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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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and harry enten drops the mic re: "the south doesn't reflect reality" by mini-tweetstorming the last names of every current/prospective southern dem in the house


Good. This is the dumbest shit from this primary.


Husband is listening to TYT unfortunately so the spin is in: how dare you get mad at him calling you unqualified when you've been saying for months that his proposals are unrealistic!? It's the same thing!


remember me
Jesus, the Sanders Super Delegate hit list people are nothing compared to this.

Colorado GOP Chairman Steve House started receiving death threats from Trump supporters on Sunday, according to a local Denver ABC News affiliate.

"Do me a favor,” read one of the threats sent to House. “Get your gun, put it in your mouth, pull the trigger, I’ll call you back in two minutes. If you can’t do that, I’m gonna send somebody over to the house and help you."



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Free Hugs Project goes to a Trump rally. Things go about as expected.

Around a minute in, a woman hugs the guy (who is black) and declaims "Black is good, white is better!"

Are those group members glutens for punishment?
On one hand it's nice they are trying to connect to Trump supporters, but on the other... it's really a lost cause.
Jesus christ this thread is a shock coming from mostly Reddit and other sites for politics-related stuff. Almost polar opposites. :lol

Debate was a bit disappointing, to be honest. Didn't want to see screaming at each other. Leave that bullshit to the GOP.
Jesus christ this thread is a shock coming from mostly Reddit and other sites for politics-related stuff. Almost polar opposites. :lol

Debate was a bit disappointing, to be honest. Didn't want to see screaming at each other. Leave that bullshit to the GOP.

Still not sure why this debate even happened. What benefit was there in it for the party?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Jesus christ this thread is a shock coming from mostly Reddit and other sites for politics-related stuff. Almost polar opposites. :lol

Debate was a bit disappointing, to be honest. Didn't want to see screaming at each other. Leave that bullshit to the GOP.

She should never have agreed, after it was determined that the Sanders campaign was going to throw his "issues campaign" in the trash.
Still not sure why this debate even happened. What benefit was there in it for the party?

Not sure, and to be honest with you, both sides here, on reddit and on various communities around the internet are being almost fucking insufferable.

All the debate did was drive a wedge between the base part of the party and the progressive wing. Not the time to fracture the party with November approaching. Getting irritated with both of them. Hillary seems content to keep pushing the far left part of the party away and Sanders seems content to resort to idiotic attacks on her campaign and helping do the same shit to fracture the base.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not sure, and to be honest with you, both sides here, on reddit and on various communities around the internet are being almost fucking insufferable.

All the debate did was drive a wedge between the base part of the party and the progressive wing. Not the time to fracture the party with November approaching. Getting irritated with both of them. Hillary seems content to keep pushing the far left part of the party away and Sanders seems content to resort to idiotic attacks on her campaign and helping do the same shit to fracture the base.

How is Clinton pushing them away? I really need to see some examples.


Are those group members glutens for punishment?
On one hand it's nice they are trying to connect to Trump supporters, but on the other... it's really a lost cause.
Not that I think you can change people with random hugs from a stranger, but there are people who hold political views that i find repugnant that are still very nice, kind and good. And you can definitely connect with them on numerous levels.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not that I think you can change people with random hugs from a stranger, but there are people who hold political views that i find repugnant that are still very nice, kind and good. And you can definitely connect with them on numerous levels.

I guess it seems strange to me since i'm such an introvert.


I guess it seems strange to me since i'm such an introvert.
To be honest, I really don't think talking about love in the abstract and hugging is the best way to connect with people you strongly disagree with politically and/or are coming from a different background.
It just bother me that there seem to be a lot of people who think you can't be a friend or even friendly with someone who has a different opinion about what the highest marginal tax rate or about what is the best way to provide healthcare to people.

So did anything happen in the debate? $hillizardry shed her human suit?


Not that I can see. Lots of testiness from both sides, but most observers seem to think it was a draw. Couple of sites saying Bernies optics weren't great as he came across as patronising by laughing whilst Hillary spoke.

