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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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My mom invited my Berniebros mom over for dinner.

They're halfway through the 2nd bottle of wine, and they're shit talking Bernie and his trip to Rome.


No Scrubs
So what's going on with this Deblasio thing. Read part of the thread on OT but haven't been in the mood this afternoon/evening for the madness that is OT in general. How bad was this? Apologies offered? Not a issue?

It was a skit designed to make him look dumb at a dinner that exists to roast the mayor. So far no one in the NY press is even talking about it.
Wait you're upset because as a registered republican you couldn't change over last minute to vote in a primary for a party you don't support?

Damn you're totally being oppressed.

things arent what they used to be, everything's so partisan now. I guess im a snooty asshole or whatever you are implying for not wanting my options for representation in a democracy to be limited by one party or the other.
Berniebro's Mom: Maybe that damn bird could deliver him a decent strategy to win!
My mom: Fuck that bird. Shit, sorry I said fuck. I hope you don't mind.


Berniebro's Mom: Maybe that damn bird could deliver him a decent strategy to win!
My mom: Fuck that bird. Shit, sorry I said fuck. I hope you don't mind.


things arent what they used to be, everything's so partisan now. I guess im a snooty asshole or whatever you are implying for not wanting my options for representation in a democracy to be limited by one party or the other.

Why were you a registered Republican though?

User 406

You bake your perogies? Is it good? I only ever fry them.

There ain't much you can do to perogies that ain't good. Sometimes I'm lazy and I'll just boil 'em and melt butter over them, sometimes I'll caramelize onions and then sautee the perogies until they're browning, sometimes I'll brush oil on them and bake them in the oven, and I've even deep fried them. It's mashed potatoes in pasta, you just can't go wrong! :D
Now they're talking about phone banking. I almost want to let them right now to see what happens. But that might hurt Queen.

My mom just said she'd "tell those little shits" off if they said Hillary wasn't qualified. LOLOLOLOL.


My mom brought up Grindr.

I'm out. I'm out. Abort.
I think Bernie Sanders is using his nurse's union super pac to funnel money into his campaign in the form of unaccounted "small donor contributions" and I have proof.




Now they're talking about phone banking. I almost want to let them right now to see what happens. But that might hurt Queen.

My mom just said she'd "tell those little shits" off if they said Hillary wasn't qualified. LOLOLOLOL.


My mom brought up Grindr.

I'm out. I'm out. Abort.

You never talk Grindr with parents. Nooooo
He's the one that needs a second Economics textbook after pulling that 101-ism price hike tbh

Was gonna say, neither of them has a particularly good grasp of the way the market's supposed to work.

I will say that The Punchable One does at least have a handle on Econ 101, aka "intro to economics without humanity."


Was gonna say, neither of them has a particularly good grasp of the way the market's supposed to work.

I will say that The Punchable One does at least have a handle on Econ 101, aka "intro to economics without humanity."


Well, even a good 101 course will end and/or preferably have a constant underlying thread of "but always keep in mind the underlying assumptions of this basic model, and here's where we need to tweak it and keep more things in mind".
Dan Merica‏@danmericaCNN

Clinton hits Sanders on guns: "The highest per capita number of those guns that end up committing crimes in New York, come from Vermont."

Dan Merica ‏@danmericaCNN

Sanders spox: I dont know why HRC "would be so critical of the gov of Vermont who strongly supports her candidacy."

I read the Daily News piece and it strikes me again that Sec. Clinton is so much stronger in her domestic policy than anyone else in the field that it's absurd.

She also addressed something that my father-in-law, who works in the investments industry, also points out - that the market is so exacting and overcorrective re: share prices and quarterly growth that it acts irrationally in extremely harmful ways.

Honestly, I'd like to hear her just talk about that issue in a long-form interview.

Every time I hear Sec. Clinton talk, I realize most of all that she is the only person in the race that should be let anywhere near the nuclear codes.

One thing that I was hoping that she'd mention re: forcing schools to re-evaluate costs was the ballooning administrations at schools who give themselves bonuses at the expense of faculty and student alike. As a college instructor, I'd really appreciate it if politicians would more explicitly point out this issue.

Well, even a good 101 course will end and/or preferably have a constant underlying thread of "but always keep in mind the underlying assumptions of this basic model, and here's where we need to tweak it and keep more things in mind".

