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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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If Sanders manages to pull a win in NY, will the game change completely? If Hillary wins NY is it basically over for Sanders?

The only thing that would change is if he managed to win it by a margin of 5 or more. Anything else and it's status quo if we're being honest.

It would be a big blow to her and her campaign's image if she lost it though.


No Scrubs
Fair. Y'all have more or less ran all the Bernie folks out of the thread (except for masochists like me) on top of it, so not much discussion on that front either. :p

Well I'm glad you're still around. If Bernie dudes want to talk about shit that's cool. The only problem I've ever had, in other threads mind you, is people going "He's gonna win NY," then when asked to explain their thinking ignore me. I'm perfectly cool with discussing stuff and differing perspectives, hell I like being challenged, but it's a two way street.

There's an apocryphal rumor that Biden's PR / Personal staff was gifted upwards of $10k of booze from fellow staffers (who did this out of their own personal money, lol) after Obama won in 2008.

The only thing surprising about this is that it was only $10k worth and not 20 or 30. They probably burned through all that in a week.

Random chance.

We don't know what will happen. So should we just let things go bad, or try to help with a strong chance of things also going bad or worse? We just don't know. Maybe we can't know. We are simply not in control of events.

As a normal person, with no power at all, it hurts to think about the terrible things that are going on in the world. But imagine that you had real power, that you were in fact the most powerful person in the world, and you really could do something. And on top of that, you get detailed briefings on exactly how bad things are. Do you let things happen? Do you risk making things worse by trying to stop them from happening? What would it be like to watch thousands upon thousands of people being systematically slaughtered, and do nothing, when you control the most powerful military that ever existed? What would it be like to try to stop a genocide, and believe you really did prevent a horror, only for events to become even more chaotic as a result ending in even more death?

I never want to know what that's like.

Which is basically where I am and more or less what I said last night.
If Sanders manages to pull a win in NY, will the game change completely? If Hillary wins NY is it basically over for Sanders?
No, people here already did the math. Even if he wins by 10% he will still lose the game. He needs a blowout proportion, like 60- 35 or some shit.
If this came out, what would it do to his targets in CA? He'd need like 70-30 there to fix that.
If polling margins hold on NY, MD and PA Hillary would need to finish below viability in California (thus giving Bernie every single delegate) for Bernie to have a chance.

The fact that so many Bernie supporters are pinning their hopes and dreams on NY and CA is a little... Depressing to watch to be honest. Like "don't worry Kerry, the exits have you winning Ohio!" depressing.
Bernie winning NY would be a huge PR win but wouldn't change the delegate math much unless it was a huge win. Probably would need to win 60-40 for that to mean much.


No Scrubs
Bernie winning NY would be a huge PR win but wouldn't change the delegate math much unless it was a huge win. Probably would need to win 60-40 for that to mean much.

That'd be a pretty big swing. Most polls show about 10% of the vote up for grabs, so he'd need all of that to go for him and then win over a bunch of Clinton's support.


FGC Waterboy
Was it not? I was not that politically aware at the time. All I remember is that we got Milosovic and that nobody brings up Kosovo to talk about how evil America is, so I assumed it must have gone okay. I guess you can also theorize that nobody cares about the Balkans, which would match most of European history.

I think Kosovo was definitely an effective intervention; even if it was chided at the time for being "purely aerial".

Well I'm glad you're still around. If Bernie dudes want to talk about shit that's cool. The only problem I've ever had, in other threads mind you, is people going "He's gonna win NY," then when asked to explain their thinking ignore me. I'm perfectly cool with discussing stuff and differing perspectives, hell I like being challenged, but it's a two way street.

The only thing surprising about this is that it was only $10k worth and not 20 or 30. They probably burned through all that in a week.

Heh - I've been pretty consistently on the "Bernie has pretty much no chance" train - but if I were in NY I'd still go vote for him. I think the message he brings is really important and is often ignored because of how this election is being fought. (Identity politics / demographics / baby's first use of data seem to be the theme this election). I'm watching what hyper-capitalism / corporatism does in India now; and the effects are...pretty brutal.

