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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Those fingerprint locks could have prevented the entire thing. If only the gun's owner could have shot them then the shooting could never have happened.

I think the second part is somewhat sarcastic but I'm not sure so; So gun manufacturers should have to shoulder the cost of taking care of proper storage because Americans are too stupid to properly store their guns? This is a really nice sounding way to absolve Adam Lanza's mother of responsibility--which I find is a weird trend. It wasn't her fault for teaching her behaviorally challenged son how to use all these weapons, and giving him unlimited access to the safe they were stored in. Bushmaster\Glock\Sig Saur should install Judge Dredd style scanners in all their weapons.

They are currently suing over their marketing.
Even under regular law they can't sue a gun maker for the simple act of making a gun.

My point is, the law as it stands, offers plenty of protection, and adding more barriers to that makes legitimate lawsuits not even pass summary judgement.

The victims at Sandy Hook successfully sued the Lanza estate, so clearly things can be done. I'm not sure if the bolded is some kind of "I can't believe this is true but..." comment, but if you're suggesting they should be liable just by virtue of making guns that's kind of insane. You were mentioning Alcohol earlier in the debate OT, but the things Hillary is talking about would be akin to allowing victims of DUI accidents to sue Bacardi or Budweisser.
The weirdest thing about that Libya attack isn't even that I'm mad Sanders supported it, I'm mad that he's gonna basically electorally shitpost about how Clinton is a craven war hawk for supporting Iraq even though she arguably had the same reservations voting for the AUMF as he might've held over the UN mandate being overstepped voting for & co-sponsoring the joint resolution


The weirdest thing about that Libya attack isn't even that I'm mad Sanders supported it, I'm mad that he's gonna basically electorally shitpost about how Clinton is a craven war hawk for supporting Iraq even though she arguably had the same reservations voting for the AUMF as he might've held over the UN mandate being overstepped voting for & co-sponsoring the joint resolution

Shhhhh, no nuance, only dreams now.


No Scrubs
I think the second part is somewhat sarcastic but I'm not sure so; So gun manufacturers should have to shoulder the cost of taking care of proper storage because Americans are too stupid to properly store their guns? This is a really nice sounding way to absolve Adam Lanza's mother of responsibility--which I find is a weird trend. It wasn't her fault for teaching her behaviorally challenged son how to use all these weapons, and giving him unlimited access to the safe they were stored in. Bushmaster\Glock\Sig Saur should install Judge Dredd style scanners in all their weapons.

The victims at Sandy Hook successfully sued the Lanza estate, so clearly things can be done. I'm not sure if the bolded is some kind of "I can't believe this is true but..." comment, but if you're suggesting they should be liable just by virtue of making guns that's kind of insane. You were mentioning Alcohol earlier in the debate OT, but the things Hillary is talking about would be akin to allowing victims of DUI accidents to sue Bacardi or Budweisser.

I'm not talking about proper storage, I'm talking about smart guns. This could have been prevented any number of ways, but one of them falls on the company being too cheap to start implementing modern safety measures. It's the same shit that we went through with the automobile industry.

EDIT: How do you think the current safeties made their ways onto guns? It was a result of a lawsuit against them.

That reminds me of one of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories about the 2012 election. Namely that the Ohio voting machines were supposed to be hacked to give Romney the victory but Anonymous stopped it somehow and that's why Karl Rove was so sure that the Ohio call was wrong.
I didn't know anything about the Ohio voting machines until a few months ago when I looked up the 2012 election thread and the morning of Diablos is FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT about the Ohio voting machines.

Now I'll never forget.



Why are Wall Street transcripts such a big deal?

largely for the same reason that Obama's college transcripts were apparently a big deal with a certain crowd

because once you've firmly got it in your mind that someone's doing something wrong, your raging hateboner's gonna grow until it makes you care about inconsequential private shit



There is so much to unpack.

She looks older and scared.
Dressed in red.
To the right, of course.
Lots of microphones, and of course a dollar bill flying to her side.
Bernie's side is very diverse.
Bernie is calm and contained with
bird on his side.


This time I'm glad I wasn't able to watch all of the debate. I really don't care to see two people yelling at each other, especially when this primary is already over.


I hope I made you proud in tonight's debate against Senator Sanders.

This was our last big moment before the New York primary, a contest we need to win big. Senator Sanders outraised us by $14 million in March and is currently outspending us on TV in New York -- but I believe that together, we can take him on.

If you're with me, chip in $1 tonight. It's not about the money, it's about knowing that you're here and willing to fight for the future we believe in:a

Queen asks and she shall receive.


Honestly I was surprised that Bernie didn't even tried to come up with an example when pressured about proving that Hillary changed her vote on Wall Street.

It was a bad look, that allowed her to reinforce that there isn't one.

It was surprising because the Bankruptcy reform act (2001) was actually used in the 08 campaign to argue the same point. She was publicly against it as first lady and switched sides when she became senator. I'm not saying it's proof of anything. I'm saying it was publicly used before in the last primary, he must have know about it.

Obama hit her with that, I'm not sure why Sanders didn't even tried.

edit: it's not like he is interested in unify the party or anything, He was all out for blood then just went blank when given the chance to land a blow. I think he was surprised by the question which worked out very well for Hillary.


Why are Wall Street transcripts such a big deal?

They dont know that there's anything there at all. But if you are losing. Manufacture an issue, maybe you find something to hang your hat on and change your fortune?

Worse case scenario you come up empty and lose. But you are already losing so....


Honestly I was surprised that Bernie didn't even tried to come up with an example when pressured about proving that Hillary changed her vote on Wall Street.

It was a bad look, that allowed her to reinforce that there isn't one.

