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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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The nurses union supporting Sanders donated more to him in the second half of 2015 than the National Education Association (nation's largest union of teachers with more members than the nurse's union) donated to all candidates in the entire 2012 election cycle.


The truth is out there. I'm not allowed to say anything concrete because I am under gag.

Not really.

I've been under gag before.

Just saying.
Stuff like this is why I believe Bernie would have had a hard time in the general.

Polling on hypothetical GE matchups show people want to vote for Bernie Sanders, the fiery outsider who wants to take on Wall Street corruption and solve America's big problems.

I'm just not so sure people are actually going to want to vote for Bernie Sanders, the socialist who wants to raise your taxes and approves of bread lines and Fidel Castro but not charity. Nor do I think any amount of earnest explaining what all that really means will make much of a difference. Maybe he could pull it off, but I suspect that if he did it would only be because Trump and Cruz are so toxic and it would still be too close for comfort.

I suppose it's not really worth worrying about since he has no shot at the nomination.


aka andydumi
People in the abstract hate free trade but love its effects, as long as it's not their job.

And a lot of people may want made in the usa for the more substantial things in their life like cars, whereas they might not care about the small stuff like pants and plates.


The nurses union supporting Sanders donated more to him in the second half of 2015 than the National Education Association (nation's largest union of teachers with more members than the nurse's union) donated to all candidates in the entire 2012 election cycle.


The truth is out there. I'm not allowed to say anything concrete because I am under gag.

Not really.

Bought and paid for by the nurses. Beholden to big nurses.


Fun Vox article about Kasich vs Clinton


Lets hope the GOP doesn't regain its sanity and nominate Kasich.

Every once in a while, something remarkable comes along to remind us that, despite Obama's positive ratings and decent economic numbers, this was a really winnable election for the GOP, especially against an imperfect Dem nominee.

Trump has been a gift.

God-dayum did we ever dodge a bullet this year.


Every once in a while, something remarkable comes along to remind us that, despite Obama's positive ratings and decent economic numbers, this was a really winnable election for the GOP.

Trump has been a gift.

God-dayum did we ever dodge a bullet this year.

It's not over yet bro. In the words of Han Solo "don't get cocky".


I'd have a hard time imagining that actually pan out.

He'd very likely have an outsized advantage in Ohio, yes, but I think his numbers in Pa, WI, Mi etc. would come down once he's in the spotlight. He's only leading right now because he's basically Generic R which can mean anything to anyone.


Also, guys, he's not getting the nomination in a contested convention. He's basically hated by the party establishment for staying in and they've convinced themselves that fuck, I guess Cruz is fine.

Also, Cruz is going to have a strangehold on the delegates. Delegates pick the nominee, not the party.


It's not over yet bro. In the words of Han Solo "don't get cocky".
True, true.. I have to tell myself that a lot.

But I'm breathing a lot easier than I would normally be at this point. I won't entirely relax until she crosses 270.. at which point I'll probably grab my picture of RBG from the wall, hug it, and weep.
I'm no expert on convention rules, but I seem to recall hearing that any rules changes made by the RNC Rules Committee must be ratified by the delegates. If that's the case, Cruz's success in making sure state parties choose delegates that are loyal to him (regardless of which candidate they are pledged to) could be key to determining the prospects of any plan to nominate a dark horse at the convention. If between them Trump and Cruz can command the loyalty of a majority of delegates it would sure seem to be in their interests to keep the eight state rule in effect.
After trump loses there should be a new season of the apprentice and there happens to be a muslim participant, the camera zooms in on trump scowling
Every once in a while, something remarkable comes along to remind us that, despite Obama's positive ratings and decent economic numbers, this was a really winnable election for the GOP, especially against an imperfect Dem nominee.

Trump has been a gift.

God-dayum did we ever dodge a bullet this year.

They really fucked this up. Hillary is an incredibly weak candidate to run in a year like this, yet will win handily due to the GOP destroying itself.

I think Kasich is the only republican who could win the WH...but he is far from a perfect candidate and his negatives would rise in an actual campaign. Tying him to Bush and the financial collapse would be very easy. And he clearly has a temper that can be exploited.


Did you not see the $10m unaccounted for "small donations" and the $23mil in violation of fec regulations this february?