As for the 10k; most staffers make like zero money working for a campaign. Only the top end consultants get bank.


How many delegates are at stake in NY and how many would sanders and Hillary get if Sanders wins idk 57-43 by a Christmas miracle that the pope got through?

There's like 220 regular delegates putting them apart right? Would such a win close the gap in like 30 or 40 or so?
If polling margins hold on NY, MD and PA Hillary would need to finish below viability in California (thus giving Bernie every single delegate) for Bernie to have a chance.

The fact that so many Bernie supporters are pinning their hopes and dreams on NY and CA is a little... Depressing to watch to be honest. Like "don't worry Kerry, the exits have you winning Ohio!" depressing.
Hard to pin on anything else when winning Wyoming doesn't even shortens the delegate gap. Speaking of which, saw Morning Joe hammering some DNC guys about how undemocratic the democratic primaries are. Dude was livid.
random aside: Nancy Pelosi is speaking at Ohio State as part of the university's "Congressional Conversations" series next Friday and I'm definitely gonna try to attend that


No Scrubs
Heh - I've been pretty consistently on the "Bernie has pretty much no chance" train - but if I were in NY I'd still go vote for him. I think the message he brings is really important and is often ignored because of how this election is being fought. (Identity politics / demographics / baby's first use of data seem to be the theme this election). I'm watching what hyper-capitalism / corporatism does in India now; and the effects are...pretty brutal.

Yea, India is pretty fucked up. While I'd like to think we wouldn't backslide into that again, there is an entire political party advocating for pre-Teddy Roosevelt America and that is scary. I do think Bernie's message is important, not all of it mind you, but a lot of it. I just think he's absolutely the wrong guy to be waving that flag.

Whoever tries to pick up his mantle and advocates social democracy next is going to need to be a policy wonk. Messaging isn't enough for something like that, they'll need to be able to outline the path and how to accomplish it.

As for the 10k; most staffers make like zero money working for a campaign. Only the top end consultants get bank.

Oh I know, I was just making a joke :lol

Hard to pin on anything else when winning Wyoming doesn't even shortens the delegate gap. Speaking of which, saw Morning Joe hammering some DNC guys about how undemocratic the democratic primaries are. Dude was livid.

The delegate count was a wash in Wyoming because it's a tiny ass state with hardly anyone living there, so it's only worth 14 delegates.

Morning Joe's just salty the thing isn't going his way and the GOP's gonna lose in September again.


Hillary wins NY, Bernie will need such an absurd percentage of votes from the remaining races as to make it even more boring. I mean we already knew Hillary was the nominee like, I dunno, a month ago? So the change will be we know she is the nominee triply guaranteed :p

There's like a plane crash in the Republican primary, impossible to look away. And in the Democratic side, it's like waiting in line patiently behind a throng going up a reaaaally slow escalator.
How many delegates are at stake in NY and how many would sanders and Hillary get if Sanders wins idk 57-43 by a Christmas miracle that the pope got through?

There's like 220 regular delegates putting them apart right? Would such a win close the gap in like 30 or 40 or so?

Hard to pin on anything else when winning Wyoming doesn't even shortens the delegate gap. Speaking of which, saw Morning Joe hammering some DNC guys about how undemocratic the democratic primaries are. Dude was livid.


If he wins New York, even by 1%, Clinton is done.

If he loses New York, even by 1%, Sanders is done.
If Sanders manages to pull a win in NY, will the game change completely? If Hillary wins NY is it basically over for Sanders?

538's revised targets have Sanders needing to win NY by 4 points

if we completely ignore demographics of states and assume everything from here on out is uniform (lol), he would need to win by 13 points, because he needs about 56.5% or so of all remaining pledged delegates

so a decisive win, if it's not a one-off thing, could change the race, but that would require him to actually win New York first
Oh boy, everyone on my TL is sharing the Morning Joe bit about Sanders and delegates. I like how they keep on showing the graph 11 delegates for clinton vs 7 delegates. They just knew that would rile people up and they are right.
Hillary wins NY, Bernie will need such an absurd percentage of votes from the remaining races as to make it even more boring. I mean we already knew Hillary was the nominee like, I dunno, a month ago? So the change will be we know she is the nominee triply guaranteed :p

There's like a plane crash in the Republican primary, impossible to look away. And in the Democratic side, it's like waiting in line patiently behind a throng going up a reaaaally slow escalator.
Didn't you get the memo? Weaver said they have plan to win without NY. Checkmate.


