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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I think that if most of us thought Bernie had a chance at actually bringing about the change he's calling for, more people would support him. Since most of us don't think that, there's no reason to support the person who's promising Five Guys but probably can't even give us McDonalds.
I think that if most of us thought Bernie had a chance at actually bringing about the change he's calling for, more people would support him. Since most of us don't think that, there's no reason to support the person who's promising Five Guys but probably can't even give us McDonalds.
5 guys is overrated anyway.

I'd take Wendy's instead.

5 Guys= Socialism?

McDonald's= ?
Adam loves the taste of Five Guys. News at 11 :p


Seriously, though. Five Guys Burgers and Fries is AH-MA-ZING

Safe Bet

I mean on the Dem side it basically is.

The Party Decided. And they chose Hitlary not wacky Bernie.
I won't be completely convinced of that until after the Convention, honestly.

We could still see a Dem Party meltdown.

Depends on how much the people whom would NEVER vote for Trump keep being distracted by Trump...


With how much Israel underminds American interests\politicians it's amazing it took this long for someone to finally put their foot down. Obama's level-headed approach to Israel is one of my favorite things about him.

I wouldn't go that far. She is using Obama's good standing to better her own but I don't know if she shares the same view on Israel.

I wish our politicians were objective and tougher on states like Israel but I doubt Hillary will be as level headed as Obama (which in my opinion was still not enough).

Yet again something Sanders says that I wish was a reality but just know won't be.
Of course he knows what he's doing. He went from a nobody to someone people will be talking about for years. If he becomes President he will undoubtedly get blocked by the Congress repeatedly, but his influence and ideas will aggressively shift the country to the left.

There's no way he's winning against Trump though, which is why I'm also skeptical.

Why do you think his plan for single payer is more valid as a UHC option vs a multipayer model ala Switzerland that already conforms to our institutional structure via the ACA?

Why do you think he thinks that?

Beyond saying "break up the banks", what is his actual plan for doing it and the legal ramifications of it?

How is he going to get states to agree to his college plan?

Where is he going to find Jimmy Hoffa?


The sad reality for Sanders supporters is that in a couple months even the media, which has been propping him up, will move on to the GE and Sanders will lose all relevance. His memory will be lost like tears in the rain.

I can't wait.

Music to my ears. Does this mean R Politics may become less of a cesspool in the coming months?!


I won't be completely convinced of that until after the Convention, honestly.

We could still see a Dem Party meltdown.

Depends on how much the people whom would NEVER vote for Trump keep being distracted by Trump...

There's less discord than 2008, and the GOP is going full derp.



I love the narrative that the longest independant on the senate, which by itself is an amazing accomplishment that speaks of his record, is one of the most effective members of the senate to pass progressive amendments is a hack that doesn't know anything that he is doing.

He wants single payer because he wants the state to be able to negotiate drug prices because they're absurdly expensive. They can be up to 1000% more expensive compared to Canada. The privatized system is still insanely expensive for the state, in which the USA pays the most per capita on health care and doesn't have the benefits for the people. As head of the veteran health stuff in the senate he passed the most progressive health aid system for the veterans, which I believe is completely government ran.

I will say this, in his website he cites Chile as a country that's gonna start offering free college this year but it has been an absolute disaster. The country was incredibly mobilized in 2011 and up to 2013 for quality affordable college and the new government promised it because they are corrupt populists (still better than the right mind you) and tried to pass the law in like a month after assuming command. It went on for a year because the budget was horribly mismanaged, they had a horrible new tax plan that affected medium/large enterprises that slowed business to a crawl and at the end of the day they got free tuition for 200.000 students I believe.

On the other side of the coin, I wish hillary would stop being disingenuous and stop lying about NY gun epidemic, singling Vermont as a key problem. 1% of the guns that come out of state are from Vermont and is a non issue and even a super delegate for Clinton called her out and said "election times makes people exaggerate and misrepresent issues".
I love the narrative that the longest independant on the senate, which by itself is an amazing accomplishment that speaks of his record, is one of the most effective members of the senate to pass progressive amendments is a hack that doesn't know anything that he is doing.