No, I was just joking about it. It goes to show that Sanders is getting contributions in questionable ways from large groups. The hypocrisy is rife on the Sander's team.


No Scrubs

Also, guys, he's not getting the nomination in a contested convention. He's basically hated by the party establishment for staying in and they've convinced themselves that fuck, I guess Cruz is fine.

Also, Cruz is going to have a strangehold on the delegates. Delegates pick the nominee, not the party.

Unless Trump bribes all the delegates


The nurses union supporting Sanders donated more to him in the second half of 2015 than the National Education Association (nation's largest union of teachers with more members than the nurse's union) donated to all candidates in the entire 2012 election cycle.


The truth is out there. I'm not allowed to say anything concrete because I am under gag.

Not really.
Did you have any documentation supporting this that you could pass on to the media? Or is this a "gravity surrounding X indicates X is there, but can't actually see X" situation.
They really fucked this up. Hillary is an incredibly weak candidate to run in a year like this, yet will win handily due to the GOP destroying itself.

I think Kasich is the only republican who could win the WH...but he is far from a perfect candidate and his negatives would rise in an actual campaign. Tying him to Bush and the financial collapse would be very easy. And he clearly has a temper that can be exploited.
Kasich is polling like generic R because he hasnt won anything outside of Ohio. I have no reason to believe he will capture PA, WI or MN.
Did you have any documentation supporting this that you could pass on to the media? Or is this a "gravity surrounding X indicates X is there, but can't actually see X" situation.
Where there's gravity, there's fire.

I cannot reveal my information yet. The truth is out there.
They really fucked this up. Hillary is an incredibly weak candidate to run in a year like this, yet will win handily due to the GOP destroying itself.

I think Kasich is the only republican who could win the WH...but he is far from a perfect candidate and his negatives would rise in an actual campaign. Tying him to Bush and the financial collapse would be very easy. And he clearly has a temper that can be exploited.

At the beginning of this process I was terrified of Kasich. I figured he'd have a tough time getting the nomination but if he did he'd be just about the perfect Republican candidate. He's the popular governor of a large swing state with a reputation for being more moderate than he actually is. That makes for a formidable foe. I knew he had something of a temper, but I don't think I realized just how bad it was, or that women were so frequently the target. I still think that had the GOP nominated him he could absolutely win, and he's a far better candidate than Trump or Cruz for sure. I just see him as more vulnerable (particularly against Clinton) than I did before.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I see absolutely no way Cruz loses at the convention. It is all falling into place perfectly for him.


How does kasich even get the nomination? Cruz and Trump supporters aren't going to kasich. Ryan has a better shot.

Will Paul Ryan accept the nomination? Yes, Hillary Clinton is beatable, but if he lost, and allowed himself to be pulled into this farce where the GOP subverts the will of their voters, he risks his political future. At 46, he can wait until 2020 or 2024.

I guess the biggest benefit to Ryan would be that he avoids the primary process and gets a guaranteed nom?

It's fascinating what's going on in the Republican Party today.


How is going to convention with the second most delegates and polling at a distant second nationally "perfect" for him?

Strong organization & hustle (see Colorado as a recent example) and inroads on delegate selections means that if Trump fails to get 1237 (or close enough that he can bribe enough unpledged delegates) then the now free delegates are more likely to vote Cruz than anyone else.
Any situation that has Kasich as the nominee means the GOP has jumped off the deep end and totally alienated not only Trump supporters, but Cruz supporters.

They could even put up the GOP version of Obama, if he existed, and still lose under those circumstances.
Will Paul Ryan accept the nomination? Yes, Hillary Clinton is beatable, but if he lost, and allowed himself to be pulled into this farce where the GOP subverts the will of their voters, he risks his political future. At 46, he can wait until 2020 or 2024.

I guess the biggest benefit to Ryan would be that he avoids the primary process and gets a guaranteed nom?

It's fascinating what's going on in the Republican Party today.

Like you said though, that's super risky for him and not really worth a "tainted" nom when he could run for reals against her in 2020.
Strong organization & hustle (see Colorado as a recent example) and inroads on delegate selections means that if Trump fails to get 1237 (or close enough that he can bribe enough unpledged delegates) then the now free delegates are more likely to vote Cruz than anyone else.

