B dubs. I'm chilling with Hillary staffers and hot chicks. You're missing out.
B dubs. I'm chilling with Hillary staffers and hot chicks. You're missing out.
B dubs. I'm chilling with Hillary staffers and hot chicks. You're missing out.
Sanders supporters are wanting the super delegates in states that he won to follow the will of the people and switch now
Actually, she can lose every single primary 55/45, and the last few caucuses 70/30 and she still has 41 more delegates than Bernie.
If she wins more delegates than Bernie on the 19th (NY) and the 26th, he's 100% done. He'd have to win everything else by his 58%...except California, that he'd have to win by more than 68/32. He couldn't lose a single thing by a single point.
He's on track to go down by double digits.Stephen Wolf ‏@PoliticsWolf 37m37 minutes ago
Stephen Wolf Retweeted Josh Marshall
Ron Johnson has always acted like he represents Oklahoma instead of Wisconsin. He's this cycle's Santorum '06 #WIsen
There was some poll someone linked a good while back that showed that people thought that everyone else was angry, but they really weren't all that angry themselves. Kind of parallels the "Congress sucks! But my representative is great!" thing.
Probably because of all the media saying that everybody's angry and ignoring the polls that say they aren't.
Because, like, if nobody is angry, Obama has a super high approval rating, and generally America is doing okay...then that would make the political narrative this year pretty straightforward, wouldn't it?
Vermont was once one of the most Republican states in the nation. They were one of only two states (Maine being the other) to vote for Alf Landon over FDR in 1936. It was considered a big deal when Bill Clinton won it in 1992. Prior to that the only time it had ever gone for Democratic presidential candidate was in LBJ's 1964 landslide.
In reality it had begun moving toward the Democrats in the 1980s, but this movement was somewhat masked by the huge Republican margins in each of the presidential elections that decade. That is, it was still voting Republican, but less so relative to the rest of the country. By 1988 it had drifted enough to make it as part of Dukakis's last-ditch "18 state strategy," but still narrowly went for Bush.
Is that how west virginia slowly became red over time? Dukakis and Bill Clinton masked its inevitable rightward shft? same for LA, TN, AR, KY?
AL and MS went right quicker than those 5. Bill didnt win these two.
To what? If he hits his number for pledged delegates, there's nothing they can do about it.
Actually, she can lose every single primary 55/45, and the last few caucuses 70/30 and she still has 41 more delegates than Bernie.
If she wins more delegates than Bernie on the 19th (NY) and the 26th, he's 100% done. He'd have to win everything else by his 58%...except California, that he'd have to win by more than 68/32. He couldn't lose a single thing by a single point.
I'm so frustrated with the media and buying into this narrative that the American voter is "angry" or "more angry " and then if that was even true that somehow Obama has fed into this fervor.
Enough already. Just call them out already. They were questioning his birth, religion, and catering to the lowest of the low racists since before he was elected. They demonized him at every turn, opposed him on everything, their party is a joke, they continue to be more and more racist and xenophobic yet somehow Obama caused this?
And the media just let's them get away with this talking point.
I hope to never hear the word tremendous again after this election cycle.
Sounds about right.The right is angry because Obama was too effective without wanting to admit it. The left of the left is angry he wasn't effective enough.
The right is angry because Obama was too effective without wanting to admit it. The left of the left is angry he wasn't effective enough.
Is that how west virginia slowly became red over time? Dukakis and Bill Clinton masked its inevitable rightward shft? same for LA, TN, AR, KY?
AL and MS went right quicker than those 5. Bill didnt win these two.
Daniel B·;199561560 said:What is idiotic, is that she claims to be gravely concerned about Global Warming, but refuses to come out against fracking (she actually promoted it, as Secretary of State), when it greatly contributes to the release of methane, which, as I'm sure you know, is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Can someone please remind me why Kasich has no chance at winning the nomination?
I just want to make sure the doomsday scenario against Clinton won't take shape.
Can someone please remind me why Kasich has no chance at winning the nomination?
I just want to make sure the doomsday scenario against Clinton won't take shape.
He's won one state and isn't well liked by the party establishment that's already lining up behind Cruz.
