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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Asked whether Sanders' charge that Clinton's super PAC support and her votes for free trade agreements and the Iraq War rendered her unqualified represented another manifestation of sexism, Biden responded with an emphatic "no."

"The president and I are not going endorse because we both, when we ran said, 'Let the party decide.' But gosh almighty, they're both qualified," he said. "Hillary's overwhelmingly qualified to be president."



No Scrubs
Cornel West is just an asshole for some of the shit he has said

Something about Obama made West lose his damn mind. One of his more famous students wrote something about it a few years back, trying to figure out what the hell happened. I wish I still had the link, it was a fascinating read.


She was brutal a couple days ago on MSNBC as well. She was doing a fantastic job a few months back, but comes off horribly trying to push Weaver and Devine's current desperate bullshit

When McCaskill suggest Sanders is sexist certain people eat it up. When Bernie surrogate does something in that ilk it's desperate and comes off horribly


So you're saying you believe Clinton is an unqualified fake? Because that's what Milli Vanilli were.
I think she's fine in terms of running a stable term. But in terms of progressiveness which is in the context I think she's a bandwagoner and only moves when pushed. And aware of the wrath that's coming for me, I think more of her social work is more opportunistic and for career building rather than vocation if it makes sense. It's better than the republican alternative but it's a half step.

But I didn't say that, dr west did and from a very defensible position regarding his values. Thinks Obama as a sellout and Hillary as a power addict.

Cornel West is just an asshole for some of the shit he has said
Like the black face comment on Obama? He truly believes about the "profetic fire" black leaders have that need to push and share, and Obama ran his campaign on that but is no different than a moderate democrat. He sees it as him selling off his people. I love hearing dr west talk about the love train though, can't get tired of that
I think she's fine in terms of running a stable term. But in terms of progressiveness which is in the context I think she's a bandwagoner and only moves when pushed. And aware of the wrath that's coming for me, I think more of her social work is more opportunistic and for career building rather than vocation if it makes sense. It's better than the republican alternative but it's a half step.

But I didn't say that, dr west did and from a very defensible position regarding his values. Thinks Obama as a sellout and Hillary as a power addict.

You didn't say it. You just said what he said was gold.

I'm not dancing the Clinton is a super fake despite her record because my feels tell me so tango.

She's been active in things since college but sure she's an uncaring power addict who only cares about her career.


this morning, I was actually re-reading Dyson's scathing takedown of West that ran in the New Republic last year and the West's fetishistic cult of personality was pretty damning, and rings pretty true with his stumping for Bernie (and, more tellingly, against Obama).



This is what comes up when you access XHamster in North Carolina.


You can't access the website at all.


Wait Boney. So Clinton has been faking it for 40+ years?

That's like... a lifetime of faking it. At what time does one become the perceived lie?


You didn't say it. You just said what he said was gold.

I'm not dancing the Clinton is a super fake despite her record because my feels tell me so tango.

She's been active in things since college but sure she's an uncaring power addict who only cares about her career.
It's gold because it perfectly sums up his assessment of Hillary and his phrase on Obama does so as well. It's memorable and controversial, that's why I call it gold. I think it's too extreme because they at least not push things in a apocalyptic situation like republicans but still follow 100% neoliberal policies with a dash of social morals.

100% honest and biased on my part, I'm always cynical when it comes to socialites. They push forward band aid solutions instead of systemic solutions.

Wait Boney. So Clinton has been faking it for 40+ years?

That's like... a lifetime of faking it. At what time does one become the perceived lie?
I just see her as ambition driven compared to principle driven. Which isn't a total discredi for her because 99% of people work this way. It's an extension of paternalism in a broad scale, which is how the system works.


No Scrubs

That's the one.

Local NY reporter with some juicy rumors that Devine and Weaver disagree with this silly Vatican trip that took Bernie out of NY. Apparently, Devine thinks its silly to leave the state a few days before the primary- can't say I disagree.


I'm a little surprised Devine actually seems to get it. You know there's a problem when he looks like the voice of reason.
Local NY reporter with some juicy rumors that Devine and Weaver disagree with this silly Vatican trip that took Bernie out of NY. Apparently, Devine thinks its silly to leave the state a few days before the primary- can't say I disagree.


See now I'm wondering if the Vatican trip isn't somehow genius just because Devine and Weaver think it's dumb.



You can't access the website at all.

Fucking loooooooool

Now that's hitting them where it hurts!
Quick question gaf, I've been wondering this for a long time but how did Obama get the nickname "The Islamic Shock" and what does it means?

Because it sounds super sick.


What the hell.

A lawyer from Yale, founder of advocate groups for children and families, and partner of a law firm does NOT qualify as whatever negative definition of socialite you are using.

And that's all before the 80s! More than 35 years ago!

Just how opportunistic can a person be to plan a 50+ year con??


No Scrubs
See now I'm wondering if the Vatican trip isn't somehow genius just because Devine and Weaver think it's dumb.

Apparently Weaver thinks it's a good idea and Devine thinks it's dumb. There's a bit of a power struggle at the top of Bernie's campaign right now and whoever wins this fight will lose the war since he's gonna lose NY anyway.

Quick question gaf, I've been wondering this for a long time but how did Obama get the nickname "The Islamic Shock" and what does it means?

Because it sounds super sick.


Whoever made this is a genius.
Just saw Morning Joe about them bitching and crying because Hillary might get the 7-7 split (and crying about supers).

Smashing my head against a wall.

I need more GOP meltdowns to distract me from people in my own party who cry about simple math.


Just saw Morning Joe about them bitching and crying because Hillary might get the 7-7 split (and crying about supers).

Smashing my head against a wall.

I need more GOP meltdowns to distract me people in my own party who cry about simple math.

