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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I wonder if outspoken mothers is a good predictor for gay sons.

Put it this way it's not infallible, I'm straight and my Mum to pardon the french is absolutely mental. You're talking about a women who has

a) pulled up alongside my mates who were walking home in the rain aged 14 and offered them a lift with the line "do you want to see some puppies?"
b) nearly decapitated the next door neighbor with a golf club because he was drunk and blaring music at 4 in the morning while my Dad lay recovering from a kidney transplant
c) this weekend managed to go out to a house party on Friday and not return to her house until Sunday night. Her words "it was a fun party, I think I slept for a bit on Saturday"

but then she's Scottish I think it's genetic.


FGC Waterboy
Sanders campaign suspends new Jewish coordinator

Netanyahu is those things but I understand why they had to suspend her.

Lol. What are the PredictIt odds on Sanders dropping out after NY? I might take 'em.

Geez, does he vet ANY of his surrogates?

This almost worse than when he tried to court black, Obama loving voters by bringing on Cornell West, noted Obama hater and harbinger of "real blackness".

Wait, he was trying to court Obama voters with Cornell West? I thought the entire point of West was to court the voters who didn't like Obama at the time (pre SOTU Swag bump)?


If you have to say sick burn...it wasn't a sick burn.

Learn to throw shade. Get on my level. Mess. Sad. : airhorn: GET REKT.

Also, Cleveland has a fashion week. It's a burlap sack with a Brown's scarf around it, isn't it?
I'm a shady bitch, trust. Let's get melkr in here and I'll demonstrate.
Put it this way it's not infallible, I'm straight and my Mum to pardon the french is absolutely mental. You're talking about a women who has

a) pulled up alongside my mates who were walking home in the rain aged 14 and offered them a lift with the line "do you want to see some puppies?"
b) nearly decapitated the next door neighbor with a golf club because he was drunk and blaring music at 4 in the morning while my Dad lay recovering from a kidney transplant
c) this weekend managed to go out to a house party on Friday and not return to her house until Sunday night. Her words "it was a fun party, I think I slept for a bit on Saturday"

but then she's Scottish I think it's genetic.

My mom once threw herself at a girl who worked at Wendy's because she gave her a Kiddie sized drink after my mom spent five minutes explaining how she wanted a small. This was two years ago. We're not allowed to go back to that Wendy's.

My mom got cut off in traffic a few years ago. She stopped in the middle of the street, turned to the woman who did it, said "Back up" and the woman did. And apologized to my mom.

My mom made the hostess at the Olive Garden cry.
This is what Ms. Zimmerman said by the way:

Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative asshole. He is the embodiment of the ugliest national hubris and tone-deafness towards the international community. Fuck you, bibi, for daring to insist that you legitimately represent even a fraction of the Jews in this world, for your consistent fear-mongering, for pushing Israel, in word and deed, farther and farther away from the international community and most importantly, for trying to derail a potentially historic diplomatic deal with Iran and thus trying to distract the world from the fact that you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer, that a brutal military occupation of millions more continues under your watch, and that you are spending time and money on ridiculous campaign opportunities like this instead of actually working to address the real needs of your own people.

Netanyahu insulted or President but also much much worse. He does not speak for me as a Jew, an American, and as a thinking person. #BibiDoesntSpeakForMe

I don't think she's particularly wrong! But you can't say that shit in public (or have this publicly viewable) when you're associated with a campaign! (And one that struggles with the Jewish vote)


No Scrubs
This is what Ms. Zimmerman said by the way:

Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative asshole. He is the embodiment of the ugliest national hubris and tone-deafness towards the international community. Fuck you, bibi, for daring to insist that you legitimately represent even a fraction of the Jews in this world, for your consistent fear-mongering, for pushing Israel, in word and deed, farther and farther away from the international community and most importantly, for trying to derail a potentially historic diplomatic deal with Iran and thus trying to distract the world from the fact that you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer, that a brutal military occupation of millions more continues under your watch, and that you are spending time and money on ridiculous campaign opportunities like this instead of actually working to address the real needs of your own people.

Netanyahu insulted or President but also much much worse. He does not speak for me as a Jew, an American, and as a thinking person. #BibiDoesntSpeakForMe

I don't think she's particularly wrong! But you can't say that shit in public (or have this publicly viewable) when you're associated with a campaign! (And one that struggles with the Jewish vote)

I can see where it went off the rails. Technically none of that is wrong, but you sure as shit don't say it to anyone but Bibi himself when there's no recording devices around.


FGC Waterboy
9 cents on the dollar.

That is tempting. If Clinton wrecks him in this debate (which I think she will - I think she is sensing the opportunity to end the primary with a good debate + big NY win) - could see those going up to 15 or so right during the NY primary.


Lol. What are the PredictIt odds on Sanders dropping out after NY? I might take 'em.

Wait, he was trying to court Obama voters with Cornell West? I thought the entire point of West was to court the voters who didn't like Obama at the time (pre SOTU Swag bump)?