Just had my first ever Big Mac thanks to this thread. It was just ok. But on the drive back I saw a vehicle with a Hillary for America and a rainbow flag bumper stickers so it was clearly a sign.


FGC Waterboy
If Sanders manages to pull a win in NY, will the game change completely? If Hillary wins NY is it basically over for Sanders?

In the sense that the polls would be crazy off and/or that Sanders managed to erase a 10+ point lead that quickly - yes. The pressure on Clinton's campaign would be enormous (especially the media, as they are salivating over an actual race on the Dem side); and that kind of win + a California win would actually start to put pressure on the superdelegates to not have their thumbs on the scale quite as hard.

However, math-wise, Clinton's still going to be fine. But if Bernie gets within like 50 delegates from the state counts, then the Dems do have to worry about some inter-party issues.

The only thing that would change is if he managed to win it by a margin of 5 or more. Anything else and it's status quo if we're being honest.

It would be a big blow to her and her campaign's image if she lost it though.

Honestly, if she loses the state she was a freaking senator in and has unbelievably favorable demographics? She should probably fire her entire campaign staff out of shame and incompetence.


Oh boy, everyone on my TL is sharing the Morning Joe bit about Sanders and delegates. I like how they keep on showing the graph 11 delegates for clinton vs 7 delegates. They just knew that would rile people up and they are right.

I'm guessing that's Wyoming including its superdelegates for reasons passing understanding?


No Scrubs
TBH I feel like if Bernie had done this for some godawful reason we'd have already had a thread about it in OT and everyone in here would be screaming about it, but because Hillary did it's ok to ignore.

Real talk, if you replaced Hillary with Bernie, I'd roll my eyes at such a thread.

Honestly, if she loses the state she was a freaking senator in and has unbelievably favorable demographics? She should probably fire her entire campaign staff out of shame and incompetence.

Seriously, her campaign would have to be run by morons for that to even happen.



If he wins New York, even by 1%, Clinton is done.

If he loses New York, even by 1%, Sanders is done.
Is that the 1% sanders keeps yapping about?

I'm guessing that's Wyoming including its superdelegates for reasons passing understanding?
They're talking about the super delegates undermining votes and say it's a rigged system. The DNC guys are like yeah but thems the rules because the 60's or something. The point about voter disenfranchisement is real (even if Bernie is losing in total votes in this case) and super delegates are pretty bs, but the graph can be misrepresentative. Winning by over 10 points and tying in delegates is also kinda dumb though even if 1 delegate is basically nothing.
Hillary wins NY, Bernie will need such an absurd percentage of votes from the remaining races as to make it even more boring. I mean we already knew Hillary was the nominee like, I dunno, a month ago? So the change will be we know she is the nominee triply guaranteed :p

There's like a plane crash in the Republican primary, impossible to look away. And in the Democratic side, it's like waiting in line patiently behind a throng going up a reaaaally slow escalator.
I think the problem is that many of the Bernie supporters have very fanciful ideas of what's possible in this primary.

Or to be more generous, they have no restraint in conflating what's possible and what's plausible.

Went to a friend's bday and this briefly came up. Someone was complaining about how long the primary process takes and I said I'd prefer if the primary was held over just a single day. He said he thought that would just mean Bernie would have less of a chance. The birthday boy (quite inebriated at this point) said Bernie couldn't have any less chance than he does now, and the response was "He does have a chance! I mean, it's a long chance, but it's a chance!" And said his prediction was that the primary would be "disappointingly close," which is vague enough anyway that I can't imagine he'll consider himself far off the mark no matter what the numbers are. I figure it'll be a comfortable Hillary victory - not a huge landslide, but similar to Obama 2012 where realistically there was nothing that could have changed the math for Romney.

