Lol I just heard a gun violence ad for Hillary too.
One week to goLol I just heard a gun violence ad for Hillary too.
I just hear a Brooklyn for Bernie ad in my cab. Thanks reddit fundraising
Couldn't really hear. It was some dude saying vote for brother Bernie and how the great ressession hurt a lot of people and Bernie is gonna fix thatWhat's it saying?
New SurveyUSA poll has McCrory losing to Cooper by 4 points
.The bus is being driven by purity weirdos though who want to pretend a progressive mayor with a black family who's done a lot for black people in his city is a racist.
The bus is being driven by purity weirdos though who want to pretend a progressive mayor with a black family who's done a lot for black people in his city is a racist.
Paul Ryan is kinda hot in a weird, hate fuck kind of way.
lol the two responses
Diane said:and I should believe anything Bill says because...?
I've noticed a lot of progressives this primary cycle use every little thing to paint the candidates they dislike as racist, as if that makes them feel superior. This applies to both candidates.The bus is being driven by purity weirdos though who want to pretend a progressive mayor with a black family who's done a lot for black people in his city is a racist.
Agreed. Despite the chicken legs.Paul Ryan is kinda hot in a weird, hate fuck kind of way.
New SurveyUSA poll has McCrory losing to Cooper by 4 points
Lol @ Paul Ryan basically telling the GOP fuck you.
Paul Ryan is kinda hot in a weird, hate fuck kind of way.
Because of the violence on woman act. He mentioned it was a very tough choice for him but he spoke to the senate about the dangers of it and that incarcerating people was not the solution. I learned it from the Simpsons that you can add bills on top of others and you're stuck with that.
He really knocked it out of the park
It was a bad decision in hindsight but he made it weighing the choices at least
lmao DeBlasio under the bus:
The Today show is running a story about how women are crowdfunding their maternity leave.
That's fucking ridiculous. Come on.
Ryan's family health history is a legit concern for a presidential candidate. His dad, grandfather and great-grandfather all died of heart disease in their 50s. Those are some devastatingly shitty heart genes and even if I wanted him to be President I am not sure I would want him to run.
It's weird to see someone who's been in government for over 2 decades and is the governor of a large state act all starstruck at campaigning for political office. "Me? Can you believe it!?" The answer is yes.
I've noticed a lot of progressives this primary cycle use every little thing to paint the candidates they dislike as racist, as if that makes them feel superior. This applies to both candidates.
It was a dumb joke, but it's also a joke he could tell at a family reunion and get away with because, you know, most of his immediate family is black. This isn't a "well he married a black woman so he can't be racist" point either. He has a certain comfort level due to his family and forgot the general black public isn't necessarily that comfortable with him.
I've noticed a lot of progressives this primary cycle use every little thing to paint the candidates they dislike as racist, as if that makes them feel superior. This applies to both candidates.
What a surprise.
Here then the moment has arrived to reckon, instead, with truths about Sanders and his programs:
Subjected to meaningful scrutiny for the first time, the senator from Vermont proved utterly unprepared for the Oval Office while confirming that the central thrusts of his campaign are politically impossible.
Which, paradoxically, is good news, because some of the most prominent Sanderisms would likely wreak epic economic damage.
Has NYT endorsed?
Subjected to meaningful scrutiny for the first time
I know this thread is 99% US Politics, BUT this is worth pointing out:
The price of Brazil's current president still being in office by Jan 1 2017 is currently at roughly 10 CENTS.
It's very likely happening. By most indications, they will have lost well beyond the 2/3rds of the votes needed by the time the impeachment votes are made.
Indiana isn't polled very often because they have laws against robopolling, same with ND.We need an Indiana poll </serioustalk>
Indiana isn't polled very often because they have laws against robopolling, same with ND.
The fact that those were both pickups for the Democrats in 2012 is a reason a lot of people were handicapping their chances.
It might mean everything or nothing for Trump thoughIndiana isn't polled very often because they have laws against robopolling, same with ND.
The fact that those were both pickups for the Democrats in 2012 is a reason a lot of people were handicapping their chances.
What an endorsement.
I could spend a weekend with the roster from Randy Blue, ChaosMen and Blacked and not end as satisfied.
I sent my mom that Emerson poll that had Trump at 50% in Connecticut.
"That can't be right. None of our Republican friends are voting for Trump, and neither are we."
A modern Pauline Kael.