LOL - nope. But even if that were the case, the timing sure was stupid as fuck. He brought West on right as the primary was moving into the South, and right as Hillary was hitting him hardest with him calling for Obama to be primaried.


Wait, he was trying to court Obama voters with Cornell West? I thought the entire point of West was to court the voters who didn't like Obama at the time (pre SOTU Swag bump)?

Yeah I thought he brought on Cornell west for the college crowd, didn't he go on tours through hbcus with West?


Yeah I thought he brought on Cornell west for the college crowd, didn't he go on tours through hbcus with West?

Lol - that would make it even dumber. Obama's approval ratings have always been highest with black people. Why would you try to court black voters in ANY way with someone who called the first black president a "Rockefeller Republican in blackface"?

This blunder still cracks me up.


Shit, I failed. I don't think my post will be ready before the debate :(

I need coverage! The debate happened with too short notice!

Can somebody throw up a thread?


Watching the Kasich town hall...i'm just done with Republicans in general. I dunno, but it is interesting to watch Kasich answer questions about the Iraq war. I don't remember what Matthew's last interview with Hillary was like, but i don't recall him going after her like is with Kasich.


Can homeless people even vote? I thought they couldn't because of no address?

If you register they don't take you off the rolls unless you re-register in a new place. I voted at my parent's polling place for years when I lived 30 minutes away because I was too lazy to change my registration.

And I lived in a very blue county and wanted to affect their county more than my own.
If you're a dummy millennial who hasn't registered to vote just ask one of your actual responsible parents/adult family members to vote on your behalf. Provided they agree with you or love in any way they'll go and Bern for you. It's fool proof I tells ya
Can homeless people even vote? I thought they couldn't because of no address?

The form I've seen that deals with this basically just asks them to write down the shelter they mostly stay at, or the general area where they sleep.

It would be unconstitutional to require people to have a permanent residence to vote.

It is recommended homeless registrants list a shelter address as their voting address where they could receive mail. Alternatively, homeless registrants may denote a street corner or a park as their residence, in lieu of a traditional home address. The federal voter registration form and many state forms provide a space for this purpose.

Maybe I’m voting for Hillary because I’m beyond ready for a president who is capable of working with both Republicans and Democrats to find common ground.

jesus fucking christ, how is it that people on both sides of the Bernie/Hillary debate have managed to learn absolutely nothing from the GOP's actions over the past decade

Hillary was right to mock Obama for his post-partisan delusions eight years ago, and we don't need any more of that nonsense.


"I’ve been called many things by many people. 'Quitter' is not one of them." #TBT #DemDebate


*plays BO$$ by Fifth Harmony*


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The claim was about MA fwiw

I'm so glad I remembered that!

Ah, I just assuming WI since the timing.

They don't have same day registratin either:

jesus fucking christ, how is it that people on both sides of the Bernie/Hillary debate have managed to learn absolutely nothing from the GOP's actions over the past decade

Hillary was right to mock Obama for his post-partisan delusions eight years ago, and we don't need any more of that nonsense.

It's optimism, Hillary is far less focused on 'Working across the aisle' than Obama campaigned on.
Someone should really make a debate thread. It's only an hour away.

jesus fucking christ, how is it that people on both sides of the Bernie/Hillary debate have managed to learn absolutely nothing from the GOP's actions over the past decade

Hillary was right to mock Obama for his post-partisan delusions eight years ago, and we don't need any more of that nonsense.

I'd hate for the GOP to make any gains at all from the last 6 years. It would cement that sort of government works, and we'd never go back to an actual, functioning government.


Thanks for taking the time to respond! I always believed Obama had a vision of positive pragmatism, he never promised anything way out there but he also stressed working together to bring about great change for the nation at large. It's a damn shame the GOP trampled on that. That Obama got as much done as he has the last 7+ years us a testament to what a master politician and leader he is. I've never felt the man rested on his laurels despite the more somber tone he has taken the last 1.5 years and has continued to make the US a more porgressive and better country than when he came into office. There is a world of difference between 2008 and 2016 for sure.

And yes, Bernie is indeed correct about wealth inequality being a gigantic issue, and it is a definitely a moral one as he has said. What much of the 1% have done and the policies that empowered them passed by selfish, morally corrupt politicians are definitely a dark and disturbing fact. I know his heart is in the right place despite the rather negative face he has put on the last 6 weeks. I only wish he could have pointed out how many of the issues we face today are connected to what he has been saying the last year. The fact corporations bank on using division to pit all of us against each other to distract and profit more is disgusting. The bigots voting for the other side don't realize they are kind of pawns in a big game, and it's a travesty. And yes, Hillary and Bernie are so much better than Cruz and Trump it's not even close.

I just feel it's a shame, if I could put this out there, that Bernie's platform of raising taxes, for good, understandable reasons and goals, would put him at risk against say Trump or Cruz despite their bigotry. It only reminds me humans are inherently selfish.
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