Bingo. For Trump, it's first ballot or bust. If he can't hit 1237 on the first try, he's not getting more people to switch to him. I wonder just how many delegates are bound to him right that hate his guts. That are just chomping at the bit to run to somebody else's camp.

But I think Trump will hit the number. And if he does, the GOP really gets to decide: Do they publicly and very vocally say that they're overturning the results? Or do they let an open white nationalist run, completely acknowledging that over 50% of their party supports him?

What do you want to get hit in the head with, a crowbar or a pinch bar?
Surprise! It's the same thing!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
If Ryan hadn't run with Romney I'd say he'd go for it, He's hungry enough and he's drunk enough of the Kool-Aid that he might think defeating Hillary was a sure thing. But I bet 2012 burned him


Unconfirmed Member
They need to have won eight states to be eligible - it's Trump or Cruz.

Unless they decide to change the rules again

Would be a bad idea for republicans to change that rule unless they're confident Kasich or another outsider has enough delegate support to reach 50% of delegates. No reason to chance the contested convention going on for days with dozens of votes until Cruz or Trump takes it anyway.


FGC Waterboy
If Trump doesn't get the required number of delegates before the convention, I imagine a lot of the candidates that "suspended" their campaign will throw their hat back in the ring. We may have not heard the last of Rubio and Bush!

For the chaos factor, I sort of hope this happens.

I'd have a hard time imagining that actually pan out.

He'd very likely have an outsized advantage in Ohio, yes, but I think his numbers in Pa, WI, Mi etc. would come down once he's in the spotlight. He's only leading right now because he's basically Generic R which can mean anything to anyone.

This is early for GE polling so how accurate is it so far out? But yeah, we have got to hope that the GOP runs a candidate with even higher negatives than Clinton. Luckily there's still two of those in the race!

Hence why I kept that last paragraph about it being early & Kasich not really being scrutinized. But it's still striking compared to Cruz / Trump.

This is what we refer to here as Diablosing.

Naaah; a) I don't think they'll nominate Kasich and b) I suspect this would tighten up significantly if he were the nominee and the GE process started

It's wayyy too early for these sorts of polls to actually pan out.

There were polls that had Herman Cain beating Obama during the 2012 primaries.

There's way too much to account for. Convention shenanigans, Bernie or Bust voters waking up, people actually bothering to research Kasich's unsavory aspects.

I know - it's just jarring compared to Trump / Cruz. :D
Strong organization & hustle (see Colorado as a recent example) and inroads on delegate selections means that if Trump fails to get 1237 (or close enough that he can bribe enough unpledged delegates) then the now free delegates are more likely to vote Cruz than anyone else.

I get that they technically can, but do they really want to overturn the will of ~50% of GOP voters? A very angry portion of the GOP?

God, I can't wait to watch this shitshow. I'm taking time off work for it.
Polls show Republicans, no matter who they vote for, want whoever has the most delegates to be the candidate, whether they hit the threshold or not.

I'm pretty sure it'll be Trump, and the GOP will just take the loss this year.


FGC Waterboy
Every once in a while, something remarkable comes along to remind us that, despite Obama's positive ratings and decent economic numbers, this was a really winnable election for the GOP, especially against an imperfect Dem nominee.

Trump has been a gift.

God-dayum did we ever dodge a bullet this year.

Yeah. I am still in shock that things are falling into place for us so well. I want Cruz in 2016 and then Romney in 2020 or something like that. (I think Ryan goes for it in 2024)

True, true.. I have to tell myself that a lot.

But I'm breathing a lot easier than I would normally be at this point. I won't entirely relax until she crosses 270.. at which point I'll probably grab my picture of RBG from the wall, hug it, and weep.

Pics or it didn't happen. :-D

Strong organization & hustle (see Colorado as a recent example) and inroads on delegate selections means that if Trump fails to get 1237 (or close enough that he can bribe enough unpledged delegates) then the now free delegates are more likely to vote Cruz than anyone else.

Yeah - friend of mine is a GOP delegate in MO who is technically bound to Trump for first ballot, but is a #NeverTrump person. Per his write-up, the entire MO GOP Delegate slate is all #NeverTrump folks, and most of them are Pro-Cruz (he's pro-Kasich, but he'll vote Cruz on a second ballot). Cruz is playing the contested convention game perfectly. I'm really impressed by how he's handled it.