Crowd was massively pro-Sanders, ridiculously so, so not sure whether that's just because his supporters turned up or it shows a tightening race. My gut still tells me this one will be closer than we think (and CNN is running a piece on the Clinton expectation game saying that their internals show it to be much closer than it is). I'd say a 5% margin of victory for Hillary, which will of course make the race even harder for Bernie to win but will allow him to continue riding the momentum pony up to that 80% win in California.
I think the truly hilarious thing with all this talk of corruption and the like is that the reality of the situation is that both parties are probably the least corrupt they've ever been and in many ways, that's a bad thing. With the end of earmarks and both parties becoming more ideological along with it becoming easier for certain "deals" that used to be hidden on pg. 295 of a budget to become an Internet meme, it's now impossible for a Budget Chairman to hand out some pork for one congressman, insert a tax loophole for an employer of another Congressperson, and perhaps, find a cute intern for another Congressman to get some votes.

The truth is, Republican's don't love tax breaks for oil companies, massive tax cuts to rich people, and destroying the EPA because Exxon gives them a lot of money. They already believed in all of those things - the money from Exxon just makes it easier for them to win an election.
I actually don't think there's anything in the speeches, I think this is #justClintonthings again. Hillary probably just doesn't feel like she should have to release the speeches and feels like the media's being unfair to her. I don't think she is right, but it's a characteristic habit for the Clintons.

For a comparable, see Mitt Romney's mysterious disappearing tax returns. The reality is, despite all the excitement people (including me!) engaged in back in 2012, there's no way Mitt Romney has anything illegal in his tax returns. That's the whole point of being rich, you can hire people to make sure you pay the minimum without breaking the law. But he still refused to release them. In the end it probably wasn't anything shady (unless it really was that thing about him not tithing enough), he just didn't want to let people know.
There's certainly nothing illegal in the speeches but I wouldn't be stunned if her tone towards Wall Street in the speeches is completely different than her 2015/2016 campaign language. For instance decrying the demonization of Wall Street, policy promises, calls for government to work more closely with businesses on xyz, etc. Basically Sanders wants to once again claim she says whatever her audience wants to hear, which has some merit and I'd imagine the speeches highlight that on some level.

She certainly wasn't there discussing why derivative swaps need to be regulated.
One of her speeches is supposed to just be a "my time as SoS" type thing, from memory.

It's kind of weird to me that modifying content and tone to suit your audience is frowned upon in politics. It's kind of the basics of an effective presentation.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
One of her speeches is supposed to just be a "my time as SoS" type thing, from memory.

It's kind of weird to me that modifying content and tone to suit your audience is frowned upon in politics. It's kind of the basics of an effective presentation.

Seriously, you would think that all of those college student Sanders supporters would doubly get that since it's Speech Class 101 and that's a required course typically in your first or second year.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Since you asked, I thought Hillary was very strong except I'm the transcripts section where she was so weak you have to wonder if it's a mortal woumd during a debate like this. I don't know if people care though bernje supporters obviously do.

Progressives annoy me on Israel. I'm not a fan either but the hand wringing over what is the exclusively electable position is teeth grinding.

Sanders honestly is not even bothering go prepare for these things. His biggest applause lines are preprepared stump speech excerpts. Sorry. If Hillary had a better answer on the transcripts no one would even be debatimg this except the growing contingent of non americans who are convinced we need to take some medicine.

I am trying to develop a good answer myself.
Well, there isn't a good answer. No answer anyone wants.

She gets money from Wall St workers as a politician.
She gets money as a private citizen for her time and celebrity.
She gets money from Wall St in her capacity heading a philanthropic organisation.
She has a lot of money.

She's been a successful person in life. To be frank, I think a lot of people simply don't like this.

She took money from a range of organisations. But all that highlights is that she has a lot of money.
She's getting donations from a lot of people. People back winners.


I think Bermie won last night, for what it's worth.

