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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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She already knew. She knows all. She sees all. She is all.

Let the warmth of her gloriousness envelop you, keep you and sustain you. In the name of the Holy Pantsuit, her light shine upon you.


Damn, never mind voting for her, I'm ready to get down on my knees and pray to her.


Praise be to her.

Our Queen, who art in Washington,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in America,
As it is in Arizona.
Give us this day our YAAAAAAAS,
And forgive us our shitposts,
As we forgive them that shitpost against us.
And lead us not into revolution,
But deliver us from Bernie Bros.
For thine is the White House,
The Power, and the Media,
For ever and ever.
Our Queen, who art in Washington,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in America,
As it is in Arizona.
Give us this day our YAAAAAAAS,
And forgive us our shitposts,
As we forgive them that shitpost against us.
And lead us not into revolution,
But deliver us from Bernie Bros.
For thine is the White House,
The Power, and the Media,
For ever and ever.

Hahahahaha OMG. Marry me. I laughed so damn hard.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hail Hillary, full of grace,
The voters are with thee.
Blessed art thou among minorities,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Unflappable Hillary, Queen to us all,
Represent us as sinners,
Even the millennials who are garbage.


Hail Hillary, full of grace,
The voters are with thee.
Blessed art thou among minorities,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Unflappable Hillary, Queen to us all,
Represent us as sinners,
Even the millennials who are garbage.

PoliGAF going full on cult here, I like it :p


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Say it 50 times before bed and Saint Bill will visit you in your sleep

Unless you are female

Then say it 50 times before bed and Saint Bill won't visit you in your sleep
Say it 50 times before bed and Saint Bill will visit you in your sleep

Unless you are female

Then say it 50 times before bed and Saint Bill won't visit you in your sleep

OMFG. Dead. I am dead. Hillary's visage appeared before me and is taking me to the great DNC Convention in the sky.

I find it funny how much poligaf as changed over the years. It's gotten much gayer. In both ways. And in the best way.

Also what do I call this Hillary girl? Is there a pithy name for Hillary supporters?


I know its early to be asking this, but does anyone know the likelihood of Texas going Blue in the general? Romney won by 16 points in 2012, so would it just require very high turnout from minorities?
I know its early to be asking this, but does anyone know the likelihood of Texas going Blue in the general? Romney won by 16 points in 2012, so would it just require very high turnout from minorities?

It's still very low without a 3rd party splitting Republican votes. Hispanic voter registration and turnout still isn't sufficient to make the state competitive.
I find it funny how much poligaf as changed over the years. It's gotten much gayer. In both ways. And in the best way.

Also what do I call this Hillary girl? Is there a pithy name for Hillary supporters?

Neoliberal, Corporate, Establishment, Boner Killer, $hrill for Hill, etc.


I just want to say that of all the weird off-topic community subcultures, PoliGAF's is the most inscrutable. That is all.

Poligaf in rare form this morning.

I find it funny how much poligaf as changed over the years. It's gotten much gayer. In both ways. And in the best way.

Also what do I call this Hillary girl? Is there a pithy name for Hillary supporters?

PoliGAF: come for the politics, stay for the homosexuality and goddess worship.

This is branchild and OrangeGrayBlue over the last two pages


I love this gif. Don't have anything else useful to add :p
The shitty part about living in DC is that my vote is essentially meaningless in the primary and general. At least I can complain about the rest of the country blowing midterm elections and feel smug that I my vote makes no difference!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Indeed they are. And they want superdelegates in states Hillary won to support Sanders because of reasons. Sanders supporters at this point are grasping at every straw they can, and a lot of those involve superdelegates superseding the actual pledged delegate totals to vote for Sanders because "he's the people's choice!" (as long as you ignore actual vote totals).

