funded by individual contributions coming in response to emails like this one.

Just hustling the working class instead.

Right now Bernie is getting around 5% of my modest income.
For any that might show concern, at 5% it just means I'm not really eating out anymore, I'm buying less beer, holding off on video game purchases, things like that.

donated $5, I'd like to give more but we have to get paid first, I'll hit him up again. I crossed off my marzipan chocolates, lol. The Bernie Diet.

I simply can't afford to donate right now, unfortunately. I've donated a couple of times before, small amounts, but I can't even afford the extra $3 right now. Sorry Bernie for failing you!

Our problem is not one of fund raising. Not even close.

Our problem is decreased interest in mid term elections coupled with gerrymandered districts.

Much of that is interrelated. Democrats often put out terrible candidates in local elections with poor financial backing, thus generating little interest. Dems need to get serious about the midterms from the top down, not just grassroots.


That "be less liberal" point continues to baffle me.
Anti-Obama voters casting their vote for Sanders as a protest vote. In some rural, conservative counties in Florida and North Carolina (and I think Oklahoma), non-Clinton/non-Sanders candidates got over 5% of the vote.


In campaign emails the situation is always dire.

Just hustling the working class instead.


I'll give Bernie this, at least his faith based organization only hustles it's members for about 5% of their income, not 10% like most Christian denominations 'suggest' for a tithe.


My problem with Bernie Sanders' money isn't that he isn't sharing it with Democrats who sorely need it, although that's part of it. My problem is with how he's generating it.

On one hand, it's amazing that Bernie Sanders has been able to raise as much money as he has. Dems definitely need to look into his model going forward.

However, I don't think it can be discounted that he's raising a lot of that money by running a campaign that is dishonest about the realities of governing, and playing to a base of voters who are either young and new to the process, or may not realize that the reality of passing progressive legislation in this country is a little more complicated than zippy one-liners and "corporate involvement = bad". I know people don't want to use the word "liar" here, but as this primary trudges forward, and the Sanders campaign grows more desperate, they're getting pretty damn close to that being a fitting descriptor. The message Bernie is pushing at this point seems to be, "Creating a liberal utopia really is that easy, and the only reason that it hasn't happened yet is because people on both sides are shamelessly corrupt, beholden to corporate interests, and don't actually want it to happen. So give me money because I, and only I, can change this." It's just a lot more complicated than that, and saying that a lot of Bernie's policy proposals that are generating this money are poorly thought-out and DOA is not being defeatist, it's being real.

So while I think it's great that Bernie's raising this kind of money, I have to wonder how possible it would be for someone running a more pragmatic, honest, issue-based campaign to generate this kind of interest (and thus, funds), and if it would be worth it to follow Bernie's lead. Appealing to emotion/passion at the expense of reality and feasibility...
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