There are 943 delegates left up for grabs. Kasich needs 1094 more to win the nomination. So he's mathematically eliminated from winning the nomination through the "normal" method. That being said, no one can guarantee what's going to happen if the convention is contested.
I kinda prefer Cruz now as the repug candidate.
Either way, either him or Trump will get crushed by Hillary worse than the 2008 Obama win over McCain.
Okay, let's go with my theory that the GOP won't fuck with Trump if he wins 50% of the delegates.
The rest of the calendar (and let's be pessimistic for Trump):
Wisconsin (Cruz)
New York (Trump)
Connecticut (Trump)
Delaware (Trump)
Maryland (Trump)
Rhode Island (Cruz)
Indiana (Trump)
West Virginia (TRUMP)
Oregon (Cruz)
Washington (Cruz)
California (Trump)
Montana (Cruz)
New Jersey (Trump)
New Mexico (Trump)
South Dakota (Cruz)
That would give Trump at least 504 more delegates (looking at WTA/proportionality) which would give him... 1256 delegates.
What really helps Trump is that Oregon and Washington are proportional.
Sanders supporters are wanting the super delegates in states that he won to follow the will of the people and switch now
Indeed they are. And they want superdelegates in states Hillary won to support Sanders because of reasons. Sanders supporters at this point are grasping at every straw they can, and a lot of those involve superdelegates superseding the actual pledged delegate totals to vote for Sanders because "he's the people's choice!" (as long as you ignore actual vote totals).
I kinda prefer Cruz now as the repug candidate.
Either way, either him or Trump will get crushed by Hillary worse than the 2008 Obama win over McCain.
I don't think there's a scenario where Trump isn't running in the GE.
He's either the Republican nominee
if they screw him, he screws them by running third party
If I could, I'd like to take a moment and thank the good posters of Poligaf and their quality analysis and discussion of American politics.
A ways back, I swore to myself I wouldn't get sucked into another tangential distraction in the shitshow off topic threads, but a little while ago, I did just that. Again.
I don't post too often in here, mostly because a lot of what I'd like to say is said much better than I can usually articulate (and much quicker, too), but this has become my go to source for my straight dope wonk fix forged in healthy skepticism and plated very good humor. You cats are alright, and it doesn't matter how inane and circular the "national conversation" is elsewhere, Poligaf makes it all better in just half a page of state by state breakdowns and delicious journalism snark over Twitter. I could list the names of posters whose opinions at least capture my interest daily, but I'd probably forget to mention too many of you. Even the grenade throwers. People kick hornet's nests all the time on GAF, but not with the style and cordiality in this corner of the forums. So, truly, from a lonely night audit manager in flyover country, you have my deep appreciation.
Never change. I need this, man. Need it.
Is it a dream for Obama to have at least a 55-60% approval rating by the end of this year?
Is it a dream for Obama to have at least a 55-60% approval rating by the end of this year?
Sounds about right.
Can I co-sign?
I might not have much to contribute other than attempts at humor but I'm learning a lot from y'all.
If I could, I'd like to take a moment and thank the good posters of Poligaf and their quality analysis and discussion of American politics.
A ways back, I swore to myself I wouldn't get sucked into another tangential distraction in the shitshow off topic threads, but a little while ago, I did just that. Again.
I don't post too often in here, mostly because a lot of what I'd like to say is said much better than I can usually articulate (and much quicker, too), but this has become my go to source for my straight dope wonk fix forged in healthy skepticism and plated very good humor. You cats are alright, and it doesn't matter how inane and circular the "national conversation" is elsewhere, Poligaf makes it all better in just half a page of state by state breakdowns and delicious journalism snark over Twitter. I could list the names of posters whose opinions at least capture my interest daily, but I'd probably forget to mention too many of you. Even the grenade throwers. People kick hornet's nests all the time on GAF, but not with the style and cordiality in this corner of the forums. So, truly, from a lonely night audit manager in flyover country, you all have my deep appreciation.
Never change. I need this, man. Need it.
Cruz at the top of the ticket and Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump as a third party would give, what, 40 states to Hillary?