I don't think he's rabidly anti-Hillary or anything, most of the Bernie supporters in my friends circle are just pretty cool towards her. I don't have any strong feelings towards her either way, I'm guessing she'll be a decent president but unless Congress flips I can't see her being any better than Obama.


No Scrubs
Very nicely put. I love Bernie Sanders in theory, but in practice he has way too many glaring flaws.

Honestly I would argue Bernie doesn't go far enough. We need to be starting a push for a baseline salary that everyone in the country gets, regardless of if they're employed or not. Automation and AI are going to put thousands of people out of jobs over the course of my lifetime, hell it's already started and even my industry (journalism) isn't entirely immune. They've got a program that can write articles in AP style, and it's not horrible at it. That shit shook me. I didn't think that would be possible in my lifetime.

Technology is either going to be the best thing that's ever happened to us or the worst, it's all going to depend on how we react to it.
So Colorado just didn't have a primary and gave the delegates to Cruz since they knew trump would win if people actually voted? Fuck this. I hate trump but I'm starting to kind of legitimatley root for him cause of all this party fuckery.
Just had my first ever Big Mac thanks to this thread. It was just ok. But on the drive back I saw a vehicle with a Hillary for America and a rainbow flag bumper stickers so it was clearly a sign.

i saw hillary stickers on the laptop of someone other than me for the first time ever today

which is also clearly a sign


Honestly I would argue Bernie doesn't go far enough. We need to be starting a push for a baseline salary that everyone in the country gets, regardless of if they're employed or not. Automation and AI are going to put thousands of people out of jobs over the course of my lifetime, hell it's already started and even my industry (journalism) isn't entirely immune. They've got a program that can write articles in AP style, and it's not horrible at it. That shit shook me. I didn't think that would be possible in my lifetime.

Technology is either going to be the best thing that's ever happened to us or the worst, it's all going to depend on how we react to it.

While I agree with you I think it's too early to go that far. Maybe next election. Or the one after that.


Honestly I would argue Bernie doesn't go far enough. We need to be starting a push for a baseline salary that everyone in the country gets, regardless of if they're employed or not. Automation and AI are going to put thousands of people out of jobs over the course of my lifetime, hell it's already started and even my industry (journalism) isn't entirely immune. They've got a program that can write articles in AP style, and it's not horrible at it. That shit shook me. I didn't think that would be possible in my lifetime.

Yes, this is most definitely the case. Bernie is to the left of American discourse but he's not actually left enough for the problems that we're actually going to face. If he's going to lose anyway, he might as well go all out and start seeding the ideas that we are going to have to become comfortable with at some point, but I'm not sure to what extant he's even thought deeply about automation.
I figure it'll be a comfortable Hillary victory - not a huge landslide, but similar to Obama 2012 where realistically there was nothing that could have changed the math for Romney.
I'm wondering how long into the GE it will take before the media actually starts up on the EC angle. Democrats could probably lose the popular vote nationally by 2-3 points and still manage an EC win. It would be a complete disaster downticket, but Democrats really have the map tilted in their favor right now with future changes continuing that trend. The only way Sanders would ever have any chance at a GE win would be via a #NeverTrump EC win.
Is that the 1% sanders keeps yapping about?
I hate trump but I'm starting to kind of legitimatley root for him cause of all this party fuckery.
Although I keep telling myself this is the reason I'm "rooting" for Trump, deep down it's still because I want to see the GOP burn.


FGC Waterboy
Funny enough, if the GOP had the Dem system, Bush or Rubio would probably be the one winning the GOP primary. The Dem system is specifically designed for party bosses to choose their nominee. Basically, the Dem primary is all about Hamilton. :D


Honestly I would argue Bernie doesn't go far enough. We need to be starting a push for a baseline salary that everyone in the country gets, regardless of if they're employed or not. Automation and AI are going to put thousands of people out of jobs over the course of my lifetime, hell it's already started and even my industry (journalism) isn't entirely immune. They've got a program that can write articles in AP style, and it's not horrible at it. That shit shook me. I didn't think that would be possible in my lifetime.