I actually got into soooo many arguments with my econ 101 professor about stuff like that. Dude drank deep from the Laissez Faire bible.
Thankfully I might have found a guy who I no longer need those apps...

I think. He's been a butt lately.

I've never used them because I have no self esteem.

But, my Berniebro's been a butt too yesterday and today! FUCK! Ready to slap him. Something in the water or something.


I've never used them because I have no self esteem.

But, my Berniebro's been a butt too yesterday and today! FUCK! Ready to slap him. Something in the water or something.

I met my guy on the app. He was different from the rest. Now that I am into him, he's all distant. It's no fair. We should boycott our boys. :/
things arent what they used to be, everything's so partisan now. I guess im a snooty asshole or whatever you are implying for not wanting my options for representation in a democracy to be limited by one party or the other.

Because voter supression isn't rules that make it harder for registered republicans to just jump into the Democratic primary when they feel like it. Sorry.


Yes, because Trump is a uniquely terrible candidate. From his lack of principles to his willful ignorance to his racist, sexist, and other unacceptable comments--nobody's as bad as Trump. He's also unique in the amount of opposition he engenders among large swaths of Republican voters. There's a reason #NeverTrump is a thing in a way that #NeverRomney never would have been. Rejecting Trump despite a plurality of delegates is really just giving effect to the majority's votes for Not Trump.

If we're strictly talking electability and the effect on the downticket races, I think Trump is worse. But Cruz is actually the most far right candidate by far, even counting all of the previous contenders who have dropped out, so he's likely going to alienate moderates.

If we're speaking to the person's character? Cruz has no edge and might be worse overall. Trump will say anything to get votes, thus it's very hard to tell what he is actually thinking. Cruz on the other hand comes off as very honest and committed to his "principles", but that's not a good thing:

Carpet bombing advocacy
Associates with a pastor who wants to execute gays


Despite being totally unelectable, I don't think I would have minded a Bloomberg presidency. I liked a lot of his unorthodox, shameless social-engineering-y policy ideas as mayor. I also unapologetically like his fetish for big, dare I say Robert Moses-esque, infrastructure projects that exist primarily to serve as testaments to his ego/legacy. A congestion tax to fund at least part of the second avenue subway would have been amazing.

As an aside, I think I'm just for any politician that's going to use value capture to build subway lines.

I like de Blasio a lot though; just a bit disappointed regarding his rather aloof approach to fixing New York's crumbling infrastructure (and I get that his terrible relationship with Cuomo is a big part of that).


I actually got into soooo many arguments with my econ 101 professor about stuff like that. Dude drank deep from the Laissez Faire bible.

It's a REALLY hard course to teach. You have to focus on the basics and make sure that people understand the assumptions so they can actually solve the problems, but yes, buying into the field in the first place requires that students understand that this is NOT even remotely where the story ends. If he didn't do that, he failed as an instructor IMO. You look at the first welfare theorem of Economics (which seems to be where every single Libertarian closed the book and said "I've read enough!") and it's exceedingly clear that the set of assumptions required help us identify where and why it does not work for a lot of things.
It's a REALLY hard course to teach. You have to focus on the basics and make sure that people understand the assumptions so they can actually solve the problems, but yes, buying into the field in the first place requires that students understand that this is NOT even remotely where the story ends. If he didn't do that, he failed as an instructor IMO. You look at the first welfare theorem of Economics (which seems to be where every single Libertarian closed the book and said "I've read enough!") and it's exceedingly clear that the set of assumptions required help us identify where and why it does not imply for a lot of things.

Pretty much. It's the basis of a lot of good stuff, but when taken literally most of the theories are so wildly off as to be basically wrong.


CNN just reported on it and then interviewed DeBlasio

A preview of this next week:

Hillary: "We may only win in single digits to win!"

Bernie: "Yeah well we don't even NEED New York to win!"

Hillary: "New York? Yeah I bet we lose."

Bernie: "We won't even be viable!"

Hillary: "Our names might not be on the ballot!"


A preview of this next week:

Hillary: "We may only win in single digits to win!"

Bernie: "Yeah well we don't even NEED New York to win!"

Hillary: "New York? Yeah I bet we lose."

Bernie: "We won't even be viable!"

Hillary: "Our names might not be on the ballot!"

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