It was surprising because the Bankruptcy reform act (2001) was actually used in the 08 campaign to argue the same point. She was publicly against it as first lady and switched sides when she became senator. I'm not saying it's proof of anything. I'm saying it was publicly used before in the last primary, he must have know about it.

Obama hit her with that, I'm not sure why Sanders didn't even tried.

Because the truth is that, although Hillary did support the bill, it was only at the behest of other Dems in the senate (including Joe Biden). And even, before she would support the bill, she made sure it was amended to include protections for divorced mothers, which was the exact concern Elizabeth Warren raised about the bill.

It was an instance of Hillary voting for bad legislation because it contained some good parts, and this is an avenue that Bernie Sanders can no longer really attack her on, because he's been exposed as being guilty of this numerous times himself. Case in point: the 1994 crime bills that he voted for.
and harry enten drops the mic re: "the south doesn't reflect reality" by mini-tweetstorming the last names of every current/prospective southern dem in the house



There is obviously something in those speeches. She wouldn't even answer the question when asked twice on the debate stage.

I actually don't think there's anything in the speeches, I think this is #justClintonthings again. Hillary probably just doesn't feel like she should have to release the speeches and feels like the media's being unfair to her. I don't think she is right, but it's a characteristic habit for the Clintons.

For a comparable, see Mitt Romney's mysterious disappearing tax returns. The reality is, despite all the excitement people (including me!) engaged in back in 2012, there's no way Mitt Romney has anything illegal in his tax returns. That's the whole point of being rich, you can hire people to make sure you pay the minimum without breaking the law. But he still refused to release them. In the end it probably wasn't anything shady (unless it really was that thing about him not tithing enough), he just didn't want to let people know.


Because the truth is that, although Hillary did support the bill, it was only at the behest of other Dems in the senate (including Joe Biden). And even, before she would support the bill, she made sure it was amended to include protections for divorced mothers, which was the exact concern Elizabeth Warren raised about the bill.

It was an instance of Hillary voting for bad legislation because it contained some good parts, and this is an avenue that Bernie Sanders can no longer really attack her on, because he's been exposed as being guilty of this numerous times himself. Case in point: the 1994 crime bills that he voted for.

Ok, it makes sense now.


I actually don't think there's anything in the speeches, I think this is #justClintonthings again. Hillary probably just doesn't feel like she should have to release the speeches and feels like the media's being unfair to her. I don't think she is right, but it's a characteristic habit for the Clintons.

For a comparable, see Mitt Romney's mysterious disappearing tax returns. The reality is, despite all the excitement people (including me!) engaged in back in 2012, there's no way Mitt Romney has anything illegal in his tax returns. That's the whole point of being rich, you can hire people to make sure you pay the minimum without breaking the law. But he still refused to release them. In the end it probably wasn't anything shady (unless it really was that thing about him not tithing enough), he just didn't want to let people know.

How could you not think she is right? Look at the email "scandal." A whole bunch of nothing was revealed by those emails, but damn near a year later we're still getting multiple articles a week churned out about them. The RNC has even filed a doomed-to-fail lawsuit to get all the emails just to keep this non-controversy in the press.

Even if those speeches are completely harmless (and I bet they are, or we would have heard SOMETHING by now), all it would take is one harmless line about Wall Street being integral to the American economy (a complimentary and technically true statement) and the RNC, the media, and Bernie Sanders would be all over it. Ripping it out of context to paint Hillary as the corporate shill they so desperately want her to be.


How could you not think she is right? Look at the email "scandal." A whole bunch of nothing was revealed by those emails, but damn near a year later we're still getting multiple articles a week churned out about them. The RNC has even filed a doomed-to-fail lawsuit to get all the emails just to keep this non-controversy in the press.

Even if those speeches are completely harmless (and I bet they are, or we would have heard SOMETHING by now), all it would take is one harmless line about Wall Street being integral to the American economy (a complimentary and technically true statement) and the RNC, the media, and Bernie Sanders would be all over it. Ripping it out of context to paint Hillary as the corporate shill they so desperately want her to be.

Sure, but, like, that's what the media does. That's their job! For her to be correct that the media is being unfair to her, you'd have to assert that if this were somebody else in a similar situation the media wouldn't act the same way. I generally think that they would pretty much act the same way for anybody running for president.

That's not to deny that there's an ongoing, like, spirit of antagonism between the Clintons and the media, but in the end I think personal irritation has only a relatively limited effect on front page decisions. For evidence here notice that Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer has yet to hit the Washington Post's A1.
Probably just stuff that can be twisted. She's winning and why bother, people don't really care that much about em.

I actually don't think there's anything in the speeches, I think this is #justClintonthings again. Hillary probably just doesn't feel like she should have to release the speeches and feels like the media's being unfair to her. I don't think she is right, but it's a characteristic habit for the Clintons.
I agree with both these statements and stand by my own. There's something in those transcripts, and that something can be twisted against her. To us it might seem benign but certainly others would disagree. Example phrases might include "I want to see Goldman Sachs succeed" and "This bank really does great things for America."


and harry enten drops the mic re: "the south doesn't reflect reality" by mini-tweetstorming the last names of every current/prospective southern dem in the house


He really needs to cut that shit out, it's legit stupid.

He can talk about momentum or recent wins or whatever, but when he makes the discourse about how the south doesn't matter... get fucked Bernie. Go back to Vermont and work on your next bill that won't pass

[quote="Kristoffer, post: 201033824"]I agree with both these statements and stand by my own. There's something in those transcripts, and that something can be twisted against her. To us it might seem benign but certainly others would disagree. Example phrases might include "I want to see Goldman Sachs succeed" and "This bank really does great things for America."[/QUOTE]

I think your guesses are probably right. Just pep talk stuff to bankers and that makes her sound like the elite and not someone who is in tune with the problems of the poor.
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