So, I've got a question I've been mulling over for the past few days. Not like an election question, but moreso a broad thought about politics in general. Just curious what you guys think about it.
Would you prefer a President who does the right thing, even if it's bad for the country? Or would you want a President who does whatever it takes to protect the interests of Americans?
I guess this question was spurred on by arguments about free trade. I don't claim to be an expert on the subject, but in reading people debate, the headlines I've picked up from both sides are something like "free trade is good as it lifts many from poverty and provides a net increase in the efficiency of the global economy" versus "free trade is bad as thousands or millions of Americans lose jobs to people in other countries who can afford to live on pennies a day. We should protect the jobs of American workers." Now, regardless of whether or not you think those statements are true, and regardless of whether you think the negatives can be justified, there's an interesting disagreement there. Should we pursue policies that help people in other countries at the detriment of Americans?
You may disagree that free trade is an area with this is even a concern, and you probably know better than I do. It's just a motivating example for me. I just wanted to explain where this thought has come from. Even if the question of free trade were completely settled, I still think the broad question is an important one.
Personally, I'd be happy with a President that tried for global good, even at the cost of national good.