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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Lil' bit yeah.

I'm kind of waiting for somebody to put together a tally where if black people got 3/5 of a vote Bernie would be winning. Feels like the next logical step.

I meant I want that pic of Hillary as my new avatar. Plz and thanks.

Ebay is good at it.


Might work. You may need to download, save it and pick it like that though.


RCP is at Clinton +1 and the last poll to have her up by any significant amount will likely drop off tomorrow.

Man, I don't want the Democratic Socialist wing to take eventual control of the party, which is looking possible or even likely at this point. For the life of me I don't even know what 'Democratic Socialism' is. Is it just deeply regulated capitalism or a complete rejection of capitalism? If I ask 10 people or search 10 places I'll get 10 different answers. I feel like Democrats have a nice thing going as is without going down the liberal tea party route.


Marco, Jeb, etc. campaigns have all sucked ass at setting expectations. Bernie has been pretty good at it so far so I'm not surprised they stepped back on NY.

They are good at retroactively setting expectations, e.g. in Virginia where they said they had a good chance to win and got clobbered, and later claimed not to have competed at all. Maybe they are getting more savvy.
Have you had good sex?

I'd date a Republican

Funny thing I remembered: Facebook first came to my university in fall 2004. That was back when it was college-only, and basically every college was its own isolated network, with its own groups and whatnot. One of the largest groups in the UC Santa Barbara Facebook network was "I would never fuck a Republican."


Is anybody watching CNN's Road to the White House tonight? Been a damn good series, and tonight's episode is basically 'Hillary Clinton's Journey to the White House, Part 1: Installing Bill Clinton"

Yep. First Clinton sex scandal incoming after the commercial break.


I have no problem with closed primaries. It's totally fine for an organization to have its own members choose its nominee. If you want to have a say, join the party.

On the other hand, the October deadline to switch is aggressive.

All of this is still better than caucuses.
Funny thing I remembered: Facebook first came to my university in fall 2004. That was back when it was college-only, and basically every college was its own isolated network, with its own groups and whatnot. One of the largest groups in the UC Santa Barbara Facebook network was "I would never fuck a Republican."
UC Santa Barbara will reject good sex. Good to know


Hillary coming to the rescue yet again. lol

(Wow, I actually didn't know that Bill going on The Arsenio Hall Show had been Hillary's idea. lol)

did not take too long. 2008 and 2016.

As for the Republicans having a woman and/or black nominee in my lifetime? lol.

Eh, the Repubs could very easily have Nikki Haley and Ben Carson-types. Repubs seemed to want to like Fiorina before they realized how stupid she was. What Republicans hate is the idea that society needs to drastically change to accommodate women and black people properly. Leave the boat unrocked, and you can be a shining beacon of conservatism.



As where most of the states won by Obama in 08. If the southern democrats don't count then Hillary actually won in 08. That's what they call retroactive momentum?

I think Sanders still haven't resolved the issue about how to attack Hillary without hitting Obama by association. It was fine to gain the antiestablishment vote, but now he needs to grow his coalition to win a he keep encountering the same issue.

I work in fundraising, and it's not unusual for a business owner to give gifts through their company rather than from personal funds. It doesn't mean they personally aren't charitable, they just choose to structure their giving in a particular way (usually for tax advantages). Similarly, gifts of "free golf" may sound like shitty charity, but those rounds are getting sold at auction, and the proceeds go directly to the charity running the auction, so again, not seeing how that is somehow "not charity." I mean, there are a lot of things to attack Trump on, but this doesn't strike me as one of them.


I support Hillary.
I don't care about closed primaries but as others have said the October deadline is ridiciculous.
All the people I have heard trying to justifying this go through the same mental loops than republicans trying to justify voter ID as not being voter suppression. You can still have an agressive deadline, say in feb 28 or March 1st . But at least something after the primary started.


First abolish caucuses. Then you can worry about deadlines for closed primaries.

And I don't even think we should abolish caucuses completely. Obama would not be president without them.

User 406

How about if you want to have input on the decisions that the Democratic party makes, YOU SHOULD JOIN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

That's kind of the fucking point.
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