He wants single payer because he wants the state to be able to negotiate drug prices because they're absurdly expensive. They can be up to 1000% more expensive compared to Canada. The privatized system is still insanely expensive for the state, in which the USA pays the most per capita on health care and doesn't have the benefits for the people. As head of the veteran health stuff in the senate he passed the most progressive health aid system for the veterans, which I believe is completely government ran.

I will say this, in his website he cites Chile as a country that's gonna start offering free college this year but it has been an absolute disaster. The country was incredibly mobilized in 2011 and up to 2013 for quality affordable college and the new government promised it because they are corrupt populists (still better than the right mind you) and tried to pass the law in like a month after assuming command. It went on for a year because the budget was horribly mismanaged, they had a horrible new tax plan that affected medium/large enterprises that slowed business to a crawl and at the end of the day they got free tuition for 200.000 students I believe.

On the other side of the coin, I wish hillary would stop being disingenuous and stop lying about NY gun epidemic, singling Vermont as a key problem. 1% of the guns that come out of state are from Vermont and is a non issue and even a super delegate for Clinton called her out and said "election times makes people exaggerate and misrepresent issues".

Why compare to Canada? Switzerland is a federal republic and Germany is closer in population. Neither use single payer.
Do what?

Also, who said he didn't know what he was doing in this campaign.
He knows exactly what he's doing.

That doesn't mean he actually knows how to govern and execute anything.
Because there is no revolution. And there are no actual plans.


What a dumb time to endorse, way to endear yourself to the future leader of the party.
Should have done an Elizabeth Forma.

Actually, if I'm a Congressperson in a safe Blue state/district, I'm 100% endorsing Bernie right now. There's no risk, really. Hillary people aren't going to primary you. Bernie's Reddit Warriors will worship the ground you walk on. You can tie yourself to that gravy train. In the off chance he actually pulls it off, you're ahead of the game. You're in on the ground floor of whatever a Bernie administration looks like. Hillary, regardless of what people say, is not going to get uber pissy with people who don't endorse her. She's got enough endorsements and Supers.

From a purely political perspective, it's not a terrible idea to go ahead and endorse the Bern.
She will win the popular vote this primary cycle, though much of this popular-vote lead came in non-competitive general-election states (so-called “deep red states”), and in the last primary season super-delegates voted against the popular vote winner — as it turned out, her.

I have the rising urge to strangle someone now.


Why compare to Canada? Switzerland is a federal republic and Germany is closer in population. Neither use single payer.
Compared to Canada because Bernie take sends bus rides for senior citizens across the border to buy medicine. I don't know exactly how the prices compared to other places but when you have assholes like the guy that raised a medicine he bought the patent for like 5000%? Or was it more, you know it's fucked up. At least the dude ended up in jail.

Do what?

Also, who said he didn't know what he was doing in this campaign.
He knows exactly what he's doing.

That doesn't mean he actually knows how to govern and execute anything.
Because there is no revolution. And there are no actual plans.
In a hurry can't respond but why he as a senator can't govern but Obama could?
I just assume I can ignore links to the Huffington Post. In the same way I'm not going to watch your YouTube video news.

Also, no one said anything about primarying anyone. But I can't see it doing anything but marginalising yourself, because the Clintons keep track. And now he's on a list somewhere.

Meanwhile, I have no idea why random comparisons to Obama are made. Little Marco is a Senator, what of it? Barack Obama was able to articulate policy. He was intellectually curious about it. He didn't skim-read a history textbook about the 80s to swat for foreign policy debates. He indicated he would govern in prose, even as he used soaring rhetoric to fuel his campaign.


Compared to Canada because Bernie take sends bus rides for senior citizens across the border to buy medicine. I don't know exactly how the prices compared to other places but when you have assholes like the guy that raised a medicine he bought the patent for like 5000%? Or was it more, you know it's fucked up. At least the dude ended up in jail.

The point is that other uhc systems besides single payer can do the same thing. We don't have anything wrong with Canada's system, it's just not as easy of a path for us to get as other uhc systems with the same advantages.
What I was saying is that endorsing Bernie is low risk, high reward at the moment. I really don't think Hillary's going to get that bitchy about it, considering she's not going to have to milk every single superdelegate for support. If you think your constituents will be pissed with you, endorse him and reap the rewards.


Schadenfeude. So you enjoy other peoples' misery? That's not a good look.

