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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I don't think there's any equivalent of the Rahm effect in NY. He's not campaigning against DeBlasio (yet?) and I think DeBlasio is a bit more popular than Rahm is here. His local wedge issue is fracking, but I don't think it'll be nearly as effective.

That was before CPTgate.
It's hard to know how much of the Illinois poll tightening was pollsters adjusting their partisan weights in the wake of Michigan vs. genuine movement, especially since the state was lightly polled prior to the week before the election.

Since New York is a closed primary, the partisan weights should be a non-factor. My guess is a lot of the actual movement was due to Sanders essentially running against Rahm Emanuel. He doesn't seem to have hit upon anything that's working as well.

I could always be wrong, but I'm guessing these numbers hold up. The way the Sanders camp keeps trying to lower expectations tells me there's not likely any movement in his direction thus far.


it is the middle of goddamn april and i still see people sharing that goddamn friedman "analysis" of bernie's economic policies

death to UMass

Noticed how 95% went suuuuper quiet once the more complete rebuttal that utterly destroyed whatever the blogosphere still tried to prop up from the corpse came out, though?


The saddest part of the whole story is still that the Sanders campaign not only did not distance itself from it, they posted defenses of it on their own website.


So a TN co-sponsor of a bathroom bill was literally kicked out of his office at he state house and had to move across the street because he is considered a danger to women.

Oh hey you know if they wanted to stop Trump they could probably do it in Calfor-----

Cruz said, “Look, what we know in California, whine is something best served with cheese."



He could make a Shermanesque statement, that's why we have them.

Or he could put a gun control bill up for a vote, that would be almost as good.

He made a Shermanesque statement today, so nailed it.

Probably he was worried a gun control bill would box out Sanders.


Oh hey you know if they wanted to stop Trump they could probably do it in Calfor-----

Hey! I live in wine country. I've only ever met two Republicans, both at work as clients, and I hated both. One was a fat old man who was just angry at everything, probably Trump. The other one was a hoooorrible woman who talked about having to vote Republican - no matter who it is - so we can get rid of the IRS.


It's weird to see someone who's been in government for over 2 decades and is the governor of a large state act all starstruck at campaigning for political office. "Me? Can you believe it!?" The answer is yes.
It's weird to see someone who's been in government for over 2 decades and is the governor of a large state act all starstruck at campaigning for political office. "Me? Can you believe it!?" The answer is yes.

"I mean, I'm totally qualified and ready for the job as President on day 1 so I completely believe it, but still."
"I will not run", Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan said to the crowd of reporters, "I do not want, nor will I except the nomination for President".

After the questioning, Ryan pivoted to share his thoughts on the current political landscape and explain why he felt the need to release what looked like a campaign ad. He continued, "The American Dream has failed you. Work hard. Play by the rules. You aren’t guaranteed success. Your children will not have a better life than you did…. We’ve been crippled by Social Security. By Medicare. Medicaid. Welfare. And entitlements. And that is the root of the problem. Entitlements. Let me be clear: You are entitled to nothing. You. Are entitled. To nothing".


FGC Waterboy
Ryan is in effect running a separate national campaign to keep Republicans in control of Congress.


Good luck to him on that. His party is only in power because of gerrymandering and weak midterm turnout. There's not really an easy solution to the latter, but if liberals get a fifth justice on the Supreme Court then gerrymandering could be a thing of the past:

Needless to say this would also work to undo Democratic gerrymanders in Illinois and Maryland but that's a worthy trade.

Would love it if the Court set some kind of precedence for this, forced fair maps, let the Democrats win a majority and pass a new Voting Rights Act that included some strict federal standard for redistricting. Along with no voter ID laws because fuck.

I'd be curious how politics would shift without gerrymandering. Though maybe this should be a lesson to everyone to vote in midterms.

You can't maintain this level of quality more than once a week. I do wish she took over the Daily Show, she was clearly holding back to an extent while she was on it. But at the same time, I don't think it would have worked as well as this show does.

Bingo. It's pretty unfair to compare Bee doing a brand new show on TBS where she goes once a week and is given far more freedom; then TDS / The Nightly Show who have to go every day, and are on Comedy Central.

She would have been better than Trevor...

Not really...because...

Yeah, but we would not have this show, where she apparently is given free roam to do what she wants.


Most people ran away screaming when offered the TDS gig; just because of the insane amount of work and mentoring required; as well as trying to live up to Stewart's legacy. Bee (and Jones) are mad that they never got offered - but they always sidestep the question of whether they would have accepted (based on everyone else who was offered and said no, gonna guess they would have said no as well).


"I will not run", Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan said to the crowd of reporters, "I do not want, nor will I except the nomination for President".

After the questioning, Ryan pivoted to share his thoughts on the current political landscape and explain why he felt the need to release what looked like a campaign ad. He continued, "The American Dream has failed you. Work hard. Play by the rules. You aren’t guaranteed success. Your children will not have a better life than you did…. We’ve been crippled by Social Security. By Medicare. Medicaid. Welfare. And entitlements. And that is the root of the problem. Entitlements. Let me be clear: You are entitled to nothing. You. Are entitled. To nothing".

Then why do I pay taxes?
"I will not run", Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan said to the crowd of reporters, "I do not want, nor will I except the nomination for President".

After the questioning, Ryan pivoted to share his thoughts on the current political landscape and explain why he felt the need to release what looked like a campaign ad. He continued, "The American Dream has failed you. Work hard. Play by the rules. You aren’t guaranteed success. Your children will not have a better life than you did…. We’ve been crippled by Social Security. By Medicare. Medicaid. Welfare. And entitlements. And that is the root of the problem. Entitlements. Let me be clear: You are entitled to nothing. You. Are entitled. To nothing".

Paul Ryan ruled out stealing the nomination at a contested convention just a few minutes ago.

So now it's Trump or Cruz with near certainty this year with Paul Ryan, Ben Sasse, and Tom Cotton setting up to be humiliated by Cruz and Ted Nugent in 2020.

I bet Mitt the Shit is the GOPe's establishment savior at the convention. Maybe.

Paul Ryan should never have taken the Speaker job if he wanted to run for POTUS. He'll be seen as another GOPe capitulator by 2020 since he actually has to, you know, get things done via compromise.

There is more value to hurting the country via obstinance than there is to governing if one runs for the GOP nomination at this point. I'd expect to see more grandstanding from right-wing nutbar Senators and more governors running their states into the ground as a symbolic "fuck you" to anything that would be viewed as working government (ala Walker and Brownback) since that's what gets you a nomination for POTUS from the GOP's voters.

At least until it all falls apart for them and they rebuild from the collapse.
I bet Mitt the Shit is the GOPe's establishment savior at the convention. Maybe.

Paul Ryan should never have taken the Speaker job if he wanted to run for POTUS. He'll be seen as another GOPe capitulator by 2020 since he actually has to, you know, get things done via compromise.

There is more value to hurting the country via obstinance than there is to governing if one runs for the GOP nomination at this point. I'd expect to see more grandstanding from right-wing nutbar Senators and more governors running their states into the ground as a symbolic "fuck you" to anything that would be viewed as working government (ala Walker and Brownback) since that's what gets you a nomination for POTUS from the GOP's voters.

At least until it all falls apart for them and they rebuild from the collapse.

If social media means anything, the Tea Party is already gearing up to primary him in Wisconsin. Because he's apparently a Commie now for having taken the Speaker job.
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