That said I think it's worth nothing, but Hillary needs to be better in a GE debate.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
"You know, Wolf, I have been a public figure basically since I met Bill! And I love what I've been able to do to help this country as a public figure. One of the things you give up when you work in public service is your privacy. And I have been held to a higher standard on this than any candidate in history-- people want to see my emails, my transcripts, my taxes, my itinerary as Secretary of State, and more. And I've released them all. I have to insist on principle though that I keep the one small shred of privacy I still have as a private citizen. What I did after I retired from public life is private. And I understand that this may not be a popular position, but it is one I am comfortable with and one I have made with my family. I would encourage you to look at my record. Even Senator Sanders said before he can't think of one time where money in politics has influenced a decision I have made. I have the most comprehensive Wall Street reform bill of any candidate as judged by experts at the Washington Post, the New York Times, and a litany of experienced policymakers and economists across the country. So I know this line gets lots of applause, but I am going to have to insist on this issue. I hope you can understand. Thanks."


I have to admit that Israel is one of the issues where I find myself most out of step with the progressive consensus. I'm not an apologist for the more heinous actions of the Israeli government and military, but I don't believe that the West committing to BDS and abandoning support for Israel is going to solve the problem either.


I have to admit that Israel is one of the issues where I find myself most out of step with the progressive consensus. I'm not an apologist for the more heinous actions of the Israeli government and military, but I don't believe that the West committing to BDS and abandoning support for Israel is going to solve the problem either.
Israel has been holding millions of people without basic human rights for half a century now and it shows no intention of stopping that.
In this century, on average every 3 days a Palestinian kid under the age of 16 is being killed by the Israeli military forces.
If you're not for BDS (or other form of international pressure), what is your alternative?


I have to admit that Israel is one of the issues where I find myself most out of step with the progressive consensus. I'm not an apologist for the more heinous actions of the Israeli government and military, but I don't believe that the West committing to BDS and abandoning support for Israel is going to solve the problem either.

Largely worked with South Africa. But to be honest though nothing is going to stop Israel but Israel itself and as a society they're nowhere near that point. None of the Western powers are honest brokers for a number of differing reasons, but the US is the worst of the bunch.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I was googling last night and even in 2015 American favorability of Israel is like a shocking 70%. Americans do not sympathize with or respect Palestinians. While I'd like this change to be initiated top down, I realize it is one of many changes I want initiated top down and it's not the most important to me. So I guess I'll deal. In the mean time, the people to which this issue is important is like a big voting bloc with tons of money.


Israel has been holding millions of people without basic human rights for half a century now and it shows no intention of stopping that.
In this century, on average every 3 days a Palestinian kid under the age of 16 is being killed by the Israeli military forces.
If you're not for BDS (or other form of international pressure), what is your alternative?

I sympathise with the Palestinians, and I'm not averse to international pressure. However, I don't believe that completely isolating Israel is the best approach. Whilst there are so many nations and groups opposed to Israel's existence, abandoning support of Israel is likely to lead to the country becoming more defensive and repressive.

Basically, I don't see any immediate options to improve the situation, but I don't see that as a good reason to make the situation worse. Especially since BDS movements do often get co opted by anti semites regardless of intention (I have witnessed this happen at my university for example)


Husband is listening to TYT unfortunately so the spin is in: how dare you get mad at him calling you unqualified when you've been saying for months that his proposals are unrealistic!? It's the same thing!

TYT is killing me this cycle, I barely watch them anymore because of how overtly they shill for Bernie. It's pretty gross when Jimmy D sits there and says things like "fuck you Hillary" or "she's a criminal" (not verbatim) . Then they put out debate recaps the day after complete with "best/worst line" and "who won?" I don't think they have ever had one where they announced Clinton as the debate winner the entire primary. Not once.


Not that I can see. Lots of testiness from both sides, but most observers seem to think it was a draw. Couple of sites saying Bernies optics weren't great as he came across as patronising by laughing whilst Hillary spoke.

Crowd was massively pro-Sanders, ridiculously so, so not sure whether that's just because his supporters turned up or it shows a tightening race. My gut still tells me this one will be closer than we think (and CNN is running a piece on the Clinton expectation game saying that their internals show it to be much closer than it is). I'd say a 5% margin of victory for Hillary, which will of course make the race even harder for Bernie to win but will allow him to continue riding the momentum pony up to that 80% win in California.