When it will be the misery of an ideologue serving up a low information false narrative to capitalize on existing populist sentiment? Absolutely. And the 19th is lookin' real good from here.


‘Living Wills’ of 5 Banks Fail to Pass Muster [NY Times]
Congress demanded that big banks regularly provide regulators with careful plans for how they would enter bankruptcy in an orderly fashion. But the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation found that the plans of five banks were “not credible” or “would not would not facilitate an orderly resolution” under the United States bankruptcy code.

The other banks that submitted plans that did not pass muster with both the Fed and the F.D.I.C. were Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon and State Street.

The five banks have until Oct. 1 to fix their plans, also known as living wills.

If, after any such adjustments, the Fed and the F.D.I.C. are still dissatisfied with the living wills, they can impose restrictions on the banks’ activities or make them raise their capital levels, which in practice means using less borrowed money to finance their business. If after two years the regulators think the plans are still deficient, they have the power to require the banks to sell off assets and businesses, with the aim of making them less complex and simpler to unwind in a bankruptcy.


In a hurry can't respond but why he as a senator can't govern but Obama could?

Who do you think is arguing that we can know that Sanders would not be an effective president just because he is a Senator?

I feel like you have to have seen people give you the explanation you're asking for here already if you've been paying any attention at all to conversations about this stuff. Lots of people feel like Sanders' plans are not very well thought-out. I would say that a lot of his proposals seem crafted to be very simple and easy to explain at the cost of not being great as actual policy. Personally, I've sort of moved over time from thinking that he's offering these simplistic proposals just because he's only interested in being a message candidate to thinking that these proposals actually reflect the depth of his understanding of the issues.

I mean, lots of Senators have no idea what they're doing (or perhaps they know exactly what they're doing). You can find Senators who have endorsed the Ryan budget, who think that snow in February disproves climate change, and who don't buy the theory of evolution. Being a Senator does not guarantee that you're able to figure out how to get to a good policy on a complex issue in an area where you don't have much direct expertise. Likewise lots of Senators have proven terrible at actually getting stuff done.

Obama was just much better about giving an impression of competence. He seemed thoughtful. He seemed to have an appreciation for nuance and for the complexity of the issues the country was facing. He seemed very interested in understanding where the other side was coming from. He came across as a pragmatist who had settled on liberal policies because he thought liberal policies were going to produce the best result rather than as an ideologue who'd decided that liberal policies would produce the best result because they're liberal policies.


Do what?

Also, who said he didn't know what he was doing in this campaign.
He knows exactly what he's doing.

That doesn't mean he actually knows how to govern and execute anything.
Because there is no revolution. And there are no actual plans.

Do what? Vote for Bernie Damn Sanders, of course.

And LOL at Sanders not knowing "how to govern and execute anything." You had no hesitation voting for Obama without that being a consideration.

No offense to either Bernie or Jeff Merkley, but when a Merkley endorsement trends on twitter, that probably says more about twitter than anything else

Pretty sure you meant that as an offence to Merkley.
Do what? Vote for Bernie Damn Sanders, of course.

And LOL at Sanders not knowing "how to govern and execute anything." You had no hesitation voting for Obama without that being a consideration.

It's not a question of governing experience. It's his answers to governing questions.


What I was saying is that endorsing Bernie is low risk, high reward at the moment. I really don't think Hillary's going to get that bitchy about it, considering she's not going to have to milk every single superdelegate for support. If you think your constituents will be pissed with you, endorse him and reap the rewards.

I agree. There's little downside for him, and every endorsement is impactful from a media perspective at this point. Actually, at 1 Senatorial endorsement, Sanders is now only 2 away from Ted Cruz's support.

OK, I'll bite. Seth Abramason articles are always good for a laugh. I'm glad to see he's still up to his favorite trick of unskewing actual election results.

Counting Arizona, where Sanders won Election Day voting 50.0 percent to 46.5 percent, Sanders has won eight elections in a row.

Clinton won 60% of the delegates in February, 51% in March, and so far 45% in April, suggesting a campaign that is (and dramatically) losing steam rather than gaining it.

Clinton is on pace to either win her home state’s primary by much less than she did in 2008 — when she beat President Obama in New York by 17.1 percent — or even lose the state outright.

H.A. Goodman may have sheer quantity on his side, but for entertainment value it's hard to beat Abramson.
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