He is the people's choice for the people that matter. For the other people, well, they just don't know better.


couldn't they just run write-in campaigns for those districts?
They could, but the level of voter engagement needed would be pretty incredible. The types of races that Donald would put into play are going to be ones that are decided by the slimmest of margins even in a really favorable situation; a write-in would add back to the equation another level of headwind.
Since I'm now self-employed (pending my final interview with Apple, but still will be doing this on the side), I now have to vote conservative. Luckily, since Hillary is basically a Republican, I can still vote for Queen.

Do people actually believe this? Or am I constantly being trolled?

Our Queen, who art in Washington,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in America,
As it is in Arizona.
Give us this day our YAAAAAAAS,
And forgive us our shitposts,
As we forgive them that shitpost against us.
And lead us not into revolution,
But deliver us from Bernie Bros.
For thine is the White House,
The Power, and the Media,
For ever and ever.



Hail Hillary, full of grace,
The voters are with thee.
Blessed art thou among minorities,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Unflappable Hillary, Queen to us all,
Represent us as sinners,
Even the millennials who are garbage.

OMG, I just burst out laughing at "garbage"!!


If there's one thing in the article that made me wince, that was probably it. If we come up short, it'll be a damn painful lesson about a huge blown opportunity.

I wonder if they've been building ads up in secret to prepare for Trump.

Then when he's the nominee, just use the 50 state strategy and do everything possible to make the House viable.


Nate Dawg breaks down what Bernie would need to do to take the pledged delegate lead

Nate Silver said:
If the remaining states vote based on the same demographic patterns established by the previous ones, Clinton will probably gain further ground on Sanders. If they vote as state-by-state polling suggests they will, Clinton could roughly double her current advantage over Sanders and wind up winning the nomination by 400 to 500 pledged delegates.

But things can change, and polls can be wrong — and so it’s worth doing the math to see what winning 988 more delegates would look like for Sanders. Call it a path-of-least-implausibility. If you think Sanders can meet or exceed these targets, then you can say with a straight face that you think he’ll win the nomination. If you think they’re too good to be true, then you can’t. Here’s the Bernie-miracle path I came up with:


Nate Silver said:
To repeat, these are not predictions. On the contrary, they describe a rose-colored-glasses scenario for Sanders that I consider to be very unlikely. To develop them, I started with our original pledged delegate targets for Sanders. Those already look optimistic for Sanders, who has underperformed his delegate targets in most primaries (he’s beaten them in most caucuses, but there aren’t many caucuses left on the calendar).

But for Sanders to get a pledged delegate majority, even our original targets aren’t enough now — they’d leave him 92 delegates short. So I kept tweaking these numbers upward until I got Sanders to 988 delegates. I was a bit more conservative about giving him extra delegates in states with substantial black or Hispanic populations, since Sanders has tended to underperform our original projections in those states. But mostly, I had to be very liberal about those extra delegates.


Trump is too late to run third party by convention time if he's not it in Cleveland. Ballot deadlines will have passed and he would have to mount a write-in with 3 months to go till election day or sue to get on the ballot which would takes weeks if not months. + loser laws.
So, I've got a question I've been mulling over for the past few days. Not like an election question, but moreso a broad thought about politics in general. Just curious what you guys think about it.

Would you prefer a President who does the right thing, even if it's bad for the country? Or would you want a President who does whatever it takes to protect the interests of Americans?

I guess this question was spurred on by arguments about free trade. I don't claim to be an expert on the subject, but in reading people debate, the headlines I've picked up from both sides are something like "free trade is good as it lifts many from poverty and provides a net increase in the efficiency of the global economy" versus "free trade is bad as thousands or millions of Americans lose jobs to people in other countries who can afford to live on pennies a day. We should protect the jobs of American workers." Now, regardless of whether or not you think those statements are true, and regardless of whether you think the negatives can be justified, there's an interesting disagreement there. Should we pursue policies that help people in other countries at the detriment of Americans?

You may disagree that free trade is an area with this is even a concern, and you probably know better than I do. It's just a motivating example for me. I just wanted to explain where this thought has come from. Even if the question of free trade were completely settled, I still think the broad question is an important one.

Personally, I'd be happy with a President that tried for global good, even at the cost of national good.
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