<goes to take a shower after complimenting Cruz>


This is semantics, and nothing more
I get that they technically can, but do they really want to overturn the will of ~50% of GOP voters? A very angry portion of the GOP?

God, I can't wait to watch this shitshow. I'm taking time off work for it.


They'll still lose the Trump contingent (good riddance, I say), but let's not pretend (as Trumpkins are wont to do) that ignoring an electoral minority is some outrageous anti-democratic move.

They'll still lose the Trump contingent (good riddance, I say), but let's not pretend (as Trumpkins are wont to do) that ignoring an electoral minority is some outrageous anti-democratic move.

If the election is "stolen" from Trump, they'd lose more than just Trump's supporters. A lot of perfectly reasonable Republicans hold the opinion that if the people want Trump, than Trump it should be.

I agree with you. Anything else I'd consider an 'upset.'

If Cruz "steals" the election from Trump using under the table deals, it's going to get ugly. Real ugly. He already has a reputation for being slimy.

They'll still lose the Trump contingent (good riddance, I say), but let's not pretend (as Trumpkins are wont to do) that ignoring an electoral minority is some outrageous anti-democratic move.
You mean an electoral plurality.

It's only a minority if you look at it strictly in terms of Trump vs. Not Trump, which certainly isn't how elections are held.

Also I'm pretty sure losing 35-40% of their base would be utterly disastrous for Republicans. Have fun trying to win with 3/5ths support. I believe there was a compromise about that once


Oh #democraticwhores is actually trending lol. Great PR. Bang up job there.

I really kind of want a T-shirt that says "Democratic Whore" on it. Maybe with a sideways H arrow pointing up at me just to drive the message home. We whores have to stick together, after all.


This is semantics, and nothing more
If the election is "stolen" from Trump, they'd lose more than just Trump's supporters. A lot of perfectly reasonable Republicans hold the opinion that if the people want Trump, than Trump it should be.

If Cruz "steals" the election from Trump using under the table deals, it's going to get ugly. Real ugly. He already has a reputation for being slimy.

"Stealing" implies that Trump has the nomination in the first place. I'd hope reasonable Republicans would recognize that. If he gets the 1,237 delegates, so be it; otherwise, a Cruz loss is preferable to even a Trump win in the GE.

You mean an electoral plurality.

It's only a minority if you look at it strictly in terms of Trump vs. Not Trump, which certainly isn't how elections are held.

Also I'm pretty sure losing 35-40% of their base would be utterly disastrous for Republicans. Have fun trying to win with 3/5ths support. I believe there was a compromise about that once

An electoral plurality that fails to meet the threshold for victory. And running Trump would be a bigger disaster for Republicans going forward than would kicking him to the curb, even at the cost of the election.


"Stealing" implies that Trump has the nomination in the first place. I'd hope reasonable Republicans would recognize that. If he gets the 1,237 delegates, so be it; otherwise, a Cruz loss is preferable to even a Trump win in the GE.

How do you figure that AT ALL?


This is semantics, and nothing more
How do you figure that AT ALL?

As I said before:

Yes, Trump will say anything to get votes, and that shows he has no character. And what he says reveals he has no commitment to the Constitution--not even the parts that liberals sometimes like, such as the First and Fourth Amendments. He is also completely ignorant about most any topic of government policy, and shows no real desire to become informed on them.

Electorally, he would be a disaster, and not just for this cycle. If the Republican party nominates him, it would for a long time be known as the party that nominated Donald "Mexicans are rapists, women are objects, protesters should be attacked, the media should be silenced" Trump.
"Stealing" implies that Trump has the nomination in the first place. I'd hope reasonable Republicans would recognize that. If he gets the 1,237 delegates, so be it; otherwise, a Cruz loss is preferable to even a Trump win in the GE.

I put stealing in quotes because while he'd technically be getting the nomination legitimately, to a large group of people (including Republicans who don't even support him), it would be seen as Cruz stealing the election from Trump, who won with the most votes.

While it's not stealing, it's "stealing" and Cruz would probably get absolutely crushed in the general due to all the Republicans just staying home because their vote doesn't even matter anyway apparently. Future primaries would likely have awful turnout as well.
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