Well that's because you watched Morning Joe, that's enough to want to smash your own face in to stop the pain.
I saw the cert, but I thought it was after it became a thing, I didn't know it was the birth of it @_@

But why "Islamic Shock"? Is it a reference/parody of something?
Devine and Weaver must be stressed out. I wonder if there will be leaks of infighting in the coming weeks?

They'll do what all losing campaign people do soon...throw the candidate under the bus. They have to make sure this is all Bernie's fault and not their shitty advice. That's normal. There was a start of it with that NYT story about how if Bernie had just gone more negative earlier he'd have been fine. They have to save their own skin if they want to work in this town again.


No Scrubs
They'll do what all losing campaign people do soon...throw the candidate under the bus. They have to make sure this is all Bernie's fault and not their shitty advice. That's normal. There was a start of it with that NYT story about how if Bernie had just gone more negative earlier he'd have been fine. They have to save their own skin if they want to work in this town again.

No one's going to hire Weaver again, he'll go back to his comic shop, but Devine is absolutely going to try and save his own skin.
No one's going to hire Weaver again, he'll go back to his comic shop, but Devine is absolutely going to try and save his own skin.

Weaver could try and pretend that the Bernie finance machine was all his idea. I think he tries to salvage something out of this mess. Big mess. : air horn :


Devine is going to be hired as some strategist on CNN, Fox or MSNBC like all the other failed campaign senior advisers or strategist like Stevens, Rick Tyler and Schmidt.


FGC Waterboy
Man, we don't handle boredom very well I see in this thread. :D

We need like a FAQ on the next thread of the same 10 topics that get brought up (Will Bernie support Clinton, E-mail-gate, Bernie's pretty effed in the primaries, Clinton's unfavorables are still really bad, but hahahaha the GOP has Trump and Cruz so it's currently irrelevant).

I guess basically all that's really going to go on soon is the GOP primary and then the General Election?
I'm sorry but fuck Cornell west for questioning Obama's blackness. That kind of stuff was uncalled for and came off as petty. You can like that crap all you want but believe me most democrats and especially African Americans don't


You can't access the website at all.

This is legitimately going to piss them off. Love it.

Just saw Morning Joe about them bitching and crying because Hillary might get the 7-7 split (and crying about supers).

Smashing my head against a wall.

I need more GOP meltdowns to distract me from people in my own party who cry about simple math.

As a math person, it makes me insane. He didn't win enough of the vote for another delegate! It's not that hard to understand!

To be honest, I doubt this would happen, because I don't see any reason to assume Sanders has sufficient knowledge and control to prevent the military-industrial complex from just doing whatever it feels like doing. That is actually my primary problem with Bernie Sanders when it comes to foreign policy -- the history of the last thirty years should show that it's not sufficient just to not be pro-war to keep America from getting involved in foreign conflicts. You need to have a coherent and clearly articulated foreign policy, and adhere to it at all times, in order to keep the Pentagon from pushing for war until it gets war. It is very easy to produce casus belli and advocate to the White House that America must act immediately. It is much harder to explain why we must not, and to continue standing up for that position in the face of internal and external opposition.

Basically, I think America is a big rock on a hill, and war is at the bottom of the hill. (And the hill is the defense department and intelligence apparatus, who are both filled with people who are intelligent, motivated, and convinced that America should intervene more in world affairs, otherwise they wouldn't be running the defense department and intelligence apparatus.) Just saying you don't want to go to the bottom of the hill will not solve your problem. You need to have a clear idea for where you want the rock to be and then you need to spend a bunch of time and effort keeping the rock in that place. Otherwise, gravity wins.

I agree with that metaphor completely. I'm arguing that using concrete to permanently fix that boulder to the top of the hill isn't a great policy. Sometimes it might need to roll down a bit! A flexible policy is almost always best (exceptions are things like civil rights and what-not).


No Scrubs
Man, we don't handle boredom very well I see in this thread. :D

We need like a FAQ on the next thread of the same 10 topics that get brought up (Will Bernie support Clinton, E-mail-gate, Bernie's pretty effed in the primaries, Clinton's unfavorables are still really bad, but hahahaha the GOP has Trump and Cruz so it's currently irrelevant).

I guess basically all that's really going to go on soon is the GOP primary and then the General Election?

Trump hasn't done anything insane in the last week or so and as a result we're stuck with nothing to talk about in the middle of primary season.


I'm sorry but fuck Cornell west for questioning Obama's blackness. That kind of stuff was uncalled for and came off as petty. You can like that crap all you want but believe me most democrats and especially African Americans don't

I saw West's quotes in a topic the other day, questioning Obama's black legitimacy. I had never read them before, and honestly they were shocking. After considering them a bit, there's a grain of truth; Obama's path to the African-American experience was not like most black Americans. But in the end, so what? Do we want to join the mainstream in excluding people from our already-marginalized ranks? In a large way West's quotes resembled the arguments that I've heard from the racist right on Obama- "his achievement of being the first black president is meaningless because he's not really black/as much white as black". And that should have been a wake-up call to Cornel West that he was veering off-course.

Obama is our president. He is not perfect. But he is a black man, and has always considered himself as a black man, to my knowledge.

Thanks for this. Puts some of West's rather personal hatred of the president in perspective.


No Scrubs
Yeah the video with Biden is funny: https://twitter.com/becket/status/719570595608977409

Lol at Biden's PR handler having a panic attack

They probably thought he'd endorse right there and there'd be a repeat of the gay marriage thing. :lol

Oh god imagine being Biden's PR head you would have an aneurysm whenever he goes out into the public.

There should be a warning label when going for the job, 'High chance your brain explodes on this job.'

I imagine I'd be an alcoholic if I had that job :lol
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