Not a chance in hell. You don't get a primary polled this much, with all rules favoring Clinton and have every single pool be wrong by double digits. It'll be called within 10 minutes (and 10 minutes is just me hedging my bets)
May I just say:

I find it HILARIOUS that Bernie defends his Crime Bill vote by saying "OMG, can you imagine what people would say if I hadn't voted for the bill that contained the Violence Against Women Act!" but then he acts all high and mighty when he doesn't vote for TARP because BIG BAD BANKS BOO!

Girl please. It's the five Gs. Good God Girl Get a Grip .

Is not a popular view, but I hold Bernie's vote against TARP against him quite a bit. Bailing out the banks was a very good idea. The damage the would have happened otherwise would be enormous and would have destroyed the elderly and hurt the middle class badly.
I sympathise with the Palestinians, and I'm not averse to international pressure. However, I don't believe that completely isolating Israel is the best approach. Whilst there are so many nations and groups opposed to Israel's existence, abandoning support of Israel is likely to lead to the country becoming more defensive and repressive.

Basically, I don't see any immediate options to improve the situation, but I don't see that as a good reason to make the situation worse. Especially since BDS movements do often get co opted by anti semites regardless of intention (I have witnessed this happen at my university for example)

This is basically my stance. I see a lot of people on here comparing the Israel/Palestine situation to Apartheid, but it's at least an order of magnitude more complicated than that. Isolating Israel isn't going to help anything.

Honestly, I don't think international pressure is ever going to solve this. The first step is going to have to Israeli voters removing Bibi and the other components of the hard-right coalition from power, and I don't see that happening if you give them all this "us vs. them" ammo.

East Lake

This is basically my stance. I see a lot of people on here comparing the Israel/Palestine situation to Apartheid, but it's at least an order of magnitude more complicated than that. Isolating Israel isn't going to help anything.

Honestly, I don't think international pressure is ever going to solve this. The first step is going to have to Israeli voters removing Bibi and the other components of the hard-right coalition from power, and I don't see that happening if you give them all this "us vs. them" ammo.
Israel is a client state. If for example there was political will in US tomorrow for a settlement they'd have to accept it and BDS would have virtually no hand in it other than providing general pressure. Worrying about anti-semites is sort of like worrying about communists taking over america.


This is basically my stance. I see a lot of people on here comparing the Israel/Palestine situation to Apartheid, but it's at least an order of magnitude more complicated than that. Isolating Israel isn't going to help anything.

Honestly, I don't think international pressure is ever going to solve this. The first step is going to have to Israeli voters removing Bibi and the other components of the hard-right coalition from power, and I don't see that happening if you give them all this "us vs. them" ammo.

Eh, you could easily tank Israel's economy pretty hard if you isolated them, which would lead to Bibi getting kicked out of office.
Israel is a client state. If for example there was political will in US tomorrow for a settlement they'd have to accept it and BDS would have virtually no hand in it other than providing general pressure. Worrying about anti-semites is sort of like worrying about communists taking over america.

Firstly, Israel is absolutely capable of running their economy and military on their own. They're not a client state in any sense that I'm aware of. The US keeps international pressure off them, but frankly, international pressure that doesn't involve force of arms doesn't really have the greatest track record of getting things done anyway. Iran is pretty much the only success case I can think of. When you look at Cuba, China, Vietnam, hell Russia, increased relations produce better results than decreased relations every time.


Worrying about anti-semites is sort of like worrying about communists taking over america.

Antisemitism is still very much a thing, and considering the historical impact Antisemitism has had on my people, I would kindly ask you to shut the fuck up.

Eh, you could easily tank Israel's economy pretty hard if you isolated them, which would lead to Bibi getting kicked out of office.

How's that working out for Putin?

I know the situation isn't wholly comparable, because Israel is actually a democracy, but international isolation is a coinflip at best. If Bibi manages the rhetoric just right, the hardliners could end up with more power, not less.
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