Technology is either going to be the best thing that's ever happened to us or the worst, it's all going to depend on how we react to it.

My industry is fine. For now. I think.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So Colorado just didn't have a primary and gave the delegates to Cruz since they knew trump would win if people actually voted? Fuck this. I hate trump but I'm starting to kind of legitimatley root for him cause of all this party fuckery.

Where is this story at?

Edit: Oh, they did that back in August.

Another step in Cruz stealing the nomination. That convention is going to be madness.


Funny enough, if the GOP had the Dem system, Bush or Rubio would probably be the one winning the GOP primary. The Dem system is specifically designed for party bosses to choose their nominee. Basically, the Dem primary is all about Hamilton. :D

Nonsense. Please explain how Bush/Rubio would be winning if they were running in the Dem system, and relate that winning to party bosses.

edit: Jeb Bush, who was routinely receiving 3% in the polls and at the ballot box, would somehow be winning. Jeb Bush.


No Scrubs
Yes, this is most definitely the case. Bernie is to the left of American discourse but he's not actually left enough for the problems that we're actually going to face. If he's going to lose anyway, he might as well go all out and start seeding the ideas that we are going to have to become comfortable with at some point, but I'm not sure to what extant he's even thought deeply about automation.

Like I don't think that communism or pure socialism are necessarily the way to go, but we're going to have to push our way left economically in the future and I'd rather start getting everyone used to the idea now. I mean, the only reasons places like McDonald's aren't almost fully automated at this point are cost and people aren't ready for machines to make their food.

I don't think he's thought that hard about it, judging by his rhetoric on trade. He blames free trade deals for the decline in american manufacturing jobs. While it was an issue, it masked the rise of automation in that sector.

My industry is fine. For now. I think.


I thought mine would be fine for my lifetime, but there it is. I mean, if you can replace writers then everyone's screwed at some point.


So Colorado just didn't have a primary and gave the delegates to Cruz since they knew trump would win if people actually voted? Fuck this. I hate trump but I'm starting to kind of legitimatley root for him cause of all this party fuckery.
I doubt Trump would've won if Colorado were still a caucus, and I don't think he'd have won if it were a primary (assuming this was on Super Tuesday) but he probably would've come close when the race was a 5 person one. He would've at least gotten some delegates.
Funny enough, if the GOP had the Dem system, Bush or Rubio would probably be the one winning the GOP primary. The Dem system is specifically designed for party bosses to choose their nominee. Basically, the Dem primary is all about Hamilton. :D

How do you figure that? Superdelegates? How would Trump not be as far ahead as Clinton is?

To me, the Dem primary system is showing that an early lead is basically impossible to overcome but if you can convince people to keep giving you money then it doesn't matter.
Honestly I would argue Bernie doesn't go far enough. We need to be starting a push for a baseline salary that everyone in the country gets, regardless of if they're employed or not. Automation and AI are going to put thousands of people out of jobs over the course of my lifetime, hell it's already started and even my industry (journalism) isn't entirely immune. They've got a program that can write articles in AP style, and it's not horrible at it. That shit shook me. I didn't think that would be possible in my lifetime.

Technology is either going to be the best thing that's ever happened to us or the worst, it's all going to depend on how we react to it.

Agreed, although that's not really much of a factor for me in not supporting him because no one's really going far enough right now on that issue. In terms of problems specific to him, I'd go with a lack of real planning from both a policy and politics standpoint, plus a fair number of his ideas are empty populism.
New York will be big for 2 reasons, IMO.

1. It will hopefully end the Sanders perception he still has a chance to win.

2. It will tell us whether Trump can win an outright majority (but won't guarantee it) or if the convention will be a big fat mess.

Too bad it's still 8 days away. Driving me nuts. Feels like a month since a primary that's mattered. Oh wait, it is.
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