I like how Sanders went from "Clinton is unqualified and we're going to win New York" to "Clinton is qualified, I'm going to the Vatican and we don't need to win New York" in such a short amount of time. I'm thinking because of internals.
She's also note qualified but lacks judgement per Bernie on Meet the Press.I like how Sanders went from "Clinton is unqualified and we're going to win New York" to "Clinton is qualified, I'm going to the Vatican and we don't need to win New York" in such a short amount of time. I'm thinking because of internals.
I like how Sanders went from "Clinton is unqualified and we're going to win New York" to "Clinton is qualified, I'm going to the Vatican and we don't need to win New York" in such a short amount of time. I'm thinking because of internals.
Trump has been the worst at it.Marco, Jeb, etc. campaigns have all sucked ass at setting expectations. Bernie has been pretty good at it so far so I'm not surprised they stepped back on NY.
I think internals showed that the agressive route didn't worked. The only clear result was the media attacked him for the first time. I would love to be in the room where they discuss his strategy for the debate.
He doesn't have a pollster? Seriously? Fuck.A durr I'm Donald trump I'm a fucking dumbass I'm running a national campaign and don't know shit
I don't even have a pollster I'm dumb as fuck
Dead serious he doesn't have an internal pollsterHe doesn't have a pollster? Seriously? Fuck.
Trump been mighty quiet since his abortion fuckup, wonder if someone is holding him back
I expect he'll come roaring back just before New York votes.Trump been mighty quiet since his abortion fuckup, wonder if someone is holding him back
I've been away all dat so I just want to say I love the title change, I love you all, I love Hillary, and God bless PoliGAF.
Trump been mighty quiet since his abortion fuckup, wonder if someone is holding him back
Now go back to being our court jester, knave.
I'm not funny enough to be the jester. I'm just one of the legion of Hillary stans.
This is the PoliGay court. Not Hilldawgs.
Thread title change is... interesting
Therearedozensofus.gifI think it would save time to list the straight members of PoliGAF. Both of them.
Yeah, I was going to vote for Bernie as sort of a throwaway "let's move left on economic policy" symbolic vote this primary season, but he's absolutely poisoned the well for me as a black voter. How are you going to have a political revolution when you so casually dismiss - and thus can't win over - a significant bloc of your own party's voter base?
If Sanders can't build a coalition within your own party in order to win the nomination, I can't imagine that Sanders could build the types of coalitions needed to get significant legislature through Congress. Not even close.
Plus I'm fucking sick of everyone dismissing me and people who look like me or who may share ethnicity-specific concerns that I do.
HE GOT LEGAL WEEDI just placed a delivery order for legal weed. Go DC. Rest of the east coast needs to stop slacking.
Judging by the HufPo front page, if Sanders is actually trying to walk back and soften his rhetoric against Clinton ahead of the next contests and the debate, it certainly isn't working.
I like his "she's certainly qualified to be President, but doesn't have the judgement to be President."
That'll go well after his endorsement.
Is anybody watching CNN's Road to the White House tonight? Been a damn good series, and tonight's episode is basically 'Hillary Clinton's Journey to the White House, Part 1: Installing Bill Clinton"
I've been away all dat so I just want to say I love the title change, I love you all, I love Hillary, and God bless PoliGAF.
Its times like these I really miss PhoenixDark's obama/Hillary fanfiction.
OK Bernie I'm going to give you a little help b/c I think you are pathetic
You floppedT hard last week with the unqualified stuff
You should not go back and reclarify
You should not go back and requalify
You should not go back and retread
you should say, when asked if you believe she is unqualified, that you NEVA said that
and when someone shows you the receipts, you say "The media can portray things however they like, but the fact of the matter is" and when someone starts to correct you you say EXCUSE ME and move on
You can pay me 1% of the money Devine is bilking off yo dumb ass and we'll call it even
when you drop an atomic bomb on yourself, you don't go back looking for nuka cola bottlecaps. just ask the poors to give you their last full measure of devotion and their rent money. you dont need the bottlecaps darling!
plzzzzz